Tipical Dishes of England

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tipical dishes of england

6. TÉ – One of things that the British are most famous for is tea. Black tea served with milk or
fresh cream and sweetened to taste with sugar or honey.


Traditionally taken between 4 and 5pm but nowadays whenever you want. Afternoon tea
consists of black tea with milk served in a teapot accompanied by a range of cakes, pastries
and light sandwiches. Cream tea, Cornish cream tea or Devon cream tea is a local speciality in
Devon, however it is enjoyed nationwide and comprises tea served with a scone filled with
lashings of jam and thick, whipped cream. Yum! Take a look at some of the best places to take
an afternoon tea in London.
8. PLOUGHMAN'S LUNCH – Cheddar cheese is a
relatively hard, yellow-white, strong cheese originating from Somerset in the Cheddar Gorge. It
has a sharp flavour and the stronger it is the crumblier. A ploughman’s lunch features cheddar
cheese accompanied by cooked ham, pickle or relish, apples, pickled onions, salad leaves and
crusty bread..

9. BANGERS AND MASH – A favourite among the

British consisting of quite simply Cumberland sausages (or variations) served on a generous
pile of mashed potatoes with peas (sometimes) and rich onion gravy. Delicious!


are great fans of these savoury pastries. Great for on the run, a pie consists of a round-shaped
pastry, deep-filled with a variety of savoury fillings including cheese and potato, meat and
potato and chicken and mushroom, etc. A Cornish pasty is once again a regional food and is in
a semi-circle shape. There are a variety of imitations but the real thing contains meat, onion,
potato and swede, nothing else.

There are of course a great variety of other tasty, traditional British dishes including shepherds
pie, cottage pie, gammon steak with egg, Lancashire hotpot, toad-in-the-
hole and haggis, amongst many others. The Real Ales in Britain are also worth a taste. So,
you know what to look out for when you go to London. And remember, don’t knock it until
you’ve tried it. Enjoy!

tipical clothes of england

England itself does not have traditional clothing or national dress, but it is found in
other countries in the United Kingdom, such as Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The kilt
and tartan are both famous components of the national dress in Scotland, with the
tartan a part of the Welsh national dress as well.
Although there is no national dress for England, there is plenty to go around in
Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The Learning English Network states that the Scottish
national dress for men includes not only a kilt, but a shirt, waistcoat and tweed jacket
as well. The men wear brogues, which are shoes or boots made with a low heel and
sturdy leather. Women wear pleated skirts or dresses with shawls that incorporate
the tartan material.
In Wales, men wear tartan trousers. Women wear a lace cap and tall black hat,
somewhat resembling a top hat. They also wear a skirt and blouse with black
stockings and a red shawl. Irish national dress is fairly simple, involving a shirt,
trousers and long cloaks.
There have been past attempts to design a national dress of England. Henry VIII sent
so far as to hire a designer to get the job done, but in the end this, and other attempts,
have fallen through.

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