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I I .I I I .I V

DEVELOPMENT W hat is a Digital Computer?
CORPORATION How Computers M ake Logical Decisions
Watertown How Computers do Arithm etic

BOOKS ll- lll- IV

T h e M in iva c M a n u a l was prepared and edited by the staff of

Scientific Developm ent Corporation

First Printing— A ugust, 1961


C opyright ( c ) 1961 by S cie n tific Developm ent C orporation, 372 M a in Street, W atertow n, Massachusetts


Preface 1
1. IN TR O D U C TIO N 1
The Basic In p u t Function 5
The Basic Storage Function 7
The Basic Processing Function 12
The Basic O u tp u t Function 15
In p u t M edia and Codes 16
Storage M edia and Codes 21
Processing Techniques 24
O u tp u t M edia and Codes 25
In p u t U nits 27
Storage U nits 30
O u tp u t U nits 29
APPEN D IX: D ig ita l and A nalogue Com puters 32


Preface 35
The O peration " A N D " 35
The O peration "O R " 38
The O peration " N O T " 39
The O peration "EITH ER BUT N O T B O T H " 41
The Relay A N D c irc u it 43
T he Relay OR c irc u it 43
The Relay N O T c irc u it 44
The Relay EITHER BUT N O T BOTH c irc u it 44
3. T H IN K IN G A N D D E C IS IO N -M A K IN G 44
Boolean A lge bra 44
D ecision-M aking w ith In s u ffic ie n t In fo rm a tio n 47
S im ulation 48
Thoughts A b o u t T h in k in g 49
A M in d Reading Program 50
Q u a n tity Recognition 54
A Problem Involving Three G irls 57
The Farmer, the Goose, the Corn and the W o lf 60
The Television Problem 63

How Num bers A re Represented in the B inary System 67
B uilding a Single Inp ut Flip-Flop w ith C arry 68
Experim ent 1: A T h ree-B it B inary Counter 71
Experim ent 2: C ounter A rith m e tic 73
Experim ent 3: Universal Counter A rith m e tic 73
2. B IN A R Y A D D IT IO N 74
Rules fo r B inary A d d itio n 74
Experim ent 4: A H a lf-A d d e r w ith C arry 75
Experim ent 5: A Full A dder 76
Experim ent 6: A T h ree-B it A dder 77
Tw o's C om plem ent A rith m e tic 78
Experim ent 7: A T hree-B it Subtractor 78
B inary M u ltip lic a tio n 79
Experim ent 8: The S h iftin g O peration 80
M u ltip lic a tio n by Num bers O ther T han Powers o f Two 81
Experim ent 9: The A ccu m u la to r 81
B inary D ivision 82
Experim ent 10: D ivision 83
Experim ent 11: Decim al to Binary Converter 84
Experim ent 12: Binary to Decimal Converter 85
APPEN D IX: A u to m a tic S h ift Register 86
T w o-B it A dder w ith A u to m a tic Decim al Conversion 87

What is a Digital Computer?

This is the second in a series of books using M IN IV A C 601 to explore the w orld o f "e le c ­
tro n ic b ra in s". In w ritin g th is book, the authors have assumed th a t the reader is fa m ilia r w ith
the in fo rm a tio n contained in the firs t book o f th is series and understands the operation o f the
components o f M IN IV A C 601.
The basic question which th is book was w ritte n to answer is " W h a t is a d ig ita l com puter?"
In order to answer th is question it is necessary to exam ine the functions and form s o f modern
high-speed d ig ita l com puter systems. This book describes the m ajor characteristics o f modern
com puter systems and compares the functions perform ed by the components o f the M IN IV A C
601 w ith those perform ed by s im ila r parts in a large scale d ig ita l com puter.

In order to fu n c tio n as a d ig ita l com puter a m achine or com bination o f machines m ust be
able to handle in fo rm a tio n or " d a ta " in an orderly manner. It m ust be able to receive in fo rm a ­
tio n as " in p u t " fro m the outside world. Once received, th is in fo rm a tio n m ust be "processed" by
the com puter, and the result o f the processing must be "rem em bered" or "s to re d " fo r fu tu re
use. A fte r an answer has been obtained, it m ust be com m unicated back to the outside world as
" o u tp u t." Thus a general purpose d ig ita l com puter is made up o f fo u r basic units:

The in p u t u n it
The processing u n it
The storage u n it
The o u tp u t unit.

The basic units are connected together like this:


Input Unit
In fo rm a tio n about a p a rtic u la r problem m ust be given to the com puter before any opera­
tio n can be perform ed. Inpu t in fo rm a tio n m ay be o f two kinds.
(1) Data: The numbers or coded in fo rm a tio n to be used in calculation are called input data.
These numbers m ay represent physical measurements, m athem atical relationships, or
conditions o f a " lo g ic a l" decision-m aking problem.
(2) Instructions: The com puter must be instructed to perform specific operations in a d e f­
in ite sequence. Inp ut in fo rm a tio n which directs the com puter to perform certain oper­
ations and to handle the data in a specified way is called the instructions.
In p u t in fo rm a tio n is supplied to M IN IV A C 601 through the binary input pushbuttons and
the decim al in p u t-o u tp u t rotary switch. Instructions are com m unicated to M IN IV A C 601 by w ir­
ing on the com puter console a "p ro g ra m " w hich instructs the com puter to perform certain oper­
ations. The b in a ry in p u t pushbuttons are designed to com m unicate zeros and ones to the com­
p u te r and the decim al in p u t-o u tp u t rotary switch is designed to com m unicate decim al numbers
to the com puter.
A large scale d ig ita l com puter, such as the IBM 7090 illustrated later in this section, may
receive in p u t in fo rm a tio n d ire c tly through pushbuttons s im ila r to those used on M IN IV A C 601
or it may receive in p u t in fo rm a tio n through punched cards or m agnetic tape. Some com put­
ers receive inp ut in fo rm a tio n through punched paper tape; others receive direct in p u t in fo rm a tio n
through a typ e w rite r-like u n it called a "fle x o w rite r".

Later in this book, each type o f input u n it found on a large electronic data processing m a­
chine w ill be discussed and compared w ith the input devices o f M IN IV A C 601.

Processing Unit
The processing u n it o f a d ig ita l com puter perform s fo u r m ajor functions:
(1) C ontrol: the processing u n it controls the operations o f the com puter system and in te r­
connects the input, o u tp u t and storage units. A ll calculations, operations, and in fo rm a tio n trans­
fe r are accom plished under " c o n tro l" o f the processing unit.
(2) D ecision-M aking: the processing u n it is able to perform comparisons which are the basis
o f a ll com puter decision-m aking. By com paring two numbers or symbols w ith each other and de­
te rm in in g w hether or not they are equal, the com puter decides upon a course o f action.
(3) A rith m e tic : in the processing u n it o f a d ig ita l com puter a ll norm al a rith m e tic fu n c ­
tions are perform ed. These operations are actu a lly done in a p a rt o f a processing u n it known as
the "a rith m e tic u n it" which is designed to perform addition, subtraction, m u ltip lic a tio n and
(4) Logic: the processing u n it o f most high-speed d ig ita l com puters is equipped to per­
form various " lo g ic a l" operations through which conclusions o f a non-arithm etic type m ay be
reached. Just as a rith m e tic operations provide the steps by which the solution to a m athem atical
problem is reached, the logical operations provide the steps in a "re a s o n in g " process.
The th ird book in this series, How Computers Make Logical Decisions, describes the nature of
logical operations and decision-m aking functions through dem onstration on M IN IV A C 601. The
nature o f a rith m e tic operations perform ed in the processing u n it o f large com puters is demon­
strated in d e tail in the Book IV: How Computers Do Arithmetic.
The processing u n it o f M IN IV A C 601 is made up o f six relays and the rotary switch. The
relays and the rotary switch are used to provide control, make decisions, and perform basic a rith ­
m etic and logical operations.
The processing units o f most large scale d ig ita l computers use advanced electronic com­
ponents to perform the functions dem onstrated by the relays and rotary switch on the M IN IV A C
601. The circu its o f the processing u n it in these machines use germ anium or silicon transistors
and diodes w hich are designed to perform m illio n s o f operations in one second.
In this book the im p o rta n t features and operating characteristics o f the processing u n it o f a
modern electronic data processing m achine are described. The processing u n it o f the M IN IV A C
601 is exam ined as a basic illu s tra tio n o f the functions o f the processing u n it o f a modern d ig ita l
com puter.

The Storage Unit
In order to fu n c tio n e ffic ie n tly , a d ig ita l com puter m ust be able to " s to re " or "re m e m b e r"
data fo r use in processing and com putation. Input in fo rm a tio n is " re a d " into storage under con­
tro l o f the processing u n it and called from storage as it is required fo r use by the processing unit.
In the course o f a norm al high-speed d ig ita l com puter program , the processing u n it o f the
com puter follow s a series o f instructions which are stored in the storage u n it using data which is also
stored in the storage u n it. In fo rm a tio n obtained d uring calculations perform ed is stored tem pora­
rily in the storage u n it fo r use a t a later tim e.
A com puter uses a storage u n it in m uch the same way th a t we use a piece o f paper when solv­
ing a long division problem . The p a rtia l answers to the long division problem are te m p o ra rily
stored (w ritten) on the paper u n til the com plete answer is obtained. S im ilarly, the p a rtia l answers
to the com puter's problem are held in storage u n til the com plete answer has been obtained. The
answer which is to be com m unicated by the com puter to the outside w orld as " o u tp u t" m ay also
be stored in the storage u n it u n til it is sent by the processing u n it fro m storage to the o utput
Several d iffe re n t methods o f storage are used in modern com puter systems to enable the
m achine to "re m e m b e r" instructions, data, p a rtia l and fin a l results o f calculations, and o u tp u t in ­
fo rm a tion . In sm aller machines and the M IN I V A C 601, the processing u n it is also used fo r stor­
age. The relays o f M IN IV A C 601 supply the m ajor source o f operating storage. These "m em ory
u n its " o f the M IN IV A C 601, although sm aller than those found in com m ercial computers, demon­
strate the way in w hich in fo rm a tio n is stored in a d ig ita l computer.
The decim al in p u t-o u tp u t u n it also serves as a storage device d u rin g the operation o f some
programs. The rotary switch remains in a p a rtic u la r position u n til it is moved and thus enables
M IN IV A C 601 to "re m e m b e r" a decim al number.
Large scale d ig ita l com puters m ay use relays fo r storage and, in th is case, be identical to the
M IN IV A C 601. A m ong the most popular storage devices in use today are the coincident-current
m agnetic core, m agnetic drum , and m agnetic disc storage units. These storage systems are all
used fo r "o p e ra tin g sto ra ge "— tem porary data storage within the com puter w hile a program is be­
ing " r u n " . O ther storage media are used to store data and instructions fo r longer periods of tim e
and to save data and instructions outside the computer. These "p e rm a n e n t" storage media include
m agnetic tape, paper tape and punched cards. Each o f these storage methods w ill be discussed
later in th is book and the relays and rotary switch o f the M IN IV A C 601 w ill be used to illu stra te
the theory and operation o f each type o f modern storage device.

Output Unit
O u tp u t in fo rm a tio n generated by a d ig ita l com puter is com m unicated to the outside w orld to
present the answer to a problem or to describe the operations o f the com puter. O utput media used
in modern d ig ita l com puter systems include m agnetic and paper tape, and punched cards. Some
a u x ilia ry ou tp u t units convert num erical o u tp u t obtained from the com puter to charts, graphs,
photographic displays, and numbers or letters on a printed page. The great diversity o f o u tp u t de­
vices w hich have been developed fo r use w ith the modern high-speed d ig ita l com puter makes it
possible fo r in fo rm a tio n to be presented by the com puter in alm ost any fo rm in w hich it is desired.
The o u tp u t devices o f the M IN IV A C 601 are the binary ou tp u t lights and the decim al input-
o u tp u t rotary switch. W hen operated w ith the m otor, the rotary switch becomes an ou tp u t device,
since the m otor m ay be controlled by the processing u n it o f the M IN IV A C 601 and caused to stop
w ith the pointer ind ica tin g the num ber w hich is to be com m unicated as o u tp u t in fo rm a tio n . W hen
the b inary o u tp u t lights are used, o u tp u t in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated in a special b ina ry code
discussed in d e ta il in Book IV. M odern electronic data processing machines also have binary o u t­
p u t lights fo r d ire c t com m unication o f in fo rm a tio n from the com puter using the same binary code
employed by M l N I V A C 601.
Large scale d ig ita l com puters em ploy o u tp u t units using media previously discussed in con­
ju n ctio n w ith in p u t units. M edia employed fo r both in p u t and o u tp u t purposes include m agnetic
tape, paper tape, punched cards and data transm ission links.
V arious o u tp u t units are discussed in d e tail later in this book and the ou tp u t devices o f the
M IN IV A C 601 are used to illu s tra te the nature o f each type o f o u tp u t unit.







M IN IV A C 601


The Basic Input Function

Human Input Functions

The in p ut fu n c tio n can be considered in term s o f the a ctivities o f a hum an being who, having
no previous tra in in g in m athem atics, is asked to perform a division problem . Consider this person
s ittin g at a table w ith pencil and paper in hand. Input information is a ll in fo rm a tio n which must be
com m unicated to the person before he can perform the division problem.
First, he m ust be given two numbers— the data. He m ust be given the num ber which is to be
divided (the dividend) and the num ber by which the dividend is to be divided (the divisor). In ad d i­
tio n to th is data input the person, since he knows nothing about a rith m e tic , m ust be to ld how to
proceed w ith the numbers which he has received as data in order to obtain the answer. In short, the
person m ust be given instructions on how to proceed to solve the problem. The instructions m ust be
very detailed. They must te ll him how to handle each num ber and how to proceed through each
step o f the process o f division.
A basic com puter which has not been equipped w ith any operating circu its is in much the
same position as the man who has never heard o f arith m e tic. Under such circum stances the com ­
puter, like the man, m ust be given very detailed in fo rm a tio n about how to proceed through the
problem . Fortunately, a d ig ita l com puter can be equipped w ith circuits which give it a s u ffic ie n t
"k n o w le d g e " o f the rules o f a rith m e tic so th a t given the divisor and the dividend, it can be told
sim ply " d iv id e " and it w ill proceed to obtain an answer.

Forms of Input

A s has already been noted, in put in fo rm a tio n m ay be o f two kinds: instructions and data.
Both kinds o f in fo rm a tio n may be com m unicated to the com puter in d iffe re n t ways. M ost large
com puters are equipped to receive in p u t in fo rm a tio n from several d iffe re n t media. For example,
the IBM 7090 com puter system is able to receive in fo rm a tio n from punched cards and from m ag­
netic tape.
In fo rm a tio n presented in each o f the media m ay be com m unicated in several d iffe re n t codes.
D ata may be presented as decim al in fo rm a tio n using the characters 0, 1 ,2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
In fo rm a tio n in th is form is com m unicated to M IN IV A C 601 w ith the rotary switch.
Both data and instructions m ay be com m unicated to the com puter using a " b in a r y " code
based on the two-valued (zero and one) code referred to in Book I. The bin a ry num ber system is
discussed in detail in Book IV. For the purposes o f discussion in this book we w ill only need remem­
ber th a t bin ary codes involve only two characters, zero and one, w hile decim al codes use the ten
characters noted above.

M IN IV A C 601 Input Units

In p u t in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated to M IN IV A C 601 through the two input devices located
on the console.
Binary in p u t is com m unicated using the six binary input pushbuttons according to the con­

B utton up = zero (0)

Button down = one (1)

For exam ple, the bin ary num ber " 1 0 1 " (5) is com m unicated to M IN IV A C by pushing down push­
buttons 4 and 6 w hile leaving pushbuttons 1, 2, 3, and 5 up. The largest binary num ber w hich can
be com m unicated to M IN IV A C 601 is 111111 (63).
Decim al in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated using the decim al input d ial and the pointer o f the
rotary switch. To give M IN IV A C a decim al num ber as input, the pointer is turned so th a t it points
a t the desired d ig it. The decim al input capabilitie s o f the M IN IV A C 601 are lim ite d to the numbers
fro m zero through fifte e n .

The fo llo w in g two experim ents illu s tra te com m unication to M IN IV A C in Binary and Deci­
m al. Each experim ent uses the relays to store (remember) the in fo rm a tio n com m unicated to the
com puter.

This experim ent uses M IN IV A C 601 to dem onstrate how a d ig ita l com puter receives binary
in p u t data and instructions. The bin a ry num ber " o n e " is given to the com puter by pushing a push­
button down. The bin ary num ber " z e ro " is given to the com puter by leaving a pushbutton up. The
instruction to fo rg e t a ll previous data (to " c le a r " the memory) is given to the com puter by pushing
pushbutton 6.
The program and c irc u it draw ing fo r this experim ent are:

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

1 X /2 X 6 Z /6 + 2 H /1 H 2 G /2C 4 Y /4 G
2 X /3 X 6 Y /5 H 1Y /1G 2 F /2 — 4 G /4C
3 X /4 X 5 H /4 H 1G /1 C 3 Y /3 G 4 F /4 —
4 X /5 X 4 H /3 H 1F / 1— 3 G /3C 5 Y /5 G
5 X /6 Y 3 H /2 H 2 Y /2 G 3F /3 — 5G /5C

1. T u rn power ON. Push pushbutton l and release. This transm its a "o n e " to section 1 o f M IN I­
VAC . The "o n e " is remembered by relay 1. Relay lig h t 1 comes ON to indicate th a t a "o n e " is
being remembered (stored). Data has been communicated from the operator to M IN IV A C 601
by pushing B IN A R Y IN P U T pushbutton 1.
2. Do N O T push pushbutton 2. T his leaves a " z e ro " in section 2 o f M IN IV A C 601. The "z e ro "
continues to be remembered by relay 2. Relay lig h t 2 remains OFF to indicate th a t a " z e ro " is
being remembered (stored).
3. Do N O T push pushbutton 3. T his leaves a " z e ro " in section 3. Relay lig h t 3 remains OFF to
indicate th a t a " z e ro " is being remembered.
4. Push pushbutton 4 to tra n s m it a " o n e " to section 4. Relay lig h t 4 comes ON to indicate th a t
a "o n e " is being remembered by section 4.
5. Push pushbutton 5 to tra n s m it a " o n e " to section 5. Relay lig h t 5 comes ON to indicate th a t
a "o n e " is being remembered by section 5.
The bina ry num ber 10011 (19) has been com m unicated to M IN IV A C 601 by using the B IN A R Y
IN P U T pushbuttons. This in p u t data is now being remembered (stored) in the firs t five sections o f
the com puter.
6. Push pushbutton 6 and release. T his action instructs the com puter to fo rg e t all previous data.
A ll relay lights go OFF, and the previous num ber is forgotten ("c le a re d " fro m the memory).

7. The com puter is now ready to receive another binary num ber from the operator. M ake up an­
other num ber yourself and com m unicate it to the com puter by using the B IN A R Y IN PU T

T his experim ent demonstrates how M IN IV A C 601 may receive decim al in p u t data and in ­
structions. A decim al num ber is com m unicated to the com puter by tu rn in g the D E C IM A L IN PU T-
O U TPU T knob to the desired num ber and pushing pushbutton 5 to in struct the com puter to re­
member the selected num ber. A n other in struction— to forget a ll previous data— is given to the
com puter by pushing pushbutton 6.
The program and c irc u it diagram fo r this experim ent are:

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

1 H /2 H 6 Z /6 + IF /1 — 3G /3C D 5/5G
2 H /3 H 6 Y /5 X D 2 /2 G 3 F /3 - 5G /5C
3 H /4 H 5 Y /D 1 6 2 G /2C D 4/4G 5 F /5 —
4 H /5 H D 1/1G 2F /2 — 4 G /4C
5H /6 Y 1 G /1 C D 3/3G 4 F /4 —

1. T u rn power ON. T urn the D E C IM A L IN PU T-O U TPU T knob to num ber 4 and push pushbutton
5. T his tra nsm its the num ber " f o u r " to the com puter. Relay lig h t 4 comes ON to indicate th a t
a " f o u r " is being stored. Data has been com m unicated from the operator to M IN IV A C 601 by
tu rn in g the D E C IM A L IN PU T-O U TPU T knob to the desired num ber and by in stru ctin g the
com puter to remember the selected num ber by pushing pushbutton 5.
W hen decimal data is remembered by the com puter, the relay lights have a d iffe re n t meaning
tha n when binary data is being remembered. W ith binary data, the lig h t ON represents a data
" o n e " and the lig h t OFF represents a data "z e ro ". W ith decim al data, the num ber being remem­
bered corresponds w ith the section (1-6) which has a relay lig h t ON.
2. Push pushbutton 6 and release. T his action instructs the com puter to fo rg e t all previous data,
and relay lig h t 4 goes OFF. The com puter is now ready to receive another decim al num ber
(1-5) fro m the operator. Select another num ber yourself (between 1 and 5) and com m unicate
it to the com puter using the D E C IM A L INPU T-O UTPU T.

The Basic Storage Function

Three types o f storage are used in most high-speed data processing machines. These are:
Interna l storage
Secondary storage
External storage.

Internal storage, w hich is fo r our purposes the most im p o rta n t, is storage available in a storage
u n it connected d ire c tly to the processing u n it o f the com puter in such a way th a t the processing
u n it has "im m e d ia te access" to the in fo rm a tio n . Secondary storage refers to storage units in
which the in fo rm a tio n is available to the processing u n it but in which, due to the nature o f the
storage u n it, it is available only a fte r some delay. The difference between internal and secondary
storage in thus the diffe re nce between im m ediate and delayed access to inform ation.
External storage refers to storage in a media outside the com puter system. External storage
is thus accomplished by com m unicating the in fo rm a tio n to be stored out o f the com puter as " o u t­
p u t" and then saving this in fo rm a tio n in "e x te rn a l storage" on the o u tp u t media.

Human Storage Functions

The storage fu n c tio n can be cle arly seen in the analogy o f the hum an being w ith pencil and
paper. In this case, the paper is the external storage system, and the pencil is the output device
through w hich in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated from the hum an being to the external storage me­
dia. Internal and secondary storage are d iffic u lt to distinguish in the hum an case since we as
hum an beings have only one storage system available fo r our use— the hum an brain. In form ation
retained in the brain w hile the problem is being worked is probably best th o u g h t o f as held in in ­
ternal storage.

M IN IV A C 601 Storage
M IN IV A C 601 is equipped w ith internal storage in the form o f the six relays which also
serve as a p a rt o f the processing u n it o f the com puter. The processing u n it o f M IN IV A C does not
have direct access to external storage. The hum an operator can supply external storage by w rit­
ing in fo rm a tio n down on a sheet o f paper when it is com m unicated to him through the ou tp u t de­
vices o f M IN IV A C and later return th is in fo rm a tio n to the com puter through the in p u t devices as
it is required.
Before exam ining the storage units o f M IN IV A C 601 and larger d ig ita l computers in more
d e ta il, it is necessary to consider the general form in which in fo rm a tio n is stored in a d ig ita l
com puter.

The Binary Nature of Storage

Just as in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated to the com puter and processed by it in a binary form ,
it m ust be stored in binary form .
The reason fo r th is use o f the sim ple tw o-character (0 and 1) rather than the more com ­
plicated ten-character (0-9) decim al system in the com puter can be realized by exam ining the
decim al in p u t device. Using the rotary switch mechanism involves m any d iffe re n t physical posi­
tions w hich m ust be com m unicated by the sw itching system to the com puter. The mechanism used
to do th is involves physical m otion and several moving parts. In addition, the rotary switch sys­
tem requires more th an a second to go from zero to nine.
In contrast to the decim al system, the bin a ry in p u t button involves only one m oving p a rt and,
since it has only two physical positions, is sim pler in construction and can be moved from one po­
sition to another in a fra c tio n o f a second.
Thus, fo r the reasons o f sim p licity, e fficie n cy and speed a p tly dem onstrated by the com ­
parison between the decim al inp ut switch and the binary in p u t button, large com puters handle all
processing and storage using a binary system. Thus the basic elem ent o f storage in a com puter
is a bin ary " b i t " w hich m ay have the value o f 0 or 1.

The Structure of Storage

In any storage system, the bits are arranged into words consisting o f a specified num ber o f
bits. Storage w ith in the com puter is handled in words. Each storage location— called a "re g is te r"
contains one word o f data and has a location num ber associated w ith it so th a t it is possible to
id e n tify a register and store in fo rm a tio n in or c a ll in fo rm a tio n from th a t register.
The storage system o f a large com puter m ig h t be th o u g h t o f as a large num ber o f boxes w ith

each box id e n tifie d by a num ber in d ica tin g its location in the series o f boxes, w ith each box just
the rig h t size to hold a specified num ber o f bits o f data. The actual form o f these storage registers
varies w ith the machine.

Secondary Storage: Slide Switches

The six slide switches o f M IN IV A C 601 are used to supply secondary storage. These switches
are operated m a n u a lly and are used to store b in a ry in fo rm a tio n according to the convention:
switch rig h t = 0
switch le ft = 1
The follo w ing experim ent illustrates secondary storage in M IN IV A C .


This experim ent uses M IN IV A C 601 to dem onstrate how a d ig ita l com puter remembers in ­
fo rm a tio n which is not required im m ediately by storing the in fo rm a tio n in SECONDARY STOR­
AGE. The slide switches are used as secondary storage fo r M IN IV A C 601. The operator transfers
data to the SECONDARY STORAGE by m anually operating the slide switches.

1S 1T

1. T u rn power ON. M ove slide switch to the left. L ig h t l comes ON to indicate th a t a "o n e "
(binary data) is being stored in SECONDARY STORAGE, Section 1. The SECONDARY STOR­
AGE slide switch continues to remember "o n e " u n til it is instructed to remember a " z e ro " by
the operator.
2. M ove slide switch 1 to the right. L ig h t 1 goes OFF to indicate th a t a "z e ro " (binary data) is
now being stored in SECONDARY STORAGE, Section 1.
M ost large d ig ita l com puters a u to m a tica lly transfer data a t very high speeds to secondary stor­
age. M odern com puters m ay use punched cards, punched paper tape, m agnetic tape, and other
special devices fo r secondary storage.
Secondary and external storage are required by d ig ita l computers because there is not enough ca­
pacity in the storage-processing u n it to store a ll the in fo rm a tio n required by some problems. Ex­
cess in fo rm a tio n which is not required im m ediately is transferred to secondary or external stor­
age. External storage fo r a d ig ita l com puter is s im ila r to the file cabinet which some people keep
in the basement. Some papers m ay be throw n away, but there is not room enough in the desk up­
stairs to keep a ll items which m ust be file d . " A c tiv e " info rm a tio n , which is used frequently, is
kept close at hand in the desk and "d e a d " in fo rm a tio n , which is used in frequen tly, is kept in a
file cabinet in the basement. Secondary storage in th is case would be in fo rm a tio n required only oc­
casionally, but im p o rta n t enough to be kept close by. This in fo rm a tio n m ig h t be kept in the back
o f a desk drawer, or perhaps in a cabinet several steps from the desk.

Internal Storage— Relays as Memory

Before going on to the more com plicated form s o f storage used in large computers, we w ill
tu rn again to M IN IV A C 601 and exam ine the storage system used to provide m em ory fo r this
sm all com puter. Storage or "m e m o ry " fo r M IN IV A C is supplied by the 6 relays. These relays can
be used to store or "re m e m b e r" six binary bits. As indicated above, a large com puter may have
storage capacity fo r 36 bina ry bits in each o f its storage registers. Thus the storage capacity o f
M IN IV A C 601 w ith its 6 -b it register is one-sixth th a t o f a register in the 3 6 -b it machine.
As noted above, in a large com puter each storage register is id e n tifie d by a location number.

In the case o f M IN IV A C 601 it w ill not be necessary to consider this problem o f m em ory location
id e n tific a tio n , since we are dealing w ith only one storage register.
W ith the exception o f the distin ctions noted above, the basic fu n c tio n in g o f the storage
system in M IN IV A C 601 exactly duplicates the fu n c tio n in g o f the storage system in a larger
com puter. Thus, the larger com puter m ay be th o u g h t o f as sim ply an extension o f m any M IN I­
V A C 6 0 1's lined up in a row and interconnected. To d uplicate the storage capacity o f the IBM
7090 com puter system, fo r instance, w ould require 192,000 M IN IV A C 601 Computers in com ­
In the discussion o f the operation o f the relay in Book I, the relay was used as a switch op­
erated by a pushbutton. It was noted th a t the relay could be used to indicate the two-valued binary
code by considering the relay OFF to be storing or rem em bering a ' 0 ' w hile the relay ON was th ough t
o f as rem em bering '1 '. The relay lig h t could be used to indicate when the relay was storing a M '
(lig h t on) or a '0 ' (lig h t o ff). T his sim ple c irc u it m ay be th o u g h t o f as a m anual memory: as long
as the pushbutton is being held D O W N , the relay remembers a one. W hen the pushbutton is re­
leased, the relay forgets the one and starts rem em bering a zero. The relay in th is c irc u it is a
memory element controlled by the pushbutton.

1 + /1 Y
1 + /1 H
1 X /1 C
1— / I F
1 G /1A
1 B/T —


A more e ffic ie n t m em ory u n it would be achieved if it were possible to m ake the relay remain
in the D O W N or 1 position once it was signaled to go to th is position by the pushbutton. Such a
c irc u it would enable the relay to remember a 1 once it had been signaled by pushing the pushbut­
ton to " fo rg e t 0 and s ta rt rem em bering 1".
The m anual m em ory relay c irc u it above can be easily m odified to achieve this by using one
o f the switches o f the relay to continue to supply current to the coil o f the relay a fte r the pushbutton
has been released. M a k in g use o f this relay switch, the pushbutton w ill in itia lly supply current to
the relay. Once c urre nt is supplied to the relay coil, the relay w ill close and a second path fo r the
c u rre n t w ill be supplied through the norm ally open switch o f the relay. W ith this c irc u it wired, the
relay becomes "s e lf-lo c k in g " in the 1 position.

7- f - / l V
1 X /1 C
1— / I F
1G /1A
IB /1 —
1 C /1A


The evident d iffic u lty w ith th is self-locking relay m em ory c irc u it is th a t, although the relay
w ill now remember a 1 once it is told to remember 1, it cannot forget 1 unless the current to the
com puter is turned o ff. The next step in bu ild in g a usable m emory u n it is obviously to m o d ify the
c irc u it so th a t the relay can fo rg e t 1 and sta rt rem em bering 0 again.
As an in itia l step in the direction o f program m ing such a c irc u it, a second pushbutton m ay be
used to supply a means o f disconnecting power from the relay c irc u it. Using th is c irc u it, push­
b utton 1 w ill be used as in the self-locking m emory c irc u it to supply cu rre n t to the relay coil and to
cause the relay to stop rem em bering 0 and sta rt rem em bering 1.
Pushbutton 2 w ill be used to cause the relay to stop rem em bering 1 and begin rem embering
0. As indicated below, this program uses the norm ally closed contacts o f pushbutton 2 and the
n o rm a lly open contacts o f pushbutton 1. The self-locking connection used in the previous c irc u it is


The tw o-button or "tw o in p u t" m em ory c irc u it provides a workable m em ory elem ent which
satisfies the condition th a t it be able to remember a 1 or a 0 on signal. The weakness in this c irc u it
is th a t a d iffe re n t signal is required to te ll the m em ory c irc u it to forget 0 and to begin rem ember­
ing 1 than is used to te ll it to fo rg et rem em bering 1 and recommence rem em bering 0. Pushbutton 1
serves as the "fo rg e t 0 remember 1 " signal and pushbutton 2 provides the "fo rg e t 1 remember 0 "
It w ould be p a rtic u la rly desirable if we could obtain a memory c irc u it which would respond to
a single signal such th a t, if the c irc u it were rem em bering 1, it would forget 1 and s ta rt rem ember­
ing 0. In short, it would be desirable to have a "s in g le -in p u t memory c irc u it" .

The Single Input "Flip-Flop"

Before program m ing M IN IV A C 601 fo r a single-input memory c irc u it a com m ent on
term inology is in order. A n exam ination o f the operation o f the tw o-button relay m emory c irc u it
w ill show th a t as the contents o f the m em ory are changed, the relay goes firs t ON and then OFF,
changing fro m one position to another. The sw itching m otion o f the relay has caused engineers to
refer to th is type o f c irc u it as a " flip - f lo p " and the tw o-button relay m em ory c irc u it above is
known as a "tw o -in p u t flip -flo p " .
So, the c irc u it which we are now seeking is a "s in g le in p u t flip - flo p ." The c irc u it and program
below are fo r a single in p u t flip -flo p . Once this c irc u it has been program m ed on M IN IV A C 601,
pushing one pushbutton w ill signal the com puter to remember a 1 or a 0. If the relays are re­
m em bering a 1, pushing pushbutton 1 w ill signal them to "fo rg e t 1 and s ta rt rem em bering 0 " . If
the relays are rem em bering a 0, pushing pushbutton 1 w ill signal them to "sto p rem em bering 0
and s ta rt rem em bering 1 ". L ig h t 1 w ill be ON when the flip -flo p is rem em bering a 1, and w ill be
OFF when the flip -flo p is rem em bering a 0.
1— / 1 C
1 E /2 G
1H /1 F
1 G /1Y
1Y /1 +
I X / 1J
2J /2E
2E /2A
2 B /2 —
2— /2C

In Book IV, the single in p u t flip -flo p w ill be used to provide the m em ory necessary to enable
the com puter to count and to perform various m athem atical operations. For the purposes o f this
discussion o f com puter storage, it is necessary only to note th a t this single in p u t flip -flo p has the
characteristics o f the basic elem ent o f a com puter m emory system. It is able to remember a 1 or a
0 and to “ change its m in d " when signaled to do so.

The Basic Processing Function

The detailed operations of the processing u n it are discussed in Books III and IV. In this dis­
cussion, it is s u ffic ie n t to note th a t the processing u n it perform s two basic kinds o f operations.
(1) It controls the flo w o f in fo rm a tio n w ith in the com puter. The processing u n it "d ire cts
t r a f f ic " w ith in the com puter, sending in fo rm a tio n fro m the in p u t u n it to storage, fro m storage to
the various ca lc u la tin g units w ith in the processing u n it, and from processing to o u tp u t or storage.
In one sense, the processing u n it m ig h t be th o u g h t o f as the bookkeeper o f the com puter. It keeps
tra c k o f and handles the placem ent o f a ll data.
(2) It does a ll calculations. The processing u n it is the ca lculator o f the com puter. In the
processing u n it a rith m e tic data is m odified and "d e cisio n s" are made. Instructions to the com puter
d ire ctin g it to perform operations on data are carried out. A ll other units o f the com puter are used
to fa c ilita te transm ission and storage o f in fo rm a tio n . O nly the processing u n it actively m odifies or
uses data. The other units o f the com puter are passive w ith respect to the data.

Human Processing
The fu n c tio n o f the processing u n it can be visualized in term s o f the division problem dis­
cussed earlier. Once the hum an operator has the divisor and dividend w ritte n on paper and has
been given the list o f instructions fo r perform ing the division, his actions are analogous to those
o f a processing unit. He w ill fo llo w the instructions, a ctin g upon his data, u n til he reaches the
fin a l answer.
The processing u n it o f a com puter acts just like the hum an operator ju st m entioned after re­
ceiving both instructions and data. In a sense then, the processing u n it is the w ork center o f the
com puter.

M IN IV A C 601 Processing
Processing in M IN IV A C 601 is accomplished using logical circu its to d uplicate a rith m e tic
and decision functions. Relays are used as sw itching devices and th e ir operation is controlled by
instructions com m unicated to M IN IV A C by means o f the program wired on the com puter console.
D uring the "e x e c u tio n " o f a program , the processing section o f M IN IV A C 601 controls the opera­
tio n o f the com puter. The program w ired on the com puter console indicates to the processing sec­
tio n w hat operation it is to perform and the processing section controls the other units o f the com­

puter— o b ta inin g in fo rm a tio n when it is required from in p u t sources and com m unicating the fin a l
answer to the o u tp u t units.
The fo llo w in g experim ents illu s tra te some of the basic functions which a com puter can per­
form , using the processing u n it in various ways.

T his experim ent uses M IN IV A C 601 to dem onstrate how the processing u n it controls the
com puter's operations. The rotary switch is controlled by the Processing U nit.

5 + /5 Y
5 X /5 C
5 F /5 -
5 + /5 H
5G /6C
6 F /6—
6 + /6 H
6G /D 17
D 1 8 /M -

T u rn power ON. Push pushbutton 5. T his energizes relay 5 (turns it O N) and causes current
to flow through the switch contacts o f relay 5 to relay 6. Pushbutton 5 controls relay 5. Relay 5 in
tu rn controls relay 6. Relay 6 controls the operation o f the motor.
The m otor is controlled by relay 6 w hich is p a rt o f the Processing U nit. Relay 6 is controlled by
relay 5 o f the Processing U nit. Relay 5 is controlled by Binary In p u t pushbutton 5. The operator
supplies the Input by pushing pushbutton 5. The program w ired on the com puter console gives the
If pushbutton 5 is D O W N , tu rn relay 5 ON.
If relay 5 is O N , tu rn relay 6 ON.
If relay 6 is O N , tu rn m otor ON.
In a more com plicated program , the relay could be controlled by other relays or switches as
the result o f some ca lcu la tio n or series o f events.
This a b ility o f a d ig ita l com puter to control its own operations perm its the com puter to auto­
m a tic a lly m ake a whole series o f calculations a t high speed w ith o u t d ire ct operator command.

T his experim ent uses M IN IV A C 601 to dem onstrate how the Processing U n it o f a com puter
can m ake decisions based on rules given by the program m er. Two b inary num bers are compared
and the com puter decides w hether or not the numbers are equal.

1 + /1 H
1H /1 L
1 Y /1 C
IF /1 —
1 X /2 X
2 Y /2 C
2 F /2 —
2 J /2 K
1 K /2 L
2 K /3 C
3 F /3 —

1. T ra nsfer the decision rule to the com puter by w irin g the program onto the console. Pushbuttons
1 and 2 w ill represent the numbers to be compared. Relay 3 w ill indicate the com puter's decision.
If the numbers are equal, relay 3 w ill come ON. If the numbers are N O T equal, relay 3 w ill go OFF.
(N ote: a pushbutton UP represents zero; a pushbutton DO W N represents 1.)
2. T u rn power O N. Relay 3 comes ON because both numbers are zero.
3. Push pushbutton 1. Relay 3 goes OFF because the numbers are no longer equal. (The firs t
num ber is now 1; the second num ber is 0. )
4. Push pushbutton 2 w hile holding down pushbutton 1. Once again the numbers are equal (both
are 1) and relay 3 comes ON.
5. Release pushbutton 1 w hile holding down pushbutton 2. Relay 3 goes OFF because the num ­
bers are not equal.
This decision rule can be program m ed w ith o u t using relays 1 and 2, in which case the push­
button contacts perform the processing fu n ctio n . Since the relays have tw ice as m any contacts as
the pushbuttons and can be e le ctrica lly operated, they are considerably more versatile than the
pushbutton contacts. For this reason, relays are used to perform the processing fu n ctio n in a ll but
the sim plest programs.

This experim ent demonstrates how the Processing U n it o f a d ig ita l com puter m ay be used to
perform a rith m e tic calculations. Two numbers (0 or 1) are added together and the answer is in d i­
cated by the Binary O u tp u t lights.

1 + /1 H
1H /1 L
1 Y /2 Y
2 Z /2 C
2 F /2 -
1X /1C
IF /1 —
1G /2 G
2 H /2 A
2 B /2 —
1N / 2 K
1 K /2 N
2 L /1 A
IB /1 —

1. T ran sfe r the rules o f a ddition to the com puter by w irin g the program onto the console. Push­
buttons 1 and 2 w ill represent the numbers to be added. L ig h t 1 ON w ill represent an answer o f 1;
lig h t 2 ON w ill represent an answer o f 2; NO lights on w ill represent an answer o f 0.
(N ote: a pushbutton UP represents 0; a pushbutton D O W N represents 1)
2. T u rn power O N. No lights come on because the in p u t numbers are both zero: 0 + 0 = 0
3. Push pushbutton 1. L ig h t 1 comes ON: 1 + 0 = 1
4. Push pushbutton 2 w hile holding pushbutton 1 down. L ig h t 2 comes ON: 1 + 1 = 2
5. Release pushbutton 1 w hile holding pushbutton 2 down. L ig h t 1 comes O N: 0 + 1 = 1.

The Basic Output Function

The ou tp u t fu n c tio n is basically the com m unication of the processing un it's results to the
outside world. T hrough the o u tp u t u n it, in fo rm a tio n about the problem or the operation o f the
com puter is obtained from the com puter.

Human Output Functions

In term s o f the previously discussed hum an analogy, ou tp u t is obtained from the hum an
being when the answer is w ritte n on the paper (output media) by the pencil (output u n it) which is
controlled by the hum an being (processing unit). In the case o f the hum an being, the ou tp u t device
is used to com m unicate both p a rtia l in fo rm a tio n from the hum an processing u n it during com pu­
ta tio n o f the problem and to display fin a l answers upon com pletion.

M IN IV A C 601 Output Units

O u tp u t in fo rm a tio n is obtained fro m M IN IV A C 601 using two o u tp u t devices: the B IN A R Y
O U TPU T lights and the D E C IM A L O U TPU T mechanism. In form ation is " re a d " from the binary
o u tp u t lig h t by in te rp re ting a lig h t w hich is on as com m unicating a " 1 " and a lig h t w hich is o ff
as com m unicating a " 0 " .
O u tp u t in fo rm a tio n is "re a d " from the decim al ou tp u t mechanism o f M IN IV A C 601 by not­
ing the num ber a t w hich the pointer knob is pointing .
A n exam ple o f Binary O u tp u t is given in experim ent 6. The Binary O u tp u t lights were used
to indicate the answer to a sim ple a ddition problem.
The fo llo w in g experim ent illustrates the use o f the rotary switch fo r Decimal O utput.

T his experim ent demonstrates how a com puter delivers decim al ou tp u t in fo rm a tio n to the
operator. The rotary switch (Decimal O utput) is controlled through the slide switches (Secondary
Storage) to com m unicate to the operator the contents o f Secondary Storage.


1R / D l 3 S /4 S 6 R /D 6 6 Y /6 +
1S/2S 4 R /D 4 6S /D 19
2 R /D 2 4S/5S D 18/D 16
2 S /3 S 5 R /D 5 D 1 6 /M —
3 R /D 3 5 S /6 S D 1 7 /6 X

1. Set all slide switches in the RIGHT position. The slide switches w ill represent the num ­
bers 1 through 6. T o place a num ber in secondary storage, the appropriate slide switch w ill be

moved to the LEFT position. Pushbutton 6 w ill be used to give the com puter the instruction:
Indicate num ber in Secondary Storage using Decimal O u tp u t rotary switch.
2. T u rn power ON. Move slide switch 4 to the LEFT position. This places the num ber 4 in
Secondary Storage.
3. Push pushbutton 6. This instructs the com puter to com m unicate the contents o f Sec­
ondary Storage to the operator. The rotary switch turns to 4 on the Decimal Input-O utp ut dial.
The num ber 4 is the Decim al O utput.
4. M ove slide switch 4 to the RIGHT position and select another num ber to be placed in
Secondary Storage. A g a in , push pushbutton 6 to instruct the com puter to com m unicate the con­
tents o f Secondary Storage through Decim al O utput.


Input M edia and Codes

L im ite d am ounts o f in fo rm a tio n can be com m unicated d ire ctly to a large com puter through
its console. T his dire ct in pu t in fo rm a tio n may be either binary or decim al in form , depending
upon the operating characteristics o f the m achine, and is norm ally com m unicated through switches
on the m ain console o f the com puter. In some situations direct com m unication is obtained through
the use o f a " fle x o w rite r" which is a typewriter-1 ike device which, in a ddition to p rin tin g charac­
ters on a w ritte n page, transm its a coded representation o f the characters to the com puter fo r

Direct Console Input

In the photograph o f the 7090 console below the input buttons used to provide d ire ct binary
in p u t in fo rm a tio n to the IBM 7090 com puter are visible. The fu n ctio n in g o f these buttons is com ­
parable to the operation o f the bin ary input buttons on the M IN IV A C 601 Console. W hen a par­
tic u la r button is pressed down, it represents a one in th a t position and when the button is in the
norm al or up position, it represents a zero in th a t position.


In the photograph o f the IBM 650 C om puter console below, the input switches w hich com ­
m unicate in p u t in fo rm a tio n in decim al rather than bin a ry form are indicated. The operation of

these switches is s im ila r to the operation o f the decim al input switch on the M IN IV A C 601 Con­
sole. To com m unicate a decim al num ber to the IBM 650, the appropriate switches are turned so
th a t the desired decim al num ber is indicated by the switches.


In ad d itio n to d ire ct console in p u t in the bin a ry and decim al fo rm using the same coding
system employed w ith the M IN IV A C 601, large com m ercial com puters have several other form s
o f input. Basic in p u t media in a d dition to d ire ct console in p u t are: punched cards, punched tape,
and m agnetic tape.

Punched Card Input

Punched cards are perhaps the most common m edium fo r com m unication w ith a com puter.
In fo rm a tio n is "re c o rd e d " on the cards by means o f a sm all hole punched in a p a rtic u la r location
on a card in accordance w ith a coding plan w hich the m achine has been program m ed to " u n ­
de rstan d". As the m achine "re a d s " a card, it obtains in fo rm a tio n by sensing the presence or ab­
sence o f holes in each o f a num ber o f locations. The in fo rm a tio n obtained fro m the reading o f the
card is then translated in to electronic in fo rm a tio n fo r processing and storage w ith in the com puter.

Alpha-Numeric Card Code
The standard alpha-num eric code is sum m arized in the photograph below. The numbers zero
through nine are coded as a single punch in a vertical colum n. The alphabetic characters and
symbols are represented by two punches in a single vertical colum n.
C om m unication using the standard alpha-num eric in p u t card code is lim ite d to 80 characters
(numbers, letters, or special characters) per card. The use o f " b in a ry " codes g reatly increases the
am ount o f in fo rm a tio n w hich m ay be com m unicated using a single card.
As noted earlier, although the punch its e lf is a binary variable— a variable w hich can have
only two values, either 0 or 1— the use of the bin a ry punch in conjunction w ith the alpha-num eric
code creates a situa tion where on ly one variable value m ay be com m unicated in each vertical
colum n. In a sense, this is s im ila r to the lim ita tio n imposed by the decim al in p u t d ial on the
M IN IV A C 601. A lth o u g h a t any location the pointer is e ither p o in tin g a t the num ber or is not
p oin ting a t th a t num ber (corresponding to the punch e ither being in a p a rtic u la r location or not
being in th a t location) m eaningfu l in fo rm a tio n can only be com m unicated by considering a ll 16
locations in w hich the pointer might be. T his corresponds to considering a ll 12 positions in a given
vertical colum n on a card in w hich a punch might be located.


•I 000 O'fl ooooooooooooooo| ooooooq| | oooooo|
« 11 Mtt aaaaaaaaanaaMaaaaaanaaMaanaaaTinniin
11 11 n111ii11111111111111niii 11111 n i i
222 2 22 2 2 222222222222| 222222222222||22222222

3 3 3 3 | jj 33333 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 3 3 3 3 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

44444| 4444441) 444 44 44 44 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 | 4 | 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 44 4 44 44 44 4

5 5 5 5 5 5| I 5555555 55 5 5 555 S5S5S5SS5S55555555555555|55S|5S55S5

6666666 66666666 98666 6666 66666S6666666666666666|666666666666

77777777 777777777 777777 7 77 77 77177717J7J777177777|J117J777|77777

• 8888888 311 8888888881 8868886 888888 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 91 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 91 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9999999 9 I I I I I I II I9 | I9 II II I9 I |I II II |9 9 II II I
>I I 1 I I I I I IR UMiiauunanaa aanaaana'aaaaaaa 4243 44454* 47« « l SI S H H H R D IR R III1 D H B N 17HU 7t 71 7373 74


Binary Card Codes

As was noted ea rlie r, the b in ary num ber system is discussed in d e tail a t the beginning o f
Book IV and, fo r our purposes a t th is tim e, it is necessary only to rem ember th a t a bin a ry code is
one made up o f only two characters (0 and 1). Since the binary code is made up o f only zeros and
ones it is unnecessary to consider the location o f the punch in a ve rtica l colum n in order to know
the value o f the binary d igit com m unicated by the punch. The presence o f a punch com m unicates
a one and where there is no punch a zero is com m unicated. Since there can be only zeros and ones
in a b in a ry code a ll in fo rm a tio n w hich could be com m unicated about the value o f a p a rticu la r
b in ary d ig it is com m unicated sim ply by the presence or absence o f a hole in a p a rtic u la r location
on the card.
The length o f a b in a ry num ber or "w o rd " (i.e., the num ber o f b in a ry characters in the num ­
ber or word) can vary. For exam ple, the num ber labeled (A) below is a fo u r-d ig it bin a ry num ber or
word and the num ber labeled (B) is a te n -d ig it binary num ber or word.
(A) 1010
(B) 0 000001010
The card below is an in p u t card prepared using a binary code. On th is card bin a ry in fo rm a ­
tio n is represented in tw e n ty-fo u r 3 6 -d ig it words occupying positions in colum ns 1 through 36
and 37 through 72 respectively in 12 rows. T his is a "ro w b in a ry " card.

* ‘+ + | + + + ' + + + H - + + l + + + ] + + + | + + 4 j + + + 4 - + + j + + + [ f | + ( i | | | i + + | + + + M - + - H + + + l + + + j + + + | + + + | + + + J f + + f * - + + i + | ' t j + + 4 | ^ + + + + + + +

j_ _ _ I I
_ J ______
j— — r | - | | -
g g f e j+ f l
lo o 0 o o!g o o|o o o!o o oio o o 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 o'o 0 010 I 0|0 I I 9 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0|0 0 0|0 0 o'o 0 0 0 0 0
I I I 1 i i 1
0 0 0|0 0 o'o 0 0 0 1 0| 0 0 DOOOOOOO
it: 2 3 4 5 6 ' 7 3 9*3 0 II 12:13 14 13.16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24.23 26 27)26 29 30|31 32 33 34 35 36 32 39 39 40 41 42.43 44 45,44 47 46,49 50 5 lls 2 S3 54 55 54 57 54 59 50,51 42 43l«4 65 84 67 64 6 9 |7 0 71 72 13 74 7 5 7 4 7 7 7 4 7 9 8 0
| l 1 1 1 i'll l [ l 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ji 1 i n | i ; i 1 1 | l 1 1 1 1'1 1 1,1 1 1,1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , i i i h 1 1 h 1 1 n 11 11111111
I I 1 I I i i i
* 2 2 2 2 212 2 212 2 2 '2I 2 212 2 2 2 2 2 22 2l2 2 2l2 2 2,2 21 ||| | 2 2 2 2 2 2l2 2 2 2 2 2l2 2 2,2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22,2 22122 2121 2|2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
I I 1 . I 1 I I I
§ 3 3 3 3 313 3 3 3 3 3|3 3 3)3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3)3 3 3j3 3 3| 3 3 | j | 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3i3 3 3>3 3 3|3 3 3 !3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33i3 3 3.3 3JH I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
I ’ 1 , I 1
| « 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 4 I4 4 4t4 4 4>4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 4?4 4 4<4 4 | I 4 1 1 14 4 4 4 4,4 4 414 4 4,4 4 414 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J4 4 4 J4 4 4!4 4 1 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 I I 1 I
i s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5j5 9 5 j5 5 5|5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 J5 5 5 I 5 5 5|5 5 |I5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 515 5 515 5 515 5 5,5J | J 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 J5 5 5*5 5 5|5 5 1 ’5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1st 6 6 5'6 6 g |e 6 8'o 6 6 6 S 6 66 6 6 6 6<666|S6 66 6 G ||| 9 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 6 8'8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6'6 6 6'S 6 6'6 6 1'6 6 6 66686666
1:7 7 7 7 7'7 7 7 7 7 7*7 7 7l7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7|7 7 7,7 7 7I7 7 7 | 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7]7 7 7|7 7 7,7 7 7|7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7|7 7 717 7 7'7 7 7 j | | 77777777
I ' l l
88 I I o| u a U|0 88 8 ■8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
0 9 9 9 9 919 9 919 9 9 9 9 9'9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 919 9 919 9 9>9 9 9'9 9 | 9 9 9 9 9 9|9 9 9l9 9 919 9 919 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 919 9 9<9 9 9'9 9 9191 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
s 4 9 4 | 7 I I p * II 1 2 1131)4 15 |1 l i t 11 13 74 79 74 77 74 79 40
22 23 24(25 26 27 |2 8 29 3 0 p i 32 3 3 |M 39 36 p ? 38 39[40 41 42 |4 3 44 4 5 |4 6 47 4 6 |4 6 90 91)92 S3 5* 55 96 97|5 6 96 6 0 |6 t 62 63 |6 4 65 88|6 7 16 6 6 |7 0 71 72jl-------------------------------


In place o f punching b in a ry in fo rm a tio n in h o rizontal rows as in the row binary card code, in ­
fo rm a tio n m ay be punched along the vertical colum ns o f the card. Twelve binary dig its can be
punched in each ve rtica l colum n. Thus, in the case o f a 3 6 -d ig it word length, three ve rtica l col­
umns are required using the colum n bin a ry code to com m unicate the in fo rm a tio n contained on
one above in row bin a ry form .

IBM L I I S 0 7 FO RM I 2 I - N - 2


The Binary Nature of Input

It is im p o rta n t to note th a t a ll in p u t in fo rm a tio n is read fro m a card as 3 6 -d ig it b inary words.
Once the in fo rm a tio n has been read into the com puter, it can be interpreted by the com puter in ac­
cordance w ith any code th a t the com puter has been program m ed to understand. Thus, standard
alpha-num eric code cards, row bin ary cards and colum n binary cards are a ll read into the com puter
by the same process. However, once the in fo rm a tio n is in the com puter, it is interpreted by the pro­
gram prepared fo r the com puter so th a t the com puter can "u n d e rs ta n d " the in fo rm a tio n com m uni­
cated according to the appropriate code on the in p u t card.
The im p o rta n t p oint to remember in th is co n te xt is th a t all communication to the com puter is
a c tu a lly binary communication. A n y non-binary form o f in fo rm a tio n is read by the com puter as if it

were b in a ry in fo rm a tio n and then interpreted " in b in a ry " so th a t the com puter can "u n d e rs ta n d "
the in fo rm a tion .
Since M IN IV A C 601 operates in the same m anner as a large com puter, it must also be given
in fo rm a tio n in b in ary form . This is the reason fo r the six binary input buttons on the M IN IV A C
console. W hen non-binary in fo rm a tio n is to be supplied to the com puter as, fo r exam ple, when
using the decim al in p u t d ia l, M IN IV A C 601 w ill be program m ed to in te rp re t this non-binary in­
fo rm a tio n and to store and process the non-binary in fo rm a tio n in binary form .
In Book IV a program is given fo r conversion from decim al to binary. (See Decimal to Binary
Converter— Book IV.)

Paper Tape Input

In a m anner s im ila r to th a t in w hich in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated on a punched card, in fo r­
m ation on paper tape is com m unicated by punching holes in predeterm ined locations according to
various codes. The m achine reading a paper tape, as the m achine reading a punched card, in ­
terprets the presence or absence o f a hole in a p a rtic u la r location as bin a ry in fo rm a tio n . Using
paper tape it is possible to com m unicate in fo rm a tio n made up o f any num ber o f characters to the
m achine as one continuous record.
The photograph below illustrates the use o f the " 8 c h a n n e l" code, one o f several coding
systems used to com m unicate in fo rm a tio n on paper tape. This system is analogous to the alpha­
num eric code described above fo r use w ith the punched card. The nature o f this code can be easily
determ ined by exam ining the photograph. It should be noted th a t the sm aller dots appearing
along the center o f the paper tape are analogous to the sprocket holes on the edge o f movie film .
These sm all holes are used to move the paper tape past the reading p oint in the paper tape-reading

A B C D E F G H I JK LM N O PQ R S TU V W X YZO 2 3456789 ■ /& i0%♦H^5IScLQ-Q.Q-£ujt/>LLJ</H^ Jnmi

EI_- TTTTII M T • Mi l l
X- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • I• I••• i i•• I••••
()- • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• •• •• • • ••• • ••
CHECK—* • •• ••• • •• • • •• •• •• •••• • • • • •
8—* •• •• •• •• ••••••••••••••• •••••••
4 —* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• •••• •• ••••
2—* • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• •••• •••••••
1—• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •••• • •


Magnetic Tape Input

M a g ne tic Tape in p u t systems d iffe r fro m those discussed above in th a t in fo rm a tio n is re­
corded on a plastic recording tape s im ila r to th a t used in home tape recorders. In the case o f mag­
netic tape, in fo rm a tio n is coded as m agnetic "m a rk s " on the tape rather than as holes in the tape.
A m ajor advantage o f m agnetic tape is th a t the m agnetic in fo rm a tio n recorded on the tape can be
erased and the tape can be re-recorded and used m any times.
A second advantage o f the m agnetic tape is th a t the m agnetic tape can be read a t a much
higher speed tha n the paper tape in a much sm aller physical space than is required using either
the punched card or the paper tape. S pecifically, the same am ount o f in fo rm a tio n (3,336 charac­
ters) can be recorded on fo rty-tw o punched cards or on one inch o f m agnetic tape (high density).
The photograph below illustra tes the use o f a seven-bit alpha-num eric code recorded on m ag­
netic tape. Using this code, a character is represented by the presence or absence o f m agnetic
m arks in specified positions across the w id th o f the tape.
B inary in fo rm a tio n m ay also be recorded on m agnetic tape using a 36 b it code s im ila r to
th a t discussed fo r use in connection w ith the punched card. The 3 6 -b it word on m agnetic tape is
recorded in six consecutive colum ns on the tape. A lth o u g h seven positions are available on the
tape, one position is reserved fo r inforrrtation used in checking the re lia b ility o f the reading and
w ritin g operation.




'Bi-Stable" Elements
In the firs t section o f th is book we exam ined the m em ory elem ent o f the M IN IV A C 601. Now
we are ready to exam ine the way in w hich the same fu n ctio n is perform ed by d iffe re n t elem ents in
larger computers. In every case, the fu n c tio n in g o f the m em ory elem ent in a large com puter is iden­
tic a l to the fu n c tio n in g o f a relay serving as a m em ory elem ent in the M IN IV A C 601. The m emory
elem ent is, in every case, capable o f m a in ta in in g one o f tw o positions u n til it is signaled to change
positions. Such a tw o-valued elem ent w hich can rem ain in e ither o f two positions u n til an action
outside the elem ent causes it to change to the other position is called a "b i-s ta b le " device. It is a
device w hich can stay (is stable) in e ither o f two positions (the p re fix " b i- " indicates two). The
photograph below illu stra te s several bi-stable devices discussed in this book.

"0" State ■I" State

/L .......





J 1


Large Computer Storage
The actual form o f bi-stable elements which make up the storage register in large computers
varies w ith the machine. However, three basic types o f storage are presently in popular use. These

m agnetic core storage

m agnetic drum storage
m agnetic disc storage.

Magnetic Core Storage

The elements o f m agnetic core storage are sm all, donut-shaped rings o f ferro-m agnetic m a­
te ria l. These sm all m em ory elements, one hundredth o f an inch in diam eter, can be m agnetized
in a few m illio n th s o f a second and w ill retain th e ir m agnetism in d e fin ite ly.
By passing cu rren t through a w ire going through the center o f the donut-shaped ring, it is
possible to m agnetize the m agnetic core m em ory element. The direction o f the m agnetic fie ld set
up w ith in the core is determ ined by the the direction o f current flow through the wire. The m ag­
netic core is thus a bi-stable elem ent having tw o states o f p o larization representing a 0 and a 1.
Just as in the M IN IV A C several relays m ay be used together to represent a series o f zeros
and ones, so in a com puter using m agnetic core memory, series o f m agnetic core elements may be
com bined to create a bina ry word. A 3 6 -b it bin a ry word is thus remembered by 36 separate m ag­
netic core elements, each of which m ay be m agnetized in either direction.
W hen using the M IN IV A C relay m emory elem ent, the " s ta te " or position o f the relay was
" re a d " on the lig h t attached to the relay switch. The lig h t ON indicated th a t the relay was
rem em bering a one and the lig h t OFF indicated th a t the relay was rem em bering a zero. The
lig h t was used to "se nse " the position o f the relay.


Reading o f the contents o f a m agnetic core elem ent is accomplished by a "se n sin g " process.
One such sensing process works as follows:
The m agnetic core elem ent is forced into the zero direction by a current pulse. If the
elem ent is storing a one, the change in direction o f p o larization induces a pulse in a
"sensing w ire ." If the elem ent is storing a zero, there is no change in the direction of
p o larizatio n , so there is no pulse.
T his reading process, however, "d e stro ys" the in fo rm a tio n content o f the m agnetic core element.
If the in fo rm a tio n m ust be retained a fte r reading, a special device w hich w ill replace the in fo rm a ­
tio n as it is read must be used.
The preceding photograph shows a m a trix made up of many thousand m agnetic core elements
which together remember hundreds o f thousands o f binary bits in a large com puter.

Magnetic Drum Storage

A lth o u g h the m agnetic core provides a m uch faster means o f storing in fo rm a tio n , some com ­
puters use a m agnetic drum fo r storage. The m agnetic drum is a steel cylinder coated w ith ma­
te ria l s im ila r to th a t used on m agnetic recording tape. This m aterial can be m agnetized w ith a
num ber o f sm all m agnetic "s p o ts " in much the same m anner in which in fo rm a tio n is recorded on
m agnetic tape. The drum rotates a t a constant speed and in fo rm a tio n is "w ritte n o n " or "re a d
fro m " the m agnetic spots by a recording head in much the same m anner th a t in fo rm a tio n is re­
corded or played back from a tape recording.
In the m agnetic drum there is a problem o f id e n tify in g the location on the drum which is to be
read in order to obtain the in fo rm a tio n desired a t a p a rtic u la r point in tim e. Through a sequencing
system, each storage location on the drum is specified by a given address (so th a t a p a rticu la r
location m ay be determ ined) in order to obtain or store in fo rm a tio n a t th a t point on the m agnetic
drum .

W riting on a Reading from a

Drum Drum

Because transm ission o f in fo rm a tio n can occur only when a p a rtic u la r location is passing
under the recording or play back head, the tim e required to obtain in fo rm a tio n from the m agnetic
drum or to record in fo rm a tio n in a p a rtic u la r location on the drum is greater than th a t required to
obtain in fo rm a tio n from the m agnetic core.

Magnetic Disc Storage

The m agnetic disc uses a process s im ila r to th a t used w ith the m agnetic drum . In fo rm a tio n is
recorded on discs w hich look much like standard phonograph records. The discs are stacked in
an a rray surrounding a central spindle in a mechanism w hich operates very much like an ordinary
ju ke box.
In fo rm a tio n is read into or out o f the discs by means of an arm which is able to enter into the
stack o f records and read fro m or w rite on either side o f a p a rtic u la r disc. It is im p o rta n t to re­
member th a t the recording on the disc is a magnetic recording. So th a t although these records
appear to be much like the o rdinary phonograph records, the recording process is one involving
m agnetic spots.

Other Forms of Storage

A lth o u g h the various form s o f storage described above are those most com m only encoun­
tered in com m ercial computers, other form s o f storage are used to a lim ite d degree.
B inary in fo rm a tio n is sometimes stored in an electric capacitor w ith the po la riza tio n o f the
capacitor determ ining w hether the b it stored is a one or a zero. In m agnetic recording, the pres­
ence o f a m agnetic spot was taken to indicate a 1and the absence a 0; in the capacitor the presence
o f extra electrons is taken to indicate a 1 and the absence o f electrons a 0.
Cathode ray tubes are also used fo r storage. W hen these devices are used, a point on the
screen o f the tube is used as the m emory element. A charged p o in t represents a 1 and the absence
o f a charge indicates a 0.
W hen acoustic delay lines are used as storage elements the binary state o f the elem ent is de­
term ined by the presence or absence o f an ultrasonic vib ra tio n in a flu id . The presence o f the
vib ra tio n indicates a 1, its absence a 0.

External Storage
The storage media discussed above are a ll used fo r internal and secondary storage. External
storage involves media associated w ith the o u tp u t units and w ill be discussed in the next section.
A t th is tim e it is s u ffic ie n t to note th a t three m ajor types o f external storage are encountered in
the modern d ig ita l com puter system. These are m agnetic tape, punched cards and paper tape.


Large Computer Processing

Processing w ith in a high-speed d ig ita l com puter is accomplished using electronic circuits
analogous w ith those used in the M IN IV A C 601. W ith some large scale com puters the instructions
are com m unicated using a program board in w hich instructions are wired in a m anner s im ila r to the
wired program m ing o f the M IN IV A C . In most high-speed d ig ita l com puters, various operations
which can be perform ed by the processing u n it are permanently wired into the com puter and the
com puter is program m ed to perform a p a rtic u la r operation (to choose a p a rtic u la r w ired circ u it)
when a specific code is given as an instruction. A com puter, m ig h t fo r exam ple, be program m ed to
choose an a d ditio n c irc u it when it encounters the instruction " 0 1 " and to choose a subtraction
c irc u it when it encounters the instruction " 0 2 ."
W hen coded instructions are used in a large d ig ita l com puter, the numbers representing the
coded instruction m ay be stored in the storage u n it o f the com puter just as data is stored. W hen
th is is done, the processing u n it is directed to certain registers o f the storage u n it to obtain num ­
bers w hich are interpreted as instructions and to other registers to obtain numbers which are in te r­
preted as data. W hen this process is followed, the com puter is said to be operating under control

o f a "stored p ro g ra m ." In one sense then, the M IN IV A C 601 or any other w ire-program m ed com ­
puter m ay be said to be operating under control o f a stored program . In the case o f the nu­
m e rica lly coded instru ction m achine, the program is stored as numbers in the storage u n it w hile
in the case o f the w ire-program m ed m achine the instructions are stored in the connections
wired on the program m ing panel o f the com puter.
Electronic circu its used in the high-speed d ig ita l computers use components which are d iffe r ­
ent in fo rm fro m those used on the M IN IV A C 601. The functions w hich they perform , however, are
s im ila r to the operations o f the relays and rotary switch o f the M IN IV A C 601, and the M IN IV A C
components o ffe r the p a rtic u la r advantage o f being com pletely visible so th a t th e ir operation can
be easily viewed. It is easy to see the sw itching action o f a relay on the M IN IV A C 601 but impos­
sible to see the s im ila r fu n c tio n in g o f a transistor or m agnetic core elem ent.
The processing u n it o f the com puter is the central control instrum ent o f the com puter system.
The processing u n it is usually associated w ith the "m a in fra m e " o f the com puter and d ire ct com­
m unication w ith the processing u n it is provided fo r the operator through the switches and lights of
the com puter console.

The Binary Nature of Processing

The processing u n it o f most large com puters operates only in binary. Just as the relays used
fo r processing on the M IN IV A C are capable o f dealing only w ith zeros and ones, the processing
systems o f larger com puters w ork only in binary code.
Since in fo rm a tio n is com m unicated to the m achine in other than bin a ry fo rm , it m ust be
coded in b in a ry form according to a system which w ill pe rm it the m achine to recognize it as
num eric, alphabetic, or special character in fo rm a tio n . This binary coding o f non-binary in fo rm a ­
tio n is often accom plished using a Binary Coded Decimal or "B C D " code rather than using the
bina ry equivalents o f the decim al num ber (see firs t section o f Book IV). The fo llo w in g ch a rt pro­
vides a sum m ary o f the representation o f alphabetic, num eric and special characters according
to the Binary Coded Decimal System.


Character BCD Code Char. BCD Code Char. BCD Code Char. BCD Code
blank 110 000 A 010 001 N 100 101 + 010 000
1 000 001 B 010 010 O 100 110 — 100 000
2 000 010 C 010 011 P 100 111 / 110 001
3 000 011 D 010 100 Q 101 000 = 001 011
4 000 100 E 010 101 R 101 001 - 001 100
5 000 101 F 010 110 S 110 010 011 011
6 000 110 G 010 111 T 110 011 ) 011 100
7 000 111 H 011 000 U 110 100 $ 101 011
1 011 001 V 110 101 * 101
8 001 000 100
9 001 001 J 100 001 w 110 110 111 011
0 000 000 K 100 010 X 110 111 ( 111 100
+0 011 010 L 100 011 Y 111 000
-0 101 010 M 100 100 z 111 001

In Book III o f th is series the decision-m aking fu n ctio n o f the processing u n it is discussed, and
examples o f the operation o f the processing u n it as a decision-m aking device are provided. Book
III also contains a detailed discussion o f the logical operations which enable the processing u n it
to fu n c tio n as a "R ea son in g " device. In Book III you w ill discover how M IN IV A C 601 is able to
d u plica te m any o f the functions o f hum an reason which are norm ally considered proof o f a hu­
man being's a b ility to " t h in k . "


Direct Output
Just as bin a ry in fo rm a tio n may be given dire ctly to the com puter using in p u t buttons on the
com puter console, b in a ry o u tp u t m ay be obtained d ire c tly from the com puter through lights
s im ila r to the bin a ry ou tp u t lights o f the M IN IV A C 601. W hen binary o u tp u t lights are used, the

code already established fo r use w ith the M IN IV A C 601 is employed. A lig h t ON indicates a " 1 " ;
a lig h t OFF indicates a " 0 . "
A photograph below shows the direct o u tp u t lights on the console o f the IBM 7090 com puter.
You w ill notice th a t there are 37 lamps in the row o f o u tp u t lights o f the 7090 com puter. These
are used to display the contents o f the 36 binary " b its " in a 7090 storage register. The fa r le ft
lig h t indicates the sign o f the num ber when the lights are displaying a binary number. The "sign
in d ic a to r" lig h t ON represents m inus; the lig h t OFF represents plus.


Large Computer Output Units

O u tp u t in fo rm a tio n m ay be obtained fro m a high-speed d ig ita l com puter using lights and
physical indicators s im ila r to the bin a ry ou tp u t lights and decim al o u tp u t d ial o f the M IN IV A C .
W hen o u tp u t devices o f this type are employed, they are generally used only to obtain lim ited op­
era ting data from the com puter and are usually located on the com puter console.
M ore extensive o u tp u t in fo rm a tio n is norm ally obtained using a " p r in te r " u n it in which a
typ e w rite r-lik e device produces typew ritten pages o f numbers or other w ritte n in fo rm a tio n . The
p rin te r m ay be connected d ire c tly to the processing u n it o f the com puter in which case in fo rm a ­
tio n is com m unicated d ire c tly from the processing u n it to the p rin te r. The p rin te r m ay also be
connected to a u n it which is able to "re a d " one o f the other ou tp u t media (fo r exam ple m agnetic
tape or punched cards). In th is second case, output in fo rm a tio n fo r p rin tin g is a c tu a lly trans­
m itte d from the com puter on another media through another ou tp u t u n it and then transform ed
into prin ted m aterial away from the m ain com puter.
The discussion o f coding and media undertaken w hile discussing in p u t units is also applicable
to the o u tp u t situation. In essence the o u tp u t device is sim ply a m achine which reverses the
process o f the in pu t device. In the case o f m agnetic tape, the input and ou tp u t devices are actu a lly
in the same physical unit. The same equipm ent is used to record and to play back the in fo rm a tio n
on m agnetic tape.
The u n it used to reverse the process o f the card reader is the card punch u n it and the paper
tape reader has a com plem entary paper punch u n it. W ith both the paper tape and card punch,

a series o f dies are used to punch holes in the tape or card in the location corresponding to coded
in fo rm a tio n sent to the punch u n it from the processing u n it o f the com puter.
The cathode ray tube o utpu t u n it which is used to display o utput in a form which has no count­
erpart in the inp u t sequence should be noted. T his television-like display u n it provides an "a n a lo g "
in the form o f a p ic to ria l representation o f inform ation. A photograph of a Cathode Ray Tube
ou tp u t u n it appears in the next section o f this book.


This section o f the book contains photographs o f equipm ent m anufactured by the In te r­
nationa l Business M achine C orporation to perform each o f the fo u r m ajor com puter
functions. These photographs are included to enable you to become fa m ilia r w ith the
appearance o f units p erform ing the various functions which we have discussed.

Card Input Equipment

Inpu t in fo rm a tio n fo r use by a com puter system may be prepared on a card punch o f the type
illustrate d below. The m achine in the photograph is the IBM 026 Card Punch which punches cards
using the IBM A lpha-nu m e ric Inp ut Card Code.

The cards to be punched are placed in the hopper on the rig h t hand side of the 026 and fed
through the m achine to the punching station. The operator, using the keyboard of the machine,
punches the card in much the same way th a t he would type a letter using a typew riter. The space
bar a t the bottom o f the keyboard is used to move the card under the punch dies w ith o u t punching.
W hen a key is pressed, a hole is punched in the card in the p a rtic u la r colum n under the punch dies
a t the tim e the key is pushed. The 026 also prints above the colum n which has been punched the


num ber or le tte r represented by the punches. A n exam ple o f a card prepared by an 026 card
punch is shown below.

/ hiBCDEFGHi JKLMNOPQRST'JVWXYZ 1 2 3 4567390 = » $.-< *> + MINIVAC 601

/ lllllllll I I II I II
lllllllll I I I I
1 1 3 4 5 I 7 I I 70 II 1113 M W I 1 17 I I I I 30 21 31 23 34 35 38 37 78 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 3G37 % 394041 474344 45 45 47 4141 50 31 52 515(55 31 57 31 39 40 614743 M IS 14 IT 48 49 70 71 7773 74 78 76 77 71 71 M








99999999999|99999999|9999999|999999999999|.9 999999999999999999|9|9999999999999999
I 2 3 4 8 • 7 I t t 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 S tlt7 U 1 l20 21 22 232 48 2l 27 2l2l3031323334333l 37 3 in 4 0 4t 42 43 44 4S 46 47 4l4S90 91 9293MSSSB57MS9 80 61 82 63 64 65 K I76 l8 B T 0 71 72 73 74 7S7l 77 7l7SIO
________________ I»M8081


Once the in p u t in fo rm a tio n has been punched onto the card, the card can be read by the card
reader o f the com puter. The photograph below illustrates the IBM 7500 card reader used in con­
ju n c tio n w ith a high-speed d ig ita l com puter. The m echanism o f the card reader includes two sets
o f "re a d in g " brushes. In fo rm a tio n fro m the card is read beginning w ith the firs t 36 locations in
the " n in e " or bottom row o f the card. A fte r the firs t 36 locations o f the " n in e " row have been
read, the next 36 locations are read. The last e ight locations (columns 73-80) are not norm ally
used fo r in p u t in fo rm a tio n but are reserved fo r sequencing in fo rm a tio n used to id e n tify a p a rtic u ­
lar card.
For a 72 colum n read cycle, each corresponding row sta rtin g w ith the " n in e " (bottom ) row
is divided into tw o 36 colum n "w o rd s ". Thus the m achine reads tw e n ty-fo u r 3 6 -d ig it bin a ry words
in the order indicated in the illu s tra tio n below.

C o lu m n s

/ © © 12-Row

© m 11-Row

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0© 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D0 G0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 <Ts) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

33333333333333333033333333333333333 33333333333333333033333333333333333 33333333

44444444444444444044444444444444444 44444444444444444044444444444444444 44444444

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5® 555 5555 5 585 55 555 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 55555555

5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66666666

7777777777 77 77 777 0 777 7777 77 777 77777 7777 7 777 77 7777 7770 7777777 77 7777 77 7777777777

88888888888668888086888888888888888 88888888888888888088888888888888888 88888888

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99999999
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 31 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 2 3 2 4 25 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 30 31 32 33 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 38 3 9 4 0 41 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 50 51 5 ? 53 54 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 61 62 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 68 69 70 71 72 71 74 75 7 6 77 76 79 80



Input-Output Units
The photographs below illu s tra te IBM card, tape, and p rin te r units.
W hen cards are read by the card reader, th e y are placed in the hopper at the fro n t o f the
reader. D uring the read cycle they pass under the read brushes and out into the hopper on top of
the unit.
The m agnetic tape u n it both reads and w rites on m agnetic tape. This u n it is thus a combined
in p u t-o u tp u t device.
The equipm ent used to read paper tape operates, as does the card reading equipm ent, by
in te rp re tin g the holes in the paper tape as b in a ry in fo rm a tio n . Once th is in fo rm a tio n is read it is
interpreted according to a program previously supplied to the machine. As in the punched cards, a
hole is read as a one and the absence o f a hole as a zero.

IBM 780 C R T Display

IBM 962 Tape Punch IBM 729 IV Magnetic Tape Unit IBM 1403 Prihter

IBM 382 Paper Tape Reader IBM 7500 Card Reader IBM 7550 Card Punch

Storage Units
U nits em ploying m agnetic core, m agnetic drum and m agnetic disc storage media are illu s ­
tra ted below.




A lth o u g h com puter technology has already reached levels o f perform ance beyond im agina­
tio n only a decade ago, technological progress in the com ing years promises to open new horizons
fo r these am azing machines.
The capabilitie s o f these machines o f tom orrow can be forecast from the capacities o f the
most advanced com puter systems being operated today. A n example is the IB M "S tre tch System"
illu stra te d below. The " S tre tc h '" has an internal m em ory capacity o f more than 16 m illio n b i­
nary bits. The speed o f this system is such th a t it requires only 2 micro-seconds fo r "S tre tc h " to
add two numbers and store the results.
The research laboratories o f com puter m anufacturers throughout the country are w orking
now on com puter systems w ith greater capacity, greater speed and more e ffic ie n t design. Every
day, the men and women involved in this new and e xciting fie ld put com puters to w ork on new
problems, in d iffe re n t areas. The developm ent o f the com puter is m aking possible the e ffic ie n t
h andling o f vast am ounts o f data and the solution o f problems in science, engineering and

T hrougho ut th is m anual, a ll discussion o f computers refers to digital computers. There are
in use, however, m any com puters whose basis of operation is com pletely d iffe re n t. These are ana­
logue computers. Both types o f com puters are capable o f perform ing sim ila r types o f operations
and can serve s im ila r functions.
The differen ce between digital and analogue com puter systems is basically a difference in the
m ethod the system uses to handle in fo rm a tio n . The analogue com puter handles in fo rm a tio n as a
continuously varying signal w hile the d ig ita l com puter handles in fo rm a tio n in discreet form .
The follow in g sketch illustrates gra p h ica lly the difference between continuous and discreet

The solid line represents the value o f a fu n ctio n as it changes over tim e. This is a continuous
fu n c tio n ; th a t is, there is a value fo r the fu n ctio n at every p oint in tim e. This representation can
be handled by an analogue machine.
The vertical bars also represent the value of the fu n ctio n as it changes over tim e. However,
the fu n c tio n exists only a t the d is tin c t points in tim e represented by the bars; the fu n ctio n is not
defined between these points. As the points in tim e are chosen closer and closer together, a line
connecting the ends o f the bars w ill approach the continuous curve.
The reason fo r this d ifference in fo rm o f in fo rm a tio n is essentially because o f a difference
in the type o f components which go into the systems. The analogue com puter uses m echanical or
electrical components to represent relationships. A n analogue com puter m ight, fo r example use
a ro ta ting s h a ft w ith various sha ft positions corresponding to values o f a variable. Or, an ana­
logue com puter could use an electric capacitor— which is capable o f storing electrons— w ith v a ri­
ous levels o f charge on the capacitor corresponding to values o f a variable.
The d ig ita l com puter, on the other hand, uses various components to represent specific va l­
ues o f a variable. The d ig ita l com puter can, fo r exam ple, use the two positions o f a relay (on
or o ff) to represent two d is tin c t values o f the variable.
As an exam ple o f how the two systems d iffe r in operation, consider the problem o f adding
tw o pounds o f salt plus three pounds o f salt:
T o solve this problem as an analogue m achine would, we would do the follow ing:

1. Set a scale to read zero

2. Pour 2 pounds o f salt onto the scale (the scale indicator would clim b as the salt was be­
ing poured onto it).
3. Pour 3 more pounds o f salt onto the scale (once again, the scale indicator would clim b
as the salt was being poured onto it).
4. For the answer, we would read the fin a l result on the scale: 2 + 3 = 5.

If we wished to do this on an analogue m achine, we would let amperes o f current represent pounds
o f salt. T h a t is, we would use numbers o f amps o f current as analogues o f the numbers o f pounds
o f salt. W e would then do the follow ing:
1. Set an am m eter to zero
2. Send 2 amps o f cu rren t through the am m eter
3. Send 3 more amps o f c u rrent through the am m eter
4. Read the fin a l result on the am m eter: 2 + 3 = 5
To solve the same problem as a d ig ita l m achine would, we would firs t have our salt in one-
pound blocks. W e would select 2 blocks, then 3 more blocks. Then we would observe th a t there
were a to ta l o f 5 blocks.
To solve th is problem on a d ig ita l machine, we would program the m achine to add and give
the m achine the numbers 2 and 3. The m achine would then give the answer 5.
The basic diffe re nce between the m achine can be sum m arized as follows:
A n analogue m achine accepts quantities
A d ig ita l m achine accepts numbers


How Computers Make Logical Decisions

In Books I and II the general operating characteristics o f the M IN IV A C 601 and large com ­
m ercial com puters were examined. Emphasis was placed on the nature and fu n ctio n o f com po­
nents w hich are combined to m ake up a com puter system. This book assumes a basic knowledge
o f the functions o f the components o f d ig ita l com puter systems such as would be obtained from
reading Books I and II.
In this book a tte n tio n is focused on the process and techniques by which com puters are able
to perform operations w hich we m ig h t describe as th in k in g . There is a great deal o f question as to
w hether com puters a c tu a lly " t h in k " . Discussion o f this question is deferred u n til later in this book
a fte r you have done some o f the experiments. M ost o f w hat we speak o f as " th in k in g " is a process
o f searching m em ory or the environm ent fo r facts and m aking decisions based on those facts. In
this book you w ill learn how com puters make decisions based on such facts. The concepts associ­
ated w ith com puter logic and the techniques w hich com puters use to solve problems and m ake de­
cisions w ill be explored in some detail.

As you have undoubtedly come to realize, the m odern-day com puter perform s p ra c tic a lly all
o f its operations using the zeros and ones o f a binary code. In Books I and II the reason fo r this
use o f b ina ry coding was explained w ith reference to the "b i-s ta b le " elem ents used fo r control,
processing and storage in large scale com puters and the M IN IV A C 601.
In the experim ents w hich you have already perform ed, the lights were interpreted as a 1
when they were ON and a 0 when they were OFF; the pushbuttons indicated a 0 when they were
UP and a 1 when D O W N ; the relays stored a 1 when they were ON and a 0 when OFF. Through
your experience w ith the lights, pushbuttons and relays, you should be well acquainted w ith the
o n -o ff (0-1) nature o f the d ig ita l com puter.
As indicated above, th is book explores the logical operations used by a d ig ita l com puter
and examines how com puters " t h in k " and make decisions. Logical operations, as a ll other com ­
p u te r functions, are perform ed using the 0's and 1's o f the binary code. The nature o f this " th in k ­
in g " process can best be dem onstrated w ith some sim ple examples.

The Operation " A N D "

In beginning to exam ine com puter th o u g h t processes, it m ay be h e lp fu l to use examples in or­
der to develop some basic logical elements. These can then be used to solve more com plicated and
sophisticated problems.
As an exam ple o f a logical operation, consider the fo llo w in g series o f statements:
A. If I go outdoors
B. If it is raining
C. I w ill get wet.
Here we have three ideas w hich com bine in a " lo g ic a l" way to produce a conclusion w hich,
according to the rules w hich we use fo r th in k in g , is " tr u e " . In order to convey the basic charac­
teristics o f th is com bination o f ideas to the com puter, we must fin d a way to represent the basic
relationships w hich lin k the three sentences in the exam ple above using the 0-1 binary code w ith
w hich the com puter is able to work.

Let us look a t the sentences again. There are three statem ents related in such a way th a t the
th ird statem ent can be arrived a t as a va lid conclusion, given the in fo rm a tio n supplied by the
firs t two sentences. To p u t it another way, if the firs t two statem ents are " tr u e " , then the rela­
tionships between the firs t two sentences and the th ird sentence are such th a t the th ird sentence
must also be true. On the other hand, neither the firs t sentence nor the second sentence alone
leads to a logical conclusion.
In order to make this point obvious, we m ight restate the three statem ents above in the fo l­
lowing form :
A. If it is tru e th a t
I go outdoors
B. If it is tru e th a t
it is raining
C. It w ill be tru e th a t
I w ill get wet.
If we now ignore the content o f the three sentences and look only a t the relationships which
exist between A, B, and C we can state the general condition th a t
If A is true
If B is true
C is true.
The relationship lin k in g statem ents A and B w ith statem ent C establishes an exclusive set
o f conditions which w ill be satisfied only when statem ent A and statem ent B are both true. It fo l­
lows from the above th a t:
If A is false
If B is true
C is false
If A is true
If B is false
C is false.
To relate the contents o f these logical statem ents to the binary coding system used by the
com puter, the fo llo w ing relationships may be defined.
1 = true
0 = false (not true)
Using this coding system and rem em bering th a t (a) pushing button DO W N indicates as 1,
leaving it UP indicates a 0, and th a t (b) a lig h t O N indicates a 1, a lig h t OFF indicates a 0, we can
program the com puter so th a t the tru e or false conditions fo r statements A and B can be given to
the com puter as inp ut and the com puter w ill give us the condition o f the th ird statem ent as true
or false output:

1 + /1 Y
1X /2Y
2 X /3 A
3 B /3 —


Using the c irc u it above, pushbutton 1 w ill be used to com m unicate the true or false condition
o f statem ent A and pushbutton 2 w ill be used to com m unicate the condition o f statem ent B. If
pushbutton 1 is D O W N and pushbutton 2 is UP, statem ent A w ill be true and statem ent B w ill
be false. W hen both pushbuttons are held down, both statem ents A and B w ill be indicated as
true. In sum m ary:


Up or O ff Statem ent A Statem ent B Statem ent C

is false is false is false

Down or On Statem ent A Statem ent B Statem ent C

is true is true is true

Pushbutton— Light Equivalents

Using the c irc u it and representation indicated above, pushing both pushbutton 1 and push­
button 2 indicates to the com puter th a t both statem ents A and B are tru e — it is true th a t I am go­
ing outside and it is true th a t it is raining. The com puter then indicates th a t, given the in fo rm a ­
tio n w hich we have provided as input, it can in d ica te th a t statem ent C must also be tru e — it is
tru e th a t I w ill get wet.

This c irc u it is an example o f a basic relationship w hich w ill be found in com puter handling
o f m any logical problems. C ertain in fo rm a tio n about the relationships between the elements
(statements) in the logical problem is supplied to the com puter by a program . W e supplied this in ­
fo rm a tio n about the relationship between statem ent A, statem ent B, and statem ent C by w irin g the
c irc u it indicated onto the console o f the M IN IV A C . Once the com puter has this in fo rm a tio n —
once the com puter is "p ro g ra m m e d "— it is ready to use the in fo rm a tio n about statem ents A and
B to reach a conclusion about statem ent C. The program tells the com puter th a t both state­
ments A and B m ust be true fo r statem ent C to be true. Therefore both pushbutton 1 and pushbut­
ton 2 m ust be pushed before lig h t 3 comes ON.
T his simple com bination o f three statem ents demonstrates one o f the basic operations which
a com puter m ust be able to perform if it is to solve logical problems. This operation is called
" A N D " . Statements A and B m ust both be true fo r statem ent C to be true.
Just as symbols are used as a shorthand to represent the ideas in a rith m e tic ( " + " repre­
sents the idea o f a ddition ) symbols are used to represent the operations involved in solving logi­
cal problems. In the case o f the concept A N D the symbol X is used as a symbol:


Thus, the relationships between statem ents A , B and C m ay be stated as:


Using th is notation , in com bination w ith the d e fin itio n s o f 1 and 0 as true and false (not
true) respectively, the conditions expressing the relationships lin k in g the three statem ents
above can be expressed as:

1X1 = 1
0 X 1= 0
1X0 = 0
0X0 = 0

The equals sign ( = ) in these equations m ay be read as "T H E N " rather than as "e q u a ls ".
The relationships expressed by each o f the fo u r logical statem ents above are:

A. If 1 go out
B. If it is raining (1 X 1 = 1)
C. 1w ill get wet.

A. If 1 do not go out
B. If it is raining (O X 1 = 0)
C. 1w ill not get wet

A. If 1 go out
B. If it is not raining ( 1 X 0 = 0)
C. 1w ill not get wet.

A. If 1do not go out

B. If it is not raining ( 0 X 0 = 0)
C. 1w ill not get wet.

In the program fo r the com puter representation o f the three statem ents, the condition " I go
o u t" is represented by pushbutton 1 and the statem ent " I t is ra in in g " is represented by pushbut­
ton 2. The lig h t represents the statem ent " I w ill get w e t". Remembering th a t a 1 means th a t a
pushbutton is D O W N or a lig h t is ON and a 0 indicates th a t the pushbutton is in UP and th a t the
lig h t is OFF, we developed a com puter program based on the fo u r equations above.

The Operation "O R "

Just as a rith m e tic uses several d iffe re n t kinds o f operations (addition, subtraction, division,
m u ltip lic a tio n ) to solve a rith m e tic problems, the solution o f logical problems s im ila rly involves
the use o f several d iffe re n t logical operations. W e are now fa m ilia r w ith one o f these operations—
the operation " A N D " represented by the symbol X.
A second operation o f basic im portance is the "O R " operation. Just as the " A N D " oper­
ation represents the idea o f two things both being true, the "O R " operation represents the idea
o f either o f two or more things being true.
Using an exam ple s im ila r to our previous three statements, we can consider the follow ing:

A. If I stand in the rain

B. If I stand in the shower
C. I w ill get wet

Logical representation o f the relationships between these three statem ents may be sum m ar­
ized using the symbol + to mean "O R ".

+ = OR

A nd the relationships between the statem ents may be stated as:

A + B= C

These relationships can be represented to the com puter using the fo llo w in g program :


1 + /1 Y
1 Y /2 Y
2 X /1 X
2 X /3 A
3 B /3 —


T his program establishes the condition o f the three statem ents w ith pushbutton l represent­
ing statem ent A , pushbutton 2 representing statem ent B and lig h t 3 representing statem ent C.
W hen pushbutton 1 is pushed, statem ent A is indicated as true. W hen pushbutton 2 is pushed,
statem ent B is indicated as true. W hen lig h t 3 is O N, statem ent C is indicated as true.

" A N D " and "O R "

The concepts o f " A N D " and "O R " can, o f course, be combined to express somewhat more
com plicated conditions fo r a logical problem. You may wish to experim ent w ith some circu its rep­
resenting the conditions o f various com binations o f " A N D " and "O R " relationships. As an ex­
am ple o f one such com bination, consider a com bination o f the two sets o f statem ents used sep­
a rately fo r the " A N D " and "O R " examples thus far:
A. If I go outside
B. If it is raining
C. If I stand under the shower
D. I w ill get wet.
This com bination o f relationships may be expressed sym bolically as:
A X B + C = D
The program and c irc u it representing th is set o f relationships in indicated below. Pushbut­
ton 1 is used to represent statem ent A , pushbutton 2 to represent statem ent B, pushbutton 3 to
represent statem ent C and lig h t 4 to represent statem ent D.
1Z 2Z

1 + /1 Y
1 Y /3 Y
IX /2 Y
2 X /3 X
3 X /4 A
4B /4 —


The Operation " N O T "

The logical operations defined thus fa r have each represented a concept which was basic
to the development o f logical reasoning. The " A N D " operation represents the concept o f com bi­
nation. The "O R " operation represents the concept o f alternative. The " N O T " operation repre­
sents an equally im p orta n t, but somewhat d iffe re n t concept.

In the case o f " A N D " , we were concerned w ith things happening together. In the case of
" N O T " , we are concerned w ith the reverse o f the " A N D " situation. The " N O T " operation is used
to deal w ith the concept th a t som ething w ill happen if som ething else does not happen.
Returning to the fa m ilia r exam ple concerning the wetness o f rain, consider the follow ing
series o f statements;
A. If is it raining
B. If I am N O T under cover
C. I wi 11 get wet
The program and c irc u it representing th is set o f relationships is given below. Pushbutton 1 is used
to represent statem ent A , pushbutton 2 to represent statem ent B, and lig h t 3 to represent state­
m ent C:
1 + /1 Y 1Z 2Z 3B 3-
IX /2 Y
2 Z /3 A
1+ 1Y 1X 2Y 2X
3 B /3 —


Using the n o rm a lly closed contacts o f pushbutton 2, we are able to represent the concept
" N O T " . L ig h t 3 comes ON if pushbutton is pushed and pushbutton 2 is N O T pushed.
Sym bolically, the concept N O T is represented by a line over a symbol. For example,
Z = 1
Thus, the relationship between the statem ents above may be stated as:
A X "B = C

" A N D " , "O R " and " N O T "

The examples used to dem onstrate the three operations discussed thus fa r can be combined
fu rth e r to create a program representing the fo llo w in g series of related statements:
A. If it is raining
B. I am outside
C. If I am not under cover
D. If I am in the shower
E. I w ill get wet
In the fo llow in g program , statem ent A is represented by pushbutton 1, statem ent B is repre­
sented by pushbutton 2, statem ent C is represented by bushbutton 3, statem ent D is represented
by pushbutton 4, and statem ent E is represented by lig h t 5.

|—/1 Y
1X /2 Y
2 X /3 Y
3 Z /5 A
1Y /4 Y
4 X /5 A
5 B /5 —

Sym bolically, the set o f relationships m ay be expressed as:

A X B X C + D = E

Note th a t the n orm a lly open contacts o f pushbuttons 1, 2 and 4 are used, w hile pushbutton
3 is wired using the norm ally closed contacts.

The Operation "EITHER BUT N O T BOTH"

As we begin dealing w ith more com plicated circuits, it becomes desirable to express con­
cepts which are somewhat more involved than the sim ple com binations o f " A N D " , "O R " and
" N O T " considered above. The "E ITH ER BUT N O T B O T H " concept provides an exam ple o f such
a case. The idea to be expressed in this concept can be illustrated w ith reference to our ever-pres­
ent wetness problem :

A. If I tu rn on the hot w ater

B. If I tu rn on the cold water
C. I wi 11 have to step out o f the shower.

C onverting this series o f statem ents into a program fo r the M IN IV A C , we have the follow ing
program and c irc u it:

1 + /1 Y
1 Z /2 X
IX /2 Z
2 Y /3 A
3 B /3 —

Pushbutton 1 is used to represent statem ent A, pushbutton 2 to represent statem ent B, and
lig h t 3 to represent statem ent C. The program uses the contacts so th a t if either pushbutton 1 or
pushbutton 2 is pushed, lig h t 3 w ill come ON. L ig h t 3 w ill NO T come on if both pushbuttons 1
and 2 are pushed.
Expressing these relationships sym bolically requires the use o f two statements, each express­
ing a condition which m ig h t exist:
1. Statem ent A , but N O T statem ent B, may be true:

2. Statem ent B, but N O T statem ent A , may be true:


Since either o f the above is permissible, the entire set o f relationships may be stated as:

( A X B ) + ( A X B) = C

A Short Summary

It m ay be h e lp fu l to review b rie fly the fo u r logical operations which have been demonstrated
thus fa r using the pushbuttons and lights:

The concept "AND"

A B c

The concept "O R"

A + B= C

The concept "N O T "

~A- B

The concept "EITHER BUT


(A X B ) + (A X B ) = C


In Book II we discovered th a t the relays could be used to supply an e ffective binary storage
system fo r the M IN IV A C 601. A t th a t tim e it was also indicated th a t the relays would play an
im p o rta n t p a rt in the processing operations o f the com puter. As you program more com plicated
problems on the M IN IV A C , you w ill fin d th a t the relay is an extrem ely versatile component. In
more com plicated circuits, the relays w ill be used to perform a ll the basic logical functions dem ­
onstrated using the pushbuttons and lights in the e arlier section. In fa ct, a single relay w ill, in
some situations, be used to represent tw o or more logical operations a t one tim e.
The fo llo w in g program s dem onstrate the use o f the relays to perform the basic " A N D " ,
"O R ", " N O T " , and "E ITH E R BUT N O T B O T H " functions already developed using the pushbut­
tons and lights.

The Relay A N D Circuit
The fo llow ing c irc u it and program represent the condition th a t if relay 1 is ON ( = 1 ) A N D
relay 2 is ON ( = 1 ) then lig h t 3 w ill be ON (— 1). Sym bolically, A X B = C:

1 + /1 Y
1X /1C
1 F /1 -
2 + /2 Y
2 X /2 C
2 F /2 —
1 + /1 H
2 + /2 H
2 G /3 A
3 B /3 —


In this c irc u it, pushbutton 1 is used to control relay 1 and pushbutton 2 to control relay 2.
Pushing pushbutton 1 causes relay 1 to close by providing current to the coil o f relay 1. In a
s im ila r manner, pushbutton 2 controls the flo w o f current to the coil o f relay 2. The norm ally
open contacts o f the two relays are used to e ffe c t the " A N D " condition. L ig h t 3 indicates when
the " A N D " condition is met— both relay 1 and relay 2 are closed (ON).

The Relay OR Circuit

The program and c irc u it below use two relays to establish the conditions fo r the "O R " rela­
tionship. Using th is program , if either relay 1, controlled by pushbutton 1, or relay 2, controlled by
pushbutton 2, are O N, then lig h t 3 w ill come ON indicating th a t the OR condition is met.
Sym bolically, the condition is represented by the expression:
A + B= C

1 + /1 Y
1 X /1 C
IF /1 —
2 + /2 Y
2 X /2 C
2 F /2 —
1 + /1 H
1G /3A
2 + /2 H
2 G /3 A
3 B /3 —


The Relay N O T Circuit

The c irc u it and program below represent the NO T condition expressed in the form th a t if
relay 1 is not energized (is not O N) lig h t 2 w ill come ON. Sym bolically, this may be stated:

A = B

1 F /1 -
1 + /1 H
2 B /2 —



The c irc u it and program below represent the EITHER BUT NO T BOTH condition using relays
1 and 2 controlled by pushbuttons 1 and 2 respectively. The symbolic representation fo r this con­
d itio n is:

(A X B) + (A X B) = C

1 + /1 Y
1 X /1 C
1 F /1 -
1 -4-/1H
1 J /2 G
1 G /2J
2 + /2 Y
2 X /2 C
2 F /2 —
2 H /3 A
3 B /3 —


Boolean Algebra
The operations w ith which you are now fa m ilia r are the basic operations o f Boolean Algebra.
Just as ad dition and subtraction are basic to o rdinary algebra, A N D and OR are basic to Boolean
Boolean A lgebra was introduced in 1847 by George Boole, an English m athem atician and
logician. Boole's system was developed to provide a "s h o rth a n d " fo r the system o f logic o rig in ­
a lly set fo rth by A risto tle . A ris to tle 's system d ealt w ith statem ents w hich were either tru e or false.
O nly recently has Boolean A lgebra become an im p o rta n t m athem atical fie ld . Because o f
its e ffic ie n c y fo r handling any single-valued fu n ctio n w ith only two possible states, Boolean A lg e ­
bra has become the basic language used to deal w ith the sw itching circu its which are basic to
modern computers. The app licatio n o f the operations and techniques o f Boolean A lgebra to
sw itching circuits was firs t suggested in 1938 by Dr. Claude Shannon o f the Massachusetts In­
stitu te o f Technology. It was Dr. Shannon's original development w ork which led to the M IN I­
V A C 601.
The value o f Boolean A lgebra becomes p a rtic u la rly apparent when com plex logical problems
must be organized fo r presentation to a com puter, or when it is desirable to s im p lify an involved

c irc u it. For the purposes o f this m anual, the follow ing b rie f introduction to Boolean algebra is
s u ffic ie n t:

Basic concepts
The two-state system:
Boolean A lgebra requires th a t any variable have only two possible states. Thus:
a statem ent m ay be TRUE or FALSE,
a c irc u it m ay be CLOSED or OPEN
a switch m ay be ON or OFF.
Representation and N otation:
Let: 0 = false, OFF, OPEN
1 = true, O N, CLOSED
O n -o ff electrical circu its provide a graphic picture o f the basic concepts o f Boolean algebra.
Consider the fo llow ing c irc u it diagram :

Switch A is shown in the OPEN (no cu rre n t flow ing) position. In notational form then,
A = 0
means: switch A is OPEN. S im ilarly, B = 1 means "sw itch B is CLOSED" (th a t is, current is flo w ­
ing through switch B).

Basic Operations:
consider two switches— A and B— connected in series:


For the entire system to be O N, cu rre n t must flo w through both switch A and switch B. Using
the no ta tion th a t:
X means A N D
and Z represents the entire system then,
There are fo u r possible states fo r the system; these possible states m ay be listed in a truth table:

A B z

0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1

(it m ay be h e lp fu l a t this p oin t to refer back to the o rig in a l discussion o f the A N D c irc u it to see
a verbal representation o f the tru th table).
Consider two switches (— A and B— ) connected in parallel:

For the system to be O N, curre nt may flow through either switch A or switch B. Using the no­
ta tio n th a t:
+ means OR
A + B= Z
The tru th table fo r th is condition:

A B z

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

This operation stands fo r the opposite state or condition. The notation is a line over the sym­
bol. Thus:

A means " n o t A "

or, in the b in a ry system:

T =0
0 = 1
The two negation relationships are known as the complementarity laws:

1) AX A = 0
A + A - I
g raphically:

a a

1) AXA = 0

2) A + A = 1

M athem atical laws:

the com m utative law:
1) A + B= B+ A
2) A X B = BX A
the associative law
1) A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
2) A X (B X C) = (A X B) X C
the d is trib u tiv e law:
(A X B) + (A X C) = A X ( B + C)
g raphically:

(A X B) + (A X C) = A X (B + C)

(The d istrib u tiv e law is p a rtic u la rly useful fo r c irc u it sim p lifica tio n ).

Decision-Making with Insufficient Information

In the preceding section o f this book, the basic elements o f com puter logic were discussed. Us­
ing these basic operations (the operations o f Boolean A lgebra) com plex logical problems can be
analyzed and solved in much the same way th a t com plex m athem atical problems are solved us­
ing the basic a rith m e tic tools— addition , subtraction, m u ltip lic a tio n and division.
The fin a l section o f this book is devoted to a series o f logical, decision-m aking, problems.
Each problem w ill be considered in some detail and each step in the solution o f the problem w ill
be discussed. The basic operations developed in the preceding sections w ill be applied to each
problem to obtain a com puter program fo r the solution o f the problem.
M IN IV A C 601, ju st like a large d ig ita l com puter, can be used to solve any logical problem
if the follo w in g two requirem ents are met:
1) if the com puter has s u ffic ie n t capacity fo r a ll conditions of the problem.
2) if the com puter is given s u ffic ie n t in fo rm a tio n fo r the solution o f the problem.

The firs t requirem ent— s u ffic ie n t capacity— can generally be met by using a com puter o f a
size appropriate to the problem. T h eo retically, a t least, any logical problem can eventually be
solved on a com puter if the com puter is large enough.
The second requirem ent— s u ffic ie n t in fo rm a tio n — must be met if the com puter is to produce
a solution to a logical problem . A com puter cannot guess. If a ll in fo rm a tio n about a p a rtic u la r
problem is not available, assumptions about the missing in fo rm a tio n m ust be made and pre­
sented to the com puter. The com puter w ill then be able to solve the problem , basing its solution
on the facts and assumptions it has been given. W ith o u t s u ffic ie n t in fo rm a tio n — either in the form
o f fa cts or assumptions— a com puter cannot reach a solution to a problem. But then, neither can
a person.
For an exam ple o f a problem to be solved w ith in s u ffic ie n t in fo rm a tio n , let us return to the
problem o f ra inin g and wetness. Given only the fa c t th a t it is raining outside, we cannot reach a
conclusion as to w hether or not we are wet; nor can a com puter be program m ed to determ ine
w hether or not we are wet. The in fo rm a tio n is in su fficie n t.
However, if we assume th a t A) we are outside and B) we are not under cover, then we can con­
clude th a t we are wet. On the other hand, if we assume th a t A ) we are inside or B) we are under
cover, then we can conclude th a t we are not wet. Therefore, if we do not have s u ffic ie n t in fo rm a ­
tio n , we can m ake assumptions about our problem and arrive a t a series o f conclusions. S im ilarly,
we can program a com puter w ith both the in fo rm a tio n and the assumption to yield conditional
Fact: It is ra ining outside.

Assum ptions Conclusions

1 am outside
AND 1am wet
1 am not under cover

1am inside
OR 1 am not wet
1am under cover

W hen analyzing a problem fo r com puter solution, the distin ctio n between fa c t and assump­
tio n m ust always be kept in m ind. Otherwise, th e solution w ill be incorrect a n d /o r incomplete.

Com plex problems fo r which a tria l-a n d -e rro r solution would be too costly or tim e-consum ­
ing are often simulated on a com puter. W hen a com puter sim ulation is used, the conditions of
the problem are presented to the com puter and a lte rn a tive solutions are tried. W hen the desired
sim ulated result is achieved, the m ethod o f solution or the actual sim ulated solution can be ap­
plied to the real w orld situation.
For exam ple, com puter sim ulation is used e ffe c tiv e ly to test the strength o f a rocket design
under the conditions o f outer space— w ith o u t a ctu a lly b u ild in g the design or sending it into space.
The rocket design is program m ed onto a com puter as a series o f com plex m athem atical re la tio n ­
ships in term s o f geom etrical shape, resistance to fric tio n , reaction to pressure, and m any other
im p o rta n t details. Once th is in fo rm a tio n has been given to the com puter, the com puter is con­
sidered to be a "s im u la te d rocke t".
To test the design, the engineers and scientists com m unicate varying conditions to the "s im ­
ulated ro c k e t", and the com puter com m unicates back the results o f the conditions. For instance,
the "s im u la te d ro c k e t" m ay be given a series o f accelerations; the results o f these accelerations
w ill be a series o f data which, when properly interpreted, w ill show w hat happened to the various
parts o f the rocket. S im ila rly, various m aterials can be tested under outer space conditions.
The result o f a sim u la tio n as involved as a rocket design is a vast am ount o f in fo rm a tio n
which m ust be c a re fu lly interpreted and analyzed before the fin a l answer can be achieved.

For a sim ple exam ple o f some o f the advantages and problems o f a com puter sim ulation, let
us return to the rainstorm . A nd, let us now assume th a t we are w earing a new suit. The problem
co n fro n tin g us is, o f course, to stay dry. W e could easily enough stay inside, but th a t would be im ­
practical. On the other hand, we could step outside— which would be fin e unless it is raining. Ob­
viously, we do not w a nt to stay inside; but a t the same tim e, we do not w ant to risk ge ttin g our
new su it wet.
Using sim u la tio n , we can try various solutions to our problem w ith o u t risking ge ttin g wet.
Then we can analyze the results o f the sim ulation and fin d the best plan o f action.
Problem: I m ust not get wet
Possible Solutions:
A. I can stay inside
B. I can go outdoors
C. I can wear a raincoat
D. I can carry an um brella
W e m ust now fin d the results o f each possible solution:

Possible Solutions Results

A. Stay inside I w ill not get wet
B. Go outdoors I w ill not get wet if it is not raining or if I am un­
der cover.
C. W ea r a raincoat I w ill not get wet
D. C arry an um brella I w ill not get wet
T his is the form in w hich com puter results o f a sim ulation generally appear. It is le ft to the
persons involved to select the best possible solution. To choose the best possible solution, both the
solution and the result m ust be considered. For instance, these are our alternatives and w ith them
are other factors w hich w ill influence our fin a l decision:

Alternatives Results Other Factors

A. Stay inside. I w ill not get wet. have an appointm ent I m ust keep,
B. Go outdoors. I may not get wet. cannot a ffo rd a new suit,
C. W ea r a raincoat. I w ill not get wet. do not have a raincoat,
D. C arry an um brella. I w ill not get wet. feel s illy carrying an um brella.

A t this point, it is up to each o f us to decide on a best possible solution. A lte rn a tiv e B is not
the best possible solution, nor is a lte rn a tive C— each w ill probably cost us money. This leaves a
choice between A and D. If the a ppointm ent must be kept, then the only a lte rn a tive le ft is D. A l­
though we w ill feel s illy carrying an um brella, th is is the best possible solution to our problem — a
solution w hich we have achieved w ith o u t ruining a suit in the process.
Real problems are, o f course, much more com plex than our sim ple exam ple. However, our
exam ple had the same advantage as a large-scale sim ulation: we tested various situations before
a c tu a lly try in g them out, and thus saved ourselves the expense o f replacing the item under test if
one o f our solutions was incorrect. T h a t is, we now know th a t we w ill not get the new suit wet when
we go outdoors because we w ill be carrying an um brella.
O f course, we had to have the possible solutions in m ind before we could try them out. T his is
one o f the d iffic u ltie s o f a sim u lation technique: to fin d the best possible solution, a ll possible so­
lutions must be trie d . It is up to the persons involved in the problem to determ ine the alternatives.
The com puter w ill yield the results o f each a lte rn a tive , and then it is once again up to the per­
sons involved to decide upon the best possible a lternative.

Thoughts About Thinking

Before using M IN IV A C 601 to solve problems w hich require reasoning and 'th o u g h t" fo r
solution, we m ig h t pause fo r a m om ent to th in k about thinking.

Does a com puter really " th in k " ? If by " t h in k " we mean does the com puter fo llo w a series
o f steps w hich are lo gica lly related and which lead the com puter to the solution o f a problem , our
answer m ust be yes. In this sense, the com puter d e fin ite ly does " th in k " .
If, on the other hand, we consider th in k in g in the sense o f creative hum an though t in which
ideas or thoughts are conceived, the com puter does not " th in k " . The com puter does not "k n o w "
w hat it is th in k in g . It has no consciousness. A com puter m ust (at least in itia lly ) be program m ed
to perform each step in the solution o f a problem . It can do only w hat the com puter operator or
program m er tells it to do. A lth o u g h we m ay not know the solution to a problem , we can decide
on the steps w hich should be taken to reach the solution and can com m unicate these steps to
the com puter.
The reason th a t the com puter can solve the problem which we m ay not be able to is th a t the
com puter remembers each step in d e ta il and does not become "co n fu se d ". W h ile we are ta lk in g
about the fo u rth step in a problem , we m ay have fo rgotten some detail o f the firs t step which is
necessary in order to arrive a t the correct solution. The com puter w ill not forget.
The p oint o f th is com m ent is th a t the com puter m ust be program m ed w ith absolute accu­
racy. The com puter does not know w hat it is to do; it has no way o f ju d g in g when it has made a
m istake. It w ill sim ply fo llo w the instructions it is given (by program m ing) and arrive a t the con­
clusion w hich is the result o f fo llo w in g these steps.
You m ay have noted the com m ent th a t the com puter must, at least initially, be to ld each
operation w hich it is to do. The word " in it ia lly " m ust be used because a com puter can be pro­
gram m ed to program itself. T h a t is, a com puter can be given instructions fo r fo llo w in g a series
o f steps or operations w hich w ill enable it to generate more instructions which it can then per­
form . A com puter, once it has been given such a series o f instructions and has been provided
w ith a d d itio n a l instructions which enable it to "e v a lu a te " the conclusions which it reaches
— to determ ine w hether the solutions reached meet previously supplied c rite ria — can begin to
" le a r n " concepts and relationships w hich the person o rig in a lly program m ing it did not know or,
a t least, did not com m unicate to it.
In m any ways, the process by w hich a com puter is educated— or ta u g h t to th in k — is
s im ila r to th a t used to teach a child. The com puter and ch ild must both be ta u g h t to gain in fo r­
m ation fro m th e ir environm ent, to in te rp re t it, and to use the in fo rm a tio n in association w ith data
drawn fro m past experience to arrive a t conclusions about a given situ a tio n or the solution to
a p a rtic u la r problem .
As you consider the program s w hich m ust be given to M IN IV A C 601 to enable it to solve the
problems and riddles in the fo llo w in g section, consider the in fo rm a tio n you would have to give a
person who had never before solved a problem to enable him to duplicate the perform ance o f the
com puter.
A s hum an beings, we can do m any things; b u t we sometimes fo rg e t th a t m any people and
much experience have gone in to the teaching process through which we have received and stored
in our memories the data and instructions w hich enable us to deal w ith our environm ent.


A M ind Reading Program

As an in itia l exam ple o f the use o f logical operation to reach a decision, consider the fo llo w ­
ing situ atio n:
I f a person th in ks o f a num ber between 0 and 7, is it possible, by asking three "ye s-n o " ques­
tions, to determ ine the num ber o f w hich he is th in kin g ?
T his problem can, in fa c t, be solved w ith o u t resorting to m ind reading. Through a careful
choice o f questions we can elim in a te a ll b u t the correct answer through a series o f successive
logical operations. The three questions which provide the key to the problem are:
A. Is the num ber greater th an 3?
B. W hen the num ber is divided by 4, is the remainder greater than 1? (For example, if
6 is divided by 4 the answer is 1 plus a rem ainder o f 2; sim ila rly, 1 divided by 4
gives an answer o f 0 plus a rem ainder o f 1.)

C. Is the num ber odd?
The process follow ed in solving th is problem can be analyzed using a flow chart. T his ch a rt
indicates each step in the decision process and shows the sequence which leads to the fin a l result.
A flo w ch a rt fo r the solution o f th is problem appears below:

The flo w ch a rt shows th a t question A — is the num ber greater than 3— separates the possi­
ble numbers in to two groups: those greater th a n 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) and those not greater than 3 (0,
1, 2, 3). Question B then separates each o f these groups into two groups, and question Cdeter­
mines w hich num ber in the appropriate set is not excluded— in other words, determ ines the num ­
ber o f w hich the person was th in k in g .
The conditions fo r each o f the num bers can be expressed as logical operations as follows:

A = the num ber is greater than 3

A = the num ber is not greater than 3
B= the rem ainder is greater than 1
B= the rem ainder is not greater than 1
C= the num ber is odd
C= the num ber is not odd.

Using these d e fin itio n s, we can express the conditions fo r each o f the possible numbers as follows:

A X B XC_= 7 A X B X C = 3
A X BXC~= 6 A X B X C = 2
A X B X C = 5 A X B X C = 1
A X B X 'C 'r r 4 A X B X CT= 0

T o program the problem fo r solution on a com puter, each relationship is connected into a c ir­
c u it representing the equation. Then these c irc u it representations o f the equations m ust be com­
bined fo r a com plete program .
The circu its fo r the ind ivid ua l equations are sim ply com binations o f the A N D and N O T c ir­
cuits. For example, the c irc u it representation fo r an answer o f 5 would be:

A X B X C = 5

C om bining the eight equations above into a single c irc u it w ill give the follow ing:

N otice th a t the c irc u it has the same fan-shaped appearance as did the flow chart. In essence,
th is c irc u it diagram is sim ply a c irc u it representation o f the flo w chart. Each " g a te " (switch) rep­
resents an answer to one o f the questions.
However, if we exam ine th is c irc u it representation, we see th a t there are fo u r contacts to the
gate (switch) representing statem ent C, and th e re are two contacts to the gate representing state­
m ent B. If we were to program this c irc u it onto a com puter then, we would have to have one gate
which was capable o f accepting fo u r separate inputs. This can be done on the M IN IV A C , and the
c irc u it could be program m ed d ire c tly from the above c irc u it representation.
It is possible, though, th a t we would w ant to program this problem onto a com puter which
had only three inp ut contacts fo r each gate. W h a t would we do in this case? Or sim ila rly, w hat
would we do if we wanted to keep a contact free fo r additions to the circu it?
The com m utative law o f Boolean A lgebra referred to in the previous section can be applied
to th is p a rtic u la r problem . The com m utative law states that:
A X B is the same as B X A
So, we can restate fo u r o f our equations as follow s:

A X B X C j= 3 becomes A X CX B= 3
A X J3X C T= 2 becomes A X ~C X J3 = 2
AXBXC =1 becomes AX C XB = 1
T x^
a x o becomes A X 'C X T r z O
The c irc u it representation fo r the eight equations now becomes:

T his is a sim ple exam ple o f the m a n ipulatio n o f circu its which professional program m ers do
to f i t a logical solution to the capa bilitie s o f a p a rtic u la r com puter. Some com plex logical prob­
lems can be program m ed fo r com puter solution o n ly by m aking m axim um use o f the com puter's
capacity in this fashion.
W e shall use a program based on this la tte r c irc u it representation fo r solving the problem on
M IN IV A C 601. The slide switches w ill be used fo r data in p u t and data storage; the relays w ill be
used fo r processing and operating storage; the rotary switch w ill be used fo r output. A pushbutton
w ill be used fo r the instru ction : move fin a l answer from operating storage (relays) to ou tp u t (ro­
tary switch).
In sum m ary then, the rules fo r using the " M in d Reading P rogram " are:

Slide Switch 4 represent the answer to question A

Slide Switch 5 represent the answer to question B
Slide Switch 6 represent the answer to question C.

A slide switch LEFT indicates a YES answer; a slide switch RIGHT indicates a NO answer. The
questions are:

A (slide switch 4): Is the num ber greater than 3?

B (slide switch 5): W hen the num ber is divided by 4, is the rem ainder greater than 1?
C (slide switch 6): Is the num ber odd?

A fte r the answer to each question has been com m unicated to the com puter through the slide
switches, pushing pushbutton 6 w ill in struct the com puter to indicate the fin a l answer on the deci­
mal in p u t-o u tp u t dial.

A program fo r the solution of this problem follows:

5 V /4 S 5 U /5 C 6 T /5 L D6/5K
4 R /4 A 5 F /6 F M + /6 Y D7/5G
4 B /4 - 6 F /6 - 6 X /D 1 7
5 C /5 A M —/D 1 8 D 1 6 /D 1 9
5 B /5 - D 1 8 /4 V D 0 /6 N
6 C /6 A 4 U /6 S D 1 /6 K
6 B /6 - 4 W /5 S D 2 /6 J
6 X /6 V 5 R /6 H D 3 /6 G
6 V /5 V 5 T /6 L D 4 /5 N
6 U /6 C 6 R /5 H D 5 /5 J

To use the program :

1. A sk a frie n d to th in k o f any num ber between 0 and 7.
2. A sk this person to answer "y e s " or " n o " to the follow ing questions about the number:
A. Is the num ber greater th a n 3?
B. W hen the num ber is divided by 4 , is the remainder greater than 1?
C. Is the num ber odd? ©
3. Indicate the answers to the questions as follows:
If the answer to question A is YES, move slide switch 4 to the LEFT.
If the answer to question A is NO, move slide switch 4 to the RIGHT.
If the answer to question B is YES, move slide switch 5 to the LEFT.
If the answer to question B is NO, move slide switch 5 to the RIGHT.
If the answer to question C is YES, move slide switch 6 to the LEFT.
If the answer to question C is NO, move slide switch 6 to the RIGHT.
4. Push pushbutton 6. The po in ter knob o f the rotary switch w ill tu rn to the num ber your
frie n d was th in k in g of.

Book V I— M IN IV A C GAMES— includes a v a ria tio n on this " M in d Reading P rogram " which
uses names in place o f numbers.

Quantity Recognition
As a fu rth e r exam ple o f the use o f logical operations, let us consider how a com puter could
be program m ed to recognize quantities. The problem w ill be to instruct the com puter to deter­
m ine the num ber o f slide switches w hich are O N (in the LEFT position) regardless o f which slide
switches are used.
Q u a n tity recognition circu its have m any a p plicatio ns in com puter logic. They can be used,
fo r instance, to perform additions, to indicate the results o f a game or a vote (win, lose, draw) or
to give d ire ct count fo r a q u a lity control system. Q u a n tity recognition circuits of th is type are
based on w hat m athem aticians call a "sym m e tric fu n ctio n la ttic e ". For our purposes, we may
consider the c irc u it as a series o f "y e s -n o " decisions.
Slide switches 2 through 6 w ill be used to provide input: a slide switch LEFT is O N , a slide
switch RIGHT is OFF. Lights 1 through 6 w ill be used fo r o u tp u t according to the follow ing conven­

L ig h t 1 ON indicates th a t 1 switch is ON
L ig h t 2 ON indicates th a t 2 switches are ON
L ig h t 3 ON indicates th a t 3 switches are ON
L ig h t 4 ON indicates th a t 4 switches are ON
L ig h t 5 ON indicates th a t 5 switches are ON
L ig h t 6 ON indicates th a t No switches are ON.

To program the com puter fo r q u a n tity recognition, we w ill firs t describe the possible condi­
tions as a series o f logical expressions:

A = the condition th a t slide switch 2 is ON
B = the condition th a t slide switch 3 is ON
C = the condition th a t slide switch 4 is ON
D = the condition th a t slide switch 5 is ON
E = the condition th a t slide switch 6 is ON

Then, A = the condition th a t slide switch 2 is OFF, and so on.

Each o f the various com binations o f switches w hich yield a p a rtic u la r answer must now be
stated and then converted to a c irc u it and a program . For example, the case in which lig h t 6
comes O N — in d ica tin g th a t no switches are on— can only be expressed as:

A X B X C X D X f = light 6 ON
However, the possibilities fo r lig h t 1 com ing ON— in d ica tin g th a t one switch is O N — m ust be
stated as five separate expressions:

A X B X C X D X T = light 1 ON
A X B ^ X C " X D X F = light 1 ON
A X fX C ^ X D X E _ = light 1 ON
A X F X £ X D X F = light 1 ON
A X B X C X D X E —: light 1 ON
S im ila rly, there w ill be ten separate expressions fo r the possible conditions fo r lig h t 2 to come
O N — in d ica tin g th a t two switches are O N, ten expressions fo r lig h t 3, five expressions fo r lig h t 4
and the single expression

A X B X C X D X E = lig h t 5 ON

The program and c irc u it fo r the com plete solution must f i t a ll o f the conditions o f the prob­
lem as stated in the 32 logical expressions o f a ll possible cases. The fu ll c irc u it m ay be repre­
sented as follows:


You w ill notice th a t this representational c irc u it has a lattice shape. M oreover, it is ele c tric­
a lly symmetrical about the low er-left to upper-right diagonal. Hence the m athem atical phrase
"sym m e tric fu n c tio n la ttic e " referred to earlier. This c irc u it representation shows the conditions
A and A , etc., as separate switches. In the a ctu a l program , o f course, both conditions fo r a given
switch w ill be wired onto a single switch using the norm ally-open and norm ally-closed contacts fo r
the A and A etc., conditions respectively.

A n exam ination o f the c irc u it representation shows th a t fo r conditions C, D, and E (corres­

ponding to slide switches 4, 5 and 6) more contacts are required than are available on M IN IV A C
601. Howover, by using the relays and co n tro llin g them by the slide switches, we w ill be able to
meet the requirem ents o f the problem.
The fin a l program fo r the solution o f the q u a n tity recognition problem appears below. This
program is based on the c irc u it representation above and uses the relays to supply the required
a d d itio n a l contacts.

Program for Quantity Recognition:
1B / l — 6 F /6 - 5 A /2 G 5 R /6 H 5 K /4 N
2 B /2 — 6 + /6 S 4 A /2 K 5 W /6 L 5 G /4J
3 B /3 — 6 S /4 V 3 A /2 N 4 T /6 K 4 N /3 H
4 B /4 — 4 V /3 V 2 A /2 T 4R /6 J 4 J /2 L
5 B /5 — 3 V /2 V 1 A /3 J 6 N /5 L 4 G /2 H
6 B /6 — 2 U /2 C 6 A /3 N 6 J /5 H 4 K /2 S
2 F /3 F 2 C /3 C 6 T /5 V 6 G /4 H 3 J /3 K
3 F /4 F 3 U /4 C 6R /5S 6 K /4 L 3 G /2 T
4 F /5 F 4 C /5 C 5 U /5 T 5 J /4 K 2 J /2 K
5 F /6 F 4 U /6 C 5 U /4 S 5 N /3 L 2 N /2 R

To use this program :

1. Set slide switches 2 through 6 to the RIG HT (the slide switches are now OFF).
2. T u rn power ON. L ig h t 6 w ill come ON in d ica tin g th a t NO switches are ON.
3. Set any two o f the slide switches 2 through 6 to the LEFT. L ig h t 2 w ill come ON in d ica tin g th a t
two switches are ON.
4. Set a ll switches to the RIGHT again. Once again, lig h t 6 w ill come ON in d ica tin g th a t NO
switches are ON.
5. Select various com binations o f switches and note th a t in each case the o u tp u t lights in d i­
cate how m any switches are ON (to the LEFT). There are 120 possible com binations o f switches,
and in each case M IN IV A C 601 w ill recognize how m any switches are O N, regardless o f which
switches are used.

A Problem Involving Three Girls

Logical riddles provide apt illu stra tio n s o f problem s which can be program m ed fo r com puter
solution. For m any riddles, there are tw o basically d iffe re n t methods fo r handling the com puter
solution: the com puter can be program m ed w ith the conditions o f the problem so th a t various
solutions m ay be trie d and the com puter w ill indicate whether or not the attem pted solutions are
correct; or, the com puter can be program m ed to give the fin a l solution to the problem im m ediately.
As an exam ple o f a logical riddle, consider th e follow ing in fo rm a tio n about three girls named
C am ille, Sara and W anda:
If Sara shouldn 't, then W anda would. It is impossible th a t the statem ents "S ara should"
and "C a m ille could n o t" can both be true. I f W anda would, then Sara should and C am ille
could. Given th is info rm a tio n , the problem is:
Is the conclusion "C a m ille C o u ld " valid? M ore sim ply, we are asked, "C a n C a m ille "?
As we have m entioned, there are two methods o f handling this problem . W e can now follow
either one o f the two possible methods to solve th e problem.
1. W e can represent the conditions o f the problem as logical expressions, convert these
expressions into the appropriate c irc u it and program , and program the com puter w ith the
conditions so th a t by try in g various solutions th e com puter w ill indicate to us w hether or not our
solutions are correct. In this case, tru th or error are expressed in Boolean algebra statem ents which
are d ire c tly transferred to the com puter's contacts. The com puter w ill then test each o f our a t­
tem pted solutions against the logical conditions and indicate whether or not the solution is cor­
rect. Because o f the d ire ct Boolean nature o f th is method, we shall refer to this method as the
" Boolean" m ethod o f solution.
2. W e can represent the conditions o f the problem as logical expressions, convert these expres­
sions into the appropriate c irc u it and program , and program the com puter w ith the conditions so
th a t the com puter w ill a u to m a tic a lly give us the fin a l solution to the problem . In this case, the
logical expressions are transferred to contact networks w hich w ill force the relays to com ply w ith
the conditions o f the problem . W hen this program is turned on, the com puter w ill a u to m a tica lly
seek the correct answer. Because o f the problem conditions which have been program m ed onto

the com puter, only the correct result w ill be perm itted and this result w ill be com m unicated to
the operator. W e shall refer to this method as the "autom atic" method o f solution.
The basic diffe re nce between the two methods can be compared w ith the d ifference between
a therm om eter and a therm ostat. A therm om eter (the analogy o f the "B o o le a n " solution) w ill de­
term ine the tem perature and indicate w hat it is. A therm ostat (the analogy o f the "a u to m a tic "
solution) w ill not only determ ine the tem perature, b u t w ill also a tte m p t to "c o rre c t" the tem per­
ature to m atch the tem perature w hich has been "p ro g ra m m e d " into it. For instance, if the tem ­
perature were 65°F and we had set a therm ostat fo r 6 8 °, the fo llo w in g would occur fo r a th e r­
m om eter and a therm ostat:

1. The therm om eter w ould indicate th a t the tem perature was 65°F. It would be up to us to do
som ething about the fa c t th a t it was 3 ° cooler th a n w hat we wanted.
2. The therm ostat would determ ine th a t the tem perature was 65°F and would a u to m a tica lly
tu rn up the furnace u n til the tem perature reached 68°F.
Essentially then, the "B o o le a n " m ethod o f solution indicates tru th or error; the " a u to m a tic " m eth­
od o f solution determines the correct solution and indicates a fin a l result.
R eturning now to the problem o f the three g irls, we w ill firs t represent the problem conditions
as logical expressions, since both methods require this step. W e w ill then develop program s fo r
solution by each o f the two methods.

Logical Expressions fo r the Problem Conditions

From the conditions o f the problem , we can see th a t there are only two possible situations
fo r each g irl:

C a m ille could or could not

Sara should or should not
W anda would or would not

W hatever other conditions m ay exist, we can be sure th a t there are only two possible conditions fo r
each g irl.

W e can therefore represent the possible conditions fo r each g irl by the fo llo w in g convention:

C _ = C a m ille could
c =C am ille could not
s_=Sara should
s =Sara should not
w =W anda would
W - W anda w ould not

There are two ways to set up the logical expressions fo r each problem condition. W e can set
up e ithe r a " tr u th s ta te m e n t" or an "e rro r sta te m e n t". A " tr u th s ta te m e n t" describes the per­
missible conditions; an "e rro r s ta te m e n t" describes the conditions which are not permissible.
The two statem ents are, o f course, com plem entary.
The problem conditions can be stated as:

If Sara shouldn 't, then W anda would:

S X W = error or S + W = tru th
It is impossible th a t the statem ents "S ara sh o u ld " and "C a m ille could n o t" can both be true:

C X S = error or C + S = tru th
If W anda w ould ,then Sara should and C a m ille could:

W X (S + C) = error or W - f (C X S) = tru th

"Boolean solution"
Because it is sim pler in this case, we w ill set up a program fo r the "B o o le a n " solution fro m the
three "erro r" expressions above. Slide switches 1, 2 and 3 w ill be used to provide the contacts fo r
C am illa, Sara and W anda respectively. L ig h t 3 w ill be used as the error indicator. Since there are
three error conditions and only two contacts fo r lig h t 3, we w ill use the "C o m m o n " term inals to
provide the necessary extra contacts. (The notation fo r a connection to a common te rm in a l is
"1 co m ", " 2 c o m ," etc.)
The c irc u it diagram and program fo r the "B o o le a n " solution o f the problem appear below.
Each o f the logical expressions fo r the problem conditions can easily be traced on the c irc u it d ia­
Slide switch 1 represents C am ille
Slide switch 2 represents Sara
Slide switch 3 represents W anda
A slide switch LEFT indicates the positive condition: C am ille could, Sara should, W anda would.
A slide switch RIG HT indicates the negative condition : C am ille could not, Sara should not, W a n ­
da would not.
L ig h t 3 ON represents an error.

1 + /2 S
2 S /3 V
2T /3 S
3 T / 3 com
2R /1S
I T / 3 com
3 U /2 V
2 V /1 V
2 W / 3 com
3 A / 3 com
3 B /3 —


To use the program fo r the "B o o le a n " solution:

T u rn power ON. Using slide switches 1, 2 and 3, try various com binations o f "S ara should",
"C a m ille could n o t", etc. u n til the error lig h t (lig h t 3) goes OFF. If the power is ON and lig h t 3
is OFF, slide switches 1, 2 and 3 are in d ica tin g a correct solution to the problem. (Note: fo r some
logical riddles there is more than one com plete solution)
The problem to be solved is "C a n C a m ille ? " To discover whether or not "C a m ille c a n ", the con­
d itions o f the other girls m ust also be considered.

"A utom atic" Solution:

The program and c irc u it diagram fo r the " a u to m a tic " solution are based on the truth expres­
sions stated above. The relays are program m ed so th a t they are forced to fo llo w a ll o f the problem
conditions to yield the fin a l result. The relay in d ica to r lights w ill be used to indicate the solution:
Relay lig h t 1 w ill indicate the condition of C am ille
Relay lig h t 2 w ill indicate the condition o f Sara
Relay lig h t 3 w ill indicate the conditon o f W anda
A relay lig h t ON w ill indicate the positive condition ; a relay lig h t OFF w ill indicate the negative

Since there is a possibility o f more than one correct solution, pushbuttons 1, 2 and 3 are
w ired in so th a t a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n may be entered.
Pushbutton 1 represents C am ille
Pushbutton 2 represents Sara
Pushbutton 3 represents W anda
A pushbutton UP transm its no additio n al in fo rm a tio n to the com puter. A pushbutton DO W N,
however, supplies the positive condition (C am ille could, Sara should, W anda would).
W hen the power is turned O N , a correct solution w ill im m ediately appear in the relay indica­
to r lights. By pushing a pushbutton, we m ay enter a d d ition al positive in fo rm a tio n about a girl.
The relay in dica to r lights w ill then indicate the correct solution to the problem w ith the added
inform a tion .

14 - / 1 V
1Y /2Y
2 Y /3 Y
1 X /1 C
2X /2C
3X /3C
2 K /1 X
2L /2 +
2 N /3 C
3 G /1 H
1H /1 C
3 H /3 +
2F /3F
3 F /3 -

To use the program fo r the "a u to m a tic solution:

T u rn power ON. The solution to the problem appears in the relay indicator lights. A relay
in dica tor lig h t ON represents the positive condition: C am ille could, Sara should, W anda would.
A relay in d ica to r lig h t OFF represents the negative condition.
To add positive in fo rm a tio n about a g irl, push the appropriate pushbutton. The relay in d i­
cator lights w ill indicate the new solution, given this a d d ition al inform ation.

The Farmer, the Goose, the Corn and the W o lf

A t one tim e or another you have probably come acrossthe problem of the fa rm e r w ith a row
boat who has to cross a river in order to reach his home on the opposite shore. The fa rm e r has
w ith him a goose, some corn, and a w olf. The fa rm e r wants to bring both anim als and the corn
home w ith him , but the boat is sm all and w ill hold only one o f the three objects, in a ddition to
the fa rm e r, a t any one tim e. The real problem facing the fa rm e r is th a t if he leaves the goose
and the w o lf alone, the w o lf w ill eat the goose. A nd, if he leaves the corn and the goose alone, the
goose w ill eat the corn.
The fa rm e r's problem provides an excellent exam ple o f the advantages o f sim ulation solu­
tion. The fa rm e r wants to get across the river w ith a ll three o f his possessions, and solution o f his
problem by tria l-a n d -e rro r in the real world could be expensive fo r him . Should he m ake a mis­
take, he could lose both the goose and the corn.
However, if the fa rm e r has access to a com puter, hecan simulate his problem on the com ­
puter and try out various solutions u n til he reaches the rig h t one. In this way, the fa rm e r can use
a tria l-a n d -e rro r method w ith o u t any danger o f a c tu a lly losing either his goose or his corn.

To solve the farm e r's problem on the M IN I VA C , we w ill state the problem as a series o f logi­
cal expressions. These relationships w ill then be converted to c irc u it representations and the
conditions of the problem w ill be program m ed onto the com puter fo r solution.
The Basic C onditions:
The farm er's problem can be stated as three basic conditions:
A. The goose and the w o lf cannot be le ft alone w ith o u t the farm er.
B. The goose and the corn cannot be le ft alone w ith o u t the farm er.
C. The boat w ill hold only one object in ad d itio n to the farm er.
The firs t two conditions— A and B— can be expressed as logical statem ents as follows:
F represent the presence o f the farm er
F~ represent the absence o f the farm er
G represent the presence o f the goose
G represent the absence o f the goose
W represent the presence o f the w olf
W represent the absence o f the w olf
C represent the presence o f the corn
C represent the absence o f the corn
E represent an error (loss o f one o f the farm er's possessions)
C ondition A (the goose and the w o lf cannot be le ft alone) can be expressed as:
C ondition B (the goose and the corn cannot be le ft alone) can be expressed as:
C ondition C (the size lim ita tio n o f the boat) need not be stated as a logical expression. The
fin a l program w ill include appropriate c irc u itry so th a t if the boat is overloaded, only one object
w ill be recognized as being in the boat w ith the farm er.
P rogram m ing the S im ulation:

The two problem conditions— A and B— can be combined as follows: F X G X (W -f- C) + F

XGX(W + G = E
This is the error condition which must be program m ed onto the computer. W e w ill program the
com puter so th a t if either error condition is met, an " a la r m " lig h t (or an " e rr o r" light) w ill come
I f we had only to program the error condition, the program would be a sim ple one, and this

F X G X ( W + C) + F X G X ( W + C) = E

However, th is c irc u it represents only the processing and ou tp u t portions o f this program . W e
m ust also provide means o f in p u t and storage fo r the various solutions which we w ill a ttem pt. By
w irin g in the slide switches and pushbuttons fo r in p u t and storage, and using the relays fo r proc­
essing and the lights fo r ou tp u t, we w ill be able to program the entire problem fo r com puter solu­
W e shall use the fo llo w ing conventions in the program :
A n ou tp u t lig h t ON represents an object at home.
A relay ind icato r lig h t ON represents an object across the river.
A slide switch LEFT represents an object in the boat.
A slide switch RIG HT represents an object not in the boat.
L ig h t 5 ON represents the condition: " W o lf eats goose".
L ig h t 6 O N represents the condition: "Goose eats co rn ".
Pushbutton 6 represents m oving the boat towards home.
Pushbutton 1 represents m oving the boat from home.

The fo llo w in g components w ill be used to represent the objects in the problem :

O u tpu t L ight Relay Slide Switch

Farmer 1 1 1

Goose 2 2 2

W o lf 3 3 3

Corn 4 4 4

Program fo r the solution o f the Farm er's problem :

1A /1 J 1 U /2 V 2 N /3 N 3 N /4 N 5 B /5 -
1B / l — 1 V /1 X 2 W /3 V 3 W /4 V 6 B /6 —
1C /1G 1 X /6 X 3 A /3 J 4 A /4 J 6 Y /6 —
1E/1 U 1 Y /1 + 3 B /3 - 4 B /4 -
1F /2F 2 A /2 J 3C /3 G 4 C /4 G
1 H /2 H 2 B /2 - 3E /3U 4 E /4 U
1 K /2 K 2 E /2 U 3 F /4 F 4 F /4 -
1K /1 + 2 C /2 G 3 H /4 H 4 H /4 +
1 L /2 L 2 F /3 F 3 K /4 K 4 L /6 A
1 N /3 K 2 H /3 H 3 L /5 A

To use the program :

1. T u rn power ON. M a n u a lly push relays 1 through 4 to the LEFT. The relay indicator lights
w ill come ON to indicate th a t a ll objects are across the river. Move slide switches 1 through
4 to the RIGHT.
2. Place the fa rm e r in the boat by m oving slide switch 1 to the LEFT. (The fa rm e r m ust be
in the boat or the boat w ill not move)
3. Choose another object and place it in th e boat by pushing the appropriate slide switch
to the LEFT.
4. M ove the boat across the river by pushing pushbutton 6. If lights 5 and 6 rem ain OFF,
no error has been made.
5. C ontinue m oving the boat back and fo rth across the river w ith the d iffe re n t objects u n til
a ll fo u r objects are a t home (output lights 1 through 4 are O N .) Do not fo rg e t to remove
objects from the boat when they have reached the other side (by m oving the slide switch
to the RIGHT)

6. If an error is made, reset the com puter by setting slide switches 1 through 4 to the RIGHT
and m a n u a lly setting relays 1 through 4 to the LEFT.

The Television Problem

As a fin a l exam ple o f a problem w hich can be program m ed fo r com puter solution, consider the
follow ing:
Barry, his w ife C lara, and th e ir children— D avid, Edward and Francis— are at home. It is 8:00
in the evening.

1. If Barry is w atching television, so is his wife.

2. Either Edward or Francis, or both, are w atching television.
3. Either C lara or David, but not both, is w atching television.
4. Edward and David are e ither both w atching or both not w atching television.
5. If Francis is w atching television, then Barry and Edward are also w atching television.

W h o is w atching television?
T his problem provides an excellent example o f a problem which is com plicated enough to be
confusing to a person a tte m p tin g to solve it. T h e problem conditions and the details o f the rela­
tionships are d iffic u lt to remember. Because o f its confusion-proof memory, the com puter can
easily handle a problem o f th is type.
To solve th is problem , we w ill state the problem conditions as logical expressions and devel­
op the appropriate c irc u it fo r a "B o o le a n " solution using a " t r u t h " lig h t to te ll us when we have
arrived a t the correct solution. This w ill, o f course, be a sim ulation technique since we w ill not
have to a c tu a lly drop in on the fa m ily to fin d out who is w atching television.

Logical expressions fo r the Problem Conditions:

B = the condition th a t Barry is w atching television
C = the condition th a t C lara is w atching television
D §g the condition th a t David is w atching television
E = the condition th a t Edward is w atching television
F m the condition th a t Francis is w atching television
B = the condition th a t Barry is N O T w atching television, etc.
A nd: T = tru th (permissible condition)

1. If Barry is w atching television, so is his w ife:

"B + C = T

2. Either Edward or Francis, or both, are w atching television:

E+ F= T

3. Either C lara or David, b u t not both is w atching television:

C X D + C X D = T

4. Edward and David are either both w atching or both not w atching television:

E X D + IX D = T

5. If Francis is w atching television, then Barry and Edward are also w atching television:

T + ( BXE) = T

Each o f these expressions can be represented as logical circuits in the follow ing manner:

1. B+ C= T

T ---------------------•

2. E+ F= T

3. CXD + CXD = T

4. EXD + EXD = T

5. F + ( BXE) = T

The Program fo r a "B o o le a n " Solution:
T o convert the representational circu its to a program , we w ill use the fo llo w in g convention:
Slide switch 1 represent Barry
Slide switch 2 represent C lara
Slide switch 3 represent David
Slide switch 4 represent Edward
Slide switch 5 represent Francis
A slide switch LEFT indicates th a t the person is w atching television; a slide switch RIG HT indicates
th a t the person is N O T w atching television.
L ig h t 4 w ill indicate the correct solution: lig h t 4 O N indicates th a t the solution represented by the
slide switches is CORRECT; lig h t 4 OFF indicates th a t the solution is N O T CORRECT.
The com plete program fo r the "B o o le a n " Solution is:

1U /1S 2 W /3 U 4 B /4 -
1S/2S 3 R /4 R 4 U /5 V
1 T /2 R 3 S /3 V 4 U /1 V
2 R /2 V 3 T /4 T 4 V /4 +
2 U /3 W 4 A /4 S 5 W /1 U

To use the program :

Set slide switches 1 through 5 to the LEFT (th is indicates th a t no one is w atching television).
T u rn power O N. By m oving slide switches 1 th ro u g h 5, try various solutions to the problem . L ig h t
4 w ill come ON only when the correct solution has been indicated.


How Computers Do Arithmetic


In the previous books, we have fre q u e n tly made use o f the two-valued binary code. W e have
seen th a t this is a convenient representation fo r the o n -o ff nature o f the com puter's components.
Let us now consider the binary number system which is basic to the fu n ctio n in g o f a com puter system.

How Numbers Are Represented in the Binary System

A ll o f us have been ta u g h t to th in k in the decimal number system. The decim al system has ten
d iffe re n t symbols— zero through nine— which can be used alone and in com bination to represent
num erical concepts. The binary system, however, uses only two d iffe re n t symbols— zero and one
— to represent the same num erical concepts.
Let us consider a th re e -d ig it decim al number: fo r example, 547. W e know th a t th is a ctu a lly
means 500 plus 40 plus 7— or 5 tim es 100 plus 4 tim es 10 plus 7 tim es 1. In other words, we
know th a t the right-m ost d ig it represents the num ber of l's (units) in a num ber, the next d ig it to
the le ft represents the num ber o f 10's in the number, the next d ig it to the le ft represents the num ­
ber o f 100's in the num ber, and so on.
Now let us see why this is so. Suppose we s ta rt counting from 0. W e go 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9. Now we have used up a ll o f the symbols available in the decim al system. To continue, we
m ust invent a m ethod fo r handling numbers greater than 9. W e do th is by placing a 1 to the le ft
and a 0 in the fa r rig h t position (called the "lo w order p o s itio n ") so th a t we now have " 1 0 " which
represents one ten and no ones. S im ilarly, if we reach 99— which represents 9 tens and 9 ones—
and then add one more we m ust invent a m ethod fo r handling numbers larger than 99. W e do
this by placing a 1 to the le ft and 0's in the two low order positions, giving 100— 1 tim es 100 plus
0 tim es 10 plus 0 tim es 1.
So we have a sim ple rule fo r fo rm in g any num ber system: when we run out of symbols in the
low order position, we place a 1 in the next higher position and return the low order position to 0.
N otice w hat this means: if we have 70 symbols, the low order position represents l's ; the next
high order position represents 10's; the next high order position represents 100's; and so on. Each
tim e we move one position to the le ft the "w e ig h tin g " o f th a t position is ten tim es as great as the
" w e ig h tin g " o f the position to the right.
Now notice th a t if we had only 5 symbols— 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,— to w rite the next higher num ber
(5) we w ould have to place a 1 in the le ft position and a 0 in the rig h t to represent one 5 and
no l's .
The bina ry system is a c tu a lly sim pler than the decim al system. W e count 0, 1 and then we
have run out o f symbols. So the next symbol (to represent 2) m ust be 10 representing one 2 and no
l's . Three is w ritte n 11, representing one tim es 2 plus one tim es 1. Once again, we have run out
o f symbols. To w rite 4 we must w rite 100, representing 1 tim es 4 plus 0 tim es 2 plus 0 tim es 1.
Thus the rule fo r fo rm in g numbers in the binary system is: the low-order d ig it represents l's ,
the next le ft d ig it represents 2's, the next le ft d ig it represents 4's, and so fo rth . Let us now count
fro m 0 to 10 in bina ry numbers:

:im a l B inary
0 0
1 1
2 10
3 11
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
8 1000
9 1001


N otice th a t each tim e we add 1 to a b inary num ber— every tim e we count from one num ber
to the next— the fa r rig h t position changes, either from a 0 to a 1, or fro m a 1 to a 0. A nd, if the
right-m ost position is a 1 and 1 is added, the right-m ost position changes from a 1 to a 0 and the
next le ft position also changes— e ither from a 1 to a 0 or fro m a 0 to a 1.
Since a com puter works in the bin a ry system, it m ust then be capable o f changing— either
from a 1 to a 0, or fro m a 0 to a 1, i f it is to perform a rith m e tic. W e have already become ac­
quainted w ith a program w hich perm its the com puter to do just this— the single-inpu t flip -flo p
described in Book II.

Building a Single-Input Flip-Flop W ith Carry

However, to perform a rith m e tic the com puter m ust also be able to " c a rry " . T h a t is, i f the
com puter is to add 1 and 1 in binary, it must be able to indicate th a t the solution is: "1 and 1 are 0
and carry I ” . As a basic c irc u it to p erform a rith m e tic then, we w ill need a "s in g le -in p u t flip -flo p
w ith c a rry ".
In developing the sin gle -in p u t flip -flo p in Book II, we firs t b u ilt a "tw o -in p u t flip - flo p " (see
"T w o -In p u t M em ory Relay C irc u it" — Book II.) This tw o -in p u t flip -flo p used only one relay which
remembered e ithe r a zero or a one, depending upon which it had last been instructed to remem­
ber. T o m ake this tw o -in p u t flip -flo p "change its m in d ," we had only to instruct it to remember
the other num ber by pushing the appropriate pushbutton. However, to m ake the tw o -in p u t flip -flo p
change, we have to know a t w hat state it is in a t this m om ent in order to m ake it change.
The sing le -in pu t flip -flo p , however, does the changing a u to m a tic a lly by using a second relay
to rem em ber the state the flip -flo p is c u rre n tly in just long enough to allow the firs t relay (which is
actually rem em bering the 1 or the 0) to change. By using a second relay, then, we no longer need
to know w hat state the flip -flo p is in a t this m om ent in order to make it change. W e m erely in­
s tru ct the com puter to change, and it does so a u to m a tica lly because o f the single-input flip -flo p
which is program m ed onto it.
Let us go over again the functions o f the two relays o f the single-inpu t flip -flo p :
W hen the pushbutton is pushed, relay A instructs relay B to go to the same state relay A is
in a t th is m om ent. W hen the pushbutton is released, relay B instructs relay A to move to the oppo­
site state. Relay A does the actual rem em bering; relay B assists relay A when it is necessary fo r
relay A to change.
T o b u ild a single-input flip -flo p on the M IN IV A C , we w ill begin w ith two relays wired to be
self holding. (T hat is, each relay w ill rem ain in position once it is set.) The program fo r this is:

5 + /5 H 6G /6 F
5 H /6 H 5 C /6 C
5 G /5 F 6 C /6 -

W e w ill now add to the program so th a t when pushbutton 6 is pushed, relay 6 w ill go to the
same state th a t relay 5 is in. T his w ill require the fo llo w in g addition al connections:

6H /6Y 5K/6F
6 X /5 L 5N/6E

A g a in we w ill add to the program so th a t when pushbutton 6 is released, relay 5 w ill go to the
opposite state from relay 6:

6 Z /6 L
6 K /5 E
6 N /5 F

A n d fin a lly , we w ill add an in d ica to r lig h t to show w hat state the flip -flo p is in:

6 G /6 A 6 B /6 -

W e now have a s in g le -in p u t-flip -flo p program m ed on M IN IV A C . The c irc u it diagram fo r this

However, our sin gle-inp u t flip -flo p s till cannot be used fo r a rith m e tic : it does not provide a
" c a rry s ig n a l". T h a t is, it does not n o tify us when it has changed from 1 to zero. A nd, since all
contacts on both relays are used, we cannot arrange fo r a carry signal by m erely adding connec­
The solution to th is d iffic u lty is to b u ild a d iffe re n t version of the single-inpu t flip -flo p — one
which leaves contacts free fo r the program m ing of a carry signal. The version o f the flip -flo p which
we w ill use d iffe rs fro m the previous one in another respect as well. The stable states o f the flip -
flo p when the pushbutton is up are either both relays ON or both relays OFF. For this program , lig h t
5 is used to indicate the state o f the flip -flo p . L ig h t 6 is used only to provide a path fo r current when
relay 6 is "s h o rte d -o u t" (OFF); lig h t 6 is not used as an in d ica to r in this program . The program
and c irc u it diagram fo r th is flip -flo p are:

S © -g .5 - 6, » © a — .s -

5 + /5 G 6J/6E
5 H /5 F 6E /6A
5 F/6F 6 B /6 —
5 C /6C 5 H /5 A
6 C /6 — 5B /5 —
5 J /6H 6 + /6 Y
6G /5E 6 X /6 H


W e now have a single-inpu t flip -flo p w ith contacts free fo r a carry signal. W ith the power
OFF, program this flip -flo p on your M IN IV A C 601. Then:
1. T u rn power ON. N otice th a t both relays 5 and 6 are OFF.
2. Push and release pushbutton 6. N otice th a t both relays 5 and 6 are now ON.
3. Push pushbutton 6, but do not release. N otice th a t relay 5 is OFF; relay 6 is ON. W e w ant a
carry signal to occur N O W .
To add the carry signal, we w ill add the connections:
5 G /5 N 6 K /4 A
5 L /6 L 4 B /4 -
L ig h t 4 w ill now indicate th a t a carry is ta k in g place.
W e now have a basic com puter a rith m e tic device— the single-input flip -flo p w ith carry. The
c irc u it diagram looks like this:

-•6 -

6 + *~ 6Y 6X


W e can use single-input flip -flo p s as "b u ild in g blo cks" fo r more com plex a rith m e tic devices.
For exam ple, three flip -flo p s can be wired together on your M IN IV A C to produce a counter which
operates as follows:

Light 4 Light 5 Ligh 6

I 1 J pushbutton

A B to A B C to B C

As pushbutton 6 is pushed and released again and again, this device w ill store in binary code the
num ber o f tim es the pushbutton has been pushed. The follow ing ch a rt shows w hat happens to
each stage o f the counter as the pushbutton is pushed and released, pushed and released: (the
ch a rt is read from rig h t to left).

Flip-Flop Carry Flip-Flop Carry Flip-Flop Pushbutton Times

A B to A B C to B C carry Pushed

0 NO 0 NO 0 UP 0
0 NO 0 NO 1 DOWN

0 NO 0 NO 1 UP 1
0 NO 1 YES 1 DOW N

0 NO 1 NO UP 2
0 NO 1 NO 1 DOWN

0 NO 1 NO 1 UP 3

1 NO 0 NO UP 4
1 NO 0 NO 1 DOW N

1 NO 1 NO 1 UP 5

1 NO 1 NO UP 6
1 NO 1 NO 1 DOWN

1 NO 1 NO 1 UP 7

0 NO 0 NO 0 UP 0 or 8


T his counter, shown in the preceding block diagram , can be b u ilt on the M IN IV A C as the
fo llo w ing experim ent demonstrates:

Experiment 1: A Three-Bit Binary Counter

In th is Experim ent we w ill b uild a counter and use it to see how the binary num ber system
A counter can be made up o f any num ber o f single-inpu t flip -flo p s w ith carry. One flip -flo p
is required fo r each b it to be handled by the counter. Because the M IN IV A C 601 has six relays, we

w ill be able to b u ild a th re e -b it counter (using tw o relays fo r each flip -flo p ). T his counter w ill allow
us to count fro m 0 to 8.
The c irc u it diagram w hich follow s is fo r the m iddle b it (or " 2 " b it) o f the counter. The "h ig h
o rd e r" and "lo w o rd e r" bits (th a t is, the " A " b it and the " 1 " bit) are identical except th a t no "c a rry
o u t" is required fo r the high order b it and the "c a rry in " to the low order b it is supplied through
pushbutton 6. The program fo r the entire counter is given below w ith the c irc u it diagram fo r the
m iddle stage:

Full program fo r B inary C ounter:

1A /2E 2 C /3 C 3 J /6K 5F /5 H
IB /1 — 2E/2J 3L/4 L 5 G /5 +
1C /2C 2 F /4 A 3N /4 H 5 J /6H
1 E/2 G 3A /6E 4 B /4 — 5 J /6 X
1F/2F 3B /3 — 4 C /5 C 5 L /6 L
1F/1H 3 C /4 C 4 E /4 J 5 N /6 H
1G /1 + 3E /4G 4F /5 A 6 A /6 F
1J/2H 3 F /3 H 5 B /5 — 6 B /6 —
1J/4K 3 F /4F 5 C /6 C 6 C /6 —
2 A /4 E 3G /3 + 5E /6G 6 E /6 J
2B /2 — 3 J /4 H 5F/6 F 6 Y /6 +

1. T u rn power ON. Push pushbutton 6 and release. B inary ou tp u t lights 4, 5 and 6 w ill read OFF,
OFF, ON or 001. The B inary C ounter is displaying a 1.
2. Push pushbutton 6 again and release. Binary o u tp u t lights 4, 5 and 6 w ill now read OFF, O N,
OFF or 010. The B inary C ounter is now displaying a 2.
3. Push and release pushbutton 6 several times. Each tim e a fte r releasing the pushbutton, note
the b in a ry num ber displayed in lights 4, 5 and 6. Compare your num bers w ith the table o f binary
numbers on page 66.
Y ou w ill notice th a t the counter repeats a fte r it has reached 7. T his is a result o f the fa c t th a t
the counter is made up o f 3 flip -flo p s . Each flip -flo p has 2 stable states (0 or 1), so the com bination
o f 3 flip -flo p s has 23 or 8 stable states. These 8 stable states represent the binary numbers 0
through 7.
As you push pushbutton 6 several tim es, notice th a t the low order flip -flo p (represented by
lig h t 6) changes each tim e the pushbutton is pushed and released. The low order flip -flo p repre­
sents 1's (units). The next flip -flo p to the le ft (represented by lig h t 5) changes every other tim e the
pushbutton is pushed and released. T his flip -flo p represents 2's. A nd o f course, the high order

flip -flo p (represented by lig h t 4) changes every fo u rth tim e the pushbutton is pushed and released;
the high order flip -flo p thus represents 4's.
You w ill notice th a t the m iddle flip -flo p changes on a regular basis; it changes every tim e the
low order flip -flo p changes fro m 1 to 0. The high order flip -flo p behaves s im ila rly— it changes
every tim e the m iddle flip -flo p changes from 1 to 0.
R eferring again to the table o f bin a ry numbers, we can see th a t this is a characteristic o f
bina ry numbers: adding 1 to a b inary num ber changes the low order b it— either fro m 0 to 1 or
from 1 to 0. A ll other, higher order, bits change i f and only if the b it to the rig h t is changing from
1 to 0.
Leave the B inary C ounter on the M IN IV A C fo r Experim ent 2.

Experiment 2: Counter Arithmetic

It is possible to perform additions very sim p ly on a B inary Counter. W e have already seen
th a t it is possible to add 1 to the num ber in the counter m erely by pushing and releasing push­
button 6. T his technique can easily be extended to any num ber w hich can be represented on
the counter.
For exam ple, to add 2 and 3: push and release pushbutton 6 twice; the counter w ill dis­
play the bin a ry num ber 2. Now push the pushbutton 3 more tim es and the counter w ill display
the answer— the b ina ry num ber 5. T his is e xa ctly w hat would have happened had you just pushed
the pushbutton 5 times.
T his is one way in w hich an ad d itio n can be perform ed in a com puter and is, in fa c t, a com ­
mon m ethod fo r handlin g certain kinds o f a d d itio n problems.
A t th is p o int your counter should be displaying bin a ry 5. Now push button 6 five more
times. The pushbutton has now been pushed ten tim es, and the counter should display binary equiv­
a len t o f decim al 10. However, bin a ry 10 is a fo u r-b it num ber (1010). Since we have only three
bits in our counter, we would expect to see only th e low order three bits o f the num ber displayed.
The b it pattern fo r the bina ry equivalent o f decim al 10 is 1010. The counter w ill display 010.

Experiment 3: Universal Counter Arithmetic

It is possible to w ire the Binary C ounter so th a t it w ill count down as well as up. In this way,
both additions and subtractions can be perform ed. The program below gives the necessary m o d ifi­
cations to the Binary C ounter fro m experim ents 1 and 2:

M o d ify the program from Experim ent 1 as follows:

Remove the connections:

6 K /3 J
4 K /1 J

Add the connections:

3 K /6 W 5 N /6 N
3 N /4 N 5 K /6 T
6 R /6 K 6S/3J
4 K /6 U 6 V /1 J

1. B uild the counter or, if you have the counter from experim ents 1 and 2 program m ed, make
the necessary m odifications. If slide switch 6 is LEFT, the counter w ill count UP; if slide switch 6
is RIGHT, the counter w ill count DOW N.
2. Subtract 4 fro m 7 as follows:
a. M ove slide switch 6 to the LEFT.
b. Enter the larger num ber (7) by pushing pushbutton 6 the correct num ber o f tim es. The
counter is now displaying the larger number.

c. M ove slide switch 6 to the RIGHT.
d. Enter the sm aller num ber (4) by pushing pushbutton 6. The counter is now displaying the
answer: 7 — 4 = 3.
Note: a d dition is carried o u t exa ctly as in experim ent 2 when slide switch 6 is LEFT.


Rules for Binary Addition

Let us add together two bin a ry numbers: 11 010 (26) and 11100 (28):


sta rtin g from the low order (right-m ost) bit:

0 plus 0 equals 0.
1 plus 0 equals 1.
0 plus 1 equals 1.
1 plus 1 equals 0 and ca rry 1.
1 plus 1 plus carry 1 equals 1 and ca rry 1.
The answer is:
As you can see, the a d d itio n tables fo r b in a ry a rith m e tic are very simple. They are:

0 0 1 1
+0 +_]_ +0 -M
0 1 1 10

The problem above illustrates how a b in a ry adder fo r a com puter must work. Each b it of
the adder m ust be able to accept three inputs:
a. the firs t num ber to be added
b. the second num ber to be added.
c. a carry fro m the b it to the righ t.
Each b it o f the adder m ust also be able to yield tw o outputs:
a. the sum
b. the carry.
Let us call the three inputs " A " , " B " , and "c a rry in " ; and let us call the two outputs "s u m "
and "c a rry o u t". N otice th a t the sum w ill equal 1 if and only if either one or three o f the inputs is
1. Carry out w ill equal 1 if and only if e ither two or three o f the inputs are 1.
If we restrict the in p u t to only A and B, we can b u ild the follow ing table showing inputs and
outputs o f an adder:

A B Carry Out Sum

00 0 0

0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1

1 1 1 0

The c irc u it w hich a c tu a lly perform s this operation is called a "h a lf-a d d e r w ith c a rry ". A h a lf­
adder w ith ca rry is a device w ith two inputs and tw o outputs such th a t the sum w ill equal 1 if and
only if one and only one o f the inputs is 1. In other words, the sum c irc u it is an EITHER BUT N O T
BOTH c irc u it. The fo llo w in g experim ent illustrates the operation of a half-adder w ith carry.
Experiment 4: A Half-Adder with Carry
In th is experim ent we w ill b u ild and test a sim ple h a lf-adde r w ith carry. The c irc u it and pro­
gram are:

5 A /6 U 6 R /6 Z
5 B /5 - 6 T /6 X
6A /6S 6 T /6 V
6 B /6 - 6 Y /6 +

The entire program requires one pushbutton, one slide switch and two lights. The slide switch rep­
resents in p u t A ; the pushbutton represents in p u t B. The lights represent the tw o outputs: lig h t 6
represents the sum; lig h t 5 represents carry out.
1. T u rn power O N. M ove slide switch 6 to the R IG H T : in p u t A is now 0. Donot push pushbutton
6: in p u t B is 0. L ig h t 5 and 6 are OFF: sum is 0 and carry out is 0.
2; Push pushbutton 6 and hold it down. In p u t B is now 1. L ig h t 6 comes O N , in d ica tin g th a t the
sum is I , T his is equivalent to the m athem atical statem ent: 0 + 1 = 1.
3. Release pushbutton 6 and move slide switch 6 to the LEFT. Input A is now 1; in p u t B is 0.
L ig h t 6 comes O N , in d ica tin g th a t the sum is 1:1 + 0 = 1 .
4. W ith the slide switch LEFT, push pushbutton 6. L ig h t 6 goesOFF and lig h t 5 comes ON.
This represents the m a them atical statem ent: 1 + 1 = 0 and ca rry 1.
I f we now have three inputs (A, B, and ca rry in) and two outputs, the table o f values looks
like this:
Carry In Carry Out Sum

The c irc u it w hich a c tu a lly perform s th is operation is called a " f u ll adder w ith c a rry ", and is
made up o f two half-adders as follows:


Like the single-inpu t flip -flo p w ith carry, the half-adder w ith carry is a basic com puter c ir­
cu it. H alf-adders can be used as "b u ild in g b lo cks" fo r more com plex a rith m e tic devices— an ex­
am ple o f w hich is the fu ll adder.

Experiment 5: A Full Adder

In this experim ent we w ill m o d ify the c irc u it o f experim ent 4 to build a fu ll adder. A fu ll
adder is made up o f two half-adders and a sim ple OR c irc u it. The c irc u it and program fo r a fu ll
adder are:

5 A /6 U
5 B /5 —
5 F /5 —
5 H /5 +
6 A /6 H
6 B /6 —
6 J /6 L
6 K /6 U
6 R /6 Z
6 T /6X
6 T /6V
6 Y /6 +

Relay 6 represents a ca rry in from a previous stage. Relay 5 represents the sum o f inputs A and
B; this sum w ill be added to the carry in to give the sum fo r the fu ll adder. N otice th a t a carry
signal m ay come from either o f two places: either from the half-adder representing the slide
switch and pushbutton (inp ut A and input B), or from the half-adder representing the carry in (re­
lay 6) and the sum o f the inp u t (relay 5). Either half-adde r can produce a carry signal.


1. T u rn power ON. M ove slide switch 6 to the RIGHT; Input A is 0. Do not push pushbutton 6; in ­
put B is 0. Relay 6 is OFF; carry in is 0. Lights 5 and 6 are OFF. This is equivalent to the m athem at­
ical expression: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0.
2. M ove slide switch 6 to the LEFT; input A is now 1. L ig h t 6 comes O N: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1 .
3. M a n u a lly move relay 6 to the le ft to indicate th a t carry in is 1. L ig h t 6 goes OFF and lig h t 5
comes O N : 1 + 0 + 1 = 0 and ca rry 1.
4. T ry other com binations o f inputs by moving slide switch 6, pushing pushbutton 6, a n d /o r
m a nu a lly m oving relay 6.
W e have now seen how two half-adders can be combined to produce a fu ll adder. Full adders
can in tu rn be used as b u ildin g blocks fo r adders capable o f accepting greater inputs and yie ld ­
ing greater outputs. The follow in g experim ent illustrates the com bination o f three fu ll adders to
produce a "th re e -b it adder".

Experiment 6: A Three-Bit Adder

In th is experim ent we w ill b u ild a device w hich is capable o f adding together tw o 3 -b it b i­
nary numbers and displaying a result o f not more than 4 binary bits. The program fo r the 3 -b it
adder is:

2 C /3G 3L /4 X 5K /6 W
2 F/3F 4 A /4 V 5 L /6 A
2G /4S 4 B /4 — 5 N /6 U
2 H /4 Y 4E /5F 5 R /6 T
2 K /4 W 4F/5S 5T /6 R
2 L /2 + 4 G /5 U 5 T /5 V
2 N /4 U 4 H /4 N 5 Y /6 V
3 A /M 1 0 4 K /5 Z 6B /6—
3B /3 — 4 L /5 A 6E /6—
3 C /4G 4 N /5 X 6 G /6R
3F/4E 4 Y /5 Y 6 H /6 X
3 G /3 N 5 B /5 — 6J/6K
3 H /4 Z 5C /6K 6 L /6 Z
3J /4T 5F/6E 6 N /6 T
3K /4R 5G /6S 6 V /6 Y
3 K /M 1 0 5 H /5 + 6 Y /6 +

The three fu ll adders which m ake up th is c irc u it are very much like the single adder o f ex­
perim ent 5. However, the c irc u it has been m odified s lig h tly so th a t three adders use only five re­
lays. The high order stage o f the adder is wired so th a t the carry from it is displayed by lig h t 3.
T his allows us to display a 4 -b it result w ith a 3 -b it adder.

1. T u rn power ON. Enter a binary num ber in the adder using slide switches 4, 5 and 6. For ex­
am ple, to enter bin a ry 4 (100) set slide switch 4 LEFT, slide switch 5 RIG HT and slide switch 6
2. Enter another b ina ry num ber using pushbuttons 4, 5 and 6. For exam ple, to enter binary 5
(101) push button 4 and 6; do not push pushbutton 5.
3. The answer w ill be displayed in bin a ry o u tp u t lights 3, 4, 5 and 6. For example, if lights 3
and 6 are ON and ligh ts 4 and 5 are OFF, the answer is 1001 (9).


W e have now discussed two methods o f com puter addition. The firs t method was a counter
which was dependent upon the num ber o f tim es an in p u t button had been pushed. The second
m ethod used three fu ll adders w ith ca rry which allowed us to enter two 3 -b it numbers sim ultane­

Two's Complement Arithmetic

S im ila rly, there are two methods o f com puter subtraction. The sim pler method is the "dow n
c o u n te r" dem onstrated in experim ent 3. However, in spite o f its sim p licity, the down counter is
seldom used in a com puter. The more common method o f subtraction used in com puters is called
"tw o 's com plem ent a rith m e tic ". Two's com plem ent a rith m e tic in the binary system is the same as
ten's com plem ent a rith m e tic in the decim al system.
Two's com plem ent a rith m e tic in the binary system works as follows: the subtractor is "c o m ­
plem ented ". T his means th a t every 1 is replaced by a 0, and every 0 is replaced by a 1. The com ­
plem ented subtractor and the subtrahend are then added. If a carry occurs out o f the high order
position, it is added to the low order position. The resulting sum is the proper d ifference between
the two numbers.
As an exam ple, let us subtract b in a ry 4 from b inary 13. W e firs t w rite down 1101 (13) and
below it we w rite 1011— w hich is the complement o f 0100 (4):

13 1101 ^ 1101
-4 -0 1 0 0 1011

decim al bin ary com plem ented subtractor

W e now add in the usual bin ary m anner except th a t if a carry occurs o u t o f the high order b it,
we w ill add it to the low order b it:

1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
J_ 0
1 0
1 0
© 1
1 0 0 1

A great advantage o f two's com plem ent a rith e m e tic is the fa c t th a t there is an autom atic
bookkeeping m ethod fo r in d ica tin g the sign o f the result. If a ca rry occurs out o f the high order
position, the subtraction has resulted in a positive number. On the other hand, if the ca rry does
not occur, the result is a negative number.
The experim ent w hich follows illu strates the operation o f two's com plem ent subtraction on
the M IN IV A C .

Experiment 7. A Three-Bit Subtractor

In th is experim ent we w ill program the M IN IV A C to perform subtraction by the two's com ­
plem ent m ethod. T his w ill be done by m o difying the th re e -b it adder o f experim ent 6 as follows:
The carry out fro m the high order stage (represented by the w ire connected to lig h t 3) w ill be
connected to the carry in o f the low order stage. In th is way, if a high order carry occurs it w ill be
read into the low order stage, just as was illu stra te d above.
The adder w ill also be m odified so th a t the subtractor is a u to m a tic a lly com plem ented. To
bu ild the th re e -b it subtractor, make the fo llo w in g changes to the program fro m experim ent 6:

REMOVE these connections:
3 A / M 10 4 K /5 Z
3 L /4 X 6 H /6 X
3 H /4 Z 6 L /6 Z
4 N /5 X

Now A D D these connections:

6 F /M 1 0 4 K /5 X
3 L /4 Z 6 C /6 F
3 H /4 X 6 H /6 Z
4 N /5 Z 6 L /6 X

To use the program :

The subtractor is used in the same m anner as was the adder.
A th re e -b it bina ry num ber (the subtrahend) is entered on slide switches 4, 5, and 6. The subtractor
is then entered on pushbutton 4, 5 and 6. The answer w ill be displayed in the binary ou tp u t lights.
If we a tte m p t to subtract a larger num ber fro m a sm aller number, we w ill have an incorrect
answer. This condition can be detected by observing the carry in relay o f the low order stage. If this
relay fa ils to p u ll in when the subtraction takes place, we have attem pted an incorrect subtrac­
A n exam ple:
To subtract bin a ry 2 (010) fro m bin ary 5(101):
1. Enter the subtrahend (101) by m oving slide switches 4 and 6 to the LEFT, leaving slide switch
2. Enter the subtractor (010) by pushing pushbutton 5 D O W N and leaving pushbuttons 4 and 6
UP. W e need not enter the complem ented subtractor; the program a u to m a tica lly com plements the
3. The answer appears in the bin ary o u tp u t lights: lig h t 4 is OFF, and lights 5 and 6 are ON. T his
is read as 011, w hich is b in ary 3 : 5 — 2 = 3.
Had we attem pted to enter bin ary 7 (111) in the pushbuttons, relay 6— the carry in relay fo r the
low order stage— w ould not have pulled in and th e answer displayed in the o u tp u t lights w ould be


Binary Multiplication
In the decim al num ber system we can m u ltip ly by ten m erely by placing a zero to the rig h t
o f the number. S im ila rly, in the b in a ry system we can m u ltip ly by two by placing a zero to the rig h t
o f the num ber.
To m u ltip ly in the bin ary system, we need o n ly rem ember th a t:

0 X 0 = 0 0 X 1 = 0
1X 0=0 1X1=1


10 (2) X 1 = 1 0 (2 )
100 (4) X 1 = 100 (4)
1000 (8) X 1 = 1000 (8), etc.

In order to m u ltip ly in the b in a ry system on a com puter we w ill need a device known as a
shift register. A s h ift register shifts each b it o f a num ber one space to the le ft which, o f course, rep-

resents m u ltip lic a tio n by two. M u ltip lic a tio n by 4 is accomplished by s h iftin g le ft tw ice; m u lti­
p lic a tio n by 8 is accom plished by s h iftin g le ft three tim es, and so on.
The fo llo w in g experim ent dem onstrates how a com puter can m u ltip ly using a m anual shift

Experiment 8: The Shifting Operation

In this experim ent we w ill m u ltip ly and divide numbers by powers of tw o by m anually s h iftin g
the numbers rig h t and left. The device which we w ill use fo r this operation is called an accumu­
lator. In th is experim ent, we w ill be concerned only w ith its s h iftin g abilities.
The program fo r the accum ulator is:

1A / I S 2 H /4 Y 3T /4 R 5L /6 A
1B / 1— 2K /4 W 4 A /4 V 5 N /6 U
1C /3U 2 L /2 + 4 B /4 — 5R /6 T
1 F /2 F 2L/2S 4E /5F 5 T /6 R
1G /2 W 2 N /4 U 4F/5S 5 T /5 V
1 H /2 A 2 S /2 V 4 G /5 U 5 Y /6 V
1J/2U 3A /3S 4 H /4 N 6 B /6 -
1K /1T 3 B /3 — 4 K /5 Z 6 C /M 1 0
1L/2R 3C /4G 4 L /5 A 6E /6—
1 N /1 R 3F /4E 4 N /5 X 6G /6R
1 N /2 T 3 G /3 N 4 Y /5 Y 6 H /6 X
1U / M 1 0 3 H /4 Z 5B /5 — 6J /6K
1V /1 T 3J /3R 5C /6K 6 L /6 Z
2 B /2 — 3 J /4T 5F/6E 6 N /6 T
2 C /3G 3 K /4 R 5G /6S 6 V /6 Y
2F/3 F 3L /4 X 5 H /5 + 6 Y /6 +
2G /4S 3 V /3 T 5K /6 W

To m u ltip ly by two, we w ill perform a le ft shift operation as follows:

1. Enter a bin a ry num ber by setting the slide switches appropriately. (A slide switch RIGHT
represents 0 ; a slide switch LEFT represents 1.) The num ber is now displayed in the binary
o u tp u t lights.
2. Beginning a t the le ft end o f the console, set slide switch 1 to whatever position slide switch
2 is in; set slide switch 2 to w hatever position slide switch 3 is in; set slide switch 3 to w h a t­
ever position slide switch 4 is in. C ontinue u n til slide switches 1 through 5 are in the positions
th a t slide switches 2 through 6 were previously in. Set slide switch 6 to zero. The result w ill be
displayed in the bin ary ou tp u t lights.
To m u ltip ly by fo u r, enter a bina ry num ber on the slide switches and perform two consecutive le ft
s h ift operations. To m u ltip ly by eight, enter a th re e -b it bin a ry num ber in slide switches 4, 5 and
6 and p erform three consecutive le ft s h ift operations.
To divide by two, we w ill perform a right shift operation as follows:
1. Enter a bin ary num ber by setting the slide switches appropriately. (N ote: it is usually
more convenient to move the binary point— w hich corresponds to the decimal point— to the le ft
fo r division. For instance, we m ig h t place the bin a ry p oint between slide switches 3 and 4, in
w hich case the dividend w ould be entered on slide switches, 1, 2 and 3.)
2. Beginning a t the right end o f the console, set slide switch 6 to w hatever position slide
switch 5 is in; set slide switch 5 to w hatever position slide switch 4 is in. C ontinue u n til slide
switches 2 through 6 are in the positions slide switches 1 through 5 were previously in. Set
slide switch 1 to zero. The result w ill be displayed in the bin a ry o u tp u t lights. A n y th in g to
the right o f the b in a ry p o int is remainder.
T o divide by fo u r, enter a bin ary num ber and perform two consecutive rig h t s h ift operations.
T o divide by eight, enter a bina ry num ber and perform three consecutive rig h t s h ift operations.
This m anual s h ift register dem onstrates m u ltip lic a tio n and division by powers o f tw o on an accu­
m ulator. Large d ig ita l com puters perform shifts exactly like these, b u t the s h iftin g is done auto­
m a tica lly. (See appendix to Book IV: A u to m a tic S h ift Register).
Leave th is program w ired on your M IN IV A C fo r experim ent 9.

Multiplication by Numbers other than Powers of Two

M u ltip lic a tio n in the bina ry system can be done exactly as it is in the decim al system by m u l­
tip ly in g by each b it o f the m u ltip lie r and adding. For exam ple:


This same operation can also be done in a s lig h tly d iffe re n t m anner. For instance, let us m u ltip ly
111 ( 7 ) X 110 (6)

1 1 1 = M u ltip lic a n d
110 = M u ltip lie r
Then: 111 X 110 = ?

First, we m u ltip ly the m u ltip lic a n d by the left-most b it o f the m u ltip lie r:

1 1 1 X 1 = 111

Now, we s h ift le ft one by adding a 0 to the right:


To this, we add the product o f the m u ltip lic a n d and the second left-m ost b it o f the m u ltip lie r:

1 1 1 X 1 = 111

Once again, we s h ift le ft one by adding a 0 to the right:

A g ain , we add the product o f the m u ltip lic a n d and the next left-m ost b it o f the m u ltip lie r:

111X0= 000

which is the fin a l result:

111 X 1 1 0 = 1 0 1 0 1 0 o r 7 X 6 = 42

M u ltip lic a tio n on a com puter is carried out in ju st th is fashion, using an accumulator. The accu­
m u la to r acts just like a piece o f paper on which we record the steps which were illu stra te d above.
The fo llo w in g experim ent demonstrates m u ltip lic a tio n on a com puter using an accum ulator.

Experiment 9: The Accumulator

W ith o u t changing the program fro m experim ent 8 we w ill now perform m u ltip lic a tio n by num ­
bers other th a n powers o f two. M u ltip lic a tio n s w ill be perform ed by successive additions and shifts.

The accumulator, w hich is wired on the console from experim ent 8, is a device which is capable o f
p erform in g both additions and shifts.

As an exam ple, le us m u ltip ly :

6 X 10 or in binary: 110 X 1010.

Let: 110 = M u ltip lic a n d
1010 = M u ltip lie r

The left-m ost b it o f the m u ltip lie r is 1, so we w ill enter into the accum ulator:

110 X 1 or 110.

W e w ill do this by pushing the appropriate pushbuttons (in this case, pushbuttons 4 and 5.)
The slide switches should a ll be RIGHT.
As we push the pushbuttons, the o u tp u t lights display the num ber— 000110. Record this
num ber on a piece o f paper and release the pushbuttons.
Enter the num ber w hich you recorded in th e slide switches and perform a le ft s h ift one b it
as described in experim ent 8. The o u tp u t lights w ill now read 001100.
The next left-m ost b it o f the m u ltip lie r is 0. W e w ill add nothing to the accum ulator, but
w ill s h ift le ft one b it. The o u tp u t lights now show 011000.
The next left-m ost b it o f the m u ltip lie r is 1, so we w ill add— through the pushbuttons:

1 1 0 X 1 or 110

The ou tp u t lights now show 011110. Record th is num ber on a piece o f paper and release
the pushbuttons. Enter the num ber which you just recorded in the slide switches and s h ift
le ft one bit. The o u tp u t lights now show 11100.
The low order b it o f the m u ltip lie r is 0, so it is not necessary to add anything more into the
accum ulator. The bina ry o u tp u t lights now show the fin a l result: 11100 or 60.

110 X 1010 = 111100 o r 6 X 10 = 60

Select other numbers and m u ltip ly them on the accum ulator. The lim it o f this accum ulator is
111111 (63).


Binary Division
D ivision in the bin ary system is perform ed exactly as in the decim al system. For example, to
divide 11011 (27) by 101 (5):

101 | 11011

11011 — 101 = 101 plus a rem ainder o f 10

27 -r- 5 = 5 plus a rem ainder o f 2.

Perform ing th is sequence o f operations on a com puter can, however, be d iffic u lt. In fa ct,
m any com puters have no provision fo r a u to m a tic division. For such a com puter, a subroutine is
w ritte n so th a t the com puter can carry out the individual steps o f a division. T h a t is, the com­
puter is given a program of instructions which, when followed, pe rm it the com puter to divide.
The follo w in g experim ent demonstrates the steps involved in certain types o f com puter d iv i­
sion. The actual program required is a com bination s h ift register and subtractor.

Experiment 10: Division

This experim ent demonstrates division on the M IN IV A C w ith your help. The program and
c irc u it diagram fo r a com bination s h ift register and subtractor which w ill allow us to divide are:

1 A /1 V 2F/3F 3 G /3 N 4 H /4 N
1B / l — 2 L /2 + 3 K /M 1 0 4S /4 +
1R /3K 2R /3 T 3 R /6G 5 A /5 R
1S/2G 2S/4F 3S/5G 5 B /5 -
1 T /3 J 2T /3 R 3 T /6 N 5 C /6 K
1 U /2 N 2 T /2 V 3 U /5 N 5F/6E
1W /2K 2 U /4 G 3 V /3 Y 5 H /5 +
1 X /3 H 2 X /4 K 3 W /5 K 5 S /5 +
1 Y /2H 2 Y /6 S 3 X /6 L 6 A /6 R
1 Y /2 Y 2 Z /4 N 3 Y /3 + 6B /6 —
1 Z/3 L 3A /5 L 3 Z /6 H 6E /6—
2 A /4 L 3 B /3 — 4A /4 R 6 F /M 1 0
2 B /2 — 3 C /4G 4 B /4 — 6 J /6K
2C /3G 3F /4E 4E /5F 6 S /6 +

W e w ill now divide 011011 (27) by 101 (5) as follows:

W rite the dividend on a piece o f paper, w ith a vertical line between the th ird and fo u rth
digits. The ve rtica l line is always placed so th a t the divisor is greater than w hatever is to
the le ft o f the line. Now w rite the divisor under the le ft end o f the dividend:

011 O il

Place the dividend on the slide switches. The dividend is now displayed in the o u tp u t lights
as 011011.
The divisor is greater than the left-m ost three bits o f the dividend. Therefore, s h ift le ft one
W e now have:

110 110

Subtract the divisor from the dividend by entering the divisor on pushbuttons 1, 2 and 3. The
result w ill appear in the o u tp u t lights:

110 110


001 110
Place this result in the slide switches. Since the subtraction proceeded properly, we w ill add
1 to the low order b it and place this new result in the slide switches:


To go on to the next step, s h ift le ft one b it and again w rite the divisor below the left-m ost
three bits:

O il 110

The divisor is greater th an the le ft-m ost three bits. Therefore, we w ill s h ift le ft one bit:

111 100

W e can now subtract by entering the divisor in pushbuttons 1, 2 and 3 and entering the re­
sult on the slide switches:

111 100


010 100
Since the subtraction proceeded properly, we w ill add 1 to the low order b it to yield:

010 101

The division has now been com pleted: There have been as m any shifts le ft as there were bits
to the rig h t o f the ve rtical line. The answer is to the rig h t o f the vertical line; the rem ainder is
to the le ft o f the ve rtical line:

rem ainder answer

01 0 101

11011 H- 101 = 101 plus a rem ainder o f 10.

27 5 = 5 plus a rem ainder o f 2.


Since com puters w ork in the b in a ry system and we generally w ork in the decim al system,
an im p o rta n t fu n c tio n o f a com puter is conversion between the two systems. The fo llo w in g experi­
ments give the program s fo r conversions between the bin a ry and decim al systems.

Experiment 11. Decimal to Binary Converter

Conversion fro m decim al to b in a ry is a p a rtic u la rly im p o rta n t fu n ctio n fo r in p u t devices.
There are tw o methods fo r conversion com m only in use in large d ig ita l computers. The firs t method
is a counting scheme w hich is p a rtic u la rly suitable fo r conversion o f numbers on a punched card.
W ith th is m ethod the com puter generates a binary num ber on the basis o f the length o f tim e
which elapses before a decim al code is observed.
As an exam ple o f how the counting m ethod works, consider the follow ing:

A card is fed through a card reader a t a constant rate o f speed. W hen the edge o f the card is
detected in the reader, the counter in the com puter comes on. W hen a punch in the card is de­
tected, the counter goes o ff and a b inary num ber corresponding to the decim al num ber
punched on the card is displayed in the counter. This method depends on the tim e lapse be­
tween the card edge and the punch.
It is possible to b uild a converter o f this type fo r the M IN IV A C , using the rotary switch to
actuate a counter. Since you are fa m ilia r w ith the rotary switch m echanism and a counter, you
w ill be able to b u ild such a device yourself.
The second method fo r conversion fro m decim al to binary is essentially a decoding scheme. In
this method, the com puter is program m ed to recognize a decim al num ber by the location o f the in­
p u t pulse; a series o f d ire ct contacts then convert th is pulse to the appropriate binary number.
The follow in g program mechanizes such a method. Setting the rotary switch to any num ber
from 0 through 10 w ill cause the equivalent binary num ber to appear in the ou tp u t lights.
Program fo r Decimal to Binary Converter:
1 E /D 1 0 3 B /3 — 4 H /4 L 6 B /6 —
1 F /2 F 3 E /D 7 4 H /5 H 6 E /D 3
1G /3com 3 F /4 F 4 K /4 c o m 6 F /6 —
1 H /1 L 3 G /6 E 5 A /5 c o m 6G /6co m
1 K /6 K 3 H /3 L 5 B /5 — 6 H /6 L
1 L /2 L 3 K /4 K 5 E /D 5 6 H /6 +
2 E /D 9 3 L /4 L 5 F /6 F 6 K /5 c o m
2 F /3 F 4 A /4 c o m 5 G /6 G D 1/ 6com
2 G /5 G 4 B /4 — 5 H /5 L D 2 /5 c o m
2 H /2 L 4 E /D 6 5 K /4 c o m D 4 /4 c o m
2 H /3 H 4 F /5 F 5 L /6 L D 8 /3 c o m
2 K /3 c o m 4 G /5 co m 6 A /6 c o m D 1 6 /M +
3 A /3 c o m

T o use the Decim al to Binary Converter:

Enter any decim al num ber from 0 through 10 by tu rn in g the rotary switch to the desired posi­
tion. The bin ary equivalent o f the decim al num ber w ill appear in the binary ou tp u t lights. (A lig h t
ON represents 1; a lig h t OFF represents 0.)

Experiment 12: Binary to Decimal Converter

Conversion from binary to decim al is generally handled by a " tr e e " c irc u it (For an exam ple
o f a " tr e e " c irc u it, see the M in d Reading Program o f Book III.)
W ith a " tr e e " c irc u it, each com bination o f switches energizes one and only one te rm in a l of
the rotary switch. The rotary switch is program m ed so th a t when it turns to the energized te rm in a l
it w ill stop. Thus, setting a binary num ber in the slide switches w ill result in the same num ber
being displayed on the rotary switch.

Program fo r Binary to Decimal Converter:

1 C /4 R 2 K /3 L 4 C /5 C 5 K /D 1
1 F /2 F 2 L /4 W 4 F /5 F 5 N /D 0
1 G /6 H 2 N /4 L 4 G /D 1 3 5 S /6 S
1 H /5 U 3 C /6 R 4 J /D 1 2 6 F /6 —
1 J /5 H 3 C /4 C 4 K /D 9 6 G /D 7
1 K /6 L 3 F /4 F 4 N /D 8 6 J /D 6
1 L /5 W 3 G /D 1 5 4 S /4 + 6 K /D 5
1 N /5 L 3 J /D 1 4 4 S /5 S 6 N /D 4
2 C /5 R 3 K /D 1 1 5 C /6 C 6 X /D 1 7
2 F /3 F 3 N /D 1 0 5 F /6 F 6 Y /6 +
2 G /3 H 3 U /4 V 5 G /D 3 D 1 6 /D 1 9
2 H /4 U 3 V /3 — 5 J /D 2 D 1 8 /M —
2 J /4 H 3 W /5 V

To use the B inary to Decim al Converter:

Enter any bin ary num ber fro m 0 through 1 5 on slide switches 3 through 6. Push pushbutton
6. The rota ry switch w ill indicate the decim al equivalent o f the binary number.


Automatic Shift Register

The s h ift register w hich was previously discussed can be ''a u to m a te d '' so th a t the com puter
w ill ca rry out the instruction: SHIFT LEFT ONE BIT whenever the rotary switch d ial is turned. A l­
though this is a more convenient method o f sh ifting-as opposed to m a n u a lly operating the slide
switches— you can see th a t it uses m any more contacts.
The program fo r the e ntire six -b it a u to m a tic s h ift register follows, w ith a c irc u it diagram fo r
the m iddle two bits:


Program fo r fu ll six -b it auto m atic s h ift register:

1 A /1 X 3 A /3 X 5 A /5 X
1B / l — 3B /3 — 5 B /5 —
1C /2C 3 C /4 C 5 C /6C
1E/2N 3 E /4N 5 E /6 N
1 F /1 G 3F/3G 5F/5G
1F/2K 3 F /4 K 5F/6K
1 G /1X 3 G /3 X 5 G /5 X
1 H /2 H 3 H /4 H 5 H /6 H
1L/D1 3L /D 3 5 L /D 5
1 Y /2 Y 3 Y /4 Y 5 Y /6 Y
2 A /2 X 4 A /4 X 6 A /6 X
2 B /2 — 4 B /4 — 6 B /6 —
2C /3C 4C /5C 6 C /6 —
2 E /3 N 4E /5N 6E /D 7
2 F/2G 4F/4G 6F/6G
2F /3 K 4 F /5 K 6 G /6 X
2 G /2 X 4 G /4 X 6 H /6 +
2 H /3 H 4 H /5 H 6L /D 6
2 L /D 2 4L /D 4 6Y /D 1 6
2 Y /3 Y 4 Y /5 Y D 1 6 /M +

To use the automatic shift register:

Enter a bina ry num ber in the s h ift register by pushing and releasing the appropriate pushbut­
tons. The num ber w ill appear in the o u tp u t lights.
S h ift LEFT one b it by slowly tu rn in g the ro ta ry switch d ial one com plete revolution. The shifted
b in a ry num ber w ill now appear in the o u tp u t lights.
To s h ift le ft more tha n one b it sim ply tu rn th e rotary switch dial the desired num ber o f revo­

Two-Bit Adder with Automatic Decimal Conversion

The fo llow ing program is given as an example o f the com bination o f basic com puter a rith m e tic
circuits. A tw o -b it adder is com bined w ith binary-to-decim al converter so th a t when two 2 -b it b in ­
a ry numbers are added together the sum is shown on the decim al o u tp u t dial.
The program fo r the tw o -b it adder w ith a u to m a tic decim al conversion is:

1C /4H 3J/D 3 5 U /5 Z
1 F /2 F 3 K /D 6 5 W /5 X
1 G /3H 3 N /D 2 5 Y /6 V
1H /6G 4 A /5 R 6 A /6 C
1 J/2H 4 A /4 K 6B /6—
1K /3L 4B /4 — 6C /6 V
1 L/6J 4 C /5 V 6 F /6 —
1N /2L 4 F/5 F 6 H /5 —
2 C /4 K 4G /5J 6S /6 W
2C /3C 4 H /5 A 6 U /6 Z
2 F/3 F 4J/5G 6 W /6 X
2 G /D 5 4L/4J 6 Y /6 +
2 J /D 1 5 B /5 - D 16/D 19
2 K /D 4 5 C /6R D 1 7 /M +
2 N /D O 5F/6F D 1 8 /M —
3 F/4 F 5 H /5 +
3 G /D 7 5 S /5 W

To use the program :

Enter a 2 -b it b in a ry num ber in slide switches 5 and 6.
Enter a second 2 -b it bin ary num ber on pushbuttons 5 and 6.
The rotary switch d ia l w ill tu rn to the decim al sum o f the numbers. (Binary o u tp u t lights 4, 5
and 6 w ill display the sum in binary.)




372 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts

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