EE423 Ex 1

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EE-423 Exam #1

Time: 75 min OPEN BOOK AND NOTES February 23, 2021

Course Coordinator: Dr. Muntasir Sheikh
You are required to show all steps of the solution.
Name: ................................................................................................... Computer #:.................................

1. Answer the following conceptual questions:

(a) For a uniform plane electromagnetic wave having E, H, and n̂ as the electric eld vector, the magnetic
eld vector, and the direction of propagation of the wave, respectively, nd the result of each of the
following expressions: (1 point)
1. E · H
2. E · n̂
3. n̂ · H
4. direction of (E × H)
5. direction of (E × n̂)
6. direction of (n̂ × H)
(b) Consider a uniform plane time-harmonic electromagnetic wave of frequency f traveling through a
lossy medium. The phase velocity given by vp = ω/β is (1 point) (choose only one answer)
1. a constant, equal to 3 × 108 m/s.
2. a constant, dierent than 3 × 108 m/s.
3. a function of frequency (f ).
(c) The magnitude of the complex intrinsic impedance of a PEC is (1 point) (choose only one answer)
1. |η| = 0.
2. |η| → ∞.
3. |η| ≈ 377 Ω.
4. Depends on the frequency.
2. The far-zone electric eld of an antenna placed in the origin of a spherical coordinate system is given
by E(R, θ, t) = θ̂ E0 sin θ cos(ωt − βR)/R, with E0 being a constant, and R being the radial distance.
(a) the corresponding phasor electric eld (has to be rms ) (0.5 point),
R̂ θ̂ φ̂
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
(b) the associated phasor magnetic eld (use Faraday's law and ∇×E = 2 )
R sin θ ∂R ∂θ ∂φ
ER REθ (R sin θ)Eφ
(2 points), and
(c) the far-zone complex Poynting vector and its time-average (1.5 points).
3. The skin depth is dened as the penetration depth at which the amplitude of the electric eld is attenuated
to 36.8% of its value at the surface. If the inside walls of a microwave oven are made of stainless steel
(σ = 1.2 × 106 S/m, µr = 500, and r = 1) calculate:
(a) the 1% penetration depth into the walls at the standard frequency for microwave cooking, f = 2.45
GHz, (2 points)
, and
(b) the dB attenuation of a 1-mm thick wall. (1 point)
(Hint: attenuation in dB = 20 log(E/E0 ) )
(c) From your answer in (b), what can you say about the shielding eectiveness of such a wall? (1 point)
4. A 1-kHz ULF plane wave is launched into the ocean, as a ship is trying to communicate a message to
a submerged submarine. The position of the ship is approximately at the vertical line relative to the
submarine, and the peak electric eld intensity of the transmitted wave immediately below the water
surface is 4 kV/m. If sea water has r = 81 and σ = 4 S/m compute:
(a) the attenuation and phase coecients (1 point),
(b) the complex intrinsic impedance and skin depth(1 point), and
(c) the maximum depth of the submarine receiving antenna below the sea surface if the required sensitivity
of the antenna is 10 nV/m (2 points).

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