EE423 Quick Review Ex. 1-3 by The Goat ?

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Exam 4% ony Chn.4 + Ss > o=0 Cdn Rove Plane wave Approximason « a a ee 5 (Pe-9 Ee (B28. eels ) my -% A 2gts & hy E-xER Cos( ute 499) 7 Fo th dz Goa (ot BHO) 7 E-UlE J, ower age emergy > as Livy = OB a Lite day = A He ws Lien ayo 26 Bs 24K a Ee dP, 4K 2 Pex = # Tone Nar ynomle_Cve 3c Lossy Melia: oto s. Groplen Fevmikiveky* é-(€-jS) ‘ ee Rel per waksels imaging Fxplains Exploins. ofilectrc Groluetsve (Coss) Fropegethson Propagation ve f= €(\e 5) ae Conducting we Zu \ + Revmitiveky we i =¥z Eo REG aS vy ewe =X 4) B - (Someles Le attenuation Fropagedso™- Qrstat— ca CocPhicod ‘ Vo {v} -/E( ey “) B Kz Bic 1 Fe sla ie X (vale propagataon sn Good chielectrics Fe ie =k, pawlpe 7 42 Je —> tom 2p = ce K Wave propegatzon. se Good Coneluctors : se Conolibeon we ae ‘ az — cep ee 2 Me |e S Skin Effect s “Tre okim depth ¥ bs def Cnlludor ctroide the anp lode of h% value + e Q =... ma , E@- Fe - EO e ee re eck os the Ustamce within the of the wwe reaches. Ve at this clistonce € ts reoleced to 36.8% hike ola where as Fs Yeducedk tn 12.5%. \ | a» maxima depths bag - 26) Ese Bake EF oan EM woe ats : ° propagating theough @ G: non magnebic. makeyial given by % ae EGA)- 215 I es( lo'ba ly) V/A i) Re iveckson of propa gatson F Mewe pecioott. by Te. wave Cagth T velocity obthe wave. €) Relive permiiviey > sutriuse smpedonce of the. meokiues- HEH ©) the wetarkomenus EM evargyclensity « Sax S oo Ko) “We dicedeso~ St prorg Le : Qa feriod = en ent oo TES pes 4 6 yo 2. 250x\0 om /S ¥ bh. ise eee fs Hc) Bow Wetrkee 7 €y 2 4 Ye \E = BWW.02 ay fon a ‘gat Ne eS = opts «e) Lodemy = 2ek y ] ae = Crem 2s Gat = ~ Ch-4 : ae Ch—10 ® Folarizattson s SS © Great. Bet, F O- © on eo Eta) = RE Cat) GEA 2 Ene Ey Cos —Ps) 1 Ey. Eg Gs (ut—Be + 8) —» lt 820 onk 2 Ot Sere i Ten EGA - (ES E.) Crs (wit) ( Crelars Eye bo Lo 6-440 Ct hank + LHEE 6 =-6 Right Anand RUCP Zi 0. Oe E40 Etat) = RE) Gs ot 4 jSinut 7 ea0 WU 240 EGeA) = RE Cost oj Suwt for cage : @= -80 For Cases O= +40" oO o Lf eN y of es ® SP y RUCP LCP OE peal: BH4#¥e ECiptical X Case 3-\2 O= *4o We mafor axis of the ellipse 38 allovge the greater ompGtude. x Gee 2.22 © = arbitary We major axis 35 titled. ® Reflection F Transwission of plane wave t © vormalmeioledt on PEC : se NoWTamemiesion ‘tor this Case - eevee olielectric* ® vrormel snei ona. Fin ju Eee = Her) BR Exe I 0 ed ey Bz a we —* HK 2 Wan swiss 10% coe escort e Ee @s 2S. Lak Eco ah eR AWA" ‘jy oR 0 = 6s (Ge on aii © Obie: ey —e Parallel + We cleciric Field vect ie Th vector 3S | tl Grtaimed m the pG@ne of cde ‘s = orp x _sBi (asimsi+2 Gas Ee = (10s -Z.Sin 9¢) Est i et ) fic= 3 Se oe JPi(rSin 9: +2Gas 1) \ - _ABi(KSiM Ov —Z GSO“ Ey = (Reeser 2009) Eor ctr ° ie i B\(XSmOr 2 CSOD h- 5S = : Es BaCxsinOe 42s) Eye (PGs4-2 Sin O8) Ext € I Be Emote Oy 0) He - Jae F 2 , Ors OE : : By oie eees es LE smoi) —2 Srelt’s Gu sRcRecrim cooftiesis we a ee ROR OE Eee Ws 04 + YGs Be ft Mavs wissiO% coe Hiceck + Be Ge 24g, Cos 8 Bet W Cosa 4G sO notes kles +h -G C8 —» vormal (perperclaete’) + —= = We mi egnebsc Feld is ang Ly eek inthe plane. A sncidonce » Some 0% Parallel alood& angles camel EFS * os Rolactison Coe Picea + Ee Cas i — Us Halos 0: + Gos Oe m eh ST Vonemission. coc Mice * QM, Gs 06 a: aa MK GsOi 4 MU Gs Or @ Spearal Cases: = etd. sternal ReREom* : ; ade Critical angle) wher (ond propa! ce My Me + Some angle e Oe 40 We tramemitkecl ave wil Critical angle 3 Sc = gic |e = \glel © \falel = Tokal Transmission C Brewsker’s angle)? 1. Wis cage occurs orhy on Parallel were atisome angles i= %g we have Ip=0 Brewester’s ange 7 Og- ton [| CK. Fre magncbic Intensity vedtor od Tem uae prepagat ms Su aiy Ss given by. Wee EFI sin (wt + 128%) AY We wave is por mally incident at x-0 on plawar jrker Face of a Goslese rom magnetic glass medium ait Ex = 5 Finck « 2) velectson & Transmission coePficiok « B) all electrical fics m Phasor tomar - Sol: x4 gO Ce Hae aie NG Can VES 2th glass 9% = \2 - C8. 62 Se waa _ 168-52 85k * =r” a 1(e.52 +577 Gb yee. see - 0 Clee ao wer rorrolized. Congr Ge o _» makeing + Series pedlamce Js stb eo FF vswe + From chert ve Smith chart Ex. Bor VSR, Refetion cxfhecicak amd supct mpeolince 5o Deu VSWR, Circle . D VSWR = 13 fiom the Smith Char ® Rebectson Coetficient = 0.54 Fomdne Smith Chart. ® Trp mpedance —+ move towards Generator by the Cength . Fee 0.345 1.44 i Ze Za x50 2 \S4j TF a Smith Chart mov") Generator by te “ewe 1) 0.12, Saciictaldaht —° Smith Chark 2 Vmin Cocaksorn Ex, for Coach impedance , VSWR Aalmitk ace and Vimar Cocatson supuk impedance , SAt es <— Goh : 4 Wn Ze] L=100 + j00 —o__} OA. 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