Music Club 5

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----------------- APTIS SV ---------------

Part 2 : Please tell us about the last time you listened to music . Write in
sentences . Use 20-30 words .
The last time I listened to music was yesterday at 7p.m. I often listen to music to
relax after stressful working hours . Music puts me in a better mood and cheers me
up .
Part 3 : You are a member of a music club . You are talking to three other
members in the music club chat room . Talk to them using sentences . Use 30-40
words .
A : Hi ! How often do you listen to music ?
Music is an important thing in my life . It helps me relieve stress and relax when I
feel tired . So I listen to music every day and I listen to it whenever I have free
time .
B : I plan to give my son music lessons but he doesn't like it . What should I do ?
I think everyone has their own preferences and we should respect that . So if your
son doesn't like music lessons you give , you should find out what your son's
hobbies are and then nurture and develop his interests .
C : Do you agree that music is important in culture?
I completely agree with this opinion . As you know , each country has its own
typical music and it partly shows the culture of those countries . You can even
learn about different cultures through their music .
Part 4 : Câu lạc bộ âm nhạc của bạn tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc vào buổi tối , do đó
những người dân xung quanh phàn nàn . Hãy cho chúng tôi một vài gợi ý để giải
quyết vấn đề trên
1. Viết bức thư cho bạn của mình , bày tỏ suy nghĩ và cái bạn muốn làm . Viết
khoảng 50 từ
Hi Thien ,
Long time no see ! How are you ? I hope you are still fine . I'm writing to let you
know about a situation in my music club . The neighbor who lives nearby the
club's concert venue complains about the noise in the evening . I'm confused when
I heard about the news . Do you think we should come together to find other
alternatives to overcome this problem ? Tell me what you think ?
Your friend ,
Nguyen .
2. Viết email cho quản lý clb . Bày tỏ cảm xúc và bạn nghĩ clb nên làm gì trong
tình huống này . Viết từ 120-150 từ
Dear Sir ,
My name is Pham Sy Nguyen , I have been a member of a music club for 8 months
. I am writing this email to express my feelings about the matter of organizing our
club's concert .
To be honest , I feel disappointed about the way you manage the club . Because
many times the neighbors have been discontented to hear the noise of our music
shows in the evening .
To make issues better , I would recommend some suggestions . One alternative is
that you can rent another venue for the concert . I know a very large venue not far
from here , and suitable for my club . People around will not be bothered with
noise . Another one is that you should consider raising membership fees to hold
concerts in the morning or afternoon , to avoid affecting the neighbors . I believe
that a lot of members have the same suggestion as me . Looking forward to hearing
from you soon if my recommendations are acceptable .
Yours faithfully ,
Pham Sy Nguyen

Part 4 Phiên bản 2:

Câu lạc bộ âm nhạc của bạn đang có kế hoạch tổ chức 1 concert. Clb muốn các
thành viên đưa ra các đề xuất để thu hút cả người trẻ và người già cùng tham gia
1. Viết cho bạn (50 từ)
2. Viết cho người quản lý (120 từ)

Part 2 : Please tell us about the last time you listened to music . Write in
sentences . Use 20-30 words .
Yesterday I went to the beach alone. Then I listened to my favorite music and
watched the sea. That makes me feel relaxed after stressful working hours.
Part 3 : You are a member of a music club . You are talking to three other
members in the music club chat room . Talk to them using sentences . Use 30-40
words .
A : Hi ! How often do you listen to music ?
I’m keen on listening to USUK music because it helps me to easily focus on my
study or work. But sometimes, I would love to put on my earphones and enjoy
other kinds of music such as Pop, R&B, and EDM. So that I can feel relaxed and
get more positive energy.
B : I plan to give my son music lessons but he doesn't like it . What should I do ?
In my opinion, we were born with different versions, so we should respect each
child's preferences. And you should find out what your child likes and help him
develop to the fullest.
C : Do you agree that music is important in culture?
I completely agree with this opinion. As you know each country will have different
culture and music. That is the reason music contributes to the diversity of national
identities in the world.

Part 4 : Câu lạc bộ âm nhạc của bạn tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc vào buổi tối , do đó
những người dân xung quanh phàn nàn . Hãy cho chúng tôi một vài gợi ý để giải
quyết vấn đề trên
1. Viết bức thư cho bạn của mình , bày tỏ suy nghĩ và cái bạn muốn làm . Viết
khoảng 50 từ
Hi Phong,
Long time no see! How are you? I hope you are still fine. I’m writing to let you
know about a situation in my music club. People around my block complain about
the club and I don't know what to do. I think you and I should meet this Saturday
to come up with a solution together. Do you have any free time?
Your friend,
2. Viết email cho quản lý clb . Bày tỏ cảm xúc và bạn nghĩ clb nên làm gì trong
tình huống này . Viết từ 120-150 từ
Dear Sir,
I hope this reaches you in the best health. My full name is Nguyen Thi Hien and I
have been a member of our club for 1 year. I’m writing this email to express my
feelings and give some suggestions about the notice that I have received from the
club recently.
According to the news, our club is about a situation in a music club. To be honest,
I think the problem is that the music is too loud to affect the surroundings, and I
feel nervous when I heard about it.
In my opinion, I suppose we should organize a concert needs to change a few
things. Especially about the venue, I think we should hold the concert in a place far
away from the residential area, that is a place for holding performances such as a
hall, or a stadium, .. that will make the concert go all out. In addition, time is also
an issue we need to solve, I think it is more appropriate to hold the concert in the
afternoon because it will help the concert end earlier, without affecting the people
around. These are my own opinions.
I hope that all my recommendations are useful for our club. Looking forward to
hearing from you soon if my recommendations are acceptable .
Yours faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Hien

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