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Scope of application of the Social Insurance law

The provisions of Law No. 148 of 2019 promulgating the Social

Insurance and Pensions Law according to the latest amendment issued
on July 11, 2021 apply to four categories specifically mentioned in
Article Two of the law.
These categories included:
1/ workers for others
2/Business owners, and those in the same category
3/Egyptian workers abroad
4/irregular employment

1/ workers for others:

1- Civilian workers in the administrative apparatus of the state, public
authorities, public institutions and economic units affiliated to any
of these entities.

2- Employees of the public sector units, the public business sector

and other economic units affiliated thereto, including chairmen and
delegated members of boards of directors in public business sector

The provisions of this law also apply to temporary, casual and

seasonal workers in the entities stipulated in items (1, 2).

3- Workers in the private sector who are subject to the provisions

of the Labor Law, taking into account that the work relationship
between the insured and the employer is regular. Contracting
workers, freight and unloading workers, fishing workers and land
transport workers are excluded from this condition. Work is

4- Those engaged in work related to domestic service, with the

exception of those who work inside homes and who are specified
by the executive regulations of this law.

5- The employer's family members who work for him and are actually
dependent on them, provided that the conditions stipulated in Clause (3)
are met.
Clauses (3, 4, 5) require that the age of the insured be not less than

In the event that the insured joins the work for more than one employer,
only the period of his work with one employer shall be counted within
the period of his participation. The executive regulations of this law
shall determine the rules and provisions for determining the work period
subject to this law.

2/Business owners, and those in the same category

1- Individuals who practice for themselves a commercial, industrial
or agricultural activity, artisans and others who perform activity or
services for themselves, and it is required that their activities be
regulated by special laws, or that their practice requires obtaining a
license from the competent administrative authority.

2- General partners in partnerships and partnerships limited by shares,

chairmen and members of boards of directors and managing
directors in joint stock companies in the private sector, and
managers in limited liability companies.

3- Owners of one-person companies.

4- Those working in liberal professions and members of professional

syndicates. The date of each profession beginning to benefit from
the provisions of this law shall be determined by a decision of the
Chairman of the Authority.

5- The productive members of productive cooperative societies who

work for themselves.

6- Owners of agricultural lands of an area of acres or more.

7- Owners of agricultural lands of an area of one acre or more,

whether they are owners or renters, or sharecroppers, or both.

8- Owners of built real estate whose share of the annual income is

not less than the minimum subscription fee. The executive
regulations of this law specify the conditions and rules for being
subject to this clause.
9- Owners of motorized means of transporting people or goods,
including land, river, sea and air transport.

10- Commercial agents.

11- Owners of mechanical or sailing fishing boats.

12- Legal and notarized delegates who are not monks.

13- Mayors and sheikhs.

14- Guides, tour guides and trailblazers.

15- Writers and artists.

16- Heirs of business owners in sole proprietorships, and the

executive regulations of this law specify the conditions of

17- Owners of household, environmental, rural and family


In order to benefit from the provisions of this clause, it is required

not to be subject to the provisions of this law in accordance with
Clause First of this Article, and that the age of the insured is not
less than twenty-one years.

By a decision of the Chairman of the Authority, other categories

may be added in accordance with this clause, provided that the
decision specifies the date of commencement of the benefit and the
other conditions for benefiting from the provisions of this law.

3/Egyptian workers abroad:

1- Workers bound by personal employment contracts.

2- Self-employed.

3- Immigrants from the categories referred to in the previous

clauses who retain the Egyptian nationality.

4- Maritime workers who work on marine vessels flying the flag of

a foreign country during the period of validity of the marine

The Egyptian worker in the units of international and regional

organizations and foreign embassies inside the Arab Republic of
Egypt who is bound by a personal work contract, and the Labor
Law does not apply to him in the case of the Egyptian worker

In order to benefit from the provisions of this clause, the following

is required:

Not be subject to the provisions of Items First and Second of this

The age of the insured shall not be less than eighteen.

4/irregular employment:

1- Owners of built real estate whose share of the annual income is

less than the minimum subscription wage category.

2- Deportation workers.

3- Small self-employed, such as street vendors, car callers,

newspaper distributors, itinerant shoe shiners and other similar
groups, and craftsmen.

4- Domestic servants and the like who work inside homes.

5- Memorizers and reciters of the Noble Qur’an.

6- The singers, the reciter, and other church servants.

7- Heirs of business owners in sole proprietorships who are not
subject to Clause Second, when they fulfill the following

(a) No workers employed in the establishment at the time of the

death of its inheritor.

(b) That the heir’s share of the annual income of the establishment,
which is taken as the basis for assessing the income tax, is less than
the minimum subscription wage.

(c) He shall not be in charge of managing the facility.

8- Temporary workers in agriculture, whether in fields, gardens,

orchards, or in projects for raising livestock, small animals, or
poultry, in apiaries, or in lands of reclamation and cultivation.
Temporary workers mean those whose period of employment with
the employer is less than six consecutive months, or if the work
they are engaged in is not It is included in its nature in the activity
practiced by the employer.

9- Owners of agricultural land whose area of possession is less

than an acre, whether they are owners or renters or sharecroppers.

10- Owners of agricultural lands who do not possess them and

whose ownership is less than an acre.

In order to benefit from the provisions of this clause, it is required

not to be subject to the provisions of this law in accordance with
the first, second and third clauses, and that the age of the insured is
not less than eighteen.

By a decision of the Chairman of the Authority, other categories

may be added in accordance with this clause, provided that the
decision specifies the date of commencement of the benefit and the
other conditions for benefiting from the provisions of this law and
the rules and procedures for paying the contributions.

The executive regulations of this law specify the conditions and

controls for each of these categories to be subject to the provisions
of this article.

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