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First going ahead with space explorations well everything about the space is nothing but

physics mainly astro physics. As we all know about gravity, the making of spacecraft its
nothing but science. As for going ahead with biology, it's my weak point and i didnt study it
even in school. As we go for scientific discoveries of this year or even previous many people
have been trying to get hold of nuclear fission:(;nuclear fission is nothing the energy we all
get from sun and stars)for like decades; people are trying to make it if they will be able to do
it in future we all we get lifetime of energy. The Tonga volcanic eruption was the largest
eruption ever seen. As going back to space Mr. James Webb made a space telescope that
took the first ever picture of space. The image he took was just nothing but BEAUTY!
There are many scientific discoveries like dead pig’s organs being revived. How you ask?
Well of course by restoring their cells with a special machine that pumps blood.The nasal
vaccine for covid-19 we all are familiar with this term. If this doesn't interest you then i don't
know what will ever hear of pluto. Yeah that pluto with a ice volcano on it.It's all about
science how we know stuff yes because its science finding of the oldest dna in greenland
and the 30,000 old preserved baby mammoth. “Human brain cells were successfully
implanted into rats” seems great right. If I start getting deep into their science or even
start getting in,for me it will take hours…..

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