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Dương Thảo Hương - 31221022868

1.Why is tourism such an important activity in the twenty-first century?

Economic impact: Tourism contributes to the economic growth of many countries by It boosts local
economies by attracting visitors who spend money on accommodation, transportation, food,
Cultural Exchange: facilitates cultural exchange, interact and learn about diverse cultures,
traditions, languages, and lifestyles. This promotes understanding, respect for global cultures and
Environment:The tourism industry plays a crucial role in promoting environmental
conservation. Many tourist destinations rely on their natural beauty, wildlife, and resources to attract
visitors, Therefore, it is in their best interest to preserve and protect these attractions, leading to
environmental awareness and sustainable practices.
Education and Learning: Traveling exposes tourists to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives,
fostering personal growth and knowledge acquisition. It offers opportunities to explore historical
sites, museums, art galleries, and natural wonders, which enriches individuals intellectually and
Peace and Diplomacy: Tourism can contribute to peace-building and diplomacy among nations.
By promoting international travel and cultural understanding, it helps bridge gaps, foster mutual
respect, and create a platform for dialogue and collaboration.
Infrastructure Development: To cater to the needs of tourists, destinations often invest in developing
infrastructure such as transportation networks, accommodations, restaurants, and entertainment
facilities. These improvements benefit both tourists and locals by providing better amenities and
2.How would you classify tourists?
(Inbound)International tourists travel from one country to another and stayed in the country they
came to for at least one night.
Domestic tourists are Vietnamese citizens, foreigners residing in Vietnam traveling within the
territory of Vietnam.
An official tourist is a person who comes to another land with the main purpose of participating in
meetings, exhibitions, and rewards
Citizens carrying Vietnamese nationality to other countries to visit and rest are called overseas

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