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PPE’s Required: Standard PPE’s, welding gloves, cotton gloves, dust mask, ear plug, and face shield.

JOB Welding, Cutting, Grinding & Drilling

Detail of Equipment & Tools Severity

Item Risk Involved Preventive Measure Responsible Person
Activity used Rating

a. Before mobilizing any equipment/tools

make sure that the safety Personnel got
inspected the equipment.
b. Ensure no person shall go at the top roof
without any proper access/ protection
c. Certified Lifter operator shall be deployed
to operate the Lifter.
d. Pre-trip checklist shall be filled in before
moving on to job.
a. Personal Injury / property e. Forklifter mobilizing route shall be
Mobilization of inspected & crane will not be allowed to
loss due to road accident.
the equipment’s move without banksman.
1 Fork Lifter b. Overturn of fork lifter due Supervisor Mechanical 3
to mal operation, bad road
f. Ensure that all personnel prior to start the
condition, bad weather have been inducted and oriented
g. The use of leather gloves and proper
lifting techniques are required
h. Proper checking of welding cable wire
with tag and grounding must be done.
i. Ensure proper hauling of materials/get
help if required/Wear hand gloves. Ensure
trolley are secured with stable support
j. Ensure that underground services
properly marked and identified by signage

Document #: CFL/COM/FRM-009/JSA REV: 01 Effective Date: January 02, 2023 Page 1 of 3


a. Before mobilizing any equipment/tools

make sure that the Electrical person got
inspected the equipment like electrical
cable, welding cable, grinders & tagged.
b. Ensure workers are complying with the
min. PPE req., Safety shoes, helmet, safety
glass, dust mask
c. Ensure potable water/sufficient shelter is
available each area where workers are
a. Welding Machine doing the job.
b. Electrical extension a. Equipment Failure
Welding, cord b. Hand injury, eye injury, d. Ensure workers are wearing both the eye Supervisor Mechanical
2 grinding, cutting c. Welding machine skin burns goggles & face shield/welding mask 3
& drilling cable c. Heat Stress/Exhaustion
d. Grinder d. Fire & explosion e. DCP fire extinguisher must be present at
e. Drill Machine e. Noise the area at all times.
f. Ensure no flammable/ combustible
materials are on the area.
g. Ensure that whenever using the gas cutting
outfit flash back arrestor is present
h. Workers will inform and be aware about
the presence at the area. No killing of
i. Ensure that workers are wearing ear plug
while doing grinding job

3 Fabrication and a. Welding Machine a. Fire & explosion a. Ensure available fire extinguisher & fire Supervisor Mechanical 3
fit-up including b. Electrical extension b. Eye injury blanket available and properly enclosed the
grinding, cutting, cord c. Electrocution welding job to secure no welding
tack welding c. Welding machine spark/slug will go out from the welding
cable job.
d. Grinder b. Ensure no flammable materials present in
the area

Document #: CFL/COM/FRM-009/JSA REV: 01 Effective Date: January 02, 2023 Page 2 of 3


c. Ensure workers know how to extinguish

the fire
d. Ensure that waste materials are being place
far away from the welding job.
e. Ensure that only approved tools shall be
f. Grinders with positive lock is not allowed
g. Closed supervision must be done by
h. Gas cutting must be secured and must be
. fitted with flash back arrestor.
i. Ensure that machine was properly
j. Ensure workers are wearing double eye
protection wearing safety glass and face
shield or welding mask at the same time.
k. Ensure that the welding area was
controlled and barricaded
l. Ensure workers are wearing double eye
protection wearing safety glass and face
shield or welding mask at the same time.
m. Ensure welding cable was properly check
and without defects. Color coded and

Ensure area was left clean and tidy.

4 Demobilization Fork Lifter Injury due to Tripping Supervisor Mechanical 1

Severity Rating : (1) First Aid / Minor Property Damage (2) Recordable Accident / Property Damage (3) Lost Time Accident / Major Property Loss (4) Catastrophic Accident

AREA INCHARGE: ____________________ HSE REPRESENTATIVE: ____________________

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