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discussion posts for Kristine Lopez, or you can view the full discussion.
from Social Determinant of Health: Chapter 1 Discussion
Oct 25, 2023 8:39PM
Kristine Lopez
I really enjoyed this TED talk I thought it was very interesting and
informative. I think for most of us when we think about the healthcare
system, we think about how expensive health insurance is and how so
many people cannot afford it. We think of high co-pays and doctors
bills, especially once we’re already sick and have no choice but go to
the doctor and pay for all the prescriptions. I never really think about
how big an impact it is to not have access to healthy food and
exercise options everyday and the affects that has on healthcare as
well. Having access to food and a safe place to sleep everyday can
prevent so many people and kids from getting sick. I think it’s so
important for doctors and the medical staff to talk to their patients and
ask about their home life and check in to see if they need help with
accessing any of these basic needs, especially in low income places. I
believe it’s very possible and important that the healthcare system
changes the way they do business to meet the needs of minorities. I
think for so many medical professionals and offices it’s very standard
to treat each patient very uniform and routinely, it’s very timely and
generic care because they’re either so busy that they only have so
much time to give to each patient but also because they have to follow
rules and protocols by the insurance. I thinks it’s important for doctors
and medical professionals to remember the reason they wanted to
work in healthcare in the first place and really put the needs of their
patients first before anything else. Healthcare shouldn’t be just after
the fact once the patient is already sick but also preventative, finding
out about patients needs like healthy food options and safe shelter is
very important. Working with organizations like healthy leads is a
great way healthcare providers can help their patients get access to
resources they need.

from Social Determinant of Health: Chapter 1 Discussion

Oct 28, 2023 8:28PM
Kristine Lopez
Hi Viviana!
I really enjoyed your post, I agree 100% that there are so many factors that a person needs to be
healthy like good medical and mental healthcare, good nutrition, plus a safe place to sleep. I feel
like so many medical facilities and providers now just give the basic care to treat one quick
symptom, to get the patient in and out the door as quick as possible. It’s important like you said
that healthcare organizations have a diverse workforce that understands the needs for minority
patients and make sure healthcare is easily accessible to minority patients.
from Social Determinant of Health: Chapter 1 Discussion
Oct 28, 2023 8:36PM
Kristine Lopez
Hi Christa!

I agree with what you said, mental health is just as important as

physical health. You made a great point that how healthcare
professionals treat patients is so important. Treating all patients with
respect and kindness no mater the race, age, sexual orientation or
socioeconomic status is so important and makes a huge difference for
the patient in need.

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