اختبار 3 تاسع

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‫مدارس المنتدى النموذجيّة الخاصة‬

............................................ :‫اسم الطالبة‬ ‫ التاسع‬:‫الصف‬

‫ لغة إنكليزية‬:‫المادة‬
................:‫الدرجة‬ 3 ‫مذاكرة اللغة اإلنكليزية – اختبار‬ 2023 / 10 / :‫التاريخ‬

1. Complete this list with a/an.

 ..... orange ...... carton of milk ...... station
 ..... ice-cream ...... banana ...... small melon
 ..... hour ...... ice-cream ...... school uniform
 ..... accident ...... egg ...... English university
 ..... European country ...... airport ...... umbrella
4. Fill in the blanks using A – An:
1. ________ car. 2. ________ toy. 3. ________ engineer.
4. ________ apple. 5. ________ notebook. 6. ________ umbrella.
7. ________ girl. 8. ________ aunt. 9. ________ table.
10. ________ university. 11. ________ window. 12. ________ student.
5.Read these NOUNS carefully then Pluralize them.
1. fish → PLURAL: _______________ 2. child → PLURAL: _______________
3. toothbrush → PLURAL: _______________ 4. woman → PLURAL: _______________
5. man → PLURAL: _______________ 6. toy → PLURAL: _______________
7. exercise → PLURAL: _______________ 8. thief → PLURAL: _______________
9. foot → PLURAL: _______________ 10. furniture → PLURAL: _______________
11. dish → PLURAL: _______________ 12. tomato → PLURAL: _______________
Fill in the blanks with “that” or “those”.
1. ……………. flowers look nice. 2. ……………. boys are dirty.
3. ……………. book is in the other room. 4. ……………. people are talking.
5. ……………. man looks angry. 6. ……………. cars are for sale.
7. ……………. teacher is new. 8. ……………. water is $2.
9. ……………. snakes are dangerous. 10. ……………. apples look delicious.
Fill in the blanks with “this” or “these”.
1. ……………. pencil is broken. 2. ……………. pens are red.
3. ……………. cats are black. 4. ……………. computer is on.
5. ……………. phones are expensive. 6. ……………. bicycle is very nice.
7. ……………. boots are warm. 8. ……………. machine does not work.
9. ……………. person needs help. 10. ……………. men are working.


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