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The submissions for this assignment are posts in the assignment's discussion.

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discussion posts for Kristine Lopez, or you can view the full discussion.
from Discussion: A Case for Engineering our Foods
Nov 25, 2023 10:08PM
Kristine Lopez
Scientists use genetic engineering to help fight diseases in different plants and vegetables. They
can genetically engineer these fruits and vegetables to become immune to infection, which helps
the farmers and the amount of their crop production. Scientists have also genetically engineered
a certain pesticide made from a bacteria that is safer and less harmful to spray on their fruits and
vegetables, which helps kill certain pets that can eat, or harm these plants. Taking it one step
further from this safer bacteria based pesticide, scientists have taken a genetic approach to cut the
gene out of the bacteria and insert directly into a plants genome, this will work to reduce
Incesticide sprays.

There are multiple benefits of genetically engineered food. Genetically engineered food can
reduce malnutrition. This is important in addressing a lack of overall food production. Genetic
engineering can be used to fight pests and disease, and reduce the amount of incesticide’s used.
Along with benefits of genetically engineered food there are also disadvantages like unknown
health effects from consuming these genetically engineered foods. There are also environmental
concerns like development of resistant pests or the potential for modified genes that can get out
into the environment and cause harmful outcomes.
from Discussion: A Case for Engineering our Foods
Nov 26, 2023 8:59PM
Kristine Lopez
Hi Viviana,

I thought this discussion was interesting because it made you think about the many differences
benefits as well as disadvantages of genetically engineered food. I feel like there are so many
pros and cons that come along with it. I can see why people are against genetically engineered
food but you made a good point when you wrote about how crops have been modified to contain
higher levels of essential nutrients, addressing nutritional deficiencies in populations that rely on
these crops as staples. The fact is that genetically engineering these crops in the long run provide
even more amounts of nutrient rich foods.

from Discussion: A Case for Engineering our Foods

Nov 26, 2023 9:06PM
Kristine Lopez
Hi Isabella,

You made a good point that I didn’t even think about and that is that
for the most part genetically engineered food is usually cheaper than
it’s non GMO food competitors. There are so many benefits of
genetically food but kike you mentioned it’s also important to be
aware of the disadvantages like allergic reactions to these foods and
increased antibiotic resistance. It’s important to be aware of both

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