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1. Fill the gaps with personal or reflexive pronouns.

1. He is quit right, I agree with ... completely.

2. I looked at ... in the mirror and left the house in a very good mood.
3. "Who is it?" - "It's ... may I come in?"
4. Mr. Lloyds is very fat ... weighs over a hundred kilos?
5. ... introduced his wife to the quests.
6. Where shall ... meet, Bob?
7. James took the book and opened ....
8. We do not dress ... for dinner here.
9. I taught ... to play the quitar.
10. Selfish people only care about ...

2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вона нічого не сказала.
2. Він подивився на неї з подивом.
3. Вона не захотіла піти з ним.
4. Я попросив його налити трохи молока.
5. Коли йому було 3 роки, він міг сам одягатися.
6. Вибачте, але у мене немає часу.
7. Яка красива картина! Вона твоя?
8. Візьми свою чашку. Ця чашка - моя.
9. Його думка відрізняється від мого.
10. Сьогодні ввечері прийде хто-небудь?

3. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, our,
1. I left ... car in the garage.
2. Mary hung ... coat on the peg.
3. Jack had ... hair cut.
4. Neil and David ate ... supper.
5. I hope you enjoy ... holiday.
6. We'll invite you round to ... house sometime and complete these by addig a
possessive with own.
7. You must make up ... own mind.
8. The children had to cook ... own supper.
9. Bill borrowed Jenny's car ... own can was being repaired.
10. I'll bring ... own sheets and towels.
4. Виберіть з дужок відповідне займенник. Переведіть пропозиції. Вправа 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
1. Whose slippers are these? Are they ... (my, mine) or ... (your, yours)? - They
are ... (her, hers). 1. This is my mum. _________ name "s Jess.
2. ... (Our, Ours) car is cleaner than ... (their, theirs). 2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
3. Look at this girl. She is ... (his, him) wife. 3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
4. It's not ... (her, hers) lipstick. ... (Her, hers) is darker. 4. This is my cousin. _________ name "s Helen.
5. ... (My, Mine) life, ... (my, mine) rules. 5. This is my cousin. ______ name "s Fred
6. Was ... (your, yours) trip exciting? - ... (My, Mine) was boring. 6. These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
7. Can I use ... (their, theirs) hair-drier? - ... (Our, Ours) is out of order. 7. This is my aunt. _______ name "s Pam.
8. Mrs. Novak is a friend of ... (his, him).
9. Sometimes she waters ... (my, mine) flowers and I water ... (her, hers). Вправа 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.
10. I remember the street but I do not remember ... (it, its, her, his) name.
First name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What "s
4. Вставте відповідний присвійний займенник (my, our, your, his, her, its, _____ first name? And what" s ______ family name? I "m married. You can see
their). _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We" ve got one son and one
1. You should play with ... own toys. daughter. ______ son is 21. _____ name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24.
2. Robert could not use ... notebook because it was broken. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married. _____ husband "s name is Bred. Emy and
3. The funny cat tried to catch ... tail. Bred have got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.
4. I hope you'll enjoy ... meal.
5. Anna drove ... children to school. Вправа 3. Circle the correct word.
6. I had ... chest X-rayed.
7. We can bring ... own instruments. This is Michael. This is his / her family. These are my / his parents. This is her /
8. They often go to the Crimea because they love ... nature. their house. This is your / their pet. This is her / its ball.
9. She can not find ... glasses.
10. He did not give me ... number. Вправа 4. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.
Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?
5. Знайдіть помилки в деяких пропозиціях. Kate They "re Amy" s, I think. Yes, they "re (1) _______.
Наприклад: Mine brother lives in Turkey. - My brother lives in Turkey. (Мій брат Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?
живе в Туреччині.) Amy: That "s (2) ______ too! Thanks.
1. It is not ours dog. Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?
2. His watermelon was very sweet. Jason: Ask Paul. I think it "s (3) __________.
3. How many books are there in hers library? Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You "ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!
4. The elephant hurt his leg. Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it "s (4) __________ really.
5. Is this room your? Jason: What about this umbrella?
6. It's my birthday, not yours. Paul: Don "t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.
7. Theirs teacher is younger than ours. Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?
8. She is a friend of my. Jason: No, it isn "t (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball,
9. The world is at her feet. so it" s (7) _________ probably.
10. Did you like mine present?
Вправа 5. Виберіть з підкреслених слів правильні присвійні займенники.
1. Is this yours / your daughter?
2. It "s theirs / their problem, not our / ours. Relative Pronouns
3. It "s a good idea of \u200b\u200byour / yours to go to the bar tonight.
4. Are these her / hers shoes? Choose correct letter.
5. We "re going swimming with some friends of our / ours. 1. __ is that sitting over there on the bench?
6. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it "s not my / mine. (a) Who (b) Whom (c) Which
7. We know their / theirs address but they don "t know our / ours. 2. I don't understand a word __ you are speaking about.
8. That "s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black. (a) what (b) that (c) who
9. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer. 3. They have a very large house round __ there are some beautiful gardens.
10. My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours? (a) that (b) which (c) whose
4. I'm looking at the photograph __ you sent me with your email.
Вправа 6. Вставте потрібні за змістом вирази з (own). (a) which (b) who (c) whom
1. He really loves to have __________ car. 5. There is a new television program called: '__ wants to be a millionaire?'.
2. I hope to set up _________ business one day (a) Which (b) What (c) Who
3. Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________. 6. I think you will see that this is the best museum __ you can find in the city.
4. We don "t need your tools, we" ve taken _________ drill. (a) that (b) which (c) who
5. They invested the money of__________ in this project. 7. The police want to find out __ drove the green car into the shop window.
6. She "s always smoking our cigarettes! Why doesn" t she buy __________. (a) who (b) who's (c) whose
7. I have always dreamt to have a room of___________. 8. Did you meet the lady __ uncle works in the reception?
8. Liza has left ____________ child in infant home! (a) who (b) whose (c) who's
9. The house was built by ___________ great-grandfather. We "re proud of 9. The person in the house next to mine knows someone __ met the King.
this fact. (a) who (b) whom (c) which
10. We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us. 10. The grass, __ I cut every week, seems to grow really quickly.
(a) who (b) who's (c) which
Вправа 7. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.
Tim: Whose CD is that?
Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It "s (1) _______. It" s (2) _______ favourite CD. Exercise 1.
Tim: It "s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too? Complete with correct relative pronoun.
Jenny: No, it "s (5) ________ sister's. And those on the table are (6) ________ too. 1. I talked to a boy …. had that awful big dog.
Tim: There "s a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles? 2. Mrs. Martin, …. is a shop assistant, asked me to paint her house in blue.
Jenny: No, she doesn "t. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are 3. That is the shop …. I bought my new trainers.
(8) ______. 4. Jessica, …. car you can see over there, is the rudest girl in the world.
Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister "s? 5. Mr. Robinson, …. is the author of this year’s window displays, is incredibly
Jenny No, it isn "t (10) _________. I" ll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is nervous today.
(12) _______. 6. Thank you for the book …. was really exciting.
7. The karaoke bar is a place … you can sing a song and relax.

Exercise 2.
Combine two sentences using a relative pronoun.
1. Kate looks like her sister Meg. Meg is a pop star.
2. Do you know those children? The children are playing in the mud.
3. I want to study English at this school. This school is the best in the city.
4. This is the novel of Lev Tolstoy. Lev Tolstoy died in 1910. 7. The man ___ was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter.
5. They called a doctor. The doctor lived nearby. 8. A woman ____ son was crying paid no attention to him.
6. Could you bring me an apple, please? The apple is on the table. 9. The woman ____ car had broken down on her way home spent 3 hours waiting
7. My son broke the vase. I got the vase as a present. for help.
10. My best friend ____ I have known for years will never let me down.
Exercise 3. 11. He didn’t follow the instructions ____ he was given, so he failed to pass the
Match the sentence halves. test.
1) Two men, who were very drunk, a) where I was born. 12. The girl ___ lived next door was very shy and couldn’t say a word to protect
2) Please give me back the books b) couldn’t walk at all. herself at school.
3) Do you know a good shoe shop c) where people don’t 13. I need to buy a laptop ____ can work up to 5 hours without a charger.
celebrate Christmas. 14. My father ___ is a doctor has no idea how to repair a car.
4) He writes the best poems d) which I lent you last 15. The photo ____ is placed on the mantel was taken at the picnic two years ago.
5) That is the country e) which I’ve ever read. 3. Соедините предложения, используя придаточные предложения.
6) Caroline is a girl f) where I can buy
nice winter boots? Н-р: My dad works in a factory. It makes parts for computers. (Мой отец
7) Kharkiv is the city g) who is the worst работает на фабрике. Она производит детали для компьютеров.) – The factory
student in my class. … makes parts for computers. – The factory where my dad works makes parts for
computers. (Фабрика, на которой работает мой отец, производит детали для
1. Поставьте подходящее относительное местоимение who, which, that, when, компьютеров.)
why, where или whose.
1. There is a bakery near my house. It sells wonderful pies. – The bakery … sells
His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library. wonderful pies.
Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success. 2.They lived in a cottage. It was struck by lightning. – The cottage … was struck
Give him something … will take away the pain. by lightning.
I work in the town … my son lives. 3. Jane made a seafood salad. Nobody likes it. – Nobody likes the salad … .
We’ll show you the poem … changed my life. 4. Jack is an architect. He designed the Opera House. – Jack is the architect … .
Doctors, … claim money, are shameless. 5. The woman didn’t apologize. Her cat bit me. – The woman … didn’t apologize.
Is there a shop near here … sells milk? 6. Madonna is a famous American singer. Her parents were born in Italy. –
That’s the main reason … I came to you. Madonna … is a famous American singer.
I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy. 7. The apartment is the biggest in the house. The lawyer lives there. – The
People … live in flats shouldn’t have animals. apartment … is the biggest in the house.
The car … he bought last month is fantastic. 8. We play tennis in a sports centre. It is very expensive. – The sports centre … is
This is the most beautiful waterfall … we have ever seen! very expensive.

1. That is the shop ____ was awarded as the best shop in the city.
2. The girl ____ brother goes with me to the gym is a good singer.
3. The man ____ broke into our house was caught in two days.
4. She visits her grandmother ____ lives in countryside every summer.
5. She was wearing a dress ___ looked like princess’.
6. The bookshelf ____ we bought last week has broken down.

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