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Упражнения "Сравнение времен Past Perfect - Past Perfect Continuous"

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Julia wanted to sit down as she ... (stand) at work all day long. (Джулия хотела присесть, потому что она
весь день на работе стояла на ногах.)
2. She ... (learn) “Eugene Onegin” by the autumn. (К осени она выучила «Евгения Онегина».)
3. The rain stopped but there were a lot of puddles because it ... (rain) cats and dogs. (Дождь прекратился, но
было много луж, потому что лило как из ведра.)
4. Olivia and Victor ... (chat) via Skype for an hour when the connection broke. (Оливия и Виктор беседовали
по скайпу в течение часа, когда связь прервалась.)
5. They ... (decorate) the New Year tree before the children arrived. (Они украсили новогоднюю елку до того,
как прибыли дети.)
6. Bob ... (eat up) all the muffins by lunchtime. (Боб съел все маффины к обеду.)
7. My sister ... (do) the laundry since early morning. (Моя сестра занималась стиркой с самого раннего утра.)
8. I knew that our parents ... (grow) melons in their greenhouse since they bought the house. (Я знал, что наши
родители выращивали дыни в теплице с тех пор, как купили дом.)
9. He ... (loose) much weight by the end of the year. (Он сильно похудел к концу года.)
10. Brown understood the problems of his agency because he ... (work) for it since 2005. (Мистер Браун
понимал все проблемы своего агентства, поскольку работал в нем с 2005 года.)

2. В каждой паре предложений поставьте глагол в одной из форм: Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.
1. to listen
My head hurt because I ... to music for three hours. – I knew the names of the robbers because I ... to the news on TV.

2. to build
They ... a new school for six months when there was an earthquake. – They ... a new block of flats by December.

3. to fly
By the time the sun went down the couple ... over the Pacific ocean for five hours. – By the time the sun went down
the couple ... more than 500 km over the Pacific ocean.

Exercise 3. Choose Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1. While I was listening to the music, somebody ... into the room.
a. came
b. had come
2. I enjoyed this film even though I... it before.
a. saw
b. had seen
3. I tried to touch John in the morning but he already —
a. left
b. had left
4. The teacher ... that the pupil didn’t know the lesson.
a. understood
b. had understood
5. I... my composition by the end of the lesson.
a. wrote
b. had written
6. He told me he ... football before.
a. played
b. had played
7. When I... the door everybody was there.
a. opened
b. had opened
8. We ... him when we lived in Italy.
a. met
b. had met
9. At first I... the book, then I saw the film.
a. read
b. had read
10. When I... on the bus, I realized that I had forgotten my key.
a. was
b. had been
11. I didn’t know her address because I... the note with it.
a. lost
b. had lost
12. He remembered this accident which he ... on the road.
a. saw
b. had seen
13. She ... as a nurse before she became a doctor.
a. worked
b. had worked.
14. The children ... up the dishes after the dinner.
a. washed
b. had washed
15. We met Ann last week. She ... better than before.
a. looked
b. had looked

Exercise 4. Choose the correct verb form (Past Perfect Simple or Continuous).
1. The flat was dirty. They hadn’t (cleaned/ been cleaning) it for weeks.
2. I was sad when I sold my car because I had (had/been having) it for a very long time.
3. I knew all those facts because I had (read/ been reading) about it in the report.
4. My stomach ached because I had (eaten/been eating) too much at the party.
5. He was very nervous at the beginning of the match because he had never (played/been playing) in the prime league
6. The roads were wet and dangerous because it had (rained/been raining) all night.
7. When I arrived at the party, Ann had already (left/been leaving).
8. We were good friends and we had (known/been knowing) each other for a long time.
9. They had (walked/been walking) for five hours before they reached the village.
10. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all day so I had to drink a lot of coffee.
11. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We had (travelled/been travelling) for more than a month.
12. She was sitting on the ground and was out of breath because she had (run/been running) the marathon.
Упражнения "Сравнение времен Past Perfect - Past Perfect Continuous" (с ответами)

1. had been standing
2. had learnt
3. had rained
4. had been chatting
5. had decorated
6. had eaten up
7. had been doing
8. had been growing
9. had lost
10. had been working
1. My head hurt because I had been listening to music for three hours. (У меня болела голова, потому что я
слушал музыку на протяжении трех часов.) – I knew the names of the robbers because I had listened to the
news on TV. (Я знал имена грабителей, потому что слушал новости по телевизору.)
2. They had been building a new school for six months when there was an earthquake. (Они строили новую
школу в течение шести месяцев, когда произошло землетрясение.) – They had built a new block of flats
by December. (Они построили новый многоквартирный дом к декабрю.)
3. By the time the sun went down the couple had been flying over the Pacific ocean for five hours. (К тому
времени, когда зашло солнце, пара уже летела над Тихим океаном в течение пяти часов.) – By the time
the sun went down the couple had flown more than 500 km over the Pacific ocean. (К тому времени, когда
зашло солнце, пара пролетела над Тихим океаном более 500 километров.)

Exercise 3. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. b 14. a 15. a

Exercise 4. 1. cleaned 2. been having 3. read 4. eaten 5. played 6. been raining 7. left 8. known 9. been walking 10.
been feeling 11. been travelling 12. been running

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