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GROWTH Self-esteem: It has a sense of worth and self

respect, of not being used as a tool by others
Growth refers to a positive change in size or
for their ownends. Development is legitimized
maturation, often over a period of time. Growth as a goal because it is important for the
can occur as a stage of maturation or a process indispensable way of gaining esteem.
toward fullness or fulfilment.
Freedom to be Able to Choose from Servitude:
Growth from the economic perspective means an Freedom must be understood from the sense
increase in the production of economic goods and
of emancipation from alienating material
services compared over a particular time period, conditions of life and from social servitude to
generally in terms of GDP or GNP.
nature, ignorance, other people, misery,
The most important aspect of growth is its institutions and dogmatic beliefs.
quantifiability, that is, one can measure it in
absolute terms. There are various aspects of growth Objectives of Development
that occur from large scale to small scale. Few of
objectives of development are:
them are Economic Growth, Social Growth. TheTothreeincrease the availability and widen the
Cultural Growth, Human Growth, National
Growth, etc. distribution of basiclife sustaining goods such as
food, shelter, health and protection.
DEVELOPMENT To raise the levels of living, including in addition
to higher incomes, the provision of more jobs,
Development meanS "improvement in the better education and greater attention to cultural
country's economic and social conditions", More and humanistic values, all of which will serve not
specifically, it refers to improvements in the way only to enhance material well-being but also to
of managing an area's natural and human resources generate greater individual and national self
in order to create wealth and improve people's esteem.
lives. Therefore, development is a multidimensional To expand the range of economic and socialchoices
process involving changes in social structures, available to individuals and nations by freeing
popular attitudes, and national institutions as well them from servitude and dependence not only in
as the acceleration of economic growth, the relation to other people and nation states but also
reduction of inequality and the eradication of to the forces of ignorance and human misery.
Three basic core values pave the way as a Challenges in the Way of Development
practical guideline for understanding
development. These are: Over exploitation of natural resources
Sustenance: Purpose of development is to Dependence on primary products as raw materials
create an environment in which all people can
Misuse of foreign assistance
expand their capabilities and opportunities Misguided priorities
which can be enlarged for both present as well
as future generations. Cultural restrains


Indian Econom
Various Aspects of Development Human Development
Human development is detined as the process
Social Development expansion of human capabilities, a widenine
Social development is about putting people at the choices, a fultilment of human
centre of development. This means a commitment enhancement of treedom and opportunities and
that development processes need to benefit people. improving their well-being.
The way people interact in groups and society, and According to the United Nations, there are thr
the nornms that facilitate such interaction, shape essential choices tor people which are: leadine,
development processes. Social development, thus long and healthy lite; acquiring Anowedge: an:
implies the change in social institutions. having access to the resources needled tor a deen
Formal institutional reform - for example, the standard of living.
provision of legally enshrined rights, better law The Human Development Index (HDI)
enforcement, or more participatory governance In 1990, two economists - P'rot. Mehbub
are part of the process by which institutional change Haque of Pakistan and Prot. Amartya Sen o
is achieved. The indices of social development focus
India introduced the concept ot Human
on measuring the informal social institutions, how Development Index (HDI) and since 1993
they conmpare across countries, and how these has been used by the United Nation
change over time. They are:
Civicactivism Development Programme (UNDI) each vea
to calculate the Human Development Inde,
Interpersonal safety and trust (HDI) and publish it as a report which is know
Clubs and associations
as Human Development Report (HDR).
Gender equality The HDl is the geometric mean of normalizei
" Inter-group cohesion indices for each of the three dimensions such
The World Bank supports social development by as long and healthy lite, knowledge and
listening to the poor people and promoting their decent standard of living.
voices in the development process; understanding The health dimension is dssessed by lite
and addressing their needs, priorities and
expectancy at birth, the education dinensionis
aspirations and building formal and informal measured by mearns of years of schooling for
adults aged 25 vears and nmore, and expected
Economic Development years of schooling for children of school entering
Economic development is the process whereby age. The standard of living dimension is
simple, low-income national economies are measured by gross national income per capita
transformed into modern industrial economies. The above mentioned dimensions are measured
Economic Development creates the conditions for by the following indicators:
economic growth and improved quality of life by " Life Expectancy Index (LEI): Calculated
expanding the capacity of individuals, firms, and from Life expectancy at birth.
communities to maximize the use of their talents and
skills to support innovation, lower transaction costs, Education Index (EI): Calculated fron
and responsibly produce and trade valuable goods Mean years of schooling and Expecte
and services. years of schooling
Income Index (II): Calculated from GN pe
Gender and Development capita (PPP US$).
The development of both men and women is Countries fall into four broad humat
crucial to enhance the standard of human living. The development categories based on HDl index:
development should also aim for gender equality Very High Human Development,
which refers to equal rights, responsibilities and High Human Development,
opportunities that all persons should enjoy, regardless Medium Human Development, and
of whether one is born male or female.
" Low Human
Growth &Development
Low HDI Medium HDI High HDI Very High HDI
An index of 0 - 0.549 An index of 0.55 - An index of 0.7 - 0.799
An index of 0.8 and
means low development- 0.699 means medium means high development
for example, index of development - for -forexample, Iran which above means very high
Niger was 0.394 with rank development - for example,
example, India's index had index value of 0.783,
189 (lowest) in the 2020 was 0.645 with 131 rank with rank 70 in the 2020 Norway topped the Human
HDR report. in the 2020 HDR report. HDR report.
development Index with
index value 0.957 in the 2020
HDR report.
The HDI simplifies and captures only part of expectancy, social support, freedom,
what human development entails. It does not
reflect on inequalities, poverty, human security, perceptions of corruption and generosity.
Human Development in India
empowerment, etc.
The 2010 Human As per HDR 2020, India ranked 131h out of the
Development Report came
up for the first time with an Inequality-adjusted
189 countries on the HDI.
According to the report, India's gross national
Human Development Index (IHDI), which
factors in inequalities in the three basic income per capita fell to USD 6,681 in 2019
from USD 6,829 in 2018 on purchasing power
dimensions of human development, which are parity (PPP) basis. Purchasing power parity or
income, life expectancy and education PPP is a measurement of prices in different
Other Key Indices of Human Development: The countries using the prices of specific goods to
Human Development Report publishes 5 indices, compare the absolute purchasing power of the
including the HDI described above. countries' currencies.
Happiness Index as a Measure of Human For the first time, the United Nations
Development Development Programme (UNDP) introduced
" Happiness Index is brought by World a new metric to reflect the impact caused by
Happiness Report. It is a measure of happiness each country's per-capita carbon emissions and
published by the United Nations Sustainable its material footprint, which measures the
Development Solutions Network. amount of fossil fuels, metals and other
In July 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted resources used to make the goods and services
a resolution "Happiness: Towards a Holistic it consumes called the Planetary Pressures
Definition of Development", which ultimately adjusted HDI, or PHDI. India would move up
led to the release of the first World Happiness eight places in the ranking.
Report on April 1, 2012. The World Happiness The life expectancy for Indians at birth was 69.7
Report aims to draw global attention around years in 2019, slightly lower than the South
the need to create a sound policy for what Asian average of 69.9 years.
matters most to people - their well-being. The expected years of schooling in India was
It maps happiness on the parameters of GDP 12.2 years, compared with 11.2 years in
per capita, social support, and healthy life Bangladesh and 8.3 years in Pakistan. Also,
expectancy, freedom to make life choices, according to the report, in ndia, different
generosity and perceptions of corruption. ressponses in parent behaviour as well as some
disinvestment in girls health and education
In 2021 Global Happiness Index (GHI), India
was ranked on the 139th spot, down from 144th have led to higher malnutrition among girls
in the 2020 report. than among boys as a consequence of shocks
likely linked to climate change.
Top ten in order were Finland, Denmark,
Switzerland, lceland, Netherlands, Norway, GROWTH VS. DEVELOPMENT
Sweden, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Austria.
All the top countries tend to have high values The terms Growth and Development are used in
for six of the key variables that have been found every aspect of life. These terms are often used
to support well-being: income, healthy life interchangeably. However, there are several
drishti Indian Econta
significant differences between these
Following are a few key differences: two words. " Growth can be perceived ando
can be
accurately, whereas
" Growth is just 'getting
bigger, whereas
development is 'improvement.
necessarily be perceived on
be measured accurately.
Growth is termed as a physical change, whereas canr
Economic Growth can be
development is said to be phvsical as well as
social and psychological change.
increase in a country's GDP.
While growth is related to
method of measuring taccura
Human Development Index, which is t
improvement, development is quantitative
related to account the literacy
rates, life taakes in
quantitative as well as qualitative improvement. per capita income. expectancy at
Indices of Human Development
The IHDl combines a country's averagee achievement in health, education
with how those and incom:
achievements are distributed among the country's population
Inequality "discounting" each dimension'saverage value according to its level of inegualit:L
Adjusted HDI Thus, the JHDI is distribution-sensitive average level of
Two countries with different distributions of human development
(IHDI)) achievements can have the same avers
HDI value.
Under perfect equality, the IHDI isequal to the HDI, but falls below the
HDI wh
inequality rises.
The GDI measures gender gaps in human
for disparities between women and men development achievements by accountin
in three basic
development - health, knowledge and living standards usingdimensions
of huma
same componen
indicators as in the HDI.
Development The GDI is the ratio of the HDls
calculated separately for females and males usin:
Index (GDI) the same methodology as in the HDI.
It is a direct measure of gender gap
male HDI. showing the female HDI as a percentage of th
The GDI value of 1 indicates perfect gender
The GIl is an inequality index.
It measures gender inequalities in three
important aspects of
Reproductive Health: measured by the maternal mortalityhuman developmen:
ratio and adolescen
birth rates;
Gender Empowerment: measured by proportion of parliamentary seats occupied b
Inequality Index females and proportion of Indian
(GII) years and older with at least some Economy adult females and males aged
Economic Status: expressed as labour marketeducation; and
the labour force participation rate of female and participation and measured
and older. male populations aged 15 year
The higher the GIl value more the disparities
more loss to human development. between females and males and th
The Multidimensional Poverty Index
Report, complements monetary measures ofpublished
for the first time in the
by considering overlapp:
Multidimensional deprivations suffered byindividuals at the same time.
Poverty Index The index identifies deprivations across the same
shows the number of people who are three dimensions as the HDI a
weighted deprivations with which poormultidimensionally poor and the nunte
households typically contend with.
Growth &Development
Though people often use the words 'growth' and implies the yearly increase in the country's GDP
development interchangeably, but it is not the or GNP, in percentage terms. It alludes to a
case. As you can see from the discussion above,
growth and development have different meanings considerable rise in per-capita national product,
in different contexts. In general, though, it can be over a period.
said that whilst growth is about a simple positive Economic Growth is often contrasted with
increase in size, development is a more complex
and many stage process. Economic Development, which is defined as the
increase in the economic wealth of acountry or a
Economic Growth vs. Economic Development particular area, for the welfare of its residents.
Economic Growth refers to the rise in the value Economic growth is an essential but not the only
of everything produced in the economy. It condition for economic development.

Basis for Comparison EconomicGrowth Economic Development

Meaning It is the positive change in the Economic development involves rise in the level
realoutput of the country in a of production in an economy along with the
particular span of time. advancement of technology, improvement in
living standards and so on.
Concept Narrow Broad
|Scope Increase in the indicators like Improvement in life expectancy rate, infant
GDP, per capita income, etc. mortality rate, literacy rate and poverty rates.
Term Short term process Long term process
Kind of Changes Quantitative changes Quantitative as well as qualitative changes
Sustainable development is a development that DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs)
meets the needs of the present without At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, the
compromising the ability of future generations to largest gathering of world leaders in history
meet their own needs. It contains within it two key adopted the UN Millennium Declaration,
concepts: committing their nations to anew global partnership
The concept of needs, in particular the essential to reduce extreme poverty and setting out a series
needs of the world's poor, towhich overriding of time-bound and quantified targets, with a
priority should be given; and deadline of 2015, which came to be known as the
The idea of limitations imposed by the state of Millennium Development Goals.
technology and social organization on the They are aimed at addressing extreme poverty in
environment's ability to meet present and its many dimensions-income poverty, hunger,
future needs. disease, lack of adequate shelter, and exclusion
The concept of sustainable development while promoting gender equality, education, and
integrates social, economic, and environmental environnmental sustainability. They are also basic

policy. It considers both development (a to human rights.

traditional economic and political goal) and The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have
sustainability (an ecological goal). Several been the most successful giobal anti-poverty push
United Nations texts refer to the"interdependent in history. They were embraced by all UN Member
and mutually reinforcing pillars" of sustainable States and millions of peoples' lives have improved
development as economic development, social due to concerted, targeted efforts by many
development, and environmental protection. countries, groups and individuals.

Indian Econom,
drishti there, hundreds of millions of people remain in
Achievements of MDGs extreme poverty. Within countries, poverty i;
The main goal was tohalve thenumber of people greatest in rural areas, though urban povertyi
also extensive, growing, and underreported b,
Iiving on less than $1.25 a day - was achieved
traditional indicators.
before the 2015 deadline despite the absence of any Focus on Output rather than Outcome: Some
legally binding enforcement mechanism.
MDGs measure outputs or inputs rather than
The number of people in extreme poverty declined
by an estimated 130 million. Between 1990 and 2002 outcomes or impacts of development. MDG2, for
example, measures onlythe intake of education,
averageoverall incomes increased by approximately regardless of its quality or relevance for economic,
21%.Child mortality rates fell from 103 deaths per
1,000 live births a year to 88. Life expectancy rose social and political life.
from 63 years to nearly 65 years. Neglect of Distributive Issues: For instance, whe
An additional 8% of the developing world's people a particular country lowers its cchild mortality rate,
received access to water and an additional 15% then MDG4 does not capture whether this is d
health of the
acquired access to improved sanitation services.
to improvements in the
Criticisms of MDGs disadvantaged or others that are better off in ter.
of child survival.
Top-down and Straitjacket Approach: They are
charged with neglecting issues in developed
India and MDGs
cOuntries, not considering the real needs in recipient India could achieve much progress on some
countries, particularly those of marginalised
populations. One of the causes of this is, its targets like poverty reduction, household with water
utilisation of adonor-driven design. It failed to access, gender parity,and universal primary education
tackle the root causes of poverty and and under five mortality rates. But there are targets
underdevelopment. related to maternal mortality rate, the share of women
No goals or commitments for developed in non-agricultural employment, birth attended by
countries and no compulsion for members to skilled personnel and sanitation, which could not be
follow the MDGs. achieved by India within the given time frame.
No indication of what happens if the goals are
unmet at the end of the target period. SUSTAINABLE
Incomplete Agenda: The MDGs have also been DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs)
criticised for the dimensions they have omitted.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are
The goals do not place enough emphasis on
sustainable development, and leave out crucial officially nown as Transforming our World: the
issues such as 'peace, security and disarmament' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
as well as 'human rights, democracy and good There are 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved
governance'. by 2030. The UN General Assembly (UNGA
Financial Issues: Financial Support Targets and adopted these goals in 2015. The SDGs are:
indicators for Overseas Development Assistance Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
(ODA)were not backed up by any quantitative or Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and
time-bound targets. Levels of international aid improved nutrition, and promote sustainable
have beern minimal and have not been able to play agriculture.
any significant role in fostering achievement of Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wel
MDGs and targets. being for all at all ages.
Non-uniform Achievement of Targets: There are Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable qualit
huge disparities across and withincountries. Sub education and promote lifelong learmirt;
Saharan Africa is the epicentre of the crisis and a opportunities for all.
widespread shortfall for most of the MDGs. Asia Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empo
is the region with the fastest progress, but even all women and girls.

Growth &
How Goal13: " "
recognises; measure The
The SDGs sustainable Goal
sustainableOceans, Goalchange
production inclusive,
patterns.Ensure countries.innovation.
Goal inclusive Goal
employment Goal7:
Goalmanagement GoalDevelopment
environment Our
The and;societies; SDGs coherence,sustainable and Goal justice
capacity desertification,
for Goal sustainably
and degradation Goal
interconnectedness a are 17:Strengthen sustainable 14: 11: 10: 9: 6:
dependence revitalize inclusive 16:Promote
for 15: and Build 8:
Development much willBetter building, seas urgent
Take Reduce and Promote Ensure Ensure
frameworks be data all Conserve safe, Make economic
relevant development: institutions and and Protect,
use its sustainable a and of
broader manage and impacts. resilient cities resilient and
monitoring development, the and consumption
sustainableand inequality decent modern access water
of on the trade, build peaceful halt of
greater a for
global marine and halt restore action and
stable of
Goals set means biodiversity terrestrial infrastructure, toand
action. all policy at
effective, and sustainably
and industrialization work
our of and finance, all forests,
andcombat human within energysanitation
(MDGs). countries of provide tosustainable ful affordable, and
cooperation andeconomies factors accounting, implementation levels. inclusive and resources combat for inclusive
ecosystems, settlements all. for
technology, accountable
institutional loss. and productive sustainable
productive This than and access promote promote all. for
societies use climate among reliable,
and shift land and and al l.
and the will etc. for for the drishti
SDGs of
attributed There attention Some, promote education,
tolearnersbenefits offering
protection Some forms Thhaving many Outcome-oriented, " deadline. " thOne are SDGsshaping mostly justpurely Wider
of theirsimilarsustainability
hey economy-wide objective.would define e According
and by sensitive, More easy the
are such first targets environmental.
are they everywhere"
goals, a consist poorest inspired ideas.
mentioned be on precisely
sustainable equal proposed bad comprehensive to the range
toThis few better a as
acquire would
systems, to
their people. addressed: specific that offered. are while understand, developmernt of
failure access such cost-benefit Copenhagen people, by They perspective: of
urgent and
knowledge be either other number a
DRISHTI minimal In handled for was goal, still improving
onl y area hence,
development" Others, very fighting
to as differ agenda goals
of the one sustainable ambitious. hand, the Both
attention in issues that vocational
expensive having
unrealistically excessively
to ratio. than
measurable of
say goals draft such by unlikely "end they
sustainably. lemostly and The that
the and such substance Consensus the manageable goalthats SDGs the Whiapproaches
in ofissuewhich a skills as universal poverty MDGs are:
economists mainliving the with neitherMDGsmatter TM
politics them to onthe more tourism, towere
"ensuring relative or vague
hunger SDGs is beneeded have and
related are general effective. university abuseambitious. in concern
conditionsMDGsrespect SDGs
across can
difficult to Centre,
or wi th involve are from
27 and als o, not sai d social al been,
be to to all the or its are are are not
a is to a
drishti Indian Economy
Means of Implementation of SDGs meant lhat the country's national
The notion of mens of imylementation describes
the interdependent mix of inancial resources,
goals are mirroredn the SDG%. Indiaaiis one of
forty countries that have volunteered totake the
tehnology development and transfer, capacity in the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRS) at th
building, inclusive and equitable globalization and High-Level Political Forum (HLPE) 2017. Ind..
trade, regional integration, as well as the creation appreciates the focus on "Eradicating poverty and
of a national enabling environment required to promoting prosperity in achanging world'.
implement the new sustainable development While targeting economicgrowth, infrastructure
agenda, particularly indeveloping countries. development and industrialisation, the country's
The implementation of the post-2015 development war against poverty has become fundamentally
agenda will require States and other relevant actors, focussed on social inclusion and empowerment of
acting individully and collectively, to adopt policies
and mobilize resources to advance equitable, human the poor. Even as it combats poverty, India remains
committed to protecting the environment.
rights-based, sustainable development. Reinforcing Indias commitment to the national
Sustainable Development Budgets:
Governments will have to formulate development agenda and SDGs, the country's
Parliament has organized several forums to
Sustainable Development Budgets in order to
implemernt Sustainable Development Goals. develop policy and action perspectives on
Civil society, the private sector, the media and elimination of poverty,promoting gender equality
other relevant stakeholders should play a and addressing climate change.
significant role in the delivery and the The NITI Aayog, with the Prime Minister as its
monitoring of the global partnership. chairperson, is to provide the overall coordination
Access to Information: The development of and leadership. The institution has carried out a
policies that will promote open access to detailed mapping of the 17 Goals and 169 targets
scientific data, especially legal issues that to Nodal Central Ministries,Centrally Sponsored
hinder access to scientific data are needed, Schemes and major government initiatives. Most
along with the need for research funded by sub-national governments have carried out a
governments to be made accessible to the public. similar mapping of the SDGs and targets to the
Technology Transfer: Foreign direct departments and programmes in their
investment contributes towards financing respective states.
sustained economic growth over the long term. The Ministry of Statistics & Programme
It is especially important for its potential to Implementation has developed a list of draft
transfer knowledge and technology. Trade is national indicators in light of the global SDG
an additional important means of diffusing
indicators. Several of the Government programmes
new technologies and know how. Further,
policy makers need to find the right balance would directly contribute to the advancement of
between intellectual property rights and the SDG agenda. A noteworthy example is the
technology transfer toensure both accessibility Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) which
and reward (for creativity and innovation) is the world's largest financial inclusion programme.
which remains a fundamental challenge in While the Central government has sponsored
building an inclusive and sustainable schemes to provide employment, connect villages
development path. to cities through roads, build houses for the poor
and offer education in the states, various sut
India and Sustainable groups of Chief Ministers have come forward to
Development Goals (SDGs) give valuable advice to the Central government ont
India has played an important role in shaping the such important matters as digital payments, Sku
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This has development and the Swachh Bharat Abhivan

Growth &Development
(Clean India Campaign). As a part of its oversight advancement of one global goal may lead to
responsibility, NITI Aayog has led the process of progress in other goals as well.
Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) preparation. Also, the NITIAayog has presented India's second
This VNR focuses on the progress made towards Voluntary National Review (VNR), titled 'Decade
achieving Goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 14 and 17. These Goals of Action: Taking SDGs from Global to Local' at
have been agreed upon in the HLPF as focus areas. the United Nations High-level Political Forum
The nature of SDGs, however, is such that the
(HLPF) on Sustainable Development, 2020.


1. Explain intergenerational and intragenerational issues of equity from the perspective of inclusive
and sustainable growth. (150 words) growth
2. "Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern (2020)
energy isthe sine qua non to achieve
Development Goals (SDGs)." Comment on the progress made in India in this regard.(150 words)

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