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SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ) Assignment Solution Guide (July-2021 to Jan-2022) BEGE-143, Understanding Poetry Assignment July, 2021 & January, 2022 Sessions (Based on Blocks 1-4) max. marks: 100 Answer all questions. Section A Write short notes in about 200 words each. 25=10 (Main concerns of Victorian Poetry (ll) Characteristic features of Indian English Poetry Section 8 Explain with reference to the context in 300 words each. 3x10=30 2. images consult 2. Sweep the house Under the feet of the curious Holiday seekers— ‘Sweep under the table and the bed 3. Had we but world enough and Time, This coyness Lady were no crime, We would sit down, and think which way Answer the following questions in 800 words each: axis =60 1. Compare and contrast the idea of love in Donne's “The Canonization” and Marvell's “To His Cov Mistress.” 2. Write a critical appreciation on the poem "The Caves” To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like B.A. B.Com B.A.Hons. M.A. M.Com MBA. B.CA. M.C.A. MRD. MS.W. M.TM. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : SOLVED ASSIGNMENT Assignment Solution Guide (July-2021 to Jan-2022) B.E.G.E.-143 Understanding Poetry Disclaimer/Spectal Note: These are just the sample of the Answers Solutions to some of the Questions given in the ‘Assignments. These Sample Answers/Solutions are prepared by Private Teacher/Tutors‘Authors fr the help and guidance of the student to get an idea of how he/she can answer the Questions given the Assignments. We do not claim 100% accuracy of t knowledge and capability of Private Teacter/Tutor. Sample answers may repiare the answers of the Questions given in the assignment. AAs these solutions 380 the chances of error or mistake cannot be denied. Any Error is has been taken while preparing these Sample ‘Answers/Solutions. Please cot u prepare Particular Answer-and for upsto-date ‘and exact information, data and solution. Student should must read and refer the official study material provided by the 2 bpasrsiian ‘Ans. The Victorian poetry divided into main group of poetty the high Victorian poetry and the Pre Raphaelite. Dealing with first group the major high Vigrasiahtpbe® were AEA La¢CFefibyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Bennett (Browning), Matthew Amold and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Queen Vida ef sin wb tee FOC fin eer tunabeer foc oper pyar yey used it was ‘Tennyson for Robert Browning the dramatic monologue was a gr¥at innovation but Alfred Tennysoft invented and used it too. “Ty mn ust havea speaker a auigitoy tthe reader chen pooch RADI aoe SPEED ESAS BEE GiGi sco (Browning) poetry voice important for the feminist literature because before her poetry, there were no too much poetry about feminism. Matthew Arnold was influenced by Wordsworth and often considered a precursor of the modemist revolution and Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote in a unusual style and influenced a lot ofthe 1940 poets, Victorian era does not have a topic in the poems about love and worship of nature as the Romantics had in their poetry, Itis because the Romantics loved nature it was shown through their poems adoring and blessing heras ifshe ‘were God. But in the Vietorian poetry we have not found themes related to the topic ofthis paper, love and and what shape of nature because the victorians does not talk about her in their poetry, Therefore we will not relate this to with the victorians poets refer to in the descriptions of places in the poem And The Love and Worship of God, in comparison with love and worship of nature. Nature understood as part of God created by him maybe as a personification of God himselfin the earth. Advertisement To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like BA. B.Com BAHons. M.A. M.Com M.B.A. B.C.A. M.C.A. MRD. M.S.W. M.T.M. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : Study x&" SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ) Badshah Assignment Solution Guide Sena (July-2021 to Jan-2022) It can be mentioned that, the selection of poems has been made talking only the topic of this work into account ‘and not the importance of the poem itself in the poets poem. Then we are going to show two most important Victorian poets that refer to nature or that have aspects related with nature (ii) Characteristic features of Indian English Poetry ‘Ans. When we talk about Indian English Literature, itis obvious to mention Indian English Poetry, since itis the oldest form. The typical and actual India is beautifully being carved and described by Indian poets who write in English. Anew form of English poetry had been discovered by Indian poets by using indian culture, traditions, issues ‘ete and made the world know about them. During the pre-independence era few of the poets ts native English poets, they lost their they brought thei , language: hands in this foreign nf Indian Engli fers fr ‘of waySiliketheme, language;style of writing, imagery ete. The poems were writen in ndan English get more conestedt Tndans Bate tis orth Indians and by the Indi na = rites for foreign audiences i a in the i it worth reading Explain wit h. Qi Tages consult another Private Limited jm bads Tatt of Onfire Study and E-Learning aus. Comte Hie his hal BON 4 Os The Deed toes oy Reet Explanati ries that onstoe on TNA SEMEL AES loca Cee would be cleared soon as we read through the pocm. Next, the poet says, the images consult each other like “conscious-stricken jury’. Jury isa group of people who judges to givea verdict. The images are compared with that ‘ofa jury that gives the verdict of whether they would ft together ina sentence. They are ‘consciousvsticken’ maybe because they are conscious that they lack the element of significance and magie, that makes the poem renowned in the best form, Thus, in the end the poet says they give a verdict of coming together toa sentence, as if the judges coming together to decision @. 2. Sweep the house Under the feet of the curious Holiday seekers Sweep under the table and the bed to “be English’ by copying the style and pattem of the wn potential. When British came to India, resulted in the writers and poets trying their ill date i Aldvortisoment To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like B.A. B.Com B.A.Hons. M.A. M.Com MBA. B.CA. M.C.A. MRD. MS.W. M.TM. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : SOLVED ASSIGNMENT Assignment Solution Guide (July-2021 to Jan-2022) Ans. Context: These lines are taken from The Dead Baby by William Carlos Williams. Explanation: The speaker here wants to sweep not just the house clean, but ofthe reminders of death itself. A symbolic way of moving on from the loss is described through a mindless act of sweeping. What makes the loss all the more difficult to fathom is that the baby has died without any complications, suggested by the word “unproblematically”. The parents merely have a set of facts to comprehend their child’s sudden death. Just like how the medical discourse sweeps the death of the child “by force of the facts”, the patents are also expected to sweep the house of any markers that remind them of the lack of causality in the child’s death. This only goes on to show how both the parents are in denial of theit loss in the face of harsh reality and the terrors of life. The very act of ‘sweeping shows how the event has affected the parents emotionally although the father may not express it overtly. oan werd enongh and Tine, pc ans cal fi 3s by Andrew Marvell, _ Explanation: The fit tines of is Coy Mises * apoB bythe Serendip poet Andrew Marvell. The poet tells 2 woman whom he loves that if they had endless time and space at their disposal, then he could exer hes ogo bed wit A Lis ho es appt gins Seized. The speaker of the Is by 8 7 ee pord to a Inthe first stanza he : “ae normal lifespan, He co ‘ert iri ., coyness) ‘would not discourage him, In the second stanza, he ES pea iors contends, the opportunity to enjoy feath. Inthe last stanza, the speaker tsb vom orgie foe cegepntesi wath teh mos ofthe brats have tive. Onlin Sad and E-Learning Answer the following questions ._ Win. studybadshah,cem...... Coy Mistress.” ‘Ans. Believing ina God comes naturally for some, but for others, itis something that logically seems improbable. ‘What separates the two groups is that one group is willing to use faith asa tool to justify beliefS, while the other group denies faith as a valid justification. However, for those who believe in their religion, their faith is a truth to them because they choose to place trust in that faith. This is the key aspect in making religion relevant: believing makes the concept true to the individual, whether or not it objectively isso. In “The Canonization” by John Donne, the speaker expresses great love for his beloved. This love, however, ‘would not be possible if he did not believe in it so deeply, since believing in an idea is what makes ita truth for an individual. Throughout the poem, Donne uses the word “love” in the beginning and end line of every stanza. This, nlf is, Once lifes over, the speaker Advertisement To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like BA. B.Com BAHons. M.A. M.Com M.B.A. B.C.A. M.C.A. MRD. M.S.W. M.T.M. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : Study x&" SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ) Badshah Assignment Solution Guide Sour studybad (July-2021 to Jan-2022) tact serves to highlight the belief that love is the start and end of everything the speaker believes, giving the reader insight into whats filling the speaker's mind, Furthermore, the word “love" is always used in relation tothe “my” or the “our.” It is never floating idea; it is always grounded in a conceptualization of how it exists. Although love is @ ‘concept, the poem wants to talk about it in the context of how it exists in the world rather than construing it as some nebulous ideal. Thus, the speaker also indicates that the love in question is more special than the kind of love normally discussed, By constantly referring to love in relation to “my” or “our,” Donne gives love a unique meaning specific to ‘what he feels. Apparently, Donne expects the readers to catch on and conceptualize the poem through the lenses of this specific love. Ifone misses how love is perceived in this poem, the resulting interpretation could be different from tobe. Apart from the word placement, uses; i is “The Canoniz tthe first ine inthe fi “Fe may expect to. rething deeply reli r the fi ‘The speaker uses God’s name in vain, which is something that Bibl. i in the poem. For instance, tie poem's title ake hold your tongue, and let me love”. The ‘on has gained sainthood, so thatthe audience ine contfadicls What the readers are expecting, ‘against the ‘Ten ComiMandments outlined in the ‘The speakers soll best quality he 0 r dies find ‘wars, and lawyers mn ve Though she wwe", He conceptualizes his love as his so isto quarrel. at lovingishis job also proves how much faith he has in this love. It would be nonsensical to state that his main purpose i to love significant other if he does not belive pate Gs ispnc to ty i TERS is quite direct with this message; ps waste eden oundosand ab th pea Bvc teak GURL Ra SAL secon gol Athough direct in some pats of his gomposition, Dopne also uses paradoxes in order ofthe support th ideas within the poem, The veib etal cae Tower hint ‘at iieaodag eas th CUE Hitbiiaipre wit! we to being one, ae it. However, this construct is a paradox because two people physically cannot be one, and also because in ord “erred ean reen 1WO. lovers. That wo if oPeRobght tends tothe concept of the phoenix as well. The phoenix is said to rise from its ashes after being bumed, so that the speaker mplying that their love will also rise back up after their death, However, this idea is paradoxical in the sense that their tove cannot actually come back, as when they die, ther connection ceases to be. These contradictions further prove Donne’s point about faith; although what the speaker is saying technically cannot be reality, his faith in what he is saying brings meaning to his words. If the speaker were to have no faith in his love for his beloved, then all the paradoxes would simply remain empty contradictions. By believing in his love, the speaker transforms these paradoxes to actuals. In the poem “To His Coy Mistress”, Marvell has sexualized love, and in “The Definition of Love”, he has spiritualized love. These two poems also show how time and fate play an important role in making love. But both poems are dealt with the theme of love, However, Marvell’s treatment of love in these two poems is given below: Aldvortisoment To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like B.A. B.Com B.A.Hons. M.A. M.Com MBA. B.CA. M.C.A. MRD. MS.W. M.TM. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : SOLVED ASSIGNMENT Assignment Solution Guide (July-2021 to Jan-2022) In “To His Coy Mistress”, Marvell presents physical love. This is probably the best known poem of Andrew Marvell. It is a love poem in which he has sexualized love and the speaker offers a strong plea for the beloved to soften towards him and to relax her rigid attitude of Puritanical reluctance to grand him sexual favours. The lover, who may be the poet himself, builds up a really strong case and supports it with arguments which no sensible woman ‘can reject The poem has thus what is known as a carpe diem theme. Carpe Diem is a Latin phrase meanin the opportunity”. The full Latin sentence is "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero” which means: “Enjoy the present day, trusting the least possible to the future” Inthe Puritan period, virginity, maidenhood was valued most and the Coy means that the lady is not an easy catch. From the begining to the end of this poem the poet presents @ picture of physical love. Here we see thatthe poet laments over the short span of life whichis too short to make love, According to juman life is very much transientand within the transient moment of life, pleasures of love e solofh al tohis beloved to be softened towards him and to i -ad agaitist the background: OFDalit oppression from the Dalit feminist standpoint. Iis the voice ofa Dalit woman speaking against th¢ oppression and subjugation Jyoti Lanjewa at multiple levels. The poem S atrocities inflicted on Dalits by a society regulated by p ple Inthe oper 1 poet 's heart, The atrocities refer “thet” inthe first line. Who or what does “their” refer to? It Ss to the fo rer ett society, in ee the powers that copes Lisi kino Safa perf ich Doe ered iso ftv tt Sead mt be meted ou hana CW mbhaFSiclmAlaeRl m GRSLye aa abut pope who nt violence. What kind of people are they? Their insensit and barbaric nature come to the fore. Strangely, they are considered to Hoek Bal anjantr Sing te ii pbs rd eg BUF DasFBEAE and cynical in nature. Lanjewar’s is a woman’s voice and, therefore, a hidden implication about the atrocities inflicted on the Dalit woman i ion of Dalit ee Ars tirdytacds hat: tori Inthe poem, the poet refers to the woman’s journey in life as a walk in the forest. She needs to walk carefully. Itscems as if she is worried about an impending danger. Each step has tobe taken with caution. One is tempted to ask as to why caution is required. The poet observes “change” around her and looks out for it. As her gaze remains fixed on the changing currents, it appears that the poet wants to see what change will mean for her in the time to ‘come. The idea of change is mapped at this juncture. The tide has turned and the shift in situation is marked as one where the existing system has been toppled. The oppressed people have found a voice-that of protest. The resulting, change is that of protest against the inhuman atrocities the oppressed were compelled to bear. The post also maps Dalit histories by mentioning how they have been quiet all these years. They had been fed on what was traditionally thought tobe right. Clearly, who decides the right? The answer quite obviously is: itis the people in power. Advertisement To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like BA. B.Com BAHons. M.A. M.Com M.B.A. B.C.A. M.C.A. MRD. M.S.W. M.T.M. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : Study x&" SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ) Badshah Assignment Solution Guide Sour studybad (July-2021 to Jan-2022) The present statement might work at two levels It is the entire upper caste Brahmanical practice that conditions the Dalits into believing that the upper castes are superior to them. The Dalits are trained to accepting and giving consent to the ‘assumed supremacy’ of the upper caste people. Lanjewar’s poem is a protest poem resisting this idea. At another level we need to bring inthe Dalit feminist standpoint. This will help mark the oppression ofthe Dalit ‘woman-she is doubly marginalized as compared with the male. Her oppression as Dalit is coupled with instances of beating and torture both within the family structure and outside of it. That is why the Dalit feminist standpoint discussed in the previous section needs to be thought over. Lanjewar considers atrocities inflicted on Dalits as “unpardonable sins.” The treatment meted out to the Dalits will bear testimor i oppression. The poem culminates ona note of protest as in the final lines the poet declares her opposition jon. Itis also a moment ofthe Dalit woman speaking and asserting herself the social domain. The po ‘prot 3 the Savage treatment meted out to the Dalits. Q. 3. Critically on Sukin sm as reflected in her poetry. Ans. Suki rr P r credit: Kaipattri-Yen Kanavu Kel-Iravu Mirugam, Kaamatthipoo, Theendapadaatha Muttham, Avalai Mozhipeyarthal and Tppadikkur'Yeval. Her awards include ‘Thevamagal Ka\ \ward, the Puthumaipitt lemorial Award and the Women’s Achiever Award by the translated into Er yal n. preci ort filn ii Meen, ‘was based on her inNyal as featured inthe SheWrite, which featured three other Tamil organised a poets" protest agair jolence against Tamils in retumed from a fellowship in-Germalfy? $ueiyneggit dui alkartiiy viewed which she opened up about her iced i Soa Bee aa oe ae eres mets ont AAS HAPRAG 90 Al Ka Brake (Hold Me and Hear my Dreams) was published in 2002 and her name was bandied about with that of other women. spirit. Instead, she says, she was inspired to read the poetry of other women closely: Sri Lankan and other Asian politics of the body’, Despite no support from family and society, she moved on to define her literary pursuits. The influence of writers like Kamala Das, Taslima Nasreen and closer home, Kutti Revathi helped her develop a unique Naan ec edandonconi nateh caesar cniulcdsndconanedeen ty patriarchal structures as by caste. Her realisation that the female body is controlled by a society divided at different Aertisomant To get IGNOU Based for Various Courses Like B.A. B.Com B.A.Hons. M.A. M.Com M.B.A. B.C.A. M.C.A. M.R.D. M.S.W. M.T.M. B.Sc. BTS BMC CTE DNHE B.Lis etc. Visit : Pengal Munnani Front). Sri Lanka, which saw participation by many poets. She is currently working on a book on Dalit life. Having recently Sukirthar s, jit oo direct and nbn HRS aT LEAT RSet tf LEED ote poets and trashed for its so called obscenity’, she received no support from her family....None of this broke her become the property of man. I realized that it was my first duty to redeem it. So my poetry began to put forward a style of writing. Sukirtharani is ever conscious of being marginalised both at the level of caste and gender. She levels leads her to speak for equality for women. Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers jbook SOLVED ASSIGNMENT Assignment Solution Guide (July-2021 to Jan-2022) Sukirtharani’s poetry expresses a deep consciousness of the body. She writes to bring forth the way in which patriarchal societies contain female bodies and treat them as property. But in her poetry, there is also a celebration of the female form. The woman's realisation of her body’s exploitation and the act of reclaiming it as her own is a significant marker of her poetry. Take a look at “Untitled Poem" With handfuls of poems’ I come to yous! You wait for me/ with countless kisses.’ In a kiss, several poems~/In a poem, several kisses! slip away from us.” Init, the ‘woman isthe active doer. She is not the passive individual whose body is being acted upon. She isthe performer. In fh crimson leaves and in ous sich at “Night Beas” or "The Sle of Acons," beauty and dec sna oe combined fo define the female form in a totally new way. For instance, in the lines from “The Smile of Aeons”—"Broad shoulders adorned/_ bres we seeaelearemphasis on the bods Q. 4. The “Cl ‘try. Discuss. in. Cheb cs fo Keshmit fom Persia Ii sa o have originated in Greece. Kashmiris c ‘name Chinar is a Persian word. It is said that srhen the Magia emperor Jean stun dhe fomardstaces numberof chiar ees cove oy be edo ‘chi nar wich in Peian meas Wt 2 Legend chlioss india at WBRime’ST ASB Itis a very ‘majestic tree gt yore, The tr hi fe green in spring, become yell bandh wlfbadss cise Thepvm dss so io ines The poem opens with che imugeofunse Ac ncruracts be beet ebaictore Et Eee eh cnr ere tome othe same colour ae ial set it id beat The: yoem then fa :s onthe falling leaves. The soft Sound ofthe RAD ANA edn ORIG Yo td HME a OF ee Hak Bld Sard othe falling rain but this is “dry rain’ as there is no wafer. The tree sheds its Igaves as its branches lose their sap. The ae Me, ay! ml ab com. The poets te ee a ee Re Te ee eM GN tn lar phrase ke the eye othe lke and the rnin ye of lum’ prsonies he lke and ives seems ai hese water bodies had eyes in which the russet colour of the chinar leaves is reflected. Why do you think the poet has sede adjective "nnnng here? Obvious suggests the wing water ofthe lum, Bt one lo fxs tha the ‘The poom reminds you ofthe colour of ames. The ees ar allergen leaves and lok as they were on fc. You te slo reminded ofthe dat ofthe leaves when you cme scoss th hse "this bonfire death Then there is another comparison. The poet feels that these red leaves are like the brown red rust falling off from the chain with drawings of sugarcane and vinelglitter from a coat of sandal paste./ Gentle tooth marks sink/into a high, mubile blaze!” ‘erimson carpet around its base. It is a very long living tree and a chinar tree may be many centuries old, water of the lake and the river the trees are reflected, You are transfixed by its breathtaking beauty. The use of running water represent the flowing tears of joy that the river experiences when it sees such a beautiful sight ‘mail of a warrior. This can happen when in a battle someone strikes the mail with a sword. But here there is no such Advertisement To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like BA. B.Com BAHons. M.A. M.Com M.B.A. B.C.A. M.C.A. MRD. M.S.W. M.T.M. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit : SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ) Assignment Solution Guide Teas (July-2021 to Jan-2022) ‘sound and that is why the poet says that here it happens ‘without the clank of metal.’ The image of a warrior wearing ‘amail continues. The wind makes the leaves fall and it is happening so fast that the eye cannot follow each leaf as it falls to the ground. The tree then becomes ‘dying giant’. Each scale of his mail seems to be cut off from his armour as it is drops to the ground, The small leaf looks like the clenched fist ofa child. The word ‘clenched! also suggests that the fists of the dying giant are clenched in pain, Study: Badshah Private Limited Badshaliof Online Study and E-Lear y Aldvortisoment To get IGNOU Based Chapterwise Reference Books Including Many Solved Sample Question Papers for Various Courses Like B.A. B.Com B.A.Hons. M.A. M.Com MBA. B.CA. M.C.A. MRD. MS.W. M.TM. B.Sc. BTS BIMC CTE DNHE BLLis etc. Visit :

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