Entrepreneur Research Project

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Walt Disney

Research Project
Kate Lobis
Basic Information
★ My entrepreneurs name is Walt Disney.
★ Walt Disney has passed away. He was born December 5, 1901 and passed away on
December 15, 1966. He was 65 when he died.
★ Walt Disney lived in Burbank California for most of his life.
Business Details
★ The name of Walt Disney's business is The Walt Disney Company.
★ The Walt Disney Company sells media networks, parks & resorts, studio entertainment,
consumer products, and interactive media. Walt Disney is known for the creation of Mickey
★ Walt started his business on October 16, 1923.
Business Impact
★ Disney solves the problem of boredom and provides many forms of entertainment for all people.
★ Walt Disney's company impact on the world is that his company brings happiness, imagination,
and joy to children and families all around the world.
★ Disney's target market is children & families with young children of any income level and
★ Walt Disney was rejected 300 times before Mickey Mouse became a success.
★ Walt faced mental breakdowns, bankruptcy, and strikes.
★ His creations of Oswald and Lucky Rabbit were stolen.
Business Philosophy
★ "Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are
★ "The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract
things to be grateful for."
★ "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and

★ Walt Disney is liked by society because he created a company

focused on bringing joy to children, families, and all people. People
do idolize him for the creation of his timeless and iconic characters.
★ https://blogs.oracle.com/marketingcloud/post/what-walt-disney-knew-about-failure
★ https://www.southernliving.com/culture/walt-disney-quotes#:~:text=%22Laughter%20is%20ti
★ https://d23.com/about-walt-disney/

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