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Quran in English & Arabic

Modern English Translation

Clear and Easy to Understand

‫َو َم ا َك اَن ٰه َذ ا اۡلُق ۡرٰا ُن َاۡن ُّيۡف َت ـٰر ى ِم ۡن ُد ۡو ِن ِهّٰللا‬

‫َو ٰل ـِكۡن َتۡص ِد ۡيَق اَّلِذ ۡى َبۡي َن َيَد ۡيِه َو َتۡف ِص ۡي َل‬
‫‏‬ ‫اۡلِكٰت ِب اَل َرۡيَب ِف ۡي ِه ِم ۡن َّرِّب اۡلٰع َلِم ۡي َن‬
this Quran could not have been produced by
anyone other than Allah. In fact, it is a
confirmation of what preceded it, and an ENGLISH & ARABIC
elaboration of the Book. There is no doubt
about it - it is from the Lord of the Universe.

‫ القرآن الكريم‬- Surat Yunus [10:37] - The Noble Qur'an

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