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Mile High

Table of contents
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Section 1 Section Section
Buisness Description You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here

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Section Section Section
You can describe the You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here topic of the section here
This can be the part of the presentation where you
introduce yourself, write your email…
Business Discription
Buisness Concept
My Buisness is called Mile High Designs
and this is because I am based out of
colorado and have lived here my whole
life. I came up with this business idea
because I love to draw. Another reason I
chose this business is because I want to
help the community by coming up with
new and useful designs. This is how
Mile High Designs was created!
What I Make
Mile High designs can do it all. Mile High
designs Specials in Logos, Flyers, and
magazines. However I can do it all just provide
something you want designed and I can do it.
Mile High Designs prides itself on giving
quality designs based off the customers wants
and needs so you dont have to worry.
Market Anaylysis
Customer Profile
Name: Tim Jones Is your customer married? Yes
Age: 27 How many kids does your
Where do they live? Anywhere customer have? How many? 0
What is their job? Entrepreneur How many pets does your
What is their income? $25,000 customer have? 1
What are their interests and hobbies? Their Business, What kinds of pets do they
Family, Health have? A dog

Competitors Stand Out Above & Beyond

MarCom Studio, Ill stand out by offering To Go above and beyond
Mothershed Design lower prices at great I will get to know the
Company, Tag Team quality customer and make sure
Design they get exactly what
they desire

Strength Weakness
Cheap, Personal, Not well known, 1
Great quality Person, Small

Oporrtunities Threats
New customer, Other companies,
Holiday, Events Busy schedule, New
Market Anaylysis
Reviewing concepts is a good idea
● The Product that we make is designs for anybody
and anything.
● We solve the problem of people not having the
time to be able to come u with designs. We also
help with people who arent able to come up with
designs that they like.
Market And Sales
Platforms Others
● InstaGram ● Flyers
● TikTok ● Customer Reviews
● NextDoor ● Events
● Pintrest
● Twitter
Price Strategy
Logo Flyer Magazine Poster

$10 $15 $10-$20 $15

Sales: New Buisness Discount/ Flyer Coupons/ Draws

for free item.
Market Samples
Operational Plan
Needs Hopes
● Computer ● 4 customers a
● Adobe Illustrator month for profit
○ $23 a month ● Hope of 10-20 a
Day To Day
Payment Organization Delivery

PayPal/ Apple pay Will Use a Digital Send design through

Callener/ Reminder Email
Day To Day
● Pay- paypal/Apple pay
● Calender
Financial Projections
& Goals
Adobe Illustrator - $23 per month
Estimated revenue

1 Month 1 Year
● Revenue- $1,000 ● Revenue- $12,000
● Expenses- $23 ● Expenses- $276
● Taxes- $300 ● Taxes- $3,600
● Profit- 677 ● Profit- $8,124
Executive Summary
● Name- Ben Riedinger
● Age- 15
● Experience- College level classes
The Buisness
● Name- Mile High Designs
● Location- Denver/Online
● Products- Posters, Logos, Designs
● Problem solvers- Helps get the people designs that
they love cheap and quick.
Logo Flyer Magazine Poster

$10 $15 $10-$20 $15

● We will Promote mainly on Social Media
● Help the community
● Make great designs
● Get money & new customers

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