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READING TEST 19 found in New Guinea. They hop to move around quickly, and walk on four legs while moving slowly. They can jump backwards, but only a very small distance. But they can hop or jump forward as far as about three 2 1.3. sorulan, agagida verilen parcaya gore yanitlayiniz. Kangaroos are common in Australia and can also be times their own height. They can also swim i necessary. difficutty level 2a_c Itcan be understood from the passage that when they are moving slowly, kangaroos —. A) do not hop but walk on four legs B) can kill even a dog by drowning it ©) lean back on their tails to deliver kicks 1D) _use their tails to hop or jump forward E) can even swim when it is necessary Kangaroos can be dangerous because of their powerful © legs. They can lean back on their tails to deliver powerful S kicks. In 2009, a man went to save his dog, which had © chased a kangaroo into a farm dam. The kangaroo was able to hold the dog underwater nearly drowning it. The = kangaroo gave the man several big kicks before he 6 was able to grab his dog and escape trom the dam. He © Needed hospital treatment for his injuries. S S > ° < "ls ;According to this passage, karigaibce x. : 3. tis pointed out in the passage that a kangaroo ccordl orton, : ‘ ‘A ple oes nei they ve th, = A) Killed a man and his dog near a dam in 2009 B) _are wild enough to kil everything they come Rh Gaaeac ce Lat te eR Wey across s , C) cannot jump further than three metres. c) is a hirer a lovely animal with a ° ‘ New pouch in its stom: 8 read asom D) can sometimes be dangerous and give serious fk kicks thanks to its powerful legs E)_ killed a man by kicking him for several times my enone te avert le elie dog saved him DICTIONARY 1. hop ziplamak, hoplamak 6 dam baraj 2. backwards cer geriye 7. drown bogmak, bogulmak 3. distance mesate 8. hold tutmak 4, lean back ‘geriye yaslanmak 9. grab tutmak, yakalamak 5. deliver teslim etmek 10, treatment tedavi CamScanner ile tarandi ——E—————— 5. According to the passage, some people think 4.6. sorulani, agagida verilen parcaya gore that Leonardo Da Vine! yanutlayinuz, |) was a good scientist but not a good person B) lived in Italy in the time of the Renaissance C)__was the most talented person to have ever lived Leonardo Da Vinci was an italian man who lived in the ) seemed to have had the mind ofa giant time of the Renaissance. He is famous for his paintings, E) wasnt very good at designing interesting things but he was also a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and a writer. Leonardo wanted to know about everything in nature. He wanted to know how everything worked. He was very good at studying, designing and making all sorts of interesting things. Many people think that Leonardo was one of the greatest painters of all time. (Other people think that he was the most talented person. & ever to have lived. The art historian Helen Gardner said, “No one has ever been quite like him because he was interested in so many things that he seems tohave had the mind of a giant, and yet what he was like as a person is stil a mystery” 3 c > s > ° x 3 4. Its understood from the passage that Da Vinci 3 8. Which of the following could be the best title for _ 2 the passage? 'A)_ is mostly famous for his paintings % A) The Greatest Scientist of All Time B) wasn't so interested in nature in the beginning B) Leonardo Da Vinci and His Interests C) can be regarded as the most clever person C)_ The Mysterious Painter: Leonardo Da Vinci ) had more inventions than paintings D) How Leonardo Da Vinci Became a Scientist ) is famous for the scientific work he did ) The Best Artist of the Renaissance Period DICTIONARY 1. Inventor mucit 6. sort tar 2. anatomist anatomi uzmant 7. glant dev 3. sculptor hheykeltras 8. mystery gizem 4. architect smimar 9. regard kabul etmek, saymak 5, botanist bitkleriaragtian kig 10. Invention ulus, iat 2 READING TEST - 13 CamScanner ile tarandi

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