Factors Affecting Stress Among Engineers

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La Patria College

College of Engineering and Technology




Students play a crucial and active role in education. They involve and interact

with students and teachers, participate in classroom discussions, and act in a receptive

manner. Students spend a significant portion of their lives in schools apart from what

parents teach them at home. But what if students may feel stress?

Stress is something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety and it is not

something strange to our daily life nowadays. Everybody may feel stress when they are

facing bad situation.

Stress is common among students, and it can cause adverse mental and

physical side effects if left unaddressed. Stress has many identifiable symptoms that can

affect academic performance. Colleges and universities provide learners with online and

in-person mental health resources. Stress may even cause students to drop out of

school or drop classes.

Stress is just one of the many hurdles that college students experience. Short-

term stress can help learners raise a grade, polish an essay, or pursue a coveted career

opportunity. However, long-term stress, if not addressed, can have detrimental side

effects. More than half of degree-seekers report that stress impacts their schoolwork,

and unchecked stress can lead to physical side effects like a weakened immune system.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Stress in Academic Institution can have both positive and negative effects if not

well managed. Academic institution has different work settings compared to non-


and therefore one would expect the difference in symptoms, causes and consequences

of stress in the two set up. Stress was very common in college student’s life

The effect of stress upon person life can be difficult to understand. The potential

causes of stress are numerous. It may be linked to the outside factors such as the state

of the world; environment is which one lives or works or the family. This study will be an

effort to find out and discover what are the factors affecting stress among engineering

students of the college of engineering and technology in the new normal learning at La

Patria College.

Statement of the Problem

This research study attempted to present content analysis of the factors affecting

stress among the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology in

the New Normal Learning. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 civil status; and

1.4 year Level?

2. What are the factors affecting stress among the engineering students in the

new normal learning?

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

3. To what extent do the factors of stress affect the engineering students of the

College of Engineering and Technology in relation to intrinsic and extrinsic

factors in the new normal learning?

4. What recommendations can be proposed to address the problem?

Significance of the study

This research study emphasized the effect of stress in the engineering students

of the College of Engineering and Technology in the new normal learning to help them

recognize if they are stressed or not. Also, this study shows the importance and benefits

of the following:

School Administration – this study helped them to understand how stress

impacts performance, recognize the role attitude plays in stress management, and learn

how the administration can assist advisers in managing stress.

Teachers – this research helped them to realize what the causes of stress are

and how they will overcome and manage those stresses they will encounter to have a

better teaching process in their field.

Students - this research study served as their basis in their activities, projects,

assignment, and others. It will help them in making their requirements, especially on how

to make a research and make them realize the significance of this study.

Researcher - this paper works will help the researcher in developing interest in

this study. This study provided important information and makes them know how to

research in their field of specialization which will later help them in their future career.

This will also help them build their patience.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Future Researchers - This study serves as a basis if ever they will conduct a

wider research study that will help them formulate a solution related to the factors

affecting stress among the engineering students of their institution. It will also give them

a relevant source of reference to their future basis study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was limited in the analysis of the factors affecting stress among the

engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology in the New Normal

Learning. It requires the participation of all the engineering students of the College of

Engineering and Technology at La Patria College.

Conceptual Framework

The information gathered in this study was used to assess the engineering

students of the College of Engineering and Technology in the New Normal Learning at

La Patria College in conducting research. It is comprised of the input, the process, and

the output. This framework helped the researchers in the flow of conduct of the study.


La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

1. Respondents’
a. Name
b. Age
c. Gender
d. Civil Status
e. Year Level
2. Factors Affecting
2.1 Intrinsic
2.2 Extrinsic


Figure 1. A paradigm of the Study

The diagram shows the Assessment on the Present

factors of stress recommendations
factors affecting stress among among the to avoid and
Engineering manage the stress
the engineering students of the Students of CET at among the students
LPC through an of the College of
College of Engineering and
online survey Engineering and
Technology in the New Normal questionnaire using Technology in the
google forms and new normal
Learning at La Patria College. messenger learning.
The input includes the

respondent’s profile concerning

their name, age, gender, civil status, and year level.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

The process articulates the assessment of the factors of stress among the

engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology in the New Normal

Learning at La Patria College through a questionnaire.

The output, as the target of the researcher, helps to find out what are the factors

affecting stress among the engineering students of the College of Engineering and

Technology in the New Normal Learning at La Patria College. As an expected outcome,

students will find out if they are stressed or not.

The feedback derived from the study completes the factors affecting stress

among the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology in the

New Normal Learning at La Patria College.

Definition of Terms

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil,

often accompanied by nervous behavior, such as pacing back and forth, somatic

complaints, and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over

anticipated events, such as the feeling of imminent death. (Wikipedia, the free


Blended Learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online and

in-person learning experiences when teaching students. (Wikipedia, the free


La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Extrinsic applies to what is distinctly outside the thing in question or is not

contained in or derived from its essential nature. (www.merriam-webster.com)

Flexible Learning is a method of learning where students are given freedom in

how, what, when, and where they learn. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Intrinsic is distinct from thermal stresses in that they are the stresses present

at the deposition temperature. The mechanisms which generate intrinsic stresses are

not well characterized quantitatively. (Wikipedia the free encyclopedia)

Long–term stress is a prolonged and constant feeling of stress that can

negatively affect your health if it goes untreated. It can be caused by the everyday

pressures of family and work or by traumatic situations. (Wikipedia the free


New Normal Learning it is included modular distance learning, online classes,

broadcast-aided instructions, and blended learning which is a combination of these

modalities. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Short–term stress is a reaction that occurs when symptoms develop due to a

particularly stressful event. It would be any stress you suffer in a short time. (Wikipedia

the free encyclopedia)

Stress a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental

tension and may be a factor in disease causation. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

A student is a person who is studying at a school or college. It is someone who

is studying to enter a particular profession. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

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College of Engineering and Technology

Teacher is a person or thing that teaches something especially a person whose

job is to teach students about certain subjects. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary

Eleventh Edition)



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College of Engineering and Technology

This section provides the concepts and theories related to our study. It provides a

background for the research problem and serves as a guide for the researchers to

determine what is known, unknown, and untested. For the present study, the researcher

collected information related to their study from various sources.

Related Literature


We all experience stress in our lives. Because the vast majority of health

problems are caused or influenced by stress, it's important to understand how stress

affects your body and learn effective stress management techniques to make stress

work for you rather than against you.

According to Sobia Shafaq Shah, Asif Ali Shah, Farzana Memon, and Atika

Kemal (2021) stated that COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the notion of the “new

normal” in daily life by profoundly influencing the way we used to live, study, and work.

During these unprecedented times, the rapid transition from traditional face-to-face

learning to online learning has been viewed as a paradigm shift in higher education.

Drawing impetus from the self-determination theoretical framework, the present study

aims to examine the impact of the online learning climate on student’s engagement. It

also hypothesizes the mediating role of basic psychological needs on the nexus between

online learning and students’ engagement. Total 689 students taking online classes in

ten (five public and five private) universities of Pakistan responded to the web-based

survey. The present

study findings do not support the direct influence of the online learning climate on

student engagement, nevertheless, this relationship was mediated by students’

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

perceptions concerning the extent to which their basic psychological needs were

satisfied/ dissatisfied. This study theoretically and empirically contributes to both the

psychology and higher education literature, on the developing field of online learning.

The practical implications from this study inform policy-makers in academia to reflect on

the students’ psychological needs within a virtual teaching environment.

According to Pascoe, Hetrick, and Parker (2019) pointed students in secondary

and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing stressors related to

academic demands. Previous research indicates that academic-related stress can

reduce academic achievement, decrease motivation and increase the risk of school

dropout. The longer-term impacts, which include reduced likelihood of sustainable

employment, cost Governments billions of dollars each year. This narrative review

presents the most recent research concerning the impact of academic-related stress,

including a discussion of the impact on students’ learning capacity and academic

performance, mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, sleep

disturbances, and substance use.

Vonderwall (2015) explored what factors influenced learner participation in two

sections of a graduate online course at a Midwestern university. Findings indicated that

online learner participation and patterns of participation are influenced by the following

factors: technology and interface characteristics, content area experience, student roles,

and instructional tasks, and information overload. Effective online learning requires

interdependence for a shared understanding of learning goals in a learning community.

Monitoring student participation and patterns of participation closely can help instructors

identify student needs and scaffold learning accordingly.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Zuban, Graham, and Moskal (2018) addressed several outcomes, implications,

and possible future directions for blended learning (BL) in higher education in a world

where information communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly communicate with

each other. In considering effectiveness, the authors contend that BL coalesces around

access, success, and student's perception of their learning environments. Success and

withdrawal rates for face-to-face and online courses are compared to those for BL as

they interact with minority status. Investigation of student perception about course

excellence revealed the existence of robust if-then decision rules for determining how

students evaluate their educational experiences. Those rules were independent of

course modality, perceived content relevance, and expected grade. The authors

conclude that although blended learning preceded modern instructional technologies, its

evolution will be inextricably bound to contemporary information communication

technologies that are approximating some aspects of human thought processes.

According to Pereira and Freire (2017), excessive and continuous stress has

effects that go beyond mere health commitment, by triggering various diseases, and it is

well established that these stress-related somatic events can affect the quality of life.

Based on the exposure, the following questions were raised: There is an association

between quality of life and stress level in university students? What are the potential

variables that influence this association? Therefore, this research aimed to analyze

recent scientific productions about stress and quality of life in university students.

Aljarbi and Smith (2018) aimed to address the major sources of stress

experienced by international students, the role of individual differences, the chronology

of their stress levels and wellbeing over time, and gaps in the existing literature. Two

electronic databases (PubMed and Psych Info) were searched for English peer-reviewed

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College of Engineering and Technology

articles using the right search terms. Thirty-eight studies were included in this paper and

divided into themes and sub-themes including sources of stress, individual differences,

and mental health including stress, depression, and wellbeing. The findings highlight

major stressors and show mixed results in some areas due to the lack of homogenous

samples based on country of origin or ethnicity and sometimes context differences

concerning the country or university social dynamics. Limitations were identified in the

methodology, and several recommendations for future research are included.


According to Tria (2020) presented COVID-19 pandemic has brought

extraordinary challenges and has affected the educational sectors, and no one knows

when it will end. Every country is presently implementing plans and procedures on how

to contain the virus, and the infections are still continually rising. In the educational

context, to sustain and provide quality education despite lockdown and community

quarantine, the new normal should be taken into consideration in the planning and

implementation of the "new normal educational policy". This article presents

opportunities for responding to issues, problems, and trends that are currently arising

and will arise in the future due to the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of education

in the Philippines-the new educational norm.

According to DY, Santo, and Ferido (2015), their study determined the stressors

and stress responses of Filipino college students about sex, course, and academic

classification. There were 258 respondents for the study. Of the respondents, 68% were

females and 32% were males. According to their degree, 42% belonged to the soft

sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of academic classification, 10% were

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors, and 21% seniors. The top five overall


of the respondents were the academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to

subjects, time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one's

own, and time management because of both subjects and organizations. The most

frequently occurring stress responses were affective stress responses followed by

cognitive responses. For both male and female respondents, the top stressors were

academics, workload due to subjects, and time management concerns. Overall, the

males reacted to stress through affective responses and females through cognitive

responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both considered academics,

workload due to subjects, and time management concerns as their top stressors. Those

in the soft sciences reacted with cognitive stress responses while those in the hard

sciences reacted with affective stress responses. Generally, all students, regardless of

their academic classification pointed out that academics, workload due to subjects, and

time management were their main stressors. They all reacted to stress with affective

stress responses. These patterns can be monitored to maintain the psychological and

physical well-being of adolescent students. Further studies can consider bigger samples

in various universities and other socio-demographic variables which are related to stress


Mazo (2015) pointed the causes and levels of stress vary. The study of Political

Science is a rigorous one as it is designed as a preparatory course for the study of law

proper and can be a source of stress for students. This study sought to determine the

causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the stress coping mechanisms of Political

Science students in the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. It tested some

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College of Engineering and Technology

assumptions using the descriptive survey method with 51 respondents. School

requirements/projects were the most common cause of stress. Sleepless nights are the

common effect of stress. It was observed that the causes and effects of stress between

the male and female respondents were not different. Listening to music was the common

stress-coping mechanism. There was an observed difference between the male and

female responses.

Leal (2012) opined the present generation of graduating college students

belongs to the most time-pressed generation in history. With this, the need for research

concerning stress experience is deemed necessary. In this study, stress experiences

among graduating students of Isabela State University San Mateo campus have been

evaluated and analyzed. A descriptive method and a three-part questionnaire were

utilized to collect data. Results showed that the graduating students of Isabela State

University San Mateo campus experienced the different causes/sources, effects, and

coping mechanisms of stress, the graduating students experienced academic pressures

and the causes/sources of the stressor. Results also revealed that the effects of

stressors differ between males and females. Thus, knowledge of the causes/ sources;

effects, and coping mechanisms of stress help college students confront stress

constructively. Therefore, faculty and administration shall strengthen the Guidance

Program considering the physical, psychological and academic effects of stress.

Related Studies


Dr. Kwaah (2017) identified the causes of stress and coping strategies adopted

among distance education students at the College of Distance Education at the

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College of Engineering and Technology

University of Cape Coast. A total of 332 diploma and post-diploma final year students in

the 2014/2015 academic year were selected from two study centers using a random

sampling procedure to respond to a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire


was adapted to suit the study context was pre-tested to ensure that it elicited a valid

response. The results of the study showed that ‘academic workload’, ‘high frequency of

examinations’, ‘financial problems, family/marriage problems’ were the major causes of

stress among the students. The study also found some statistically significant

differences between married and unmarried students with married students feeling more

stressed with ‘financial problems’ and ‘family/marriage problems’ than unmarried

students. Students used multiple strategies, mainly praying/meditating, self-distracting

activities such as watching TV and listening to music to cope with stress. Other

important stresses coping strategies were emotional and instrumental support from

family, friends, and lecturers. The study recommended among others that the need for

the counseling unit at the College of Distance Education of UCC to organize frequent

stress management programs for students and assign academic counselors to students.

Coelho (2021) proved the transition from high school to college in American

society presents not only potentially stressful demands but also stimulating opportunities

for the adolescent to master certain tasks that are significant for his personal growth.

These tasks may vary in salience and specificity in different contemporary cultures, but

they are universally shared by the functional requirements of maturation and

socialization in human development. In American culture, the college experience is

valued, especially by the urban middle-class family, as an opportunity for youth to learn

new social roles and skills that will prepare them for the responsibilities of adult life. 1The

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

present study is part of an NIMH exploratory investigation of the transition from high

school to college. Previous reports from this larger study discussed how competent

adolescents deal with various tasks that are important in this phase of development.

Dimastiwi and Camelya (2020) suggested learning that is carried out online

during the new normal period requires adaptation for students, parents, and teachers so

that learning can run well. This adaptation cannot run quickly, but it takes a long time

because students find it difficult to carry out online learning. The failure of students to

solve problems in learning is possible as a result of learning carried out especially during

the new normal classically using teaching and learning strategies. Therefore, teachers

must be good at choosing methods, approaches, learning models, and teaching

techniques by the material to be taught. Contextual learning is an alternative that can

reduce verbal and theoretical learning. Learning is not only theoretical but also how to

maintain student learning experiences associated with actual problems that occur in the

environment. Therefore, the researcher chose to learn using a contextual learning

model. The formulation of the problem in this study is How is the application of

contextual learning in the new normal period of Social Science Education subjects. The

method used in this research is a qualitative method of descriptive research. The sample

in this study were teachers of Social Science Education subjects. Based on the research

results, it was found that during the new normal period, contextual learning was able to

make students more familiar with their environment.

Essel and Owusu (2017), showed the different factors that cause stress among

students. The factors were grouped into four, namely Relationship factors,

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Environmental factors, Academic factors, and Personal factors. Concerning Relationship

factors, working with new people was the main cause of stress for students in both

groups. In the case of environmental factors,

worries about the future was the main factor causing stress among students, whereas

class workload was the main element of stress about the Academic factors. In the


of Personal factors, financial problems caused the most stress to students. Stress can,

however, be managed through the introduction of a stress management course and

engaging in extracurricular activities.

Bukshs, Shazhad, and Nisa (2011) studied Learning Stress and Stress

Management Strategies for University Students. The objectives of the study were to find

out the common symptoms of stress, causes of stress and to suggest stress

management strategies used by students for coping with stress. For collecting data, a

survey method was adopted. This study was completed by following the procedure of

the descriptive method of research. 39 questions were used for data collection. 200

students from different departments of The Is Lamia University of Bahawalpur were

chosen as a sample of the study. This study concluded that the majority of students felt

fatigued during stress. The burden of study, assignments were major causes of stress

and they agreed that they reduce stress by watching T.V/Movies, listen to music or take

part in other leisure time activities. It was recommended that the burden of study may be

reduced by conducting co-curricular activities in an academic area.

Stress has become part of student's academic life due to the various internal and

external expectations placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an

individual and social level. It, therefore, becomes imperative to understand the sources

and impact of academic stress to derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies.

The study employed a quantitative research design where participants were screened

using Academic Stress Scale (Rajendran& Kaliappan,1991 from four streams namely,

commerce, management, humanities, and basic sciences. The five dimensions of

sources such as personal inadequacy, fear of failure, interpersonal difficulties with

teachers, teacher-pupil relationship, and inadequate study facilities were further

analyzed and gender differences were also obtained. Understanding the sources of

stress would facilitate the development of effective counseling modules and intervention

strategies by school psychologists and counselors to help students alleviate stress.

(Rajan Menon and Thattil, 2016)

The present study aimed to show differences between culture-bound stress

levels in two samples of elementary and junior high school in Italy (N = 299) and France

(N = 217), using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI; Maslach & Jackson, 1981) as a

questionnaire. The results confirmed the influence of sociocultural background on stress

levels in both samples about age. The personal accomplishment was the most

discriminating indicator in the two groups. (Pedrabissi, Rolland, Santinello 2010)


Guzman, Pastor, and Estria (2020) proved their qualitative study is an eye-

opener for everyone that we should not overlook teenagers, such as students in helping

them to avoid psychological disturbances. It is expected that emotions continue to run

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

high as the number of COVID-19 cases steadily increases in the Philippines, with the

people of Luzon divided in terms of their response towards the enhanced community

quarantine (ECQ) measures. Researchers suggest focusing on students so that we can

save lives by avoiding too much stress that leads to depression if we listen to the voice

of our students and assure them that an experienced individual provides genuine help


love. This paper tackles the source of stress, the cope up mechanism and a


Centeno (2017) stated If you think college students have it easy, think again.

According to a UCLA Higher Education Research Institute Survey, college students are

getting more stressed out and they don’t spend as much time socializing compared to

their parents who went to college in the ’80s and ’90s. Contrary to what most adults think

(that all they worry about is what to wear in their next music fest) most college students

worry about real-world problems and feel pressure from everyone and everywhere.

College students are often caught between wanting to stay a carefree kid and adulating

by taking on more responsibilities. The research titled Stressors and Stress Responses

of Filipino College Students conducted by a team of students from the University of the

Philippines found the top five main stressors of Filipino college students. This list

includes “academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects, time

management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time

management because of both subjects and organizations.”

Mazo (2015) proved that stress affects people from all walks of life regardless of

age, gender, civil status, political affiliation, religious belief, economic status, and

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

profession. It affects decision-makers such as the politician, the manager, the priest or

pastor, the employee, the housewife, the student, the out-of-school-youths, the driver,

and even the jobless. Stress is found everywhere, that is, at home, with friends, in the

office, in school, in the classroom. It is just around the corner. It simply cannot be

avoided because it is part of being human. A lot of people experience stress every day.

It could be brought about by many factors. The causes and levels of stress may vary


one person to the other. No person is free from stress, regardless of how privileged,

reasonable, clever, and intelligent he may be. Every person will be challenged at times

by frustrations, losses, changes, and conflicts.

Aspiras and Aspiras, (n.d) dealt with the perceived stress factors and academic

performance of the sophomore Information Technology students of Quirino State

University, Cabarroguis Campus. The study aimed to assess the perceived stress

factors of the respondents and to identify the sources of their stressors. Significant

differences in the respondents’ perceived stress factors in terms of their course, gender,

age, and ethnic affiliation were determined and the correlation between the perceived

stress factors and Grade Point Average (GPA) were also evaluated.


The summary of the Related Studies about factors affecting stress among the

engineering students is the coping strategies of the students in the new normal, how

they adapt to the new learning process, and the effect of blended learning in their

personal lives.

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College of Engineering and Technology

Several studies found out that online learning or blended learning has a huge

impact on students. This kind of learning causes stress to the students and may affect

their academic performance.



This chapter presents the methods of research used to obtain and acquire

information related to the study about the factors affecting stress among the engineering

students of the College of Engineering and Technology at La Patria College.

Research design

A descriptive method was being utilized in this study. It is used to obtain

information concerning the current status of the phenomena for variables or conditions in

a situation (Mutai, 2000). The methods involved range from the survey which describes

the status quo, to the correlation study which seeks to determine changes over time. The

respondents will be expected to describe the effects of stress on the performance of

engineering students in the College of Engineering and Technology at La Patria College.

The method is crucial for this study because the issue at hand requires to describe and

the phenomenon analyzed for conclusions.

Research environment

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

La Patria College is one of the higher education institutions in Santiago City and

is making a name in the academe. The rise of La Patria College from its humble

beginning to the way it is today is not a product of a dream, but in fact, a product of the


In January 1947, Ms. Patria Dela Cruz Sable founded the Sable Fashion School

(SFS). The school housed in a one-room structure started offering short-term courses in

Dressmaking and Tailoring to few students. She was the only teacher-administrator.

For five years, the steady influx of students interested in vocational education

paved the way for the opening of other short-term courses like Hair Science and

Manicuring, Embroidery, and Poultry and Swine Husbandry. Mr. Dominador R. Corpus,

a husband of Madam Patria, eventually headed the operations of the school and

became its Director.

On January 6, 1964, the school was registered with the Securities and Exchange

Commission as a non-stock, non-profit corporation with the name Sable Vocational

Academy (SVA), Inc., with Mr. Dominador R. Corpus as the first Chairman of the Board

of Trustees.

The locale for the study focused on the engineering students of La Patria

College. The institution was offering degrees in Business, Administration, Engineering,

Computer Science, Criminology, Education, Industrial Technology, Hotel Management,

and Restaurant Management, and technical courses at the undergraduate level.

Research respondents

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

The respondents were all engineering students of the College of Engineering and

Technology of La Patria College.

Table 1. Target Population

Year Level Actual Number of Engineering Sample
1st year 46 46
2nd year 48 48
3rd year 18 18
4th year 7 7
TOTAL 119 119

Table 1 showed the year level, the actual number of engineering students, and

the sample taken as the respondents of this study. Data revealed that the highest

number of the population was the second-year students while the lowest population

came from the fourth-year level.

It proved that despite the big number of enrolled students in the engineering

program, the researcher was able to search and let all the target respondents answer in

the online survey using google forms.

This implied that there are students in the course that were considered irregular

and regular on the said program.

Research Instruments

The researcher used both primary and secondary sources to collect data for this

study. The primary data was sought due to its nearness to the truth and ease of control

over errors (Copper and Schindler, 2003).

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

In this case, the researcher administered a semi-structured questionnaire which

was adapted but it was contextualized by the researcher, with main choices

accompanied by the Likert scale and open-ended questions to the sampled respondents

who filled out. On other hand, primary data were collected from the engineering students

sampled from the College of Engineering and Technology at La Patria College within the

constituency as regards the stress levels and causes among them.

The researcher collected the questionnaires for analysis. Secondary data will be

sourced to supplement the primary data. These were being data that relates to past

related studies dealing with stress and performance among various professions and

more so among the teachers. This was conducted by referring to existing materials such

as organizational reports, journals, other empirical researches in the area, and any other

relevant document.

The primary tool the researcher used to gather data in this study is a

questionnaire are the following:

The questionnaire was based on the past research of Kathreen May S. Alcantara

et al. (n.d) which is the “Factors Affecting Stress among Faculty Members of College of

Accountancy and Management” to elicit the factors affecting stress to the faculty

members and its effect on their teaching processes.

The respondents checked and rank their degree of seriousness to statements

reflecting certain effects of stress to them. The questionnaires were personally

structured by the researchers. The questions have two parts, the first part was all about

the demographic data of the respondents which includes name, age, gender, civil status,

and year level. The second part of the questionnaire was the extent to the factors of

stress affects the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

about extrinsic and intrinsic, and how does stress affect the academics of the

engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data were collected through an online survey thru google forms to ensure

the validity and reliability of data gathered and to minimize validation of data. Secondary

data were secured from files and reports of the concerned program.

The flow chart below showed the data procedures of this study.

Approval of survey questionnaire by the

research instructor.

Approval of Letter to conduct a survey

signed by the Program head

Request letter signed by the registrar

concerning the actual list of enrolees in
the Engineering Program

Gathering of data through google forms

being sent in group chat in the use
messenger application

Analysis and Interpretation of Data Gathered

Figure 1. Flow chart of the data gathering procedures

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical measures were used:

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

This was used in getting the frequency count and the percentage distribution of

the respondents according to name, age, gender, civil status, and year level.

Formula: P = F/N*100

Where: P = computed percentage and N = total number of respondents.

2. Mean

This was utilized in order to gain the weighted average of the respondents.

Average/ Mean: x=

3. Likert Scale

To accurately define the levels and frequency of difficulties of each respondent

toward the factors affecting stress to the engineering students, the Likert scale was


The points, ranges, status and description are indicated below:


5 4.50-5.00 Extremely Affecting
4 3.50-4.49 Moderately Affecting
3 2.50-3.49 Somewhat Affecting
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Affecting
1 1.00-1.49 Not at all

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered in the

study. These are presented in tabular form followed by analysis and interpretation in

answer to the problem shown in Chapter 1.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents by

Age Frequency (F) Percent
19 to 21 66 56%
15 to 18 39 33%
22 to 25 11 9
26 and above 3 2
TOTAL 119 100

This table presents that 39 out of 119 respondents or 33% are classified to the

age bracket of 15 to 18 years old, 66 out of 119 or 56% have belonged to the age

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

bracket ranging 19 to 21 years old, 11 or 9% for the age bracket of 22 to 25 years old

and 3 out of 119 respondents or 2% are in the age 26 and above. The evaluation of data

disclosed that most of the respondents were ages 19 to 21 years old.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

Gender Frequency (F) Percent
Male 103 87
Female 16 13
Total 119 100

Table 3 shows that 87% or 103 out of 119 respondents of the CET engineering

students were male and 13% or 16 out of 119 of the respondents were female. The data

imply that the majority of the engineering students of the College of Engineering and

Technology were male.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents by

Civil Status Frequency (F) Percent
Single 117 98
Married 2 2
Widowed 0 0
Divorced 0 0
Separated 0 0
TOTAL 119 100
Civil Status

As shown in the table, most of the respondents were single with a percentage of

98 or 117, followed by married with a percentage of 2 or 2, two percent were married,

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

and 0 percent for widowed, divorced, and separated. The data gathered presented that

most of the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology were


Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents by

Year Level
Year Level Frequency (F) Percent
1st year 46 39
2nd year 48 40
3rd Year 8 7
4 year 17 14
TOTAL 119 100

Table 5 shows that 46 or 39% of the respondents were 1st-year college, 48 or

40% were 2nd-year college, 8 out of 119 were 3rd-year college, and 17 out of 119 were

4th-year college. It shows that most of the respondents were 2nd-year college.

Table 6. Mean Responses of the Respondents as to Intrinsic Factors of

Intrinsic Factors Weighted Mean Description
Examinations 3.68 Moderately Affecting
Deadlines of Requirements 3.56 Moderately Affecting
Poor time management 3.42 Somewhat Affecting
Intense Competition 3.21 Somewhat Affecting
Noise 2.97 Somewhat Affecting
Adaption of new technologies 2.91 Somewhat Affecting
Leaving assignments to last minute 2.71 Somewhat Affecting
2.68 Somewhat Affecting
Family Issues
The difficulty of organizing work 2.5 Somewhat Affecting
Total Weighted Mean 3.07 Somewhat Affecting

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Table 6 shows the factors of stress among the engineering students in their

current position in Intrinsic Factors. The items, Examinations and Deadline of

Requirements are the most “moderately affecting” factors of stress by the faculty with the

weighted mean of 3.68 and 3.56, respectively, and the Difficulty of Organizing Work,

Family Issues, Poor Time Management, Intense Competition, Adaption of New

Technologies, Noise and Leaving Assignments to Last Minute with the weighted mean of

2.5, 2.68, 3.42, 3.21, 2.91, 2.97 and 2.71, respectively are “somewhat affecting” to the

engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology.

Table 7. Mean Responses of the Respondents as to Extrinsic Factors of


Extrinsic Factors Weighted Mean Description

Social media 4.28 Moderately Affecting
The pressure of work and study 3.85 Moderately Affecting
3.64 Moderately Affecting
Financial problems
Conflict schedules 3.45 Somewhat Affecting
Lack of school facilities/equipment 3.37 Somewhat Affecting
Adaption of the new trend in a school
3.34 Somewhat Affecting
Leadership styles of school 3.32 Somewhat Affecting
Inability to accept things as they are 3.26 Somewhat Affecting
Difficulties with the personal
3.26 Somewhat Affecting
Adjusting to life in a new environment 3.12 Somewhat Affecting
Overcrowded classroom 3.12 Somewhat Affecting
Total Weighted Mean 3.46 Somewhat Affecting

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Table 7 shows the factors of stress among the engineering students in their

present position in extrinsic factors such as the pressure of work and study, social

media, and financial problems are classified to “moderately affecting” factors of stress

with the range 3.85, 4.28, and 3.64 respectively Adjusting Life in New Environment,

Difficulties with Personal Relationship, Adaption of New Trend in School Setup, Inability

to Accept Things as they are, overcrowded classroom, Lack of School

Facilities/Equipment, Leadership Styles of School and Conflict Schedules are

determined as “Somewhat Affecting” factors of stress with a weighted mean of 3.12,

3.26, 3.34, 3.26, 3.12, 3.37, 3.32 and 3.45, respectively.

Table 8. Summary of Factors Affecting Stress

Classification Weighted Mean Description
Intrinsic factor 3.07 Somewhat Affecting
Extrinsic factor 3.46 Somewhat Affecting
Total Weighted Mean 3.34 Somewhat Affecting

As presented in the table, the extrinsic factor has the highest weighted mean and

is rated as “somewhat affecting” followed by the intrinsic factor with a weighted mean of

3.07 and interpreted also as “somewhat affecting”.

This implied that extrinsic factors such as the pressure of work and study, social

media, and financial problems. adjusting life in a new environment, difficulties with a

personal relationship, the adaption of the new trend in school set-up, inability to accept

things as they are, overcrowded classroom, lack of school facilities/equipment,

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

leadership styles of school and conflict schedules has a big impact to the students in the

new normal learning.



This chapter presents the summary of the study including the aim of the study

and results, the recommendation of the respondents.


From the data gathered, the findings were summarized as follows:

1. Profile of the Respondents

a. Age. Based on the findings of the researchers, the majority were in the age

ranging 19 to 21.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

b. Gender. The finding shows that most of the engineering students of the College

of Engineering and Technology were male.

c. Civil Status. According to the data, the majority of the respondents were single

with a frequency of 103 or 87 percent.

d. Year Level. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents were 2nd-

year college.

2. Factors Affecting Stress

a. Intrinsic

It shows that most of the engineering students of the College of Engineering and

Technology at La Patria College have agreed that Examinations and Deadline of

Requirements were the highest intrinsic factor causing stress.

b. Extrinsic

Regarding the factors affecting stress, Pressure of Work and Study, Social

Media, and Financial Problems were the most extrinsic factors that cause stress

among the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology at

La Patria College.


Based on the statement of the problem, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. Profile of the Respondents

a. The majority of the respondents were classified into the age bracket of 19 to 21

years old.

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

b. Most of the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology

at La Patria College were male.

c. Most of the respondents were single.

d. The majority of the engineering students were 2nd-year college.

2. Factors Affecting Stress

a. Intrinsic

In terms of intrinsic factor that causes stress, Difficulty of Organizing Work,

Family Issues, Poor Time Management, Intense Competition, Adaption of New

Technologies, Noise and Leaving Assignments to Last Minute were somewhat


b. Extrinsic

Most of the engineering students of the College of Engineering and Technology

at La Patria College have agreed that the extrinsic factors which had the highest

effect of stress are the Pressure of Work and Study, Social Media and Financial



In the light of the findings obtained in this study, the following recommendations

are presented:

1. The coordinator of CET together with the guidance counselor may conduct an online

seminar on stress management about students in the coordination of CET faculty and


2. The coordinator of CET may look into the possibility of implementing healthy practices

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

for students online.

3. The coordinator of CET and teachers may conduct Virtual Team Building Program for

students in the coordination of CET faculty.

4. The researcher recommends having at least a five-minute break in every subject.

5. The students should seek help from guidance counselors when they have

problems affect their mental health.

6. The school administrators through the suggestions of the head concerned on the

evaluation the mental health and academic performance of the students to the

respective colleges


La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology




February 18, 2021


Program Head, Engineering & Comp. Science
La Patria College
Santiago City

Christian Greetings!
I am engineering student who are currently conducting a study titled, “Factors Affecting Stress
Among the Engineering Students of the College of Engineering and Technology in The

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

New Normal Learning”. This study focuses on factors that affect stress among students in the
new normal learning.

In this line, may we request the permission of your good office to allow us to administer the profile
questionnaire to selected first to third year college students thru google forms and messenger
application. Rest assured that the answers of the respondents and profile questionnaires would
be kept confidential and would be used only for the purpose of this study.
Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

The Researcher






June 14, 2021

OIC, Registrar's Office
This Institution


Christian Greetings!

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

As part of the conduct of research of my students enrolled in EM 114 and E417B, we would like
to request a copy of the number of students enrolled in the program of College Engineering for
the second semester, Academic Year 2020-2021 to be used in floating survey questionnaire
virtually thru MS Team.

Rest assured that the data will be used only for research purposes.

Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,




Sample Survey Questionnaire


1. Name: (Optional)
2. Age: _______

[ ] 15to 18
[ ] 19 to 21
[ ] 22 to 25
[ ] 26 and above

3. Gender

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
4. Civil Status
[ ] Single
[ ] Married
[ ] Widowed
[ ] Divorced
[ ] Separated
5. Year Level
[ ] 1st year
[ ] 2nd year
[ ] 3rd year
[ ] 4th year
[ ] 5th year

Part II. Factors Affecting Stress Among the Engineering Students of the College of
Engineering and Technology in The New Normal Learning

DIRECTIONS: Please identify factors that cause you to become a stressed in your
current position. Read each statement carefully and decide if you ever feel this way about your
learning. Then indicate how strong the feeling is when you experience it by using the appropriate

5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
3- Neutral
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

Causes of Stress 5 4 3 2 1

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

A. Intrinsic Stress
1. Examinations
2. Deadlines of Requirements
3. Difficulty of organizing work
4. Family Issues
5. Poor time management
6. Intense Competition
7. Adaption of new technologies
8. Noise
9. Leaving assignments to last minute
B. Extrinsic Stress
1. Pressure of work and study
2. Adjusting life in new environment
3. Difficulties with personal relationship
4. Adaption of new trend in school setup
5. Social media
6. Inability to accept things as they are
7. Overcrowd classroom
8. Lack of school facilities/equipment
9. Financial problems
10. Leadership styles of school
11. Conflict schedules

Thank you for participation!

Curriculum Vitae

E-mail: Cristopherortega051719@gmail.com
Mobile no: 09350192046

La Patria College
College of Engineering and Technology

Personal Data

Age : 28
Birthday : April 09, 1993
Height : 5"3
Weight : 61
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Married
Mother : Florida Wania Ortega
Father : Deceased
Language : Filipino, English, Ilocano
Citizenship : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary :
La Patria College
08 Guzman St., Calao West, Santiago City

High School :
Maddela Comprehensive High School
Poblacion Norte, Maddela Quirino

Elementary :
Maddela Central School
Poblacion Norte Maddela Quirino


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