ECommerce NEBCH - 503

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SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) Define E-commerce briefly. CO1 L1
b) State the meaning of ‘Electronic Commerce’ in short. CO1 L1
c) Identify the name of four Ecommerce sites. CO1 L2
d) Compare electronic commerce and electronic business in CO1 L2
e) Demonstrate the features of e-commerce briefly. CO1 L3
f) Interpret any two functions of e-commerce. CO1 L3
g) Examine any two application of e-commerce in short. CO1 L4
h) Examine the meaning of Ecommerce platform. CO1 L4
i) Evaluate the main objectives of e-commerce in short? CO1 L5
j) Judge ‘Electronic Commerce & Physical commerce’ very CO1 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) Define Internet. CO1 L1
b) Define HTML briefly. CO1 L1
c) Discuss the role of ‘Intranet’ in short. CO1 L2
d) What do you mean ‘EDI’? Describe. CO2 L2
e) Demonstrate the different types of e-commerce models. CO2 L3
f) What is B2B? Interpret shortly. CO3 L3
g) Examine ‘Trade Cycle of Ecommerce’ briefly. CO3 L4
h) Analyze any two objectives of website designing. CO2 L4
i) Evaluate two components of website design. CO2 L5
j) Appraise the use of internet in brief. CO1 L5
a) State ‘Online Payment’ briefly. CO1 L1
b) Define risk management in online payment in short. CO1 L1
c) What is ‘CVV’? Describe shortly. CO2 L2
d) Describe ‘Online Payment Gateway’. CO3 L2
e) Demonstrate any two ‘Online Payment’ sites. CO3 L3
f) Interpret any two tools for a promotion of website. CO2 L3
g) Examine ‘Eyeballs’ in brief. CO2 L4
h) Infer ‘Settlement Function’ in short. CO3 L4
i) Evaluate ‘Authorization Function’ in brief. CO3 L5
j) Evaluate ‘Digital Signature’ in brief. CO2 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State ‘World Wide Web (WWW)’ shortly. CO1 L1
b) Define ‘Information Technology’ in brief. CO1 L1
c) What is ‘Network Topology’? Discuss in brief. CO2 L2
d) Discuss ‘LAN’ in brief. CO2 L2
e) Interpret ‘WAN/MAN’ through diagram. CO2 L3
f) Demonstrate ‘ISP’ shortly. CO2 L3
g) Analyze the meaning of ‘Middleware’ in short. CO2 L4
h) Examine ‘Domain Names’ in short. CO2 L4
i) Evaluate the selection of domain names in brief. CO2 L5
j) Judge ‘ARPANET’ shortly. CO2 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) Define ‘Digital Signature’ briefly. CO3 L1
b) What is ‘IT Act 2000’? State shortly. CO3 L1
c) Describe security of clients in Ecommerce. CO3 L2
d) Discuss any two electronic records. CO3 L2
e) Interpret any two features of cyber laws. CO3 L3
f) Demonstrate the meaning of ‘Cyber Appellate Tribunal’ CO3 L3
g) Examine security of clients in electronic transactions CO3 L4
h) Analyze Digital Signature certificate in brief. CO3 L4
i) Appraise the need of IT Act 2000. CO3 L5
j) Evaluate any two threats in Ecommerce CO3 L5
SECTION-B (Short Answer Type Questions)
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) List the objectives of Ecommerce. CO1 L1
b) State activities related to Ecommerce. CO1 L1
c) Discuss in detail the Supply Chain Management of CO2 L2
d) Describe the objectives of Ecommerce. CO1 L2
e) Interpret the functions of Ecommerce briefly. CO1 L3
f) Demonstrate the importance of electronic business. CO3 L3
g) Examine the various risks associated with Ecommerce. CO2 L4
h) Analyze the scope of Ecommerce. CO1 L4
i) Evaluate the various aspects of B2B and B2C. CO3 L5
j) Appraise the various problems of Ecommerce. CO1 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State the linkage between webpages in complete website. CO2 L1
b) List the objectives of website design. CO2 L1
c) Explain the features of effective website. CO2 L2
d) Identify the main functions INTERNET. CO1 L2
e) Interpret the difference among various electronic business CO3 L3
models briefly.
f) Demonstrate the process of website designing in detail. CO2 L3
g) Examine the requirement of online business. CO3 L4
h) Analyze in detail the role and functions of website. CO2 L4
i) Evaluate B2B and B2C Models of e-commerce. CO3 L5
j) Appraise the development of online business. CO3 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State the difference between ‘Online Payment & Physical CO3 L1
Payment’ in detail.
b) List the advantages of ‘Online Payment System’. CO3 L1
c) Discuss in detail the online banking services. CO3 L2
d) Identify various components of ‘Online Payment System’. CO3 L2
e) Demonstrate the ‘Direct pay Process’ in detail. CO3 L3
f) Interpret the regulatory issues in online payment CO3 L3
g) Examine in detail the various payment gateways. CO3 L4
h) Examine in detail the various risks of online payment. CO3 L4
i) Evaluate the benefits of payment gateways. CO3 L5
j) Appraise the disadvantages of online payment. CO3 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) List the various applications of Internet. CO1 L1
b) State the technological structure of Internet. CO2 L1
c) Describe in detail the process of selection of domain CO2 L2
d) Discuss the methods of integrating the content on website CO3 L2
with E-business applications.
e) Interpret various issues related to internet. CO1 L3
f) Demonstrate the primary applications of internet. CO1 L3
g) Differentiate among the internet, intranet and extranet. CO2 L4
h) Analyze informational technology structure shortly. CO2 L4
i) Interpret the economic potential of Ecommerce. CO1 L5
j) Evaluate the need of online business nowadays. CO3 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State that why the IT Act 2000 is important? CO3 L1
b) List various provisions of IT Act 2000 in brief. CO3 L1
c) How the security of clients and service provider done? CO2 L2
d) Identify the differences between IT Act 2000 and Cyber CO3 L2
e) Demonstrate the security threats and risks in online CO3 L3
f) Interpret the characteristics of digital signatures. CO3 L3
g) Explain in detail the security of online records. CO3 L4
h) Discuss in detail the ‘Cyber Appellate Tribunal’. CO3 L4
i) Analyze in detail the role of ‘Digital Signature Certificate’. CO3 L5
j) Appraise the offences in IT Act 2000. CO3 L5

SECTION-C [Descriptive Answer Type Questions / Case Study (for MBA COURSES only)]
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) List in detail the various applications of Ecommerce. CO1 L1
b) State the various advantages of Ecommerce. CO1 L1
c) Describe the various drawbacks of Ecommerce. CO1 L2
d) Explain e-commerce and its features. CO1 L2
e) Illustrate the recent developments in the field of CO2 L3
f) Demonstrate the various technical aspects of Ecommerce. CO2 L3
g) Examine the major benefits of Ecommerce websites. CO2 L4
h) Analyze in detail the supply chain management of CO2 L4
i) Interpret in detail the framework of Ecommerce. CO2 L5
j) Evaluate the various applications related to the CO3 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) Define the process of deploying online business at CO3 L1
b) List the development in the field of INTERNET. CO1 L1
c) Discuss the different promotional tools for e-commerce CO1 L2
d) Critically explain the significance of efficient interface in CO2 L2
e) Interpret the nature and dynamics of internet. CO1 L3
f) Differentiate among Internet, intranet and Ethernet. CO1 L4
g) Examine in detail the deployment of online business at CO3 L4

h) Analyze the best online business model and explain its CO3 L4
i) Demonstrate in detail the B2B ecommerce best practices. CO3 L5
j) Evaluate in detail the various components of website CO2 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State the basic framework of online payment system. CO3 L1
b) List the various issues in online payment system. CO3 L1
c) Explain all the elements involved in online payment system CO3 L2
using internet.
d) ‘Online payment always has a risk’. Discuss. CO3 L2
e) Interpret in detail the process of promotion of website. CO2 L3
f) Demonstrate the various promotional tools of ecommerce CO2 L3
g) Analyze ‘Plastic Money’. Differentiate between credit card CO3 L4
and debit card.
h) Examine ‘Smart Card’. Write its advantages over ‘Credit CO3 L4
i) Evaluate the process of increasing the visitors to an CO2 L5
Ecommerce website.
j) Critically appraise the process flow of online payment CO3 L5
system in detail.
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) State in detail the historical evolution of Internet. CO1 L1
b) List in detail the development of Internet in India. CO1 L1
c) Describe how the informational technology impacted the CO1 L2
lives of people.
d) Discuss in detail the various types and structure of domain CO2 L2
e) Demonstrate in detail the various IT infrastructure required CO2 L3
for Ecommerce.
f) Interpret how the internet impacted the marketing and retail CO3 L3
g) Examine the control of ecommerce transactions fraud in CO3 L4
online business.
h) Analyze in detail the architectural framework of CO2 L4
i) Throw a light on the development of extranet and its uses. CO1 L5
j) Evaluate in detail the competitive advantage of CO1 L5
S.No. Question COURSE Bloom's
a) List in detail the security issues in Ecommerce. CO1 L1
b) State in detail the various threats of Ecommerce. CO1 L1
c) Differentiate between security of clients and service CO2 L4
provider in ecommerce.
d) Describe in detail the procedure to overcome the threats in CO2 L2
online payments.
e) Demonstrate the role of IT Act 2000 in brief. CO3 L3
f) Examine the procedure to overcome the threats in CO3 L4
Ecommerce activities overall.
g) Comment on the offences mentioned in IT Act 2000. CO3 L5
h) Explain in detail the significance of digital signatures. CO3 L2
i) Explain the security of digital records and transactions. CO3 L2
j) Evaluate the penalties and adjudication in electronic CO3 L5
transactions & businesses.

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