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Current representative

Balancing autonomy and coordination are a complex challenge in the current representation
system of the Malaysian government, as it involves striking the right equilibrium between
decentralization and maintaining a unified national vision. By that, there are challenges
associated with this balance which are, division of powers. One of the most difficult issues is
defining and delineating the specific powers and responsibilities of the federal and local
governments. The division of powers can be ambiguous, making it difficult to determine
where local autonomy begins and ends. Clarity is critical for avoiding conflicts and overlaps.
Next, Conflict of interests. Local governments may have priorities and interests that differ
from those of the federal government, which can lead to conflict. Local governments may be
concerned with specific regional issues, whereas the federal government is concerned with
broader national goals. Managing and aligning these disparate interests can be difficult.

Other than that, challenges that related with this balancing autonomy and coordination is
resource allocation. It is difficult to strike a balance between autonomy and coordination in
resource allocation. Local governments may argue for more fiscal autonomy, whereas the
federal government may wish to ensure that resources are distributed equitably across
regions. Choosing how to allocate resources for various projects can lead to disagreements.
Policy consistency also contribute to it by it can be difficult to ensure policy and regulatory
consistency across different local governments. When local governments have significant
policymaking autonomy, inconsistencies in areas such as education, healthcare, or
environmental regulations may occur. It is critical to strike a balance between local
customization and national standards.

Moreover, fragmentation and inefficiency as well as it overly decentralized systems can lead
to fragmentation and inefficiency. Multiple local governments may develop their own
policies and regulations, potentially resulting in duplications, redundancies, and service
quality variations. This can have an impact on the overall effectiveness of governance.
Cultural and regional diversity as Malaysia is well-known for its regional and cultural
diversity. Cultural norms, languages, and preferences may differ between states and regions.
Balancing autonomy and coordination must take these differences into account while
promoting national unity. Lastly, Public expectations. Both local and national governments
frequently face high public expectations. Balancing autonomy and coordination necessitate
meeting public expectations for local responsiveness and effectiveness while maintaining the
overarching national interest.
Previous representative

Malaysian local government authorities had limited autonomy under the previous system due
to significant federal government control. Because of this centralized power, local
governments had limited decision-making authority, limiting their ability to address local
issues effectively. They were frequently constrained by federal regulations and guidelines,
limiting their ability to respond to local needs. There are challenges associated with limited
autonomy in the previous representation system of the Malaysian government. First,
centralized decision-making. Malaysian local government authorities faced a significant
challenge of centralized decision-making under the previous representation system. Most
critical decisions, policies, and regulations were made at the federal level, leaving local
governments with little say in matters affecting their communities. Next, Lack of local
responsiveness. Local governments were less responsive to the unique needs of their regions
because of their lack of autonomy. The federal government's one-size-fits-all approach
frequently failed to address local issues and challenges effectively, resulting in a lack of
responsiveness to local concerns. Other than that, inefficient resource allocation. The federal
government frequently exerted control over the allocation of resources, including financial
resources, to local governments. This resulted in inefficient resource allocation, with
resources not always distributed in accordance with the unique needs of each region. This
hampered local governments' ability to address pressing issues effectively.

Uniform policies also contributed to it is due to limited autonomy, policies were
implemented uniformly across regions, regardless of local variations. This approach ignored
regional differences, cultures, and socioeconomic conditions, resulting in policies that were
inappropriate in some areas. Besides that, Sensitivities to social and cultural situations.
Malaysia is a multicultural country with many ethnic and cultural groups. Local governments'
limited autonomy made it difficult for them to address their communities' specific social and
cultural sensitivities. Policies and decisions frequently fail to reflect the distinctive
characteristics of various regions. Political Dependence is also one of the challenges as the
local governments were frequently reliant on the federal government for financial assistance
and resources. This financial dependence may result in political influence and decisions
influenced by political considerations rather than community needs. Lastly, Local
representation is inadequate because of the previous system's limited autonomy, local
representatives sometimes lacked the authority to effectively advocate for their communities
at the federal level. This may lead to a disregard for local concerns and interests in national

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