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Chapter 01



1.1 Definition
(v) Charge is conserved: Charge can neither be
Charge is the property associated with matter due to which it
produces and experiences electrical and magnetic effects. created nor be destroyed.

1.2 Type (vi) Invariance of charge: The numerical value of an

There exists two types of charges in nature
elementary charge is independent of velocity.
(i) Positive charge
(vii) Charge produces electric field and magnetic field:
(ii) Negative charge
Charges with the same electrical sign repel each other, A charged particle at rest produces only electric
and charges with opposite electrical sign attract each
field in the space surrounding it. However, if the

particle is in non accelerated motion it produces both

Fig 1.1
electric and magnetic fields. And if the motion of
1.3 Unit and Dimensional Formula
S.I. unit of charge is coulomb (C), charged particle is accelerated it not only produces

1mC  10 3

C, 1C  106 C, 1nC  109 C electric and magnetic fields but also radiates energy in

C.G.S. unit of charge is e.s.u. 1C = 3 × 109 e.s.u. the space surrounding the charge in the form of

Dimensional formula [Q] = [AT]. electromagnetic waves.

1.4 Point Charge
(viii) Quantization of charge: When a physical quantity can
Whose spatial size is negligible as compared to other
have only discrete values rather than any value, the
(i) Charge is a Scalar Quantity: Charges can be quantity is said to be quantized. The smallest charge
added or subtracted algebraically.
that can exist in nature is the charge of an electron. If
(ii) Charge is transferable: If a charged body is
put in contact with an uncharged body, uncharged  
the charge of an electron "e"  1.6 1019 C is taken
body becomes charged due to transfer of electrons from
as elementary unit i.e. quanta of charge the charge on
one body to the other.
(iii) Charge is always associated with mass, any body will be some integral multiple of e i.e., Q = ±

(iv) i.e., charge can not exist without mass though mass ne with n = 0, 1, 2, 3 ...... Charge on a body can never
can exist without charge
be 0.5 e, ±17.2 e or ± 10–5 e etc.

1.6 Comparison of Charge and Mass charged while the silk becomes negatively charged.

We are familiar with role of mass in gravitation, and we However, ebonite on rubbing with wool becomes

have just studied some features of electric charge. We negatively charged making the wool positively charged.

can compare the two as shown below: Clouds also become charged by friction. In charging by
friction in accordance with conservation of charge, both
Charge Mass
positive and negative charges in equal amounts appear

1. Electric charge can be Mass of a body is a simultaneously due to transfer of electrons from one

positive, negative or body to the other.

positive quantity.
zero. (ii) By electrostatic induction: If a charged body is
brought near an uncharged body, the charged body will
2. Charge carried by a Mass of a body increases
attract opposite charge and repel similar charge present
body does not depend with its velocity as
in the uncharged body. As a result of this one side of
upon velocity of the
m0 neutral body (closer to charged body) becomes
body. m
1   2 / c2 oppositely charged while the other is similarly charged.
This process is called electrostatic induction.
where c is velocity of light
in vacuum, m is the mass of
the velocity  and m0 is rest
mass of the body.

3. Charge is quantized. The quantization of mass is

yet to be established.

4. Electric charge is Mass is not conserved as

always conserved. mass can be converted into

5. Force between charges The gravitational force

can be attractive or between two masses is
Fig 1.2
repulsive, as charges always attractive.
are unlike or like NOTE:
charges. Inducting body neither gains nor loses charge.

1.7 Methods of Charging (iii) Charging by conduction: Charging by conduction

A body can be charged by following methods: involves the contact of a charged object to a neutral

(i) By friction: In friction when two bodies are rubbed object. Hence when an uncharged conductor is brought

together, electrons are transferred from one body to the in contact with a charged conductor, charge is shared

other. As a result of this one body becomes positively between the two conductors and hence the uncharged

charged while the other negatively charged, e.g., when a conductor gets charged.

glass rod is rubbed with silk, the rod becomes positively


NOTE: (1) Uncharged electroscope

Inducting body neither gains nor loses charge.

A truck carrying explosives has a metal chain touching

the ground, to conduct away the charge produced by

Fig 1.4

(2) Charged electroscope

Fig 1.3 Fig 1.5

1.8 Electroscope
It is a simple apparatus with which the presence of electric 2. COULOMB’S LAW
charge on a body is detected (see figure). When metal knob
If two stationary and point charges Q1 and Q2 are kept at a
is touched with a charged body, some charge is transferred
distance r, then it is found that force of attraction or
to the gold leaves, which then diverges due to repulsion. The
repulsion between them is proportional to the product of the
separation gives a rough idea of the amount of charge on the
two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
body. If a charged body is brought near a charged
distance between them. Mathematically, Coulomb’s law can
electroscope the leaves will also diverge as the charge on
q1q 2
body is similar to that on electroscope and will usually be written as F  k where k is a proportionality
converge if opposite. If the induction effect is strong
enough, leaves after converging may again diverge.
In case of uncharged electroscope, if the charged body is In S.I units k has the value,
brought is contact, the electroscope gets charged and the k = 8.988 × 109 N m2/C2  9.0 × 109 N m2/C2
leaves diverge. when a charged body is brought near
electroscope (but not is contact), different charges appear on
different parts of electroscope (as shown in figure). resulting
in divergence of leaves. Fig 1.6

(a) The direction of force is always along the line joining the Fair 1 Q1Q 2
Fm   .
two charges. K 40K r 2
(b) The force is repulsive if the charges have the same sign
0 K  0r  
and attractive if their signs are opposite.
(c) This force is conservative in nature. Medium K
(d) This is also called inverse square law.
Vacuum/air 1
2.1 Variation of k Water 80
Constant k depends upon system of units and medium
Mica 6
between the two charges.
Glass 5-10

2.1.1 Effect of Units Metal 

kQ1Q 2
(a) In C.G.S. for air k = 1, F  Dyne 2.2 Vector form of Coulomb’s Law
(b) In S.I. for air It is helpful to adopt a convention for subscript notation.

1 N  m2 1 Q1Q2 F12 = force on 1 due to 2 F21 = force on 2 due to 1

k  9 109 , F .
4 0 C 2 40 r2 
Suppose the position vectors of two charges q1 and q2 are r1
Newton (1 Newton = 105 Dyne) 
and r2 , then, electric force on charge q1 due to charge q2 is,

NOTE:  1 q1q 2  
F12   r1  r2 
40 r1  r2 3
Absolute permittivity of air or free space

12 C2 Farad  Similarly, electric force on q2 due to charge q1 is

= 8.85 10  2 .
Nm  m 

Dimension is  M 1L3 T 4 A 2 

2.1.2 Effect of Medium

(a) When a dielectric medium is completely filled in
between charges rearrangement of the charges inside
the dielectric medium takes place and the force between
the same two charges, decreases by a factor of K known
as dielectric constant. K is also called relative
Fig 1.8
permittivity r of the medium (relative means with
respect to free space). Force is a vector, so in vector form the Coulomb’s law is
written as

 1 q1q 2  
F21   r2  r1 
40 r2  r1 3

Fig 1.7

Hence in the presence of medium


Fig 1.9 Fig 1.10

where r̂12 is a unit vector directed toward q1 from q2. The magnitude of the resultant of two electric force is given

rˆ12   rˆ21 by F  F12  F22  2F1F2 cos  and the force direction is
F2 sin 
 1 q1 q 2 given by tan  
F12  rˆ12 F1  F2 cos 
4  0 r 2

 1 q 1q 2 1 q 2 q1
F12  rˆ12    rˆ21 
4  0 r 2
4  0 r 2
1 q 2 q1 
 r̂21   F21
4  0 r 2

Fig 1.11


A positive charge or a negative charge is said to create its

Remember convention for r̂ .
field around itself. Thus space around a charge in which
Here q1 and q2 are to be substituted with sign. another charged particle experiences a force is said to have
 electrical field in it.
Position vector of charges q1 and q2 are r1  x1ˆi  y1ˆj  z1kˆ
 3.1 Electric Field Intensity ( E )
and r2  x 2 ˆi  y 2 ˆj  z 2 kˆ respectively, where (x1, y1, z1) and
The electric field intensity at any point is defined as the
(x2, y2, z2) are the co-ordinates of charges q1 and q2. force experienced by a unit positive charge placed at that

 F
2.3 Principle of Superposition point. E 
According to the principle of superposition, total force
acting on a given charge due to number of charges is the
vector sum of the individual forces acting on that charge due
to all the charges. Fig 1.12
Consider number of charge Q1, Q2, Q3…are applying force Where q0  0 so that presence of this charge may not

on a charge Q Net force on Q will be affect the source charge Q and its electric field is not
     changed, therefore expression for electric field intensity can
Fnet  F1  F2  .........  Fn 1  Fn 
 F
be better written as E  lim
q 0 q0

 Unit and Dimensional formula: Its S.I. unit – 3.4 Point Charge
Newton volt Joule Point charge produces its electric field at a point P which is
  and
coulomb meter coulomb  meter
distance r from it given by
C.G.S. unit = Dyne/stat coulomb.
EP  (Magnitude)
Dimension: [E] = [MLT–3 A–1] 40 r 2
 Direction of electric field: Electric field (intensity)

E is a vector quantity. Electric field due to appositive
charge is always away from the charge and that due to Fig. 1.16
a negative charge is always towards the charge  For + ve point charge, E is directed away from it.
 For – ve point charge, E is directed towards it.

3.5 Continuous Charge Distributions

Fig. 1.13 There are infinite number of ways in which we can spread a
3.2 Relation between Electric Force continuous charge distribution over a region of space.
and Electric Field
 Mainly three types of charge distributions will be used. We
In an electric field E a charge (Q) experiences a force define three different charge densities.
 
F  Q E . If charge is positive then force is directed in the
Symbol Definition SI units
direction of field while if charge is negative force acts on it
in the opposite direction of field (lambda)  = Charge per unit length C/m

(sigma)  = Charge per unit area C/m2

Fig 1.14 (rho)  = Charge per unit volume C/m3

3.3 Superposition of Electric Field

If a total charge q is distributed along a line of length , over
The resultant electric field at any point is equal to the vector
a surface area A or throughout a volume V, we can calculate
sum of electric fields at that point due to various charges.
    charge densities from.
E  E1  E 2  E 3  ...
The magnitude of the resultant of two electric fields are q q q
 ,  , 
given by  A V

Fig 1.15

E  E12  E22  2E1E2 cos  and the direction is given by

E 2 sin 
tan  
E1  E 2 cos 

3.5.1 Electric Field Strength at a General Point Due kQ 1 kQ

  cos 12
Ex   dEx 
Lr  2
sin  d  
to a Uniformly Charged Rod
P   cos 2  cos 1 
Similarly, electric field strength at point P due to dq
1  in y–direction is
dE y  dE cos 
r kQdx
= × cos 

L r 2  x2 
Again we have x = r tan and dx = r sec2d. Thus
L kQ r sec2  kQ
Fig. 1.17 we have dEy = cos  × d =
L 2 2 Lr
r sec 
dEcos dE Net electric field strength at P due to dq in y–
direction is
dEsin kQ
P Ey  dE y =
Lr  cos  d 
 2

r kQ kQ
=   sin 
= sin 1  sin 2 
Lr 2 Lr
Thus electric field at a general point in the
dx surrounding of a uniformly charged rod which
Fig. 1.18 subtend angles 1 and 2 at the two corners of rod
As shown in figure, if P is any general point in the can be given as
surrounding of rod, to find electric field strength at P,
we consider an element on rod of length dx at a
in x–direction : Ex  cos 2  cos 1  and in y–
distance x from point O as shown in figure. Now if kQ
dE be the electric field at P due to the element, then
direction E y   sin 1  sin 2 
kdq Q
dE = Here dq = = dx
x  r 
2 2
L 3.5.2 Electric Field Strength Due to a Charged
Circular arc at its Centre
Electric field strength in x–direction due to dq at P is
Figure shows a circular arc of radius R which subtend
 kdq  kQ sin 
dEx = dE sin =  2 2 
= dx
 x  r  L  x  r 
2 2 an angle  at its centre. To find electric field strength
at C, we consider a polar segment on arc of angular
Here we have x = r tan  and dx = r secd
width dθ at an angle θ from the angular bisector XY as
kQ r sec 2  d  kQ
dEx  sin  = sin  d 
L r sec 
2 2
Net electric field strength due to dq at point P in x–
direction is

Rd 3.6 Properties of Electric Field Lines
+ ++++++
++++  Electric field lines originate from a positive charge &
+++ terminate on a negative charge.




R Fig 1.20

C  The number of field lines originating/terminating on a
dEsin charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.
 

dE dEcos

Fig. 1.19
The length of elemental segment is Rd, the charge
on this element d is dq =   .d 
 Fig 1.21
Due to this d, electric field at centre of arc C is
 The number of Field Lines passing through
given as dE  perpendicular unit area will be proportional to the
Now electric field component due to this segment magnitude of Electric Field there.

dEsin which is perpendicular to the angular bisector  Tangent to a Field line at any point gives the direction

gets cancelled out in integration and net electric field of electric field at that point. This will be

at centre will be along angular bisector which can be instantaneous path charge will take if kept there.

calculated by integrating dEcos within limits from

 
– to .
2 2
Hence net electric field strength at centre C is

EC   dE cos 

  /2   /2 Fig 1.22
kQ kQ
  2
cos d   
R 2  /2
cos d   Two or more field lines can never intersect each other.
 /2 R
[Net electric field cannot have multiple directions].
kQ kQ   

sin  /2
 /2

2 
sin  sin   Uniform field lines are straight, parallel & uniformly
R R 2 2
2kQ sin  
2  Field lines cannot form a loop.


4. ELECTRIC FLUX 4.2 Unit and Dimension

Flux is a scalar quantity.
4.1 Definition N.m 2
S.I. unit: (volt × m) or
Electric flux is measure of the field lines crossing a surface. C
3 –3 –1
N It’s Dimensional formula: (ML T A )
It is scalar quantity with S.I unit -m2 or V-m
C 4.3 Types of Flux
“The number of field lines passing through perpendicular For a closed body outward flux is taken to be positive, while
unit area will be proportional to the magnitude of Electric inward flux is taken to be negative.
Field there” (Theory of Field Lines)  E  N  EA

 Electric Flux,  A   EA 

Fig 1.25

Fig 1.23
5.1 Definition
As  increases, flux through area A decreases. If we draw a
According to Gauss’s law, total electric flux through a
vector of magnitude A along the positive normal, it is called
 closed surface enclosing a charge is times the magnitude
the area vector, A corresponding to the area A. 0
of the charge enclosed. i.e.  net  (Qenc.)
  Q en
i.e. .  E .dA  0
Gauss’s law is only applicable for a closed surface.

5.2 Gaussian Surface

Fig 1.24
The closed surface on which Gauss law is applicable is
 
 Electric Flux,  A  EA cos   E . A defined as a Gaussian surface.

(Assuming Electric Field is uniform over whole area) NOTE:

 
For variable area d  E.dA Gaussian surface can be of any shape & size, only
condition is that it should be closed.
 Gaussian surface is hypothetical in nature. It
If Electric field is not constant over the area of
  does not have a physical existence.
cross section, then    E .dA

5.3 Deriving Gauss’s Law from Coulomb’s Law

Fig 1.28
 
net   E.dA   E dA  E  dA  E 4r 2  
Fig 1.26
Lets take a spherical gaussian surface with charge ‘+Q’ kept Qenclosed = q
at the centre.
q q
We know field lines for a +ve charge are always radially Thus, E  4 r 2   or E 
  0 4  0 r 2
outward. Angle between dA & E is zero.
From the definition of the electric field, the force on a point
charge q0 located at a distance r from the charge q is F = q0E.
Therefore, which is Coulomb’s law.


Fig 1.27
Using Gauss’s law to derive ‘E’ due to various charge
kQ Q
E 2  distributions.
r 4  0 r 2

  Q 6.1 Electric Field due to a Line Charge

Net flux   E.dA   dA
4 0 r 2 Consider an infinite line which has a linear charge density .
Q Q Q Using Gauss’s law, let us find the electric field at a distance

4  0 r 2  dA  4 
0 r 2
. 4 r 2 
0 ‘r’ from the line charge.

Hence Net flux = Q/0. The cylindrical symmetry tells us that the field strength will
be the same at all points at a fixed distance r from the line.
NOTE: Thus, if the charges are positive. The field lines are directed
Although we derived gauss law for a spherical radially outwards, perpendicular to the line charge.
surface it is valid for any shape of Gaussian surface
and for any charge kept anywhere inside the surface

5.4 Coulomb’s Law From Gauss’s Law

We choose an imaginary sphere (Gaussian surface) of radius
r centred on the charge +q. Due to symmetry, E must have
the same magnitude at any point on the surface, and
 
E points radially outward, parallel to dA .Hence we write
the integral in Gauss’s law as

Fig 1.29

The appropriate choice of Gaussian surface is a cylinder of 

 Or EA  EA  0 
or E
radius r and length L. On the flat end faces, S2 and S3, E is 0 2 0

perpendicular dS , which means flux is zero on them. On
    NOTE:
the curved surface S1, E is parallel to dS , so that E .dS =
We see that the field is uniform and does not depend
EdS. The charge enclosed by the cylinder is Q = L. on the distance from the charge sheet. This is true as
Applying Gauss’s law to the curved surface, we have long as the sheet is large as compared to its distance
L  2k from P.
E  dS  E  2rL   or E 
0 20 r r

NOTE: 6.3 Uniform Spherical Charge Distribution

6.3.1 Outside the Sphere
This is the field at a distance r from the line. It is
directed away from the line if the charge is positive P is a point outside the sphere at a distance r from the centre.
and towards the line if the charge is negative,

6.2 Electric Field due to a Plane Sheet of Charge

Fig. 1.31
According to Gauss law,
  Q
Fig 1.30
 E .ds   or E  4r   Q

0 0
Consider a large plane sheet of charge with surface charge
Electric field at P (Outside sphere)
density (charge per unit area) . We have to find the electric
field E at a point P in front of the sheet. 1 Q R 2 Q   A 
E out  .   
40 r 2 0 r 2    4R 
If the charge is positive, the field is away from the
plane 6.3.2 At the Surface of Sphere
At surface r = R
To calculate the field E at P. Choose a cylinder of area of 1 Q 
So, E s  . 2 
cross-section A through the point P as the Gaussian surface. 4 0 R 0
The flux due to the electric field of the plane sheet of charge
passes only through the two circular caps of the cylinder. 6.3.3 Inside the Sphere
  Inside the conducting charged sphere electric field is zero
According to Gauss law  E . dS  q in / 0
and potential remains constant everywhere and equals to the
      A potential at the surface. Ein = 0

I circular
E.dS  
II circular
E.dS  
E.dS 
surface surface surface

Graphical variation of electric field with distance 6.4.2 At the Surface of Sphere
At surface r = R

1 Q R
Es  . 
4  0 R 2 3 0

6.4.3 Inside the Sphere

At a distance r from the centre. (r  R)

  q in Qr 3 Qr 3
 E
in .ds  
0 0 R 3 
Ein 4r 2  
0 R 3

1 Qr r
E in  . 3  E in  r
Fig 1.32 4 0 R 3 0

6.4 Uniform Spherical Volume Charge Distribution

We consider a spherical uniformly charge distribution of
radius R in which total charge Q is uniformly distributed
throughout the volume. The charge density

total ch arg e Q 3Q
  
total volume 4 R 3 4R 3
Fig 1.34
Graphical variation of electric field with distance

Fig 1.33
6.4.1 Outside the Sphere at P (r > R)
According to Gauss’s law

  Q Q
 E .ds   
or E 4r 2   0
Fig 1.35
1 Q
E out  .
4 0 r 2

Q R 3
using   Eout 
4 3 30 r 2

Electric Field Due to Various Uniform Charge Distribution

(i) At the centre of circular are

kQ sin   / 2 
R2  / 2

(ii) At the axis of ring

R 
1/ 2
+ x2

(iii) At the axis of disc

 
2kQ  x 
E= 1–
R 2  R  x2
 
3/2 
 

(iv) Hollow sphere

For x < R


For x  R


(v) Non conducting solid sphere For x < R

For x  R

(vi) Infinite thin sheet 

2 0

(vii) Infinite wire 2k


The potential energy depends essentially on the separation

7. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY between the charges and is independent of the spatial
location of the charged particles.
7.1 Potential Energy of 2 Charges System
Above Equation gives the electric potential energy of a pair
It is always change in potential energy that is defined as of charges.
U = – Wconservative force = – WCoulomb force
Potential energy is defined for a system of charges in a
Electric potential energy is a scalar quantity so
particular configuration.
in the above formula take sign of Q1 and Q2.
Consider a system of two charges q1 and q2. Suppose, the
charge q1 is fixed and the charge q2 is taken from a point A 7.2 Electron Volt (eV)
to B. It is the practical unit of energy used in atomic and nuclear
physics. As electron volt is defined as “the energy acquired
by a particle having one quantum of charge i.e., when
accelerated by 1volt” i.e.

1eV  1.6 1019 C   1.6 1019 J  1.6 1012 erg
7.3 Potential Energy of a System of n Charges
Fig 1.36 In a system of n charges electric potential energy is
The electric force on the charge q2 is calculated for each pair and then all energies so obtained are

 added algebraically. i.e.

F  1 2 2 rˆ
40 r 1  Q1Q 2 Q 2 Q3 
U    ...........
40  r12 r23 
The total work done as the charge q2 moves from A to B is

q1q 2 q1q 2 1 1 8. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL
W  40 r 2
dr 
  
 r1 r2 
1 Suppose, a test charge q is moved in an electric field from a
The change in potential energy U(r2) – U(r1) is, therefore, point A to a point B while all the other charges in question
remain fixed. If the electric potential energy changes by UB
q q 1 1
U  r2   U  r1    W  1 2    – UA due to this displacement, we define the potential
40  r2 r1 
difference between the point A and the point B as
As the potential energy of the two-charge system is assumed
to be zero when they have infinite separation.

The potential energy when the separation is r is

q1 q 2  1 1  q 1q 2
U(r) = U(r) – U()    
4  0  r   4  0 r

Fig 1.37

U U  UA Wext NOTE:
V  i.e. VB  VA  B   KE  0
q q q At the centre of two equal and opposite charge

Conversely, if a charge q is taken through a potential V = 0 but E  0.

difference VB – VA, the electric potential energy is increased  At the centre of the line joining two equal and
by UB – UA = q(VB – VA). similar charge V  0, E = 0.

Also Wext = q(VB – VA)[KE = 0]  If left free to move,

 Positive charge will always move from higher to
Potential difference between two points give us an idea
lower potential points.
about work which has to be done in moving a charge
 Negative charge will always move from lower to
between those points.
higher potential points.
8.1 Electric Potential due to a Point Charge
(Because this motion will decrease potential energy of a
Consider a point charge Q placed at a point A. system)

The potential at P is,



Fig 1.38 In an electric field rate of change of potential with distance

is known as potential gradient. It is a vector quantity and it’s
( V is taken as 0)
direction is opposite to that of electric field. Potential
The electric potential due to a system of charges may be
gradient relates with electric field according to the following
obtained by finding potentials due to the individual charges
using equation and then adding them. Thus, relation E   ; This relation gives another unit of
1 Qi
4  0
 ri electric field is
. In the above relation negative sign
Electric potential is a scalar quantity, hence sign of charges indicates that in the direction of electric field potential
is to taken in expression decreases.
Electric potential is denoted by V
8.2 Unit and Dimensional Formula

S.I. unit =  volt

[V] = [ML2T–3A–1]

8.3 Types of Electric Potential

According to the nature of charge potential is of two types

(i) Positive potential : Due to positive charge.

Fig 1.39
(ii) Negative potential : Due to negative charge.

In space around a charge distribution we can also

write E  E x ˆi  E y ˆj  E z kˆ

where E x   V , E y   V and E z   V
x y z

Suppose A, B and C are three points in an uniform electric

field as shown in below figure.
(i) Potential difference between point A and B is
B  
V B  VA    E . dr Fig 1.41

Since displacement is in the direction of electric field, hence

 = 0o (if E = constant)

Fig 1.42

Fig 1.40  For a uniform electric field, the equipotential surfaces

are a family of plane perpendicular to the field lines.
So, V B  VA    E . dr cos 0    E . dr  Ed  A metallic surface of any shape is an equipotential
surface e.g. When a charge is given to a metallic
9.1 Equipotential Surface or Lines
surface, it distributes itself in a manner such that its
 If every point of a surface is at same potential, then it
every point comes at same potential even if the object
is said to be an equipotential surface. Regarding
is of irregular shape and has sharp points on it.
equipotential surface following points should be kept
in mind :
 The direction of electric field is perpendicular to the
equipotential surfaces or lines.
 The equipotential surfaces produced by a point charge
or a spherical charge distribution are a family of
concentric spheres.
Fig 1.43

 Equipotential surfaces can never cross each other.


Electric Potential due to Various Charge Configurations

(i) Point charge kQ
VP 

(ii) At the centre of circular are kQ

VP 

(iii) At the axis of the ring kQ

VP 
R2  x2

 
(iv) At the axis of Disc 2kQ
VP  R2  x2  x

(v) Hollow sphere or conducting solid sphere (i) For x R

VP 

(ii) For x = R

VP 

(ii) For x  R

VP 

(vi) Uniformly charged non-conducting solid (i) For x < R

VP 
2R 3
 3R 2  x 2 
(ii) For x = R

VP 

(iii) For > R

VP 

k( q) k( q)
VP  
r >> d (distance ‘r’ is large as compared to d);
10.1 General information
AP  OP BP  OP
System of two equal and opposite charges separated by a
small fixed distance is called a dipole. rd rd
OP  O P 
2 cos  2 cos 
 Dipole axis: Line joining negative charge to positive
charge of a dipole is called its axis. It may also be k( q) k(  q)
termed as its longitudinal axis. Vp  
(r  d / 2 cos ) (r  d / 2 cos )
 Equatorial axis: Perpendicular bisector of the dipole
is called its equatorial or transverse axis as it is  1 1 
 k( q)   .
perpendicular to length.  r  d / 2 cos  r  d / 2 cos  
 Dipole length: The distance between two charges is
known as dipole length (d)  
 Dipole moment: It is a quantity which gives  r  d / 2 cos   r  d / 2 cos  
 kq  
information about the strength of dipole. It is a vector  2 d2 2 
 r  cos  
quantity and is directed from negative charge to 4

positive charge along the axis. It is denoted as p and
is defined as the product of the magnitude of either of kq d cos 

  d2
the charge and the dipole length. i.e. p  q d r2 
cos 2 

Its S.I. unit is coulomb-metre another units is Debye (1

k(qd) cos  kp cos 
Debye = 3.3 × 10–30 C × m) and its dimensions are M0L1T1A1. Vp  2
  p  qd .
d d2
r  cos 2 
r  cos 2 
4 4
 A region surrounding a stationary electric kpcos  1 p cos 
since r >> d Vp   .
dipole has electric field only. r 2
40 r 2
 When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, its
atoms or molecules are considered as tiny dipoles  is angle with the axis of dipole ; r is distance from centre
and potential due to an electric dipole of dipole.

(a) Electric Potential due to a dipole (b) Electric Field due to dipole
(i) For points on the axis
Let the point P be at distance r from the centre of the dipole
on the side of the charge q, as shown in fig (a). Then

E q   pˆ
40 (r  a) 2

where p̂ is the unit vector along the dipole axis (from –q to

q). Also E  q  pˆ
4 0 (r  a) 2

The directions of E+q and E–q are as shown in fig. (b).

Clearly, the components normal to the dipole axis cancel
away. The components along the dipole axis add up. The
total electric field is opposite to p̂ . We have
Fig 1.44
The total field at P is 2qa
E = – (E+q + E–q) cos p̂   p̂
4 0 (r 2  a 2 )3/2
q  1 1 
E  E  q  E q     pˆ
40 2
(r  a)2  At large distances (r >> a), this reduces to
 (r  a)
q 4a r E pˆ (r >> a)...(ii)
 p̂ 40 r 3
40 (r  a 2 ) 2

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), it is clear that the dipole field at large
For r > > a
distances does not involve q and a separately ; it depends on
E (r >> a) ...(i) the product qa. In terms of p, the electric field of a dipole at
large distances takes simple forms :
(ii) For points on the equatorial plane At a point on the dipole axis
The magnitudes of the electric fields due to the two 2p 2kp
  r  a 
charges + q and –q are given by 40 r r3
q 1 At a point on the equatorial plane
Eq 
4  0 r 2  a 2
p kp
E  (r  a)
q 1 40 r 3
E q  and are equal.
4 0 r  a 2

Electric field due to an electric dipole



-q +q
Fig 1.46

Figure shows an electric dipole placed on x–axis at origin.

Here we wish to find the electric field and potential at a
Fig 1.45 point O having coordinates (r, θ). Due to the positive charge

(b) a point on the equatorial plane of the dipole. p is the of dipole electric field at O is in radially outward direction

dipole moment vector of magnitude p = q × 2a and and due to the negative charge it is radially inward as shown

directed from –q to q. in figure.


V 2kp cos  (ii) Work: From the above discussion it is clear that in
Er  
r r3 an uniform electric field dipole tries to align itself in

1 V kp sin  the direction of electric field (i.e. equilibrium

and E   
r  r3 position). To change it’s angular position some work
has to be done.
Thus net electric field at point O,
Suppose an electric dipole is kept in an uniform
Enet  Er2  E2  1  3cos 2  electric field by making an angle 1 with the field, if

If the direction of Enet is at an angle α from radial it is again turn so that it makes an angle 2 with the

E  1  field, work done in this process is given by the

direction, then α = tan–1   tan  
Er  2  formula

Thus the inclination of net electric field at point O is

(θ + α)

10.2 Electric Dipole in Uniform Electric Field

(i) Force and Torque: If a dipole is placed in a
uniform field such that dipole (i.e. p ) makes an

angle  with direction of field, then two equal and

Fig 1.48
opposite force act on dipole and constitute a couple
W  pE  cos 1  cos 2 
whose tendency is to rotate the dipole. Hence a
Potential energy: In case of a dipole (in a uniform
torque is developed in it and dipole tries to align it
field), potential energy of dipole is defined as work
self in the direction of field. Consider an electric
done in rotating a dipole from a direction
dipole in placed in a uniform electric field such that
 perpendicular to the field to the given direction i.e. if
dipole (i.e. p ) makes an angle  with the direction
1 = 90o and 2 =  then
of electric field as shown

Fig 1.49
Fig 1.47
W = U = U – U 90° = – pE cos 
(a) Net force on electric dipole Fnet  0
 U = – pE cos
  

(b) Torque   pE sin    p  E 

[U (90°) = 0]  The charge kept in the material of a conductor will

come to its outermost surface.
 
or U  p.E We know electric field at all points inside the material
of a conductor is zero. This means ‘E’ at all points on
  pEsin
the Gaussian surface is zero.
For small oscillations,   pE

∴ Time period of small oscillations

T = 2π

(I = moment of inertia)


  Q en
11. 1 Properties of Conductors  E.dA  0  E  0  Qen  0
 Inside a conductor, electrostatic field is zero Charge cannot remain inside so it comes outside
dotted surface.
Consider a conductor, neutral or charged. There may
also be an external electrostatic field. In the static
situation the electric field is zero everywhere inside the
conductor. As long as electric field is not zero, the free
charge carriers would experience force and drift. In the
static situation, the free charges have so distributed Fig 1.51
themselves that the electric field is zero everywhere  Electrostatic potential is constant throughout the
inside. Electrostatic field is zero inside a conductor. volume of the conductor and has the same value (as

 At the surface of a charged conductor, electrostatic inside) on its surface

field must be normal to the surface at every point This follows from results 1 and 2 above. Since E = 0
inside the conductor and has no tangential component
If E were not normal to the surface, it would have
on the surface, no work is done in moving a small test
some non-zero component along the surface. Free
charge within the conductor and on its surface. That is,
charges on the surface of the conductor would then
there is no potential difference between any two points
experience force and move. In the static situation,
inside or on the surface of the conductor. Hence, the
therefore, E should have no tangential component.
result. If the conductor is charged, electric field normal
Thus electrostatic field at the surface of a charged
to the surface exists; this means potential will be
conductor must be normal to the surface at every point.
different for the surface and a point just outside the
(For a conductor without any surface charge density,
field is zero even at the surface).
In a system of conductors of arbitrary size, shape and
charge configuration, each conductor is characterized
by a constant value of potential, but this constant may
differ from one conductor to the other.

 Electric field at the surface of a charged conductor

E nˆ

where  is the surface charge density and n̂ is a unit

vector normal to the surface in the outward direction.

For  > 0, electric field is normal to the surface

outward ; for  < 0, electric field is normal to the
surface inward. Fig 1.54

kQ1 k   Q1  k  Q1  Q 2 
Va   
r1 r2 r2

kQ1 k  Q1  k  Q1  Q 2 
Vb   
r2 r2 r2

11.3 Cases of Earthing a Conductor

Fig 1.52

11.2 Cases of Concentric Shells Initially

Fig 1.55

 Firstly do charge distribution before earthing.

 After charge distribution, assume some ‘x’ charge
flown to ground (after earthing).
 Do re-distribution of charge.
 Take a point on the conductor (which is earthed) & do
net potential of it equals 0. Calculate x.

Fig 1.53

Fig 1.56

kQ1 k   Q1  k  Q1  Q2  x  Some other important results for a closed conductor:

VP  0    (i) f a charge q is kept in the cavity then –q will be
r2 r2 r2
 x=Q1 + Q2 induced on the inner surface and +q will be induced on
the outer surface of the conductor (it can be proved
using gauss theorem)

Fig 1.57
Charge is flown from outer surface because as long as Q1
remains on inner shell, ‘– Q1’ will be induced on inner shell.

Fig 1.59

(ii) If a charge q is kept inside the cavity of a conductor

and conductor is given a charge Q then –q charge
will be induced on inner surface and total charge on
the outer surface will be q + Q. (it can be proved
using gauss theorem)


Fig 1.60
Fig 1.58
(iii) Resultant field, due to q (which is inside the cavity)
k  Q1  x  k    Q1  x   k  Q1  Q2  x 
VP  0    and induced charge on S1, at any point outside S1 (like
r1 r2 r2
B,C) is zero. Resultant field due to q + Q on S2 and
Q  x  Q1  x  Q1  Q2  x any other charge outside S2 , at any point inside of
 1   0
r1 r2 r2 surface S2 (like A, B) is zero
Q1 Q2 x r S2
    x  Q1  Q2 1  .B .C
r1 r2 r1 r2
.q q+Q
As it can be seen not all charge on the surface flows to
ground. When the outermost conductor is earthed then
the charge residing on the outermost surface of outer
conductor will flow to ground.
Fig 1.61

(iv) Resultant field in a charge free cavity in a closed (C)

conductor is zero. There can be charges outside the
conductor and on  surface also. Then also this
result is true. No charge will be induced on the inner
most surface of the conductor. S1 •

charge is at the centre of S2

No (S2  spherical)

Fig 1.65

Fig 1.62 (D)

(v) Charge distribution for different types of cavities in
S1 •
C •q
charge is not at the centre of S2
(S2   spherical)

charge is at the common centre

Fig 1.66
(S1, S2  spherical)

Fig 1.63

•q ·q
S1 •C C

charge is not at the common centre charge is at the centre of

(S1, S2  spherical) S1 (Spherical)

Fig 1.67
Fig 1.64


S1 • •q

charge not at the centre

of S1(Spherical)
Fig 1.68 Fig 1.70

Using the result that Eres in the conducting material Final charges
should be zero and using result (iii) We can show that

Case A B C
S1 Uniform Non uniform Non uniform
S2 Uniform Uniform Uniform

Fig 1.71
Case D E F
S1 Non uniform Uniform Non uniform  Q  Q2 
Final common potential = k .  1 
 r1  r2 
S2 Uniform Non uniform Non uniform

Note : In all cases charge on inner surface S1 = – q and

on outer surface S2 = q. The distribution of charge on
S1 will not change even if some charges are kept
outside the conductor (i.e. outside the surface S2). But
the charge distribution on S2 may change if some
charges(s) is/are kept outside the conductor.
Fig 1.72
11.4 Connection of Charged Conductor VP = V R
k  Q1  x  k   Q1  x  k  Q1  Q 2 
Steps VP   
 Do charge distribution before connection. r1 r2 r2
 Assume ‘x’charge flows from one conductor to another. k  Q1  x  k   Q1  x  k  Q1  Q2 
 Do redistribution of charges.  VR   
r2 r2 r2
 Equate net potential of conductor (1) with the net
potential of conductor (2). VP = V R
k  Q1  x  k  Q1  x  1 1 
    Q1  x      0
r1 r2  r1 r2 
 x = Q1
This indicates that all the charge on shell (1) will flow to
Fig 1.69 shell (2).

Assumption: Distance between them is very large.


12. Self-Energy of Charged Sphere

Consider a uniformly charged sphere of radius R having a
total charge Q. The electric potential energy of this sphere
is equal to the work done in bringing the charges from
infinity to assemble the sphere.

Fig 1.75

Net electric field at point P, near a conducting surface,
having surface charge distribution ‘’ is given by [/0].
Fig 1.73
13.2 Parallel Plate Theory
3Q 2
U To find charge distribution on each surface of plates
200 R

Fig 1.76
Fig 1.74
Two conducting plates having area ‘A’ (area is large as
Q2 compared to distance, so that field is uniform) and the
8 0 R thickness of plates is small so that charge only appears on
parallel faces.
The energy stored per unit volume around a point in an
U 1
electric field is given by u e    0 E 2 . If in place
Volume 2
of vacuum some medium of dielectric constant K is present
then u e  K0 E 2 .


13.1 Charged Conducting Plate

Fig 1.77
Q r 2
Net Flux  en  Since the field lines are parallel, the net flux through the
0 0 gaussian surface will be zero, surface (1) & (2) be inside the
r 2 material of the conductor.
(cylindrical Gaussian surface) Er 2 

Hence it can be said that net charge enclosed will be zero 13. FORCE ON A CHARGED CONDUCTOR
which implies the charges appearing on the facing surfaces
are equal & opposite to each other. To find force on a charged conductor (due to repulsion of
like charges) imagine a small part XY to be cut and just
separated from the rest of the conductor MLN. The field in
the cavity due to the rest of the conductor is E2, while field
due to small part is E1. Then

Fig 1.78
Net electric field at any point ‘P’ or ‘R’ has to be zero.
(Enet)P = 0
Fig 1.80
There are 4 distributions, the net field at P should be zero.
Inside the conductor
 Q  q
 EP 1     1     E P 2  q    E = E1 – E2 = 0 or E1 = E2
2 0 2A0 2A0

Outside the conductor E  E1  E 2  .
q Q q 0
 E P 3      E P 4  2   
2A0 2A 0 
Thus, E1  E2 
2 0
  E P 1   E P 3   E P 2   E P 4
To find force, imagine charged part XY (having charge
Q1  q q q Q q dA placed in the cavity MN having field E2). Thus force
This shows    2
2A 0 2A 0 2A 0 2A 0 2
dF = (dA)E2 or dF  dA . The force per unit area or
2 0
Q1  Q2
q so final distributions would be dF  2
2 electric pressure is P   (Electrostatic pressure)
dA 2 0
The force is always outwards as (+) is positive i.e.,
whether charged positively or negatively, this force will try
to expand the charged body.

Fig 1.79

When charged conducting plates are placed parallel to
each other, the two outermost surfaces get equal
charges and the facing surfaces get equal and opposite


Example - 1
Example -2
A particle of mass m and charge (–q) enters the
Three equal charges each +Q, placed at the corners of
region between the two charged plates initially,
an equilateral triangle of side a. What will be the
moving along X-axis with speed vx as shown in fig.
force on any charge ?  k  1 
The length of each plate is L and a uniform electric  40 

2 2
field E is maintained between the plates. Show that (a) kQ (b) 2 kQ
a2 a2
the vertical deflection of the particle at the far edge
(c) 2 kQ 2 (d) 3 kQ 2
a2 a2
of the plate is. qEL .
2mv 2x Ans. (d)
Sol. Suppose net force is to be calculated on the charge
which is kept at A. Two charges kept at B and C are
applying force on that particular charge, with
directions as shown in the figure.

Sol. Force on particle towards upper plate B, Fy = qE

vertical acceleration of particle,

ay 

Initial vertical velocity voy = 0

Speed of particle along X-axis = vx (constant) Q2

Since Fb  Fc  F  k
Time taken by particle between the plates, t  L So, Fnet  FB2  FC2  2 FB FC cos 60
3 kQ2
Fnet  3 F 
From relation s= ut+ 1 at 2 , vertical deflection a2
Example - 3
1 1  qE   L  A spherical conducting shell of inner radius r1, and
y  0  ayt2  0     outer radius r2 has a charge ‘Q’. A charge ‘q’ is
2 2  m   vx 
placed at the centre of the shell.
(a) What is the surface charge density on the
 y (i) inner surface (ii) outer surface of the shell ?
2mv 2x
(b) Write expression for the electric field at a point x
> r2 from the centre of the shell.

Ans. (a) Sol. Given qA = 2.5 × 10–7 C, qB = – 2.5 × 10–7 C

Sol. Charge Q resides on the outer surface of the 2l = AB = 30 cm = 0.30 m
spherical conducting shell. Due to charge q Total charge of the system q = qA + qB
placed at centre, charge induced on the inner q = 2.5 × 10–7 C – 2.5 × 10–7 C q=0
surface is –q and on the outer surface it is +q. So,  
Electric dipole moment p  q.2l ,
total charge on the inner surface –q and on outer 
surface it is Q + q. p  7.5 × 10 –8 Cm directed along negative z-axis
 
p  7.5 × 10 –8 Cm –k

Example - 5
- 5 A cube of side b has a charge q at each of its vertices.
Determine the potential and electric field due to this
charge-array at the centre of the cube.
Sol. O is the centre of cube ABCDEFGH. Charge q is
placed at each of eight corners of the cube.
Surface charge density on inner surface =  q
4r12 Electric Potential :

Surface charge density on outer surface  Q  q

(b) For external points, the whole charge acts at
centre, so electric field at distance x > r2.
 1 Qq
E ( x)  rˆ
4 0 x 2

Example - 4 Side of cube = b

A system has two charges qA = 2.5 × 10 C and qB
Length of each diagonal = b 2  b 2  b 2  3b
= – 2.5 × 10–7 C located at points A = (0, 0, – 15 cm)
Distance of each corner from centre O.
and B = (0, 0, + 15 cm) respectively. What are the
total charge and electric dipole moment of the = half the diagonal = . 3b
system? 2
Potential at O due to charge at each corner

= 1 q 1 2q

40 ( 3 b / 2) 4 0 3 b
Net potential at O due to all 8 charges at corners of the

cube V  8  1 2q  1 . 16q
40 3 b 4 0 3 b
Electric Field : The electric field at O due to charges
at all corners of the cube is zero, since, electric fields
due to charges at opposite corners such as A and H, G
and D, B and E, F and C are equal and opposite.

Example - 6 2 106
| E C | 9  109  2
 1.44  107 N / C
Four charges are placed on corners of a square as  5 
  102 
 2 
shown in figure having side of 5 cm. If Q is one
micro coulomb, then electric field intensity at centre 10 6
| E D | 9  109   0.72  107 N / C ;
will be  5 

  102 
 2 

So, |ECA| = |EC| – | EA|

= 0.72 × 107 N/C and |EBD| = |EB| – |ED|

= 0.72 × 107 N/C.

Hence from equation – (i)

(a) 1.02 × 107 N/C upwards E = 1.02 × 107 N/C upwards.
(b) 2.04 × 10 N/C downwards
Example- 7
(c) 2.04 × 107 N/C upwards
Two point charges q1 = q2 = 2μC are fixed at
(d) 1.02 × 107 N/C downwards
x1 = + 3m and x2 = – 3m as shown in figure. A third
Ans. (a)
particle of mass 1 g and charge q3 = – 4μC is released
Sol. |EC| > |EA| so resultant of EC& EA is
from rest at y = 4.0 m. All these charges are on a
ECA = EC – EAdirected toward Q
frictionless plane. Find the speed of the particle as it
Also |EB| > |ED| so resultant of EB and ED i.e.
reaches the origin.
EBD = EB – ED directed toward –2Q charge
hence Net electric field at centre is

 E CA    E BD  ...(i)
2 2

Sol. How to proceed : Here, the charge q3 is attracted

towards q1 and q2 both. So, the net force on q3 is
towards origin.
By proper calculations

106 = 0.72 × 107 N/C

| E A |  9  109  2
 5 
  10 2 
 2 

2 106
| E B | 9  109  2
 1.44  107 N / C ;
 5 
  102 
 2 

By this force charge is accelerated towards origin,

Sol. By using E   dV , E   dV  ay ,
but this acceleration is not constant. So, to obtain the x
dr dx
speed of particle at origin by kinematics we will
have to first find the acceleration at some dV
intermediate position and then will have to integrate Ey    ax
with proper limits. On the other hand it is easy to
use the energy conservation principle, as the only Electric field at point P,
forces are conservative.
Let v be the speed of the particle at origin. From
E  E 2x  E 2y  a x 2  y 2  ar
conservation of mechanical energy, Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf
or i.e., E∝r

1  q 3 q 2 q 3 q 1 q 2 q1  Example - 9
   0
40  (r32 )i (r31 )i (r21 )i  A point particle of mass M is attached to one end of
a massless rigid non-conducting rod of length L.
1  q 3 q 2 q 3 q 1 q 2 q1  1
      mv

40 (r ) (r ) (r ) 2 Another point particle of the same mass is attached

 32 f 31 f 21 f 

to the other end of the rod. The two particles carry

Here, (r21)i = (r21)f. Substituting the proper values, we
charges +q and – q respectively. This arrangement is
held in a region of a uniform electric field E such

 (4)(2) (4)(2)  that the rod makes a small angle θ (say of about 5
(9.0 109 )     10  (9.0  10 )
12 9

 (5.0) (5.0)  degrees) with the field direction (see figure). What
will be the minimum time, needed for the rod to
 (4) (2) (4) (2)  1 become parallel to the field after it is set free
 (3.0)  (3.0)  10  2  10  v
12 3 2

 

 16   16  1
(9 103 )     (9 103 )     103  v2
∴  5  3 2

2 1
(9 103 ) (16)    103  v2
 15  2

∴ v = 6.2 m/s ML
(a) t  2
Example - 8 2 pE

In x-y co-ordinate system if potential at a point  ML

(b) t 
2 2 qE
P (x, y) is given by V = axy; where a is a constant, if
3 ML
r is the distance of point P from the origin, then (c) t 
2 2 pE
electric field at P is proportional to
(d) t  
(a) r (b) r –1 pE
Ans. (b)
(c) r—2 (d) r2

Ans. (a)

Sol. In the given situation, the system oscillates in electric A according to the figure show below. The total field
field with maximum angular displacement θ. Its time at C must be zero. The field at C due to the point
period of oscillation (similar to dipole)
charge is E = k Q
T  2 towards left. The field at C due to the induced charges
where I = moment of inertia of the system and must be kQ towards right i.e. directed towards Q.
Hence the minimum time needed for the rod becomes r2

Example - 11
parallel to the field is t  T   I A long thin rod lies along the x-axis with one end at
4 2 pE
the origin. It has a uniform charge density λ C/m.
2 2 2 Assuming it to infinite in length, the electric field at
Here, I  M  L   M  L   ML
   
2 2 2 point x = – a on the x-axis will

(a)  (b) 
 ML2
t 0 a 2 0 a
⇒ 2 2  qL  E
 ML (c)  (d) 2 

2 2qE 4 0 a 0 a
Ans. (c)
Example - 10 Sol.
A point charge Q is placed outside a hollow
spherical conductor of radius R, at a distance (r > R)
from its centre C. The field at C due to the induced

charges on the conductor is  k  1  For infinite length

 40 
Electric field at a point along axis  
(a) Zero 4 0 r
(b) k Q r=a
r  R

(c) k Q directed towards Q 4 0 a
(d) k Q directed away from Q Example - 12
r2 Two infinite plane parallel sheets separated by a
Ans. (c)
distance d have equal and opposite uniform charge
densities σ. Electric field at a point between the
sheets is

(a) Zero (b) 


(c)  (d) 2
2 0 0
Ans. (b)

Sol. Sol.

Electric field at point between the sheets

= EI – EII

E1 
2 0

    At equilibrium of Pendulum
EII    
2 0 2 0 2 0 0
T sin θ = Fe
T cosθ = mg
Example - 13
Fe QE Q
An infinite plane with uniformly distributed positive tan    tan  
mg mg 2 0 mg
charge has surface charge density σ. A small metallic
 Q 
sphere S of mass m and charge +Q is attached to a   tan 1  

 0 mg 
thread and tied to a point P on the sheet AB. The
angle which PS makes with the plane AB is given by Example - 14
A solid sphere of radius R has a uniform distribution
of electric charge in its volume. At a distance x from
its centre for x < R, the electric field is directly
proportional to
(a) 1/x2 (b) 1/x
(c) x (d) x2
Ans. (c)

(a) tan 1  Q 
 0 mg 

(b) cot 1  Q 
 2 0 mg 
Inside the solid sphere E  k . Q .x E  x
(c) tan 1  Q 
 2 0 mg  Q' 
Q 4
  x3
R 3
(d) cot 1  Q  3
 0 mg 
Q Q' Q
Ans. (c) Q'  3
.x 3 E  k. 2
 k. x
R x R3

Example - 15 Example - 17
Two very long line charges of uniform charge An electrostatic field line cannot be discontinuous,
density λ and –λ are placed along the same line with why?
the separation between the nearest ends being 2a as
Sol. Electrostatic field line originates from positive charge
shown in figure . The electric field intensity at the
point O is and terminates on negative charge i.e., it cannot
abruptly start or end in space. So the electric field line
is always continuous (directed from higher to lower
 
Example - 18
(a)   a (b) 4  a
Find the electrostatic potential at equatorial point of
 
an electric dipole.
(c) 3 a (d) 8 a
Sol. Let P be a point on the equator of an electric dipole
Ans. (a)
formed of charges –q and +q at separation 2a.
The distance of point P from centre of dipole = r

AP = BP = r 2  a2
Electrostatics potential at

P, V  1  q q 
P   
40  BP AP 

  
E1 = E2 = ; Net - electric field at 0
4 0 a
   
= E1  E 2  2  =
4 0 a 2 0 a
Example - 16
Depict the equipotential surfaces for a system of two
identical positive point charges placed a distance ‘d’
Sol. Equipotential surfaces due to two identical charges is 1  q q 
VP   2  0
40  r  a 2
r a 
2 2
shown in fig.
Thus, electrostatic potential at each equatorial point of
an electric dipole is zero.

Example - 19
A regular hexagon of side 0.10 m has a charge 5 μC
at each of its vertices. Calculate the potential at the
centre of the hexagon.

Sol. The potential due to similar charges is additive. If we take (+) sign x = 2 (1 – x).
Let O be the centre of the hexagon.
This gives x  2 m = 66.7 cm

If we take (–) sign, x = – 2(1 – x) x = 2 m, Which

is not possible since the charges are having same

sign, the point must lie between the two charges.

Hence the answer will be only 66.7cm.

In triangle OAB, all angles are 60º, so
(ii) Electrostatic potential energy,
OA = OB = AB = a
So, in a regular hexagon distance of each corner from 1 (4Q )(Q ) 1 4Q 2
U 
centre is equal to the side of the cube 4 0 r 4 0 r
r = OA = OB = OC = OD = OE = OF = a = 0.10 m
7 2
= 9 × 109 × 4  (2  10 )
The net potential at O, V = 6  1 q . (1)
40 a
Here q = 5μC = 5 × 10–6 C, a = 0.10 m = 1.44 × 10–3 J

6 Example - 21
V = 6 × 9 × 109 × 5 × 10 = 2.7 × 106 volt
0.10 Two point charges 10 × 10–8 C and – 4 × 10– 8 C are
Example - 20 separated by a distance of 70 cm in air as shown in
(i) Two point charges 4Q and Q are separated by a figure.
distance 1 m in air. At what point on the line joining
the charges is the electric field intensity zero?
(ii) Also calculate the electrostatic potential energy
(i) Find at what distance from point A would the
of the charges if Q = 2 × 10–7 C.
electric potential be zero.
Sol. (i) Let x be the distance of point P from charge 4Q
(ii) Also calculate the electrostatic potential energy
where electric field intensity is zero, then of the system.
   Sol. (i) The electric potential due to opposite charges is
E  E1  E 2  0
subtractive. To find the electric potential, the
sign of the charge is retained in the formula.
Let x be the distance of point P from A at which
q electric potential is zero

As E1 and E2 are oppositely directed. 1 q1 1 q2

i.e., V   0
In magnitude, 40 x 40 (0.70  x)

 1 4Q 1 Q 4 1  1 10  10 8 1 (4  108 )
  2   0
40 x 2 40 (1  x) 2 x (1  x)2 40 x 40 (0.70  x)
 x2 = 4(1 – x)2
x = 2 (1 – x)

Sol. Potential energy of the system,

10 4

x 0.70  x
 7.0 – 10x = 4x
 10  10 6  2 
or 14 x = 7.0 or x  17.0  0.5m U  9  10 
 3  27 J
 0.1 
14  
Example - 23
Also V  1  q1 q2 
 0
40  x x  0.70 
Infinite charges are lying at x = 1, 2, 4, 8…meter on
X-axis and the value of each charge is Q, find the
value of intensity of electric field at point x = 0 due
to these charges. Also find the value of potential at
this point if the value of Q is 1 micro coulomb.
8 8
 10 10  4 10  0  10  4 (a) 12 × 109 Q N/C, 1.8 × 104 V
x x  0.70 x x  0.70
(b) Zero, 1.2 × 104 V
(c) 6 × 109 Q N/C, 9 × 103 V
 x  7 m = 1.167 m
6 (d) 4 × 109 Q N/C , 6 × 103 V
Thus electric potential is zero at distances x = 0.5 m Ans. (a)
and 1.167 m from charge q1 = 10 × 10 C. Sol. By the superposition, Net electric field at origin
(ii) Electrostatic potential energy of system 1 1 1 1 
E  kQ  2  2  2  2  ...
9 8 8
q1q2 = 9 × 10 × (10 10 )(4 10 ) 1 2 4 8 
4 0 r 0.70  1 1 1 
E  kQ 1     ... 
 4 16 64 
U = –5.14 × 10–5 J
1 1 1
1    ...
Example - 22 4 16 64
is an infinite geometric progression. Its sum can be
Three particles, each having a charge of 10 micro
coulomb are placed at the corners of an equilateral
obtained by using the formula S  a ;

triangle of side 10cm. The electrostatic potential 1 r
energy of the system is Where a = First term, r = Common ratio.

(Given 1
 9  109 N  m 2 / C  )
4 0 Here a = 1 and r  1 so,
(a) Zero (b) Infinite
(c) 27 J (d) 100 J 1 1 1 1 4
1    ...   .
4 16 64 1 1 / 4 3
Ans. (c)

4 Example - 25
E  9  109  Q   12 109 Q N / C
3 An arc of radius r carries charge. The linear density
of charge is λ and the arc subtends an angle π/3 at the
Hence, Electric potential at origin
centre. What is electric potential at the centre
1 110
1 10 6
110 110 6 6
  
V      ... 
40  1 2 4 8  (a) 4 0 (b) 8  0
 
 1 1 1 
 9 109 106 1     ..............  (c) 12 0 (d) 16 0
 2 4 8 
Ans. (c)
 
 1 
3 4
 9  10 
1  = 1.8 × 10 volt
1  
 2

Example - 24
A conducting sphere of radius R is charged to a
potential of V volt. Then the electric field at a
distance r (> R) from the centre of the sphere would Length of the arc = r

be Charge of the arc q = r

kq Kr   
(a) RV (b) V V   k   =
r2 r r r 3
2  1  
(c) rV (d) R V V = K V= . V=
R2 r3 3 4 0 3 12 0
Ans. (a) Example - 26
Sol. Conducting sphere (a) Plot a graph comparing the variation of
potential ‘V’ and electric field ‘E’ due to a point
charge ‘Q’ as a function of distance ‘R’ from
the point charge.
(b) Find the ratio of the potential differences that
must be applied across the parallel and the
series combination of two identical capacitors
If r > R so that the energy stored, in the two cases,
becomes the same.
1 Q Q Sol. (a) The graph of variation of potential and electric
V= . = k.
4 0 R R field due to a point charge Q with distance R
from the point charge is shown in fig.
V .R Q
Q= E = k.
k r2

E = k. 2
E= 2
kr r

(b) Let C be capacitance of each capacitor. Example - 29

In series arrangement, net capacitance C  C . The distance of the field point on the axis of a small
2 dipole is doubled. By what factor will the electric
In parallel arrangement, net capacitance, Cp = 2C field, due to the dipole change ?
Energy stored U  1 CV 2
2 Sol. For a small dipole, Eaxis = 1 2p 1
 3
If VS and VP are potential differences applied 40 r 3 r
across series and parallel arrangements, then When the distance r is doubled, the electric field
given Us = Up  1 C V 2  1 C V 2 strength becomes 1/8 times the original field.
S S p p
2 2
Example - 30
 Vp  Cs

C/2 1

VS Cp 2C 2
A positive charge is fixed at the origin of
Example - 27 coordinates. An electric dipole, which is free to move
A 500 μC charge is at the centre of a square of side and rotate, is placed on the positive x–axis. Its
10 cm. Find the work done in moving the charge of moment is directed away from the origin. The dipole
10 μC between two diagonally opposite points on will :
the square. (a) Move towards the origin
(b) Move away from the origin
(c) Rotate by /2
(d) Rotate by 

Sol. The points A and B are equidistant from the centre of Sol.

square where charge q = 500 μC is located ; therefore, -q charge is near the +Q as compare to +q, so
points A and B are at the same potential i.e., VA = VB. attractive force will be greater than repulsive force.
 Work done in moving charge q0 = 10μC from A to Therefore, dipole moves towards the origin.
B is W = q0 (VB – VA) = 0
Example - 31
Example - 28
An electric dipole with a dipole moment 4 × 10–9 A small metallic charged sphere is placed at the

Cm is aligned at 30º with the direction of a uniform centre of large uncharged spherical shell and the two

electric field of magnitude 5 × 104 NC–1. Calculate are connected by a wire. Will any charge flow on

the magnitude of the torque acting on the dipole. the outer shell?

Sol. A dipole placed in a uniform electric field experiences Sol. Yes, the whole charge will flow to the outer shell ;

a torque τ =pE sin θ which tends to align the dipole because charge always resides on outer surface of a

parallel to the direction of the field. conductor.

Torque τ =pE sin θ Example - 32

Here, p = 4 × 10–9 C-m, E = 5 × 104 NC–1, θ = 30º A hollow charged conductor has a tiny hole cut into

Torque τ = 4 × 10–9 × 5 × 104 sin 30º its surface. Show that the electric field in the hole is,
where is unit vector in the outward normal direction
4 × 10–9 × 5 × 104 × 1 = 10–4 Nm
2 and  is the surface charge density near the hole.

Sol. Example - 33
The electric field component in the fig. shown are
Ex =  x1/2, Ey = Ez= 0, in which  = 800 N/Cm1/2.
Calculate (a) the electric flux through the cube
(b) the charge within the cube. The side of cube a =
0.1 m.
Sol. According to the question only the electric field has
only X-component, Y and Z-components are zero; so
electric flux diverging along Y and Z-axis is zero
Consider a hollow conductor (of any shape) having  
since   E  S = ES cos 90º = 0. The electric flux
hole AB at its surface. Consider a point P near the
diverging along X-axis from faces (1) and (2) exists.
hole just outside the conductor. First we consider the
The electric field at face (1) (where x = a) is E1 = 
conductor with hole filled up.
The electric field at point P due to whole conductor x1/2=  a1/2

This electric field may be considered as the

superposition of two electric fields :
 The electric field at face (2) (where x = 2a) is
(i) The electric field due to filled up hole E 1 .
E2 =  x1/2 =  (2a)1/2
(ii) The electric field due to rest of charged conductor
 The electric flux through faces (1) and (2) are
E2 .
 
At point P, these electric fields are directed along the 1  E  S  E1 S cos 180º = –a1/2 (a2) = –a5/2
    
 2  E 2  S  E 2 S cos 0 =  (2a)1/2. a2 × 1 2
same direction so E  E1  E 2  nˆ .........(1)
In the interior of conductor electric field is zero. If we
Net electric flux  = 1 + 2 = ( 2  1)  a5/2
consider a point Q near hole but inside the conductor,
 = ( 2  1) × 800 × (0.1)5/2
then electric field E1 changes direction, while electric
field due to rest of conductor remains the same in = (1.414 – 1) × 800 × (0.1)2 0.10
magnitude as well as in direction. The net field at Q is = 0.41 × 8 × 0.316 = 1.05 Nm2 C–1
   
Einside = E 2 – E 1 = 0  E 1 = E 2 ...........(2) (b) If q is net charge enclosed by cubical surface,
    then by Gauss-Theorem
From (1) 2 E 2  , E2  nˆ
0 2 0 q
  q  0 
The electric field strength of the hole will be due to 0
  or q = 8.854 × 10–12 × 1.05 = 9.27 × 10–12 C
rest of conductor and is given by 2 E 2  nˆ
2 0


Electric charge and its properties and Force between charges 9. Two point charges q1 = + 2C and q2 = – 1C are separated by
a distance d. The position on the line joining the two charges
1. 1012   particles (nuclei of helium) fall per second on a where a third charge = + 1C will be in equilibrium is at a
neutral sphere. Calculate the time (in second) in which distance
the sphere gets charged by 2 C . (a) d / 2 from q1 between q1 & q2
2. The ratio of the electric force between two electrons to (b) d / 2 from q1 away from q2
the gravitational force between them is of the order of
(c) d / 2 – 1 from q2 between q1 & q2
(a) 1042 (b) 1040
(c) 1036 (d) 1032 (d) d / 2 – 1 from q2 away q1
3. Two point charges +2 coulomb and +6 coulomb repel each 10. A charge Q is placed at each of the opposite corners of a
other with a force of 12 N. If a charge of –4 coulomb is square. A charge -q is placed at each of the other two corners.
given to each of these charges then the force will be If the net electrical force on is zero, then the Q/q
(a) 4 N (repulsive) (b) 4 N (attractive)
(c) 8 N (repulsive) (d) 8 N (attractive) (a) 2 2 (b) –1

4. Two point charges repel each other with a force of 100 N. 1

One of the charges is increased by 10% and other is (c) 1 (d) 
decreased by 10%. The new force of repulsion at the same
11. Two infinite linear charges are placed parallel to each other
distance will be
at a distance 0.1m from each other. If the linear charge
(a) 55 N (b) 77 N
density on each is 5 C / m, then the force (in N / m) acting
(c) 99 N (d) 100 N
on a unit length of each linear charge will be
5. A charge q1 exerts some force on a second charge q2. If a
12. Three charges –q1, + q2 and –q3 are placed as shown in the
third charge q3 is brought near, the force of q1 exerted on
figure. The x-component of the force on –q1 is proportional to
q2 will :
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) remain unchanged (d) none of these
6. Two pith balls each of mass 1 gm and each carrying a
charge of 1C are attached to ends of silk threads 1m
long the other ends of which are attached to a fixed point
in gravity free space.The force between them will be
(a) 2.25 × 10–5 N (b) 6.1 × 10–3 N
(c) 4.25 × 10–3 N (d) 12.25 × 10–3 N q2 q3 q2 q3
(a) 2
 2
cos  (b) 2
 sin 
7. Two free charges q and 4q are placed at a distance d apart. b a b a2
A third charge Q is placed between them at a distance x q2 q3 q2 q3
from charge q such that the system is in equilibrium. Then, (c) 2
 2
cos  (d) 2
 sin 
b a b a2
(a) Q = –4q/9, x = d/3 (b) Q = –4q/9, x = d/4 13. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common
(c) Q = –4q/3, x = d/3 (d) Q = –4q/3, x = d/4 point by two massless strings of length l are initially a
distance d (d << l) apart because of their mutual repulsion.
8. If a charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant
equal charges Q each such that the system is in equilibrium, rate. As a result charges approach each other with a velocity
then the value of q is v. Then as a function of distance x between them,
(a) Q/2 (b) – Q/2 (a) v  x–1 (b) v  x1/2
(c) Q/4 (d) – Q/4 (c) v  x (d) v  x–1/2

14. Two charges, each equal to q, are kept at x = –a and x = a on 19. An infinite number of charges, each equal to q, are placed
q along the x  axis at x  1, x  2, x  4, x  8, etc. The
the x–axis. A particle of mass m and charge q 0  is
2 electric field at the point x  0 due to the set of charges is
placed at the origin. If charge q 0 is given a small
displacement y (y << a) along the y –axis, the net force .
acting on the particle is proportional to n 0 Find n .

(a) y (b) –y 20. A charged particle enters at point A and comes out from
point B. Its velocity vector makes angle  and  with
1 1
(c) y (d)  y electric field at these two points, respectively. The ratio of
kinetic energy of the charged particle at these two points

Electric field  KB 
  will be (Given   60 and   30 
4  KA 
15. A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3×10
V/m, so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the
drop will be
–15 2
(take the mass of the charge = 9.9 × 10 kg and g = 10 m/s )
–18 –18
(a) 3.3 × 10 C (b) 3.2 × 10 C
–18 –18
(c) 1.6× 10 C (d) 4.8 × 10 C
16. Two point charges q1 = 4 C & q2 = 9 C are placed 20 cm Electric field due to continuous charge distribution
apart. The electric field due to them will be zero on the line
joining them at a distance of 21. The magnitude of the average electric field normally
present in the atmosphere just above the surface of the
(a) 8 cm from q1 (b) 8 cm from q2
Earth is about 150 N/C, directed inward towards the center
(c) 80/13 cm from q1 (d) 80/13 cm from q2 of the Earth. This gives the total net surface charge carried
by the Earth to be:
17. Charge of +q, +2q, + and –are placed at the corners of a
square ABCD, calculate the electric field at the intersection [Given 0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C2/Nm2, RE = 6.37 × 106 m]
of the diagonals of the square when q = 5/3 × 10–9 C and
(a) +670 kC (b) – 670 kC
each side square of is 10 cm.
(c) – 680 kC (d) + 680 kC
22. In a uniformly charged sphere of total charge Q and radius
R, the electric field E is plotted as function of distance from
the centre. The graph which would correspond to the above
will be
(a) (b)

(a) 2.1 × 103 Vm–1 (b) 9.1 × 10-2 Vm–1

(c) 1.8 × 104 Vm–1 (d) 0.9 × 104 Vm–1
18. Two point charges + 8q and –2q are located at x = 0 and x = (c) (d)
L respectively. The location of a point on the x-axis at which
the net electric field due to these two point charges is zero
(a) 2L (b) L/4
(c) 8L (d) 4L

23. The electric field strength due a uniformly charged ring of 27. A spherically symmetric charge distribution is
radius R at a distance x from its centre on its axis carrying characterised by a charge density having the following
charge has somewhere maximum value on the axis. This is variation:
at distance
 r 
(r)  O 1   for r  R
(a) x = R (b) x   2 R  R 

R (r)  0 for r > R

(c) x   (d) x   3 R
2 Where r is the distance from the centre of the charge
distribution and O is a constant. The electric field at an
24. A point charge is placed at a distance r from the centre of an
internal point (r < R) is:
uncharged conducting sphere of radius R (< r). The potential
at any point on the sphere is O  r r 2  O  r r 2 
(a) 3   3  4R  (b) 4   3  4R 
1 q O   O  
(a) Zero (b) 4  r
O  r r 2  O  r r2 
1 qR 1 qr 2 (c)   3  4R  (d) 12    
(c) 4  2 (d) O   O  3 4R 
0 r 4 0 R
25. A charged ball B hangs from a silk thread S, which makes an 28. Let (r)  r be the charge density distribution for a
angle with a large charged conducting sheet P, as shown R 4
in the figure. The surface charge density  of the sheet is solid sphere of radius R and total charge Q. For a point P
proportional to inside the sphere at distance r1 from the centre of the sphere,
the magnitude of electric field is
(a) zero (b)
40 r12

Qr12 Qr12
(c) (d)
4 0 R 4 3 0 R 4
29. A uniformly charged sphere is placed inside a charged
hollow sphere as shown in the figure. O is the centre of
hollow sphere and C is the centre of solid sphere. The
(a) cos (b) cot 
 3
(c) sin  (d) tan  magnitude of charge on both the spheres is 4  7   C .
26. A thin semi-circular ring of radius r has a positive charge  

distributed uniformly over it. The net field E at the centre The electric field at point P which lies just outside the
O is hollow sphere is given by 3 K N / C . Find the value of

1 
 . (Here, K  4 
0 

q q ˆj
(a) ĵ (b) 
4  0 r 2
4 2  0 r 2

q ˆj q
(c)  (d) ĵ
2  0 r 2
22  0 r 2

Electric potential energy 36. Three charges  q,  q and Q are located at the vertices of
30. Two equal charges are placed at a distance of ‘2 a’ and a a right-angled isosceles triangle as shown in the figure. If
third charge – 2is placed at the midpoint. The potential q
energy of the system is the total interaction energy is zero, then Q   . Find
p r
q2 6 q2
(a) (b) r2 ?
80 a 80 a

7 q2 9 q2
(c)  (d)
80 a 80 a

31. Uniform electric field of intensity 5 volt/m acts parallel to x

axis. A charge of 2C is moved from 0 to A (1,1), to B
(2, 1) and finally to D (3,0) in this field. Work done in this
process is : 1
37. An alpha nucleus of energy mv2 bombards a heavy nuclear
(a) 60 joule (b) 40 joule 2
target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for
(c) 30 joule (d) zero the alpha nucleus will be proportional to
32. An electron of 100 eV is fired directly towards a metal plate (a) v (b) 1/m
having surface charge density of –2 × 10–6 Cm–2. What is (c) 1/v
(d) 1/Ze
the distance from where the electron be projected so that
its just fails to strike the plate. Electric potential
(a) 0.22 mm (b) 0.33 mm 38. Four charges +q, +q, –q and –q are placed respectively at
the corners A, B, C & D of a square of side a. The potential
(c) 0.44 mm (d) 0.66 mm
and field at the centre O of the square are respectively
33. Two positive charges of magnitude q are placed at the
ends of a side 1 of a square of side 2a. Two negative charges
of the same magnitude are kept at the other corners. Starting 4 0 times
from rest, if a charge moves from the middle of side 1 to the
centre of square, its kinetic energy at the centre of square is

1 2qQ  1 
(a) 1   (b) zero
40 a  5

1 2qQ  1  1 2qQ  2 
(c) 4 a 1   (d) 4 a  1  
0  5 0  5

34. Two charge particles having charges 1C and –1C and
of mass 50 gm each are held at rest while their separation 4 2q
(a) zero, 4q/a2 (b) zero ,
is 2 meter. Find the speed of the particles when their a2
separation is 1 meter.
(a) 0.20 m/s (b) 0.6 m/s
(c) 4 2q / a ; 4q / a 2 (d) 4 2 q ; 4 2q / a 2
(c) 0.3 m/s (d) 0.4 m/s
35. A charged particle with q is shot towards another charged 39. Two charges of 4 C each are placed at the corners A and B
particle with charged q which is fixed, with a speed v. it of an equilateral triangle of side length 0.2 m in air. The
approaches upto a closest distance r and then returns. If q  1 N  m2 
was given a speed 2v, the closest distance of approach electric potential at C is   9  109 
would be  40 C2 

(a) 9 × 104 V (b) 18 × 104 V

(c) 36 × 104 V (d) 72 × 104 V
(a) r (b) 2r
(c) r/2 (d) r/4

40. An electric charge 10 C is placed at the origin (0, 0) of X- 47. The variation of potential is maximum if one goes
Y coordinate system. Two points A and B are situated at
(a) along the field line
( 2, 2) and (2, 0) respectively. The potential difference (b) Perpendicular to field line
between the points A and B will be (c) in any direction
(a) 9 V (b) zero (d) at 45° with the direction of field line
(c) 2 V (d) 4.5 V 48. Which of the following may be discontinuous across a
41. Two concentric, thin metallic spheres of radii R1 and R2 (R1 > R2) charged conducting surface ?
bear charges Q1 and Q2 respectively. Then the potential at
(a) Electric potential
 1  (b) Electric intensity
radius r between R1 and R2 will be  K  4  
 0 (c) Both electric intensity and potential
(a) K (Q1 + Q2) / r (b) K (Q1/r + Q2/R2) (d) None of these
(c) K (Q2/r + Q1/R1) (d) K (Q1/R1 + Q2/R2) 49. Charges are placed on the vertices of a square as shown.

42. A hollow hemisphere of radius R is charged uniformly with Let E be the electric field and V the potential at the centre.
surface density of charge . What will be the potential at If the charges on A and B are interchanged with those on D
centre ? and C respectively, then

R 
(a) 2  (b) 4 
0 0

 4R
(c) 2  (d) 3 
0 0

43. A solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly through 

out the volume. At what distance from its surface is the (a) E remains unchanged, V changes
electric potential 1/4 of the potential at the centre ? 
(b) both E and V change
(a) 8R/3 (b) R/3 
(c) 5R/3 (d) 2R/3 (c) E and V remain unchanged
44. A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R has a charge 
(d) E changes, V remains unchanged
q. Another charge is placed at the centre of the shell. The
50. Three charges 2q, –q, –are located at the vertices of an
electrostatic potential at a point P at a distance R/2 from the
centre of the shell is equilateral triangle. At the circumcentre of the triangle
2Q 2Q q (a) field is zero but potential is non-zero
(a) 4 R (b) 4 R  4 R (b) field is non-zero but potential is zero
0 0 0

(c) both field and potential are zero

2Q q q  Q q
(c) 4 R  4 R (d) (d) both field and potential are non-zero
0 0 4 0 R

51. Assume that an electric field E  30x2 ˆi exists in space.
45. A hexagon of side 8 cm has a charge 4 C at each of its
Then the potential difference VA – VO’ Where VO is the
vertices. The potential at the centre of the hexagon is
potential at the origin and VA the potential at x = 2 m is :
y 106 volt . Find y .
(a) –120 J/C (b) – 80 J/C
Electric field and potential (c) 80 J/C (d) 120 J/C
52. The electric potential in a certain region of space is given
46. In uniform electric field
by V = –3x2 + 2x, where x is in meter and V is in volt, in this
(a) All points are at same potential region the equipotential surface are
(b) no two points can have same potential
(a) plane parallel to XY plane
(c) pair of points separated by same distance must have
(b) planes parallel to YZ plane
same difference of potential
(c) concentric cylinders with axis as x–axis
(d) none of these
(d) concentric spheres concentrated at origin.

53. Let V and E be the potential and electric field respectively 58. Electric potential at equatorial point of a small dipole with
at a point due to charge distribution. Which of the following dipole moment p (At r, distance from the dipole) is
assertion in true. p
(a) if V = 0 then E must be zero (a) Zero (b)
4 0 r 2
(b) V  0, then E can not be zero
(c) if E  0, V can not be zero p 2p
(c) (d)
(d) if V = 0, E may be zero 4 0 r 3 4 0 r 3
59. The distance between H+ and Cl– ions in HCl molecule is
54. Electric potential in an electric field is given as V  K , (K 1.28Å. What will be the potential due to this dipole at a
r distance of 12Å on the axis of dipole.

being constant), if position vector r  2 ˆi  3 ˆj  6 k,
ˆ then (a) 0.13 V (b) 1.3 V
electric field will be (c) 13 V (d) 130 V
K K 60. Two short dipoles pkˆ and kˆ are located at  0, 0,0  and

(a) 2 ˆi  3 ˆj  6 kˆ  243

(b) 2 ˆi  3 ˆj  6 kˆ343
(1m, 0, 2 m), respectively. The resultant electric field due to
K K np ˆ
(c) 
3 ˆi  2 ˆj  6 kˆ  (d) 
6 ˆi  2 ˆj  3kˆ  the two dipoles at the point (1m, 0, 0) is 32 k . Find n.
243 343 0
61. An electric dipole is fixed at the origin of coordinates. Its
55. The potential at a point x (measured in m) due to some moment is directed in the positive x–direction. A positive
charges situated on the x-axis is given by : charge is moved from the point (r, 0) to the point (–r, 0) by
V (x) = 20/(x – 4) volt external agent. In this process, the work done by the agent is
The electric field E at x = 4m is given by (a) Positive and inversely proportional to r
(b) Positive and inversely proportional to r2.
(a) V / m and in the –ve x direction (c) negative and inversely proportional to r
(d) Negative and inversely proportional to r2.
5 62. A charge q is placed at (1, 2, 1) and other charge –q is
(b) V / m and in the +ve x direction
3 placed at (0, 1, 0) such that they form an electric dipole.

There exist a uniform electric field E  2iˆ  3jˆ . What is
(c) V / m and the –ve x direction torque experienced by the dipole.

 
(a) q 3iˆ  2jˆ  kˆ N.m 
(b) q 3iˆ  2ˆj  kˆ N.m
(d) V / m and in the +ve x direction
(c) q  3iˆ  2ˆj  kˆ  N.m (d) q  ˆi  2ˆj  kˆ  N.m
56. An electric field (30iˆ  20 ˆj )Vm 1 exists in space. If the 
63. An electric dipole of dipole moment p is placed in uniform
potential at the origin is zero, then find the potential (in   
electric field E , with p parallel to E . It is then rotated by
volt) at (5 m,3 m).
an angle of . The work done is
Electric dipole & Dipole in electric field (a) pE sin  (b) pE cos 
(c) pE (1 – cos ) (d) pE (1 – sin)
57. Two short dipoles each of dipole moment p are placed at
64. An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30º to a non-
origin. The dipole moment of one dipole is along x axis,
uniform electric field. The dipole will experience
while that of other is along y axis. The electric field at point
(a, 0) is given by (a) a translational force only in the direction of the field
(b) a translational force only in a direction normal to the
2p p direction of the field
(a) 4 a (b)
0 40 a 3 (c) a torque as well as a translational force
(d) a torque only
(c) (d) zero
40 a 3

65. There exists a non-uniform electric field along x-axis as 69. If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface
shown in figure. The field increases at a uniform rate along respectively is 1 and 2, the electric charge inside the surface
positive x-axis. A dipole is placed inside the field as shown. will be
For the dipole which one of the following statement is
correct  1  2 
(a) (2 – 1) 0 (b)

 2  1 
(c) (d) (1 + 2) 0
70. A positive point charge is placed just outside the centre of
the flat face of a hemispherical surface in air. The electric
flux through the flat face is

(a) Dipole moves along positive x-axis and undergoes a

clockwise rotation
(b) Dipole moves along negative x-axis after undergoing a
clockwise rotation
(c) Dipole moves along positive x-axis after under going an
anticlockwise rotation
(d) Dipole moves along negative x-axis and undergoes an
anticlockwise rotation
q q
Electric flux & Gauss's law (a)  (b) 2
0 0
66. The electric field in a region of space is given by,
 q
E  E 0 ˆi  2E 0 ˆj where E0 = 100 N/C. The flux of this field
(c) zero (d) 2
through a circular surface of radius 0.02 m parallel to the 0
Y–Z plane is nearly : 71. The electric field in the region is radially outwards and has
(a) 3.14 Nm /C 2
(b) 0.02 Nm /C the magnitude of E = kr. The charge contained in a sphere
of radius a is
(c) 0.005 Nm /C (d) 0.125 Nm2/C
67. A uniform electric field E  500 N / C passes through a (a)  0 a 3 (b) 4 k0 a 3
hemispherical surface of radius R  1.2 m as shown in the
figure. The net electric flux (in SI units) through the 2
hemispherical surface only is N  . Find the value of N . (c) k 0 a 3 (d) 4 k0 a 2
72. Two large conducting plates parallel to each other are placed
close to each other. The inner surfaces of two plates have
surface charge densities  and –. The other surfaces are
without charge. The electric field has the magnitude.
(a)  in the region between the plates

(b)  in the region between the plates
68. A cube of side 10 cm encloses a charge of 0.1 C at its 0

centre. What is number of field lines through each face of

the cube. (c)  in the region outside the plates
(a) 1.13 × 1011 (b) 1.13 × 106
(d) zero in the region between the plates
(c) 1.13 × 1013 (d) 1883

Conductors and its properties

73. A charge of 5 × 10–10 C is given to a metal cylinder of length
10 m, placed in air. The electric intensity at a distance of 0.2 76. A metal sphere of radius 10 cm is given a charge of 12C.
m from its axis is The force acting on unit area of its surface due to its own
(a) 4.5 V/m (b) 45 V/m charge is
(c) 450 V/m (d) 100 V/m (a) 5.157 × 102 N/m2 (b) 5.15 × 103 N/m2

An electric field given by E  4iˆ   3 y  2  ˆj pierces
2 (c) 5.15 × 10–2 N/m2 (d) 5.15 × 10–3 N/m2
77. The outward pull on a metal plate of an area 0.01m2 having
Gaussian’s cube of side 1m placed at origin such that its a charge density of 50 C/m2 is
three edges represents x, y and z axes. The net charge (a) 1.4 N (b) 2.4 N
enclosed within the cube is given by n 0 . Find the value (c) 0.4 N (d) 1.8 N
of n . 78. A conducting sphere of radius R and carrying charge Q is
joined to an uncharged conducting sphere of radius 2R.
The charge flowing between them would be

(a) (b)
2 3

2Q Q
(c) (d)
3 4
79. Two charged metallic spheres of radii r1 and r2 are touched
and separated. What is the ratio of their surface charge
75. The field at a distance r from a long string of charge per unit 1 r2 1 r1
length  is (a)   r (b)   r
2 1 2 2

k k
(a) (b) 1 1 r2 r1
r2 r (c)   1 (d)   r  r
2 2 1 2
k 2k 80. What is the largest charge a metal ball of 1mm radius can
(c) (d)
2r r hold? Dielectric strength of air is 3×106 Vm–1.
(a) 3nC (b) 2nC
(c) 1/2 nC (d) 1/3nC


1. A wire, of length L (=20 cm), is bent into a semicircular arc. 4. The potential (in volts) of a charge distribution is given
If the two equal halves, of the arc, were each to be by
uniformly charged with charges  Q, [|Q| = 1030. Coulomb V(z) = 30 - 5z2 for |z| < 1 m
where  is the permittivity (in SI units) of free space] the V(z) = 35 -10 |z| for |z| >1 m.
net electric field at the centre O of the semicircular arc
V(z) does not depend on x and y. If this potential is
would be : (2015)
generated by a constant charge per unit volume ρ0 (in
units of 0) which is spread over a certain region, then
choose the correct statement. (2016)
(a) ρ0 =10 0 for |z| < 1 m and ρ0 = 0 elsewhere
(b) ρ0 = 20 0 in the entire region
(c) ρ0 = 40 0 in the entire region
(d) ρ0 = 20 0 for |z| < 1 m and ρ0 = 0 elsewhere
5. Within a spherical charge distribution of charge density
(a) (50 × 103 N/C) ˆj (b) (50 × 103 N/C) î
(r), N equipotential surfaces of potential V0, V0  V,
(c) (25 × 10 N/C) ˆj
(d) (25 × 10 N/C) î
V0  2V, …. V0  NV (V  0), are drawn and have
2. A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R has potential increasing radii r0 , r1 , r2 ,.......rN , respectively. If the differ--
V0 (measured with respect to ) on its surface. For this ence in the radii of the surfaces is constant for all values
sphere the equipotential surfaces with potentials
of V0 and  V then : (2016)
3V0 5V0 3V0 V0
, , and have radius R1, R2, R3 and (a) (r)  r (b) (r)  constant
2 4 4 4
R4 respectively. Then (2015) 1
(a) R1 = 0 and R2 < (R4 – R3) (c) ρ(r)  (d) (r) 
r r2
(b) R1  0 and (R2 – R1) > (R4 – R3)
6. Four closed surfaces and corresponding charge
(c) R1 = 0 and R2 > (R4 – R3) distributions are shown below.
(d) none of these
3. The region between two concentric spheres of radii ‘a’
and ‘b’, respectively (see figure), has volume charge
density  , where A is a constant and r is the distance
from the centre. At the centre of the spheres is a point
charge Q. The value of A such that the electric field in the
region between the spheres will be constant, is : (2016)

Q 2Q Let the respective electric fluxes through the surfaces be

(a) 2 b2  a 2
 
(b)  a 2  b2
 1 ,  2 ,  3 and  4 . Then : (2017)

(a) 1   2   3   4 (b) 1   2   3   4
2Q Q
(c) (d) (c) 1   2   3   4 (d) 1  3 ;  2   4
a 2 2 a 2

 11. A solid ball of radius R has a charge density  given by

7. An electric dipole has a fixed dipole moment p , which
makes angle  with respect to x-axis. When subjected to  r 
 = o  1-  for 0  r  R. ,where r is distance from the
     R
an electric field E1  E i , it experiences a torque T1   k .
centre of the ball. The electric field outside the ball is
  (2018)
When subjected to another electric field E 2  3 E j it
0 R 3 0 R 3
 
experiences a torque T2   T1 . The angle  is : (2017) (a) (b)
0 r 2 12 0 r 2
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(c) 60° (d) 90° 40 R 3 30 R 3
(c) (d)
8. There is a uniform electrostatic field in a region. The 3 0 r 2 4 0 r 2
potential at various points on a small sphere centered at P, 12. Two identical conducting spheres A and B, carry equal
in the region, is found to vary between the limits 589.0 V charge. They are separated by a distance much larger than
to 589.8 V. What is the potential at a point on the sphere their diameters, and the force between them is F. A third
whose radius vector makes an angle of 60° with the identical conducting sphere, C, is uncharged. Sphere C is
direction of the field ? (2017) first touched to A, then to B, and then removed. As a
(a) 589.5 V (b) 589.2 V result, the force between A and B would be equal to :
(c) 589.4 V (d) 589.6 V (2018)
9. Three concentric metal shells A, B and C of respective
radii a,b and c (a < b < c) have surface charge densities (a) F (b)
and +, - and +  respectively. The potential of shell B 4
is : (2018)
3F F
(c) (d)
8 2
  b2  c2    b 2  c2 
(a)   b + a  (b)   c + a  a
0 
13. A charge is placed at a distance above the centre of the
 0  2
square surface of edge a as shown in the figure
  a 2  b2    a 2  b2 
(c)   a + c  (d)   b + c 
0  0 
10. A body of mass m and charge is connected to a spring of
spring constant k. It is oscillating along x-direction about
its equilibrium position, taken to be at x = 0, with an
amplitude A. An electric field E is applied along the x-
direction. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(2018) The electric flux through the square surface is : (2018 )
qE Q Q
(a) The new equilibrium position is at a distance from
2k (a)  (b) 2 
0 0
x =0.
1 1 q2E2 (c) 3 (d) 6 
(b) The total energy of the system is m2 A 2 + 0 0
2 2 k
14. For a uniformly charged ring of radius R, the electric field
1 1 q2E2 on its axis has the largest magnitude at a distance h from
(c) The total energy of the system is m2 A 2 -
2 2 k its centre. Then value of h is: (2019)

2qE R R
(d) The new equilibrium position is at a distance (a) (b)
k 5 2
from x =0.
(c) R (d) R 2

15. Two, point charges q1  

10  C and q2  25  C  are placed

on the x-axis at x = 1 m and x = 4 m respectively. The

electric field (in V/m) at a point y = 3 m on y-axis is,
 1 
 take  9  109 Nm 2C 2  (2019)
 4 0 

 
(a) 63iˆ  27 ˆj  10

(b) 63iˆ  27 ˆj  10

 
(c) 81iˆ  81 ˆj  10
(d)  81iˆ  81 ˆj   10

16. A charge is distributed over three concentric spherical F

(a) 3 F (b)
shells of radii a, b, c  a  b  c  such that their surface (c) 9 F (d) 27 F
charge densities are equal to one another. The total 19. Four equal point charges each are placed in the xy plane
potential at a point at distance r from their common centre, at (0, 2), (4, 2), (4, –2) and (0, –2). The work required to put
where r<a, would be: (2019) a fifth charge at the origin of the coordinate system will
be: (2019)
Q ab  bc  ca Q  a 2  b2  c2 
(a) 12  (b) 4  a 3  b 3  c 3 Q2  1 
abc 0   1
0 (a) 
4 0  
Q Q  a  b  c
Q2  1 
0  
(c) 4   a  b  c  (d) 4  a2  b2  c2
4 0  
0 (b)
17. Two electric dipoles, A, B with respective dipole moments
  Q2
d A  4qaiˆ and dB  2q aiˆ are placed on the x-axis (c)
2 2  0
with a separation R, as shown in the figure
4  0
20. The given graph shows variation (with distance r from
centre) of: (2019)
The distance from A at which both of them produce the
same potential is: (2019)

R 2R
(a) (b)
2 1 2 1

R 2R
(c) (d)
2 1 2 1
18. Charges –q and +q located at A and B, respectively, (a) Electric field of a uniformly charged sphere
constitute an electric dipole. Distance AB = 2a, O is the (b) Potential of a uniformly charged spherical shell
midpoint of the dipole and OP is perpendicular to AB. A (c) Potential of a uniformly charged sphere
charge is placed at P where OP = y and y  . The charge (d) Electric field of a uniformly charged spherical shell
experiences an electrostatic force F. If is now moved along
21. An electric field of 1000 V /m is applied to an electric
 y dipoleat angle of 45°. The value of electric dipole
the equatorial line to P’ such that OP’ =   , the force moment is 10 –29Cm. What is the potential energy of the
electricdipole? (2019)
on will be close to  2a (2019) (a) –20 × 10–18 J (b) –7 × 10–27 J
(c) –10 × 10–29 J (d) –9 × 10–20 J

22. Determine the electric dipole moment of the system of 26. An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite
three charges, placed on the vertices of an equilateral charges with separation d. The charges have same mass
triangle, as shown in the figure: (2019) m. It is kept in a uniform electric field E. If it is slightly
rotated from its equilibrium orientation, then its
angular frequency  is : (2019)

qE 2qE
(a) (b)
md md

qE qE
(c) 2 (d)
md 2md
ˆj  iˆ iˆ  ˆj
(a) 3 q (b)  q  27. The electric field in a region is given by
2 2 
E   Ax  B  iˆ, where E is in NC–1 and x is in metres.
(c) 2qljˆ (d)  3qljˆ The values of constants are A = 20 SI unit and B = 10 SI
23. The bob of a simple pendulum has mass 2 g and a charge unit. If the potential at x = 1 is V1 and that at x = –5 is V2,
of 5.0 μC. It is at rest in a uniform horizontal electric field then V1­ V2 (2019)
of intensity 2000 V/m. At equilibrium, the angle that the (a) 320 V (b) –48 V
pendulum makes with the vertical is: (take g = 10 m/s2) (c) 180 V (d) –520 V
(2019) 28. A system of three charges are placed as shown in the
(a) tan (2.0)
(b) tan (0.2)
(c) tan–­1(5.0) (d) tan–­1(0.5)
24. A solid conducting sphere, having a charge Q, is
surrounded by an uncharged conducting hollow spherical
shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of
the solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the hollow
shell be V. If the shell is now given a charge of –4 Q, the If D >> d, the potential energy of the system is best given
new potential difference between the same two surfaces by (2019)
is nV, where n is: (2019)
25. A positive point charge is released from rest at a distance 1  q 2 qQd 
(a) 4   d  2 D 2 
r0 from a positive line charge with uniform density. Thes 0  
peed (v) of the point charge, as a function of instantaneous
distance r from line charge, is proportional to: (2019) 1  q 2 2qQd 
(b) 4   d  D 2 
0  

1  q2 qQd 
(c) 4    d  D 2 
0  

1  q 2 qQd 
(d)   2 
4 0  d D 

29. Four point charges q,  q,  q and  q are placed on y­axis

at y  2d , y  d , y   d and y  2d , respectively..
r The magnitude of the electric field E at a point on the
(a) v  e  r / r0 (b) v  ln  
x­axis at x = D, with D  d , will behave as: (2019)
 r0 
1 1
r   r  (a) E  (b) E 
D3 D
(c) v  ln   (d) v   
 r0   r0  1 1
(c) E  (d) E 
D4 D2

30. A uniformly charged ring of radius 3a and total charge +q 33. Shown in the figure is a shell made of a conductor. It has
is placed in xy-plane centred at origin. A point charge is inner radius a and outer radius b, and carries charge Q. At
moving towards the ring along the z-axis and has speed its centre is a dipole P as shown. In this case: (2019)
vat z = 4a. The minimum value of v such that it crosses the
origin is : (2019)
1/ 2
2  4 q2  2  1 q2 
(a)   (b)  
m  15 4 0 a  m  5 4 0 a 

1/ 2 1/ 2
2  2 q2  2  1 q2 
(c)   (d)  
m  15 4 0 a  m  15 4 0 a 
(a) surface change density on the inner surface is uniform
31. In free space, a particle A of charge 1  C is held fixed at a
point P. Another particle B of the same charge and mas s
and equal to 2 2
4  g is kept at a distance of 1 mm from P. If B is released, 4 a
then its velocity at a distance of 9 mm from P is: (b) electric field outside the shell is the same as that of a
point charge at the centre of the shell.
 1 
Take  9  109 Nm2 C 2  (2019) (c) surface charge density on the outer surface depends
 4 0  on P
(a) 1.0 m/s (b) 3.0×10 m / s
(d) surface charge density on the inner surface of the shell
(c) 2.0×10 m / s
3 (d) 1.5×10 m / s
2 is zero everywhere.

32. A simple pendulum of length L is placed between the plates 34. A point dipole p   p0 xˆ is kept at the origin. The
of a parallel plate capacitor having electric field E, as shown potential and electric field due to this dipole on the y-axis
in figure. Its bob has mass m and charge q. The time period at a distance d are, respectively : (Take V = 0 at infinity)
of the pendulum is given by: (2019)
  
P P P
(a) , (b) 0,
4 0 d 2 4 0 d 3 4 0 d 3

  
P P P
(c) 0, (d) ,
4 0 d 3 4 0 d 2 4 0 d 3
35. Let a total charge 2be distributed in a sphere of radius R,

with the charge density given by   r   kr , where r is

the distance from the centre. Two charges A and B, of –
each, are placed on diametrically opposite points, at equal
L distance, a, from the centre. If A and B do not experience
(a) 2 (b) 2 any force, the: (2019)
 qE   2 q2 E 2 
g   g   1
 m   m2  
(a) a  8 4
R (b) a 1
(c) 2
L (d) 2 L
 qE  1/2 
 2  qE  2  (c) a  2 R (d) a
g 
  g     3
 m   m  


36. Two infinite planes each with uniform surface charge 38. If finding the electric field around a surface is given by
density  C / m are kept in such a way that the angle
 q
E  enclosed is applicable. In the formula  0 is permittivity
between them is 30 . The electric field in the region shown
0 0 A
between them is given by; (2020)
of free space, A is area of Gaussian surface and qenc is
charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface. This equation
can be used in which of the following situation? (2020)
(a) Only when the Gaussian surface is an equipotential

(b) Only when E  constant on the surface..
  3   1  
(a) 2    1   y  x
0 
 2  2  (c) Equipotential surface and E is constant on the
(d) for any choice of Gaussian surfaces.
  3 1 
(b) 2   1  2  y  2 x  39. Consider two charged metallic spheres S1and S2 of radii
0    r1 and r2 respectively. The electric fields E 1(on S1) and
E1 r1
  3   1  E2(on S2) on their surfaces are such that 
(c) 2    1   y  x E2 r2 . Then
0  2  2 
the ratio V1(on S1) /V2(on S2) of the electrostatic potentials
on each sphere is (2020)
  3   1 
  1   y  x  r1 
2 0  2  2  r1
(a) (b)  
r2  r2 
37. Three charged particles A, B and, C with charge –4q, +2q
and –2q present on the circumference of a circle of radius 3
‘d’. The charges particles A, C and centre O of the circle r2  r1 
formed an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. Electric (c) (d)  
r1  r2 
field at O along x– direction is: (2020)
40. A particle of mass m and charge is released from rest in
uniform electric field. If there is no other force on the
particle, the dependence of its speed v on the distance x
travelled by it is correctly given by (graphs are schematic
and not drawn to scale) (2020)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
3q 2 3q
(a) (b)
4 0 d 2  0 d 2

3q 3 3q
(c) (d)
 0 d 2 4 0 d 2

41. A solid sphere having a radius R and uniform charge 44. A charged particle (mass m and charge q) moves along X
density  . If a sphere of radius R/2 is carved out of it as axis with velocity V0. When it passes through the origin it

shown in the figure. Find the ratio of the magnitude of enters a region having uniform electric field E   Ejˆ
electric field at point A and B (2020)
which extend upto x = d. Equation of path of electron in
the region x > d is : (2020)

2 qEd  d 
17 18 (a) y  qEd x (b) y  2 
 x
(a) (b) mV02 mV0  2 
54 54
18 21 (c) y   x  d (d) y  qEd2 x
(c) (d) mV02 mV0
34 34
45. A small point mass carrying some positive charge on it, is
42. An electric dipole of moment C m at the origin (0,0,0). The
released from the edge of a table. There is a uniform electric

electric field due to this dipole at r  iˆ  3 ˆj  5kˆ is field in this region in the horizontal direction. Which of
parallel to the following options then correctly describe the
trajectory of the mass ? (Curves are drawn schematically
  
 
[Note that r . p  0 ] p   iˆ  3 ˆj  2 kˆ  10 29 (2020) and are not to scale). (2020)

(a) iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ (b) iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ

(c) iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ (d) iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ

43. An electric field E  4 xiˆ   y 2  1 ˆj N / C , passes through
the box shown in figure. The flux of the electric field
through surface ABCD and BCEF are marked as 1 and (a) (b)

 Nm2 
2 , then difference between 1  2  is   (2020)
 C 

(c) (d)

46. A charge is distributed over two concentric conducting 49. Two charged thin infinite plane sheets of uniform surface
thin spherical shells radii r and R (R > r). If the surface
charge densities on the two shells are equal, the electric charge density  + and - , where + > - , intersect
potential at the common centre is : (2020) at right angle. Which of the following best represents the
electric field lines for this system: (2020)

1 (2R  r)
(a) Q
4 0 (R 2  r 2 )

1 (R  r)
(b) Q
4 0 (R 2  r 2 )
1 (R  r)
(c) Q
4 0 2(R 2  r 2 )

1 (R  2r) Q
4 0 2(R 2  r 2 )

47. Two isolated conducting spheres S1 and S2 of radius R
and R have 12 C and 3C charges, respectively, and (c)
are at a large distance from each other. They are now
connected by a conducting wire. A long time after this is
done the charges on S1 and S2 are respectively : (2020)
(a) 6 C and 3 C (b) 4.5 C on both

(c)  4.5 C and  4.5 C (d) 3 C and 6 C

48. Concentric metallic hollow spheres of radii R and 4R hold
charges Q1 and Q2 respectively. Given that surface charge
densities of the concentric spheres are equal, the potential (d)
difference V (R) – V (4R) is : (2020)

3Q 2
(a) 4 R

(b) 4 R

16 0 R

(d) 4 R

50. Two point charges +4q and –q fixed on the x-axis at

 qQ 
(a) 2  2y   g
d d 4   R (R  y) m
x = - and x = , respectively. If a third point  0 
2 2
charges ‘q’ is taken from the origin to x = d along the  QqR 
semicircle as shown in the figure, the energy of the (b) 2  2y   g
charge will; (2020)  4 0 R (R  y) m 

 qQ 
(c) 2  2y   g
 4 0 R (R  y) m 

 qQ 
(d) 2  2y   g
 4 0 R ym 
q2 4q 2 53. Ten charges are placed on the circumference of a circle of
(a) decrease by (b) decrease by
40 d 30 d radius R with constant angular separation between
successive charges. Alternate charges 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 have
3q 2 2q 2 charge (+q) each, while 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 have charge (–q) each.
(c) increase by (d) increase by The potential V and the electric field E at the centreof the
40 d 30 d
circle are respectively. (Take V = 0 at infinity) (2020)
51. A particle of charge and mass m is subjected to an electric
(a) V = 0; E = 0
field E = E0 (1 – ax2) in the x-direction, where a and E0 are
constants. Initially the particle was at rest at x = 0. Other 10q 10q
than the initial position the kinetic energy of the particle (b) V  ;E
4 0 R 4 0 R 2
becomes zero when the distance of the particle from the
origin is: (2020)
(c) V  0; E 
4 0 R 2
(a) (b) a
a 10q
(d) V  4  R ; E  0
3 1
(c) (d) 54. Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle
a a triangle OAB (see figure). The resultant electric field at
52. A solid sphere of radius R carries a charge +Q distributed point O is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then Q1/Q2is
uniformly over its volume. A very small point like piece of proportional to: (2020)
it of mass m gets detached from the bottom of the sphere
and falls down vertically under gravity. This piece carries
charge q. If it acquires a speed  when it has fallen through
a vertical height y (see figure), then : (assume the remaining
portion to be spherical). (2020)

x2 x22
(a) (b) 2
x1 x1

x13 x1
(c) 3 (d)
x2 x2

55. Consider the force of on a charge ‘q’ due to a uniformly 58. A point charge of +12  C is at distance 6 cm vertically
charged spherical shell of radius R carrying charge
above the centre of a square of idea 12 cm as shown in
distributed uniformly over it. Which one of the following
figure. The magnitude of th elctric flux throught the square
statements is true for F, if ‘q’ is placed at distance r from
will be _____ ×103 Nm2/C. (2021)
the centre of the shell? (2020)

1 qQ
(a)  F  0 for r  R
4 0 R 2

(b) F 
1 qQ
for r  R
4 0 r 2

(c) F  1 qQ
for all r
4 0 r 2
59. 512 identical drops of mercury are charged to a potential of
1 qQ 2V each. The drops are joined to from a single drop. The
(d) F  for r  R
4 0 R 2 potential of this drop is ____ V. (2021)
60. Two identical conducting spheres with negligible volume
56. Two identical electric point dipoles have dipole moments
have 2.1nC and –0.1 nC charges, respectively. They are
 
p1  pi and p2   pi and are held on the x axis at brought into contact and then separated by a distance of
distance ‘a’ from each other. When released, they move 0.5 m. The electrostatie force acting between the spheres
along the x-axis with the direction of their dipole moments is ______ ×10–9N.
remaining unchanged. If the mass of each dipole is ‘m’,
their speed when they are infinitely far apart is: (2020)  1 
Given : 4 0  9  109 SI unit  (2021)
 
p 3 p 1
(a) (b) 61. Two small spheres each of mass 10 mg are suspended
a 2 0 ma a  0 ma from a point by threads 0.5m long. They are equally
charged and repel each other to a distance of 0.20 m. The
p 1 p 2 a
(c) a 2  ma (d) charge on each of the sphere is  10( 8) C . The value of
0 a  0 ma 21
 ‘ a‘ will be [Given g = 10 ms–2] (2021)
57.  
An electric field E  4 xiˆ  y 2  1 ˆj N / C , passes 62. 27 similar drops of mercury are maintained at 10V each. All
through the box shown in figure. The flux of the electric these spherical drops combine into a single big drop. The
potential energy of the bigger drop is how many times
field through surface ABCD and BCEF are marked as 1
that of a smaller drop. (2021)
 Nm 2  63. Two electrons each are fixed at a distance ‘2d’. Proton
and 2 , then difference between 1  2  is   placed at the midpoint is displaced slightly by a distance x
 C  (x < < d) perpendicular to the line joining the two fixed
(2020) charges. Proton will execute simple harmonic motion hav-
ing angular frequency : (m = mass of charged particle)
1 1
 q2 2  20 md 3  2
(a)  3  (c)  
 20 md 
 q 

1 1
 2q 2  2  0 md 3  2
(c)  3  (d)  
  0 md 
 2q 

64. Find the electric field at point P (as shown in figure) on the 69. A charge ‘q’ is placed at one corner of a cube as shown in
perpendicualr bisector of a uniformly charged thin wire of 
length L carrying charge Q. The distance of the point P figure. The flux of electrstatic field E through the shaded
area is : (2021)
from the centre of the rod is a  L (2021)

q q
(a) 24 (b) 4
Q 3Q 0 0
A. 4 L2 B.
0 40 L2
q q
(c) 48 (d) 8
Q Q 0 0
C. 3 L2 D.
0 2 3 0 L2 70. Given below are two statements:
65. Find out the surface charge density at the intersection of Statement I : An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a
point x = 3 plane and x-axis, in the region of uniform line hollow sphere. The flux of electric field through the sphere
charge of 8nC/m lying along the z-axis in free space. is zero but the electric field is not zero anywhere in the
Statement II: If R is the radius of a solid metallic sphere
(a) 0.07 nCm –2
(b) 47.88 C/m
and Q be the total charge on it.
(c) 0.424 nC m –2
(d) 4.0 nC m–2
The electric field at any point on the spherical surface of
66. An oil drop of radius 2 mm with a density 3 g cm–3 is held radius r in the light of the above statement, choose the
stationary under a constant electric field 3.55 × 105 V m–1 in correct answer from the options give below
the Milikan’s oil drop experiment. What is the number of
excess electrons that the oil drop will possess?
(a) Bot statement I and Statement II are false
Consider g = 9.81 m/s2 (2021)
(b) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
(a) 48.8 × 1011 (b) 1.73 × 1012
(c) Statement I is ture but Statement II is false
(c) 1.73 5 1010 (d) 17.3 × 1010
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
67. The electric field in a region is given by
71. Find out the surface charge density at the intersection of
 3  4  point x = 3 plane and x-axis, in the region of uniform line
E   E 0 i  E 0 j  N / C . The ratio of flux of reported
5 5  charge of 8nC/m lying along the z-axis in free space.
field reactangular surface of area 0.2 m2 ( parallel to y - z (2021)
plane) to that of the surface of area 0.3 m2 (parallel to x -z (a) 0.07 nCm–2 (b) 47.88 C/m
plane) is a : b, where a = ______. (c) 0.424 nC m–2 (d) 4.0 nC m–2
  
68. The electric field ina region is given by E  2 E 0 i  3 E 0 j
3 5

with E 0  4.0  103 . The flux of this field through a
reactangular surface area 0.4 m2 parallel to the Y - Z plane
is _____Nm2C–1 (2021)


Single Choice Questions
2ke2 8 ke 2
(a) (b)
1. A charge +is fixed at each of the points x = x0, x = 3x0, x r 5 r
= 5x0, ..... ad inf. on the x axis, and a charge –is fixed at each ke2 8 ke2
of the points x = 2x0, x = 4x0, x = 6x0, ...... ad inf. Here x0 is a (c) (d)
r r
positive constant. Take the electric potential at a point
7. Two identical particles of same mass each m are having
due to a charge at a distance r from it to be Q/(40r). Then, same magnitude of charge Q. One particle is initially at
the potential at the origin due to the above system of rest on a frictionless horizontal plane and the other particle
charges is is projected directly towards the first particle from a very
q large distance with a velocity v. The distance of closest
(a) 0 (b) 8 x In2 approach of the particle will be
0 0

q In2 1 4Q2 1 2 Q2
(c)  (d) 4 x (a) (b)
4 0 m 2 4 0 m 2
0 0

2. Two equal negative charges –are fixed at points (0, –a) 1 Q2 1 4 Q2

(c) (d)
and (0, a) on y-axis. A positive charge is released from rest 4 0 m 2  2 4 0 m 2  2
at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The charge will 8. An alpha particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through
(a) execute simple harmonic motion about the origin 180° by a fixed uranium nucleus. The distance of closest
approach is of the order of
(b) move to the origin remain at rest –10
(a) 1 Å (b) 10 cm
(c) move to infinity –12 –15
(c) 10 cm (d) 10 cm
(d) execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion
9. An electric dipole is placed at origin and is directed along the
3. Two point charges +and –are held fixed at (–d, 0) and x-axis. At a point P far away from the dipole the electric
(d, 0) respectively of a x-y co-ordinate system. Then field is parallel to y-axis. OP makes an angle with x axis,
(a) the electric field E at all points on the x-axis has the then
same direction (a) tan   3 (b) tan   2
(b) work has to be done in bringing at a test charge from 
to the origin 1
(c) tan   (d) = 45°
(c) electric field at all point on y-axis is along x-axis 2
(d) the dipole moment is 2qd along the x-axis 10. The electric dipole is situated in an electric field as shown
4. The charge and -2are placed at some distance .The locus in adjacent figure. The dipole and the electric field are
of points in the plane of the charges where the potential both in the plane of the paper. The dipole is rotated about
is zero will be an axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper about its
axis at a point A in anti-clockwise direction. If the angle of
(a) straight line (b) circle rotation is measured with respect to the direction of the
(c) a parabola (d) an ellipse electric field, then the torque for different values of the
5. How should three charges q, 2and 8be arranged on a 9 cm angle of rotation will be represented in fig. given below by
long line such that the potential energy of the system is the (clockwise torque +ve)
minimum ?
(a) at a distance of 3 cm from 2
(b) at a distance of 5 cm from 2q
(c) 2at a distance of 7 cm from q
(d) 2at a distance of 9 cm from q
6. A proton and an -particle are situated at r distance apart.
At very large distance apart when released, the kinetic
(a) Curve (1) (b) Curve (2)
energy of proton will be (c) Curve (3) (d) Curve (4)

11. An electric dipole is situated in an electric field of uniform 16. A particle of specific charge (q/m) enters into uniform
intensity E whose dipole moment is p and moment of inertia electric field E along the centre line, with velocity
is I. If the dipole is displaced slightly from the equilibrium
position, then the angular frequency of its oscillations is qE
v  2q . After how much time it will collide with one
1/ 2 3/ 2
 pE   pE  of the plates (figure)
(a)   (b)  
 I   I 
1/ 2 1/ 2
 I   p
(c)   (d)  
 pE   IE 
12. Two identical point charges are placed at a separation of
d. P is a point on the line joining the charges, at a distance
x from any one charge. The field at P is E, E is plotted
against x for values of x from close to zero to slightly less
than d. Which of the following represents the resulting
curve d
(a) (b) (a) Not possible (b) 2 V

md 2 md
(c) (d)
qE qE
17. A wire is bent in the form of a regular hexagon of side a
(c) (d) and a total charge is distributed uniformly over it. One
side of the hexagon is removed. The electric field due to
the remaining sides at the centre of the hexagon is
(a) (b)
12 3  0 a 2 16 3  0 a 2
13. A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric fied.
The lines of force follow the path (s) shown in figure as Q Q
(c) 2 (d)
8 2  0 a 8 2 0 a 2
18. In the figure shown, if the linear charge density is , then the
net electric field at O will be

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
14. Two equal charges are separated by a distance d. A third
charge placed on a perpendicular bisector at x distance
will experience maximum coulomb force when k
(a) Zero (b)
d d R
(a) x  (b) x 
2 2
2 k 2 k
d d (c) (d)
(c) x  (d) x 
2 2 2 3 19. An electron moves round a circular path of radius 0.1 m
15. If an electron has an initial velocity in a direction different about an infinite linear charge of density +1 C/m. The
from that of an uniform electric field, the path of the electron speed of the electron will be
is (a) 5.6 × 103 m/s (b) 2.8 × 105 m/s
(a) A straight line (b) A circle
(c) 5.6 × 107 m/s (d) 2.8 × 107 m/s
(c) An ellipse (d) A parabola

20. An electron having charge e and mass m starts from lower 27. Figure shows two concentric, conducting shells of radii r
plate of two metallic plates separated by a distance d, if and 2r. The outer shell is given a charge Q. The amount of
the potential difference between the plates is V, the time charge that will appear on outer surface of inner shell if
taken by the electron to reach the upper plate is given by inner shell is grounded
(ignore gravity)

2md 2 md 2
(a) (b)
eV eV

md 2 2md 2
(c) (d)
2eV eV
21. A particle of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘q’ is accelerated through
a potential difference of V volt, its energy will be Q Q
(a)  (b) 
(a) qV (b) mqV 2 2
(c) – 2Q (d) + 2Q
q q
(c)   V (d) Comprehensive Type Questions
m mV
Passage -1
22. A ring of charge with radius of 50 cm has gap of 0.002  m.
Using the following passage, solve Q. 28
If the ring carries a charge of 1 C. What is the electric field Consider an evacuated cylindrical chamber of height h
at the centre. having rigid conducting plates at the ends and an
(a) 8.5 × 107 N/C (b) 7.2 × 107 N/C insulating curved surface as shown in the figure. A number
(c) 3.2 × 107 N/C (d) 4.5 × 107 N/C of spherical balls made of a light weight and soft material
23. A thin conducting ring of radius r has an electric charge + Q, and coated with a conducting material are placed on the
if a point charge is placed at the centre of the ring, then bottom plate. The balls have a radius r << h . Now a high
tension of the wire of ring will be voltage source (HV) is connected across the conducting
plates such that the bottom plate is at + V0 and the top
Qq Qq plate at –V0. Due to their conducting surface, the balls
(a) 2 (b)
80 r 4 0 r 2 will get charged, will become equipotential with the plate
and are repelled by it. The balls will eventually collide
Qq Qq with the top plate, where the coefficient of restitution can
(c) (d) be taken to be zero due to the soft nature of the material
82 0 r 2 4 2  0 r 2
of the balls. The electric field in the chamber can be
24. n small drops of same size are charged to V volt each. If considered to be that of a parallel plate capacitor. Assume
they coalesce to form a single large drop, then its potential that there are no collisions between the balls and the
will be interaction between them is negligible. (Ignore gravity)
(a) Vn (b) V n
1/3 2/3
(c) V n (d) V n
25. A solid conducting sphere having a charge is surrounded
by an uncharged concentric conducting hollow spherical
shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of
the solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the hollow
shell be V. If the shell is now given a change of –3Q, the
new potential difference between the same two surfaces
is (a) V (b) 2V 28. Two identical thin rings, each of radius R metres, are
(c) 4V (d) –2V coaxially placed a distance R metres apart. If Q1 coul, and
26. A hollow sphere of radius 2R is charged to V volt and Q2 coul, are respectively the charges uniformly spread on
the two rings, the work done in moving a charge from the
another small sphere of radius R is charged to V/2 volt.
centre of one ring to that of the other is
Then the smaller sphere is placed inside the bigger sphere
without changing the net charge on each sphere. The (a) zero (b) q(Q1  Q 2 ) ( 2  1)
potential difference between the two spheres would be (4 20 R)
(a) 3V/2 (b) V/4
(c) V/2 (d) V (c) q 2(Q1  Q 2 ) (d) q(Q1  Q 2 ) ( 2  1)
(40 R) (4 2 0 R)

Passage - 2 37. A charge of 1 C is given to one plate of a parallel-plate

Using the following passage, solve Q. 29 to 31 capacitor of capacitance 0.1 F and a charge of 2C is
Three large plates A,B and C are placed parallel to each given to the other plate. Find the potential difference, in
other and charges are given as shown below volts developed between the plates.

–3C 4C 5C
Subjective Questions
38. Three particles, each of mass 1 gm and carrying a charge
q, are suspended from a common point by insulated
massless strings, each 100 cm long. If the particles are in
equilibrium and are located at the corners of an equilateral
triangle of side length 3 cm, calculate the charge on each
particle. (Take g = 10 m/s ).
39. Two fixed, equal, positive charges, each of magnitude
A B C 5 × 10 coulomb are located at points A and B separated
by a distance of 6 m. An equal and opposite charge moves
Then answer the following questions towards them along the line COD, the perpendicular
29. The charge that appears on the left surface of plate B is bisector of the line AB.
(a) –3C (b) 3C
(c) 6C (d) 5C
30. The charge on the inner surface of plate C if the plate B is
(a) –3C (b) 3C
(c) 6C (d) 5C
31. The charge on left surface of B if B and C are both earthed
(a) –3C (b) 3C
(c) 6C (d) 5C The moving charge, when it reaches the point C at a
True/False distance of 4m from O, has a kinetic energy of 4 joules.
Calculate the distance of the farthest point D which the
32. A small metal ball is suspended in a uniform electric field negative charge will reach before returning towards C.
with the help of an insulated thread. If high energy X- ray
40. A thin fixed ring of radius 1 metre has a positive charge
beam falls on the ball, the ball will be deflected in the –5
direction of the field. 1 × 10 coulomb uniformly distributed over it. A particle of
33. A ring of radius R carries uniformly distributed charge + Q. mass 0. 9 gm and having a negative charge of 1 × 10
A point charge – is placed on the axis of the ring at a coulomb is placed on the axis at a distance of 1 cm from
distance 2R from the centre of the ring and released from the centre of the ring. Show that the motion of the
rest. The particle executes a simple harmonic motion along negatively charged particle is approximately simple
the axis of the ring. harmonic. Calculate the time period of oscillations.
Integer Type Questions 41. A non-conducting disc of radius a and uniform positive
surface charge density  is placed on the ground with its
34. A solid sphere of radius R has a charge distributed in its
axis vertical. A particle of mass m and positive charge is
volume with charge density = kra, where k and a are
constant and r is the distance from its centre. If the electric dropped, along the axis of the disc from a height H with zero
field are at r = R/2 is 1/8 times that at r = R. What is the initial velocity. The particle has q/m = 40g/.
value of a. (a) Find the value of H if the particle just reaches the disc.
35. Two point charges 4C and –10C are placed 10 cm apart (b) Sketch the potential energy of the particle as a function
in air. An dielectric slab of large length and breadth but of of its height and find its equilibrium position.
thickness 5 cm is placed between them. Calculate the force
(in newton) of attraction between the charges if the relative 42. Three concentric spherical metallic shells, A, B and C of
permittivity of the dielectric is 9. radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface charge densities
36. The linear charge density on a dielectric ring of radius R is , –  and  respectively.

 (i) Find the potential of the three shells A, B and C.

varying with angle  as    0 cos   where  0 is (ii) If the shells A and C are at the same potential, obtain
constant . What is potential at the centre O of the ring ? the relation between the radii a, b and c.

43. (a) A charge of is uniformly distributed over a spherical 49. A charge is placed at the centre of the line joining two
volume of radius R. Obtain an expression for the energy of equal charges Q. The system of the three charges will be
the system. in equilibrium if is equal to :
(b) What will be the corresponding expression for the (a) – Q/2 (b) – Q/4
energy needed to completely disassemble the planet earth (c) + Q/4 (d) + Q/2
against the gravitational pull amongst its constituent 50. A conducting sphere S1 of radius r is attached to an insulating
particles ? handle. Another conducting sphere S2 of radius R is
Assume the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density. mounted on an insulating stand, S2 is initially uncharged.
Calculate this energy, given the product of the mass and S1 is given a charge brought into contact with S2 and
the radius of the earth to be 2.5 × 10 kg-m. removed. S1 is recharged such that the charge on it is
(c) If the same charge as in part (a) above is given to a again and it is again brought into contact with S2 and
spherical conductor of the same radius R, what will be the removed. This procedure is repeated n times.
energy of the system ? (a) Find the electrostatic energy of S2 after n such contacts
44. A circular ring of radius R with uniform positive charge with S1.
density  per unit length is located in the y-z plane with its (b) What is the limiting value of this energy as n  ?
centre at the origin O. A particle of mass m and positive
Multiple Choice Questions
charge is projected from the point P (R 3, 0, 0) on the 51. A small sphere of mass m and having charge is suspended
positive x-axis directly towards O, with an initial speed v. by a light thread
Find the smallest (non-zero) value of the speed v such (a) Tension in thread must reduce if another charged
that the particle does not return to P. sphere is placed vertically below it
45. A charge is distributed over two concentric hollow spheres (b) Tension in thread is greater that weight mg if another
of radii r and R (> r) such that the surface densities are equal. charged sphere is held in same horizontal line in which
Find the potential at the common centre. first sphere stays in equilibrium
46. Two fixed charges – 2and are located at the points with (c) Tension in thread is always equal to weight mg
coordinates (–3a, 0) and (+3a, 0) respectively in the x-y (d) Tension may increase to double its original value if
plane. another charge is below it
(a) Show that all points in the x-y plane where the electric 52. The correct options is(are)
potential due to the two charges is zero, lie on a circle Find
(a) charge cannot exist without mass but mass can exist
its radius and the location of its centre.
without charge
(b) Give the expression V (x) at a general point on the x-axis
(b) charge is conserved but mass is not conserved
and sketch the function V (x) on the whole x-axis.
(c) charge is independent of state of rest or motion
(c) If a particle of charge +starts form rest at the centre of
(d) mass is independent of state of rest or motion
the circle, show by a short quantative argument that the
particle eventually crosses the circle. Find its speed when 53. A deuteron and an alpha particle are placed in same
it does so. uniform electric field .The forces acting on them are F1
and F2 and their acceleration are a1 and a2 respectively.
47. Three point charges q, 2and 8are to be placed on a 9 cm
long straight line. Find the positions where the charges (a) F1 = F2 (b) a1 = a2
should be placed such that the potential energy of this (c) F1  F2 (d) a1  a2
system is minimum. In this situation, what is the electric 54. The electric field in a region is directed outward and is
field at the position of the charge due to the other two proportional to the distance r from the origin. Taking
charges ? electric potential to be zero at origion
48. Two isolated metallic solid spheres of radii R and 2R are (a) it is uniform in the region
charged such that both of these have same charge density (b) it is propotional to r
. The spheres are located far away from each other and (c) it is proportional to r2
connected by a thin conducting wire. Find the new charge
(d) it decreases as one goes away from origin
density on the bigger sphere.

55. Ring with uniform charge and radius R is placed in y–z 61. In a uniformly charge dielectric sphere a very thin tunnel
plane with its centre at origin. Then has been made along the diameter shown in figure. A
(a) the electric field at origin is maximum particle with charge –having mass m is released from rest
at one end of the tunnel for the situation described, mark
kQ out the correct statements
(b) The potential at origin is
(a) Charged particle will perform SHM about the centre of
kQ sphere as mean position
(c) the field at the point (x, 0, 0) is
R 2  X2
20 mR 3
(d) maximum value of electric field on the axis will be (b) The time period of the particle is 2
q (c) speed of the particle crossing the mean position is
6 3  0 R 2
56. Two metallic spheres have same radii. One of them is solid
and other is hollow. They are charged to same potential.
The charge on former is q1 and on latter is q2. We have (d) Particle will perform oscillations but not SHM
(a) q1 = q2
62. An electric charge (= 20 × 10–9C) is placed at a point (1, 2, 4).
(b) Electric field inside both of them is zero. At the point (3, 2, 1) the electric
(c) Electrostatic potential in both the spheres at an inside
(a) Field will increase by a factor K if the space between
point is same as on surface
the points is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant
(d) Charge in both is effectively concentrated at the centre K
for field strength at an external point.
(b) Field will be along y axis
57. A spherical charged conductor has surface charge
density. The electric field on its surface is E and electric (c) Potential will be approximately 50 V volt
potential of the conductor is V. Now the radius of the (d) Field will have no y component.
sphere is halved keeping the charge to be constant.The
63. In the circuit shown in steady state
new value of electric field and potential would be
(a) 4E (b) 2V
(c) 2E (d) 4V
58. In uniform electric field equipotential surfaces must
(a) be plane surfaces
(b) be normal to the direction of the field
(c) be spaced that surfaces having equal difference in
potential are equally spaced
(d) have decreasing potential along field
59. When the separation between two charges is increased (a) charge across 4F capacitor is 20 C
(a) electric potential energy increases (b) charge across 4F capacitor is 10 C
(b) electric potential energy decreases
(c) potential difference across 4F capacitor is 5 Volt
(c) force between them decreases
(d) potential difference across 4F capacitor is 10 Volt
(d) electric potential energy may increase or decreases
64. Two conducting spheres of unequal radii are given
60. Two point charges 2 and 8 are placed at distance d apart.
charges such that they have the same charge density. If
A third charge –is placed at distance d/3 from 2on line
they are brought in contact
joining the charges 2and 8q. Then
(a) Electric potential energy of the system is maximum (a) some heat will be produced
(b) Electric potential energy of system is minimum (b) charge will flow from larger to smaller sphere
(c) charge –is in unstable equilibrium (c) charge will flow from smaller to larger sphere
(d) charge –is in stable equilibrium (d) no charge will be exchanged between the spheres

Match the Column Type Questions 68. Five point charges, each of value + coul, are placed on
65. Different shaped charged bodies and their corresponding five vertices of a regular hexagon of side L metres. The
electric fields are mentioned Match the Column 1 with magnitude of the force on the point charge of value –
Column 2. coul. placed at the centre of the hexagen is ............ newton.
Column-1 Column-2
(a) Spherical charged (P) At centre electric field
conductor is zero
(b) Infinite plane sheet of (Q) Electric field is uniform
(c) Uniformly charged (R) Electric field is
ring discontiunous at thesurface
(d) Sphere with uniform (S) At the surface electric
volume distribution of field is continous and
charge maximum.
Fill in the blanks 69. An infinite number of electric charges each equal to 5
nano-coulomb (magnitude) are placed along X-axis at
66. A point charge moves from point P to point S along the x = 1cm, x = 2 cm, x = 4 cm, x = 8 cm ………. and so on. In
path PQRS (fig.) in a uniform electric field E pointing parallel the setup if the consecutive charges have opposite sign,
to the positive direction of the x-axis.The coordinates of then the electric field in Newton/Coulomb at x = 0 is
the points P, Q, R and S are (a, b, O), (2a, O, O) (a, –b, O)
and (O, O, O) respectively. The work done by the field in  1 
the above process is given by the expression..........   9  109 N  m 2 / c2 
 40 
(a) 12 × 104 (b) 24 × 104
(c) 36 × 104 (d) 48 × 104
70. Two small balls having equal positive charges (coulomb)
on each are suspended by two insulating strings of equal
length L (metre) from a hook fixed to a stand. The whole
set up is taken in a satellite into space where there is no
gravity (state of weightlessness). The angle between the
two strings is ............ and the tension in each string is
.......... newtons.
67. The electric potential V at any point x, y, z (all in metres) in
space is given by V = 4x volts. The electric field at the
point (1m, 0,2m) is ................ V/m.


1. Three charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the vertices of a 5. Charges +q and –q are located at the corners of a cube of
right-angled isosceles triangle as shown. The net electrostatic side as show in the figure. Find the work done to separate
energy of the configuration is zero if Q is equal to the charges to infinite distance. (2003)

6. A metallic shell has a point charge kept inside its cavity.

Which one of the following diagrams correctly represents
q  2q the electric lines of forces? (2003)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
1 2 2 2
(c) –2q (d) +q
2. Three positive charges of equal value are placed at the
vertices of an equilateral triangle. The resulting lines of force
should be sketched as in (2001)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)
7. A positive point charge is fixed at origin. A dipole with a

dipole moment p is placed along the x-axis far away from

the origin with p pointing along positive x-axis. Find : (a)
the kinetic energy of the dipole when it reaches a distance d
3. A uniform electric field pointing in positve x-direction exists from the origin, and (b) the force experienced by the charge
in a region. Let A be the origin, B be the point on the x-axis at this moment. (2003)
at x = +1 cm and C be the point on the y-axis at y = +1 cm. 8. Consider the charge configuration and a spherical Gaussian
Then the potentials at the points A, B and C satisfy : surface as shown in the figure. When calculating the flux of
(2001) the electric field over the spherical surface, the electric field
(a) VA < VB (b) VA > VB will be due to (2004)
(c) VA < VC (d) VA > VC
4. A small ball of mass 2 × 10 kg having a charge of 1 C is
suspended by a string of length 0.8 m. Another identical
ball having the same charge is kept at the point of
suspension. Determine the minimum horizontal velocity
which should be imparted to the lower ball, so that it can
make complete revolution. (2001) (a) q2 (b) only the positive charges
(c) all the charges (d) +q1 and –q1

9. There are two large parallel metallic plates S1 and S2 carrying Then which option(s) are correct
surface charge densities 1 and 2 respectively (1 > 2) (a) Total charge within 2R0 is q
placed at a distance d apart in vacuum. Find the work done (b) Total electrostatic energy for r  R0 is zero
(c) At r = R0 electric field is discontinuous
by the electric field in moving a point charge a distance a (a
(d) There will be no charge anywhere except at r = R0
< d) from S1 towards S2 along a line making an angle /4 with
14. Positive and negative point charges of equal magnitude are
the normal to the plates. (2004)
 a 
kept at  0,0,  and  0,0,  respectively. The work done
10. Six charges of equal magnitude, 3 positive and 3 negative
 2  2 
are to be placed on PQRSTU corners of a regular hexagon,
such that field at the centre is double that of what it would by the electric field when another positive point charge is
moved from (–a, 0, 0) to (0, a, 0) is (2007)
have been if only one +ve charge is placed at R.
(a) positive
(2004) (b) negative
(c) zero
(d) depends on the path connecting the initial and final
15. Consider a neutral conducting sphere. A positive point
charge is placed outside the sphere. The net charge on the
sphere is then (2007)
(a) +, +, +, –, –, – (b) –, +, +, +, –, – (a) negative and distributed uniformly over the surface of
the sphere
(c) –, +, +, –, +, – (d) +, –, +, –, +, –
(b) negative and appears only at the point on the sphere
11. A conducting bubble of radius a, thickness t (t << a) has closest to the point charge
potential V. Now the bubble collapses into a droplet. Find (c) negative and distributed non-uniformly over the entire
the potential of the droplet. surface of the sphere
(2005) (d) zero
16. A spherical portion has been removed from a solid sphere
12. Three infinitely long charge sheets are placed as shown in
having a charge distributed uniformly in its volume as shown
figure. The electric field at point P is (2005) in the figure. The electric field inside the emptied space is
( 2007)

2 2
(a) k̂ (b)  k̂
0 0

4 4 (a) zero everywhere (b) non-zero and uniform

(c) k̂ (d)  k̂
0 0 (c) non-uniform (d) zero only at its centre
17. A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept coaxially inside
13. For spherical symmetrical charge distribution, variation of another long, hollow conducting cylinder of larger radius.
electric potential with distance from centre is given in Both the cylinders are initially electrically neutral.
diagram. Given that (2006) (2007)
q (a) a potential difference appears between the two cylinders
V for r  R 0 and V  for r  R 0 when a charge density is given to the inner cylinder
40 R 0 40 r (b) a potential difference appears between the two cylinders
when a charge density is given to the outer cylinder
(c) no potential difference appears between the two
cylinders when a uniform line charge is kept along the axis
of the cylinders
(d) no potential difference appears between the two
cylinders when same charge density is given to both the

18. Consider a neutral conducting sphere. A positive point PASSAGE

charge is placed outside the sphere. The net charge on the The nuclear charge (Ze) is non-uniformly distributed within
sphere is then a nucleus of radius R. The charge density (r) (charge per
(2007) unit volume) is dependent only on the radial distance r from
(a) negative and distributed uniformly over the surface of the centre of the nucleus as shown in figure. The electric
the sphere field is only along the radial direction.
(b) negative and appears only at the point on the sphere
closest to the point charge
(c) negative and distributed non-uniformly over the entire
surface of the sphere
(d) zero

q q 2q
19. Consider a system of three charges , and  placed
3 3 3
at points A, B and C respectively, as shown in the figure. 21. The electric field at r = R is (2008)
Take O to be the centre of the circle of radius R and angle (a) independent of a
CAB = 60° (2008) (b) directly proportional to a
(c) directly proportional to a2
(d) inversely proportional to a
22. For a = 0, the value of d (maximum value of as shown in the
figure) is (2008)
3Ze 3Ze
(a) (b)
4R 3 R 3

4Ze Ze
(c) (d)
q 3R 3 3R 3
(a) The electric field at point O is directed along
80 R 2 23. The electric field within the nucleus is generally observed
the negative x–axis to be linearly dependent on r. This implies
(b) The potential energy of the system is zero (2008)
(c) The magnitude of the force between the charges at C R
(a) a = 0 (b) a 
q 2 2
and B is
54  0 R 2 2R
(c) a = R (d) a 
(d) The potential at point O is 24. Three concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R, 2R and
12 0 R
3R are given charges Q1, Q2 and Q3, respectively. It is found
20. Statement I : For practical purposes, the earth is used as a that the surface charge densities on the outer surfaces of
reference at zero potential in electrical circuits. the shells are equal. Then, the ratio of the charges given to
Statement II : The electrical potential of a sphere of radius R the shells, Q1 : Q2 : Q3, is (2009)
with charge uniformly distributed on the surface is given by (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 3 : 5
Q (c) 1 : 4 : 9 (d) 1 : 8 : 18
40 R . (2008) 25. Under the influence of the coulomb field of charge +Q, a
charge – is moving around it in an elliptical orbit. Find out
(a) Statement–I is true, Statement–II is true; Statement–II is the correct statement(s). (2009)
the correct explanation for Statement–I. (a) The angular momentum of the charge – is constant
(b) If Statement–I is true, Statement–II is true; Statement–II is (b) The linear momentum of the charge –is constant
not a correct explanation for Statement–I.
(c) The angular velocity of the charge –is constant
(c) If Statement–I is true; Statement–II is false.
(d) The linear speed of the charge – is constant
(d) If Statement–I is false; Statement–II is true.

26. Three concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R, 2R and (a) |Q1| > |Q2|
3R are given charges Q1, Q2 and Q3, respectively. It is found (b) |Q1| < |Q2|
that the surface charge densities on the outer surfaces of
the shells are equal. Then, the ratio of the charges given to (c) at a finite distance to the left of Q1 the electric field is zero
the shells, Q1 : Q2 : Q3, is (2009)
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 3 : 5 (d) at a finite distance to the right of Q2 the electric field is
(c) 1 : 4 : 9 (d) 1 : 8 : 18 zero
29. A tiny spherical oil drop carrying a net charge is balanced in
27. A disk of radius having a uniformly distributed charge 6C still air with a vertical uniform electric field of strength
a  105 Vm 1 . When the field is switched off, the drop is
is placed in the x–y plane with its centre at  , 0, 0  . A 7
 2  observed to fall with terminal velocity 2×10–3 ms–1. Given
rod of length a carrying a uniformly distributed charge 8C is g=9.8 ms–2, viscosity of the air = 1.8×10–5 Ns m–2 and the
a 5a density of oil = 900 kg m–3, the magnitude of charge is
placed on the x–axis from x  to x  . Two point
4 4 (2010)
(a) 1.6×10–19 C (b) 3.2×10–19 C
charges –7C and 3C are placed at  a , a , 0  and
4 4  (c) 4.8×10–19 C (d) 8.0×10–19 C
30. A uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius R carries
 3a 3a  , respectively. Consider a cubical surface uniform surface charge density of per unit area. It is made
 , ,0 
 4 4  of two hemispherical shells, held together by pressing them
with force F. F is proportional to (2010)
a a a
formed by six surfaces x   , y   , z   . The
2 2 2
electric flux through this cubical surface is

1 2
(a) 1  2 R 2 (b) R
0 0

1 2
(c) 1 
0 R 0 R 2
2C 2C 31. A spherical metal shell A of radius RA and a solid metal sphere
(a) (b)
0 0 B of radius RB (<RA) are kept far apart and each is given
charge +Q. Now they are connected by a thin metal wire.
10C 12C Then (2011)
(c) (d)
0 0
(a) Einside
A 0 (b) QA > QB
28. A few electric field lines for a system of two charges Q1 and
Q2 fixed at two different points on the x–axis are shown in A R B
the figure. These lines suggest that (c)   R (d) E on
 E on
32. Two large vertical and parallel metal plates having a
separation of 1 cm are connected to a DC voltage source of
potential difference X. A proton is released at rest midway
between the two plates. It is found to move at 45° to the
vertical just after release. Then X is nearly
(a) 1 × 10–5 V (b) 1 × 10–7 V
(c) 1 × 10–9 V (d) 1 × 10–10 V

33. A spherical metal shell A of radius RA and a solid metal 36. A cubical region of side a has its centre at the origin. It
sphere B of radius RB (<RA) are kept far apart and each is encloses three fixed point charges, –at (0, –a/4, 0), +3at (0,
given charge +Q. Now they are connected by a thin metal 0, 0) and –at (0, +a/4, 0). Choose the correct option(s).
wire. Then (2011) (2012)

(a) Einside
A 0

(b) QA > QB

A R B
(c)   R

(a) The net electric flux crossing the plane x = + a/2 is

(d) E on
 E on
equal to the net electric flux crossing the plane x = –a/2
34. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (b) The net electric flux crossing the plane y = + a/2 is more
than the net electric flux crossing the plane y = –a/2
(a) If the electric field due to a point charge varies as r–2.5 (c) The net electric flux crossing the entire region is 
instead of r–2, then the Gauss’s law will still be valid
(d) The net electric flux crossing the plane z = + a/2 is
(b) The Gauss’s law can be used to calculate the field equal to the net electric flux crossing the plane x = + a/2
distribution around an electric dipole 37. An infinitely long solid cylinder of radius R has a uniform
(c) If the electric field between two point charges is zero volume charge . It has a sphererical cavity of radius R/2
somewhere, then the sign of the two charges is the same with its centre on the axis of the cylinders, as shown in the
figure. The magnitude of the electric field at the point P,
(d) The work done by the external force in moving a unit which is at a distance 2R from the axis of the cylinder, is
positive charge from point A at potential VA to point B at
23 R
potential VB is (VB – VA) given by the expression 16k . The value of k is

35. Consider an electric field E  E 0 x,
ˆ where E0 is a constant. (2012)
The flux through the shaded area (as shown in the figure)
due to this field is (2011)

38. Two non-conducting solid spheres of radii R and 2R, having

uniform volume charge densities 1 and 2 respectively,
touch each other. The net electric field at a distance 2 R
from the centre of the smaller sphere, along the line joining
the centre of the spheres, is zero. The ratio  can be
(a) 2E0a2 (b) 2 E0 a 2 2

E0 a 32
(c) E0a2 (d) (a) –4 (b) 
2 25

(c) (d) 4

39. Two non-conducting sphere of radii R1 and R2 and carrying 42. Four charges Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 of same magnitude are fixed
uniform volume charge densities + and –, respectively, along the x axis at x = – 2a, –a, +a and +2a, respectively. A
are placed such that they partially overlap, as shown in the positive charge is placed on the positive y axis at a distance
figure. At all points in the overlapping region. b > 0. Four options of the signs of these charges are given
in List I. The direction of the forces on the charge is given in
List II. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
using the code given below the lists. (2014)

(a) the electrostatic field is zero

(b) the electrostatic potential is contant List I List II
(c) the electrostatic field is constant in magnitude P. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 all positive 1. +x

(d) the electrostatic field has same direction Q. Q1, Q2 positive; Q3, Q4 negative 2. –x
R. Q1, Q4 positive; Q2, Q3 negative 3. +y
40. Let E1 (r), E2 (r) and E3 (r) be the respective electric fields at
a distance r from a point charge Q, an infinitely long wire S. Q1, Q3 positive; Q2, Q4 negative 4. –y
with constant linear charge density  and an infinite plane Codes :
with uniform surface charge density  . If E1 (r0) = E2 (r0) = E3
(a) P -3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 (b) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(r0) at a given distance r0, then (2014)
(c) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 (d) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3
(a) Q  4r02 43. The figure below depict two situations in which two
infinitely long static line charges of constant positive line
 charge density  are kept parallel to each other. In their
(b) r0  resulting electric field, point charges and –are kept in
equilibrium between them. The point charges are confined
(c) E1(r0/2) = 2 E2 (r0/2) to move in the x-direction only. If they are given a small
displacement about their equilibrium positions, then the
(d) E2 (r0/2) = 4E3 (r0/2) correct statement(s) is (are)
41. Charges Q, 2Qand 4Q are uniformly distributed in three (2015)
dielectric solid spheres 1, 2 and 3 of radii R/2, R and 2R
respectively, as shown in figure. If magnitudes of the electric
fields at point P at a distance R from the centre of spheres 1,
2 and 3 are E1, E2 and E3 respectively, then

(a) Both charges execute simple harmonic motion

(b) Both charges will continue moving in the direction of
their displacement

(a) E1 > E2 > E3 (c) Charge +executes simple harmonic motion while charge
continues moving in the direction of its displacement.
(b) E3 > E1 > E2
(d) Charge –executes simple harmonic motion while charge
(c) E2 > E1 > E3 +continues moving in the direction of its displacement.
(d) E3 > E2 > E1

44. Consider a uniform spherical charge distribution of radius 47. A length-scale (l) depends on the permittivity () of a
R1 centred at the origin O. In this distribution, a spherical dielectric material, Boltzmann constant (kB), the absolute
cavity of radius R2, Centred at P with distance OP = a = R1 – R2 temperature (T), the number per unit volume (n) of certain
(see figure) is made. If the electric field inside the cavity at charged particles, and the charge (q) carried by each of the
 
position r is E  r  , then the correct statement(s) is (are) particles. Which of the following expression(s) for l is(are)
dimensionally correct? (2016)
 nq 2   k B T 
(a) l    (b) l   2 
 k B T   nq 

 q2   q2 
  
 n 2/3 k T  
 n1/3 k T 
(c) l (d) l
  B   B 
(a) E is uniform, its magnitude is independent of R2 but its
direction depend on r 48. The electric field E is measured at a point P(0, 0, d) generated

(b) E is uniform, its magnitude depends on R2 and its due to various charge distributions and the dependence of
direction depend on E on d is found to be different for different charge
 distributions. List-I contains different relations between E
(c) E is uniform, its r magnitude is independent of a but
and d. List-II describes different electric charge distributions,
its direction depend on a along with their locations. Match the functions in List-I
 with the related charge distributions in List-II.
(d) E is uniform and both its magnitude and direction
depend on a
List-I List-II
45. An infinitely long uniform line charge distribution of charge
per unit length  lies parallel to the y-axis in the y-z plane at (P) E is independent of d 1. A point charge at the origin

3 1
z= a (see figure.) If the magnitude of the flux of the electric (Q) E 2. A small dipole with point
2 d
field through the rectangular surface ABCD lying in the xy charges at (0, 0, l) and –at
L (0, 0, –l). Take 2l <<d
plane with its centre at the origin is
n0 (0 = permittivity of 1
free space), then the value of n is (2015) (R) E 3. An infinite line charge
coincident with the x-axis
with uniform linear charge
density .

(S) E 4. Two infinite wires carrying
uniform linear charge density
parallel to the x-axis. The one
46. Which one of the following statements is correct?
along (y = 0, z = l) has a
charge density + and and
(a) The balls will execute simple harmonic motion between the one along (y = 0, z = -l)
the two plates has a charge density –.
(b) The balls will bounce back to the bottom plate carrying Take 2l<<d.
the opposite charge they went up with 5.Infinite plane charge
(c) The balls will bounce back to the bottom plate carrying coincident with the xy-plane
the same charge they went up with with uniform surface charge
(d) The balls will stick to the top plate and remain there

49. An infinitely long thin non-conducting wire is parallel to

the z-axis and carries a uniform line charge density . It 51. An electric dipole with dipole moment
 
p0  
i  j is held
pierces a thin non-conducting spherical shell of radius R in fixed at the origin O in the presence of an uniform electric
such a way that the arc P subtends an angle 120° at the field of magnitude E-0. If the potential is constant on a circle
centre O of the spherical shell, as shown in the figure. The of radius R centered at the origin as shown in figure, then
permittivity of free space is  0 . Which of the following the correct statement(s) is/are: ( ε 0 is permittivity of free
statements is (are) true ? (2018) space. R>>dipole size) (2019)

(a) The electric flux through the shell is 3R / 0 (a) The magnitude of total electric field on any two points of
the circle will be same.
(b) The z-component of the electric field is zero at all the
points on the surface of the shell 
(b) Total electric field at point A is E A  2E0 i  j 
(c) The electric flux through the shell is 2R / 0 1/3
 p0 
(d) The electric field is normal to the surface of the shell at (c) R=  
all points  4πε 0 E 0 
50. A thin spherical insulating shell of radius R carries a 
(d) Total electric field at point B is EB  0
uniformly distributed charge such that the potential at its
surface is V0. A hole with small area  4 R 2 (   1) is 52. A charged shell of radius R carries a total charge Q. Given
made on the shell without affecting the rest of the shell.  as the flux of electric field through a closed cylindrical
Which one of the following statement is correct? surface of height h, radius r and with its centre same as that
(2019) of the shell. Here, centre of the cylinder is a point on the
axis of the cylinder which is equidistant from its top and
(a) The ratio of the potential at the center of the shell to that bottom surfaces. Which of the following option(s) is/are
of the point at R from center towards the hole will be correct? [ 0 is the permittivity of free space]
1  (2019)
1  2
(a) If h  2R and r 
4R Q
(b) The potential at the centre of shell is reduced by 2V0 . then  
5 50
(c) The magnitude of electric field at the center of the shell
 V0 3R Q
is reduced by (b) If h  2R and r  then  
2R 5 5 0
(d) The magnitude of electric field at a point, located on a
line passing through the hole and shell’s center, on a 8R 3R
(c) If h  and r  then   0
distance 2R from the center of the spherical shell will be 5 5
 V0
reduced by Q
2R (d) If h  2R and r  R then  

 55. A point charge of mass m is suspended vertically by a

53. A uniform electric field, E   400 3yˆ NC 1 is applied in a
string of length l. A point dipole of dipole moment p is now
region. A charged particle of mass m carrying positive brought towards from infinity so that the charge moves
charge is projected in this region with an initial speed of away. The final equilibrium position of the system including
2 10  106 ms 1. This particle is aimed to hit a target T,, the direction of the dipole, the angles and distances is
which is 5 m away from its entry point into the field as shown in the figure below. If the work done in bringing
the dipole to this position is N × (mgh), where g is the
q acceleration due to gravity, then the value of N is _____ .
shown schematically in the figure. Take  1010 Ckg 1. (Note that for three coplanar forces keeping a point mass
Then – (2020) in equilibrium, sin  is the same for all forces, where F is
any one of the forces and  is the angle between the other
two forces) (2020)

56. Two identical non-conducting solid spheres of same mass

and charge are suspended in air from a common point by
(a) the particle will hit T is projected at an angle 45º from the two non-conducting, massless strings of same length. At
horizontal equilibrium, the angle between the strings is . The spheres
(b) the particle will hit T if projected either at an angle 30º or are now immersed in a dielectric liquid of density 800 kgm–3
60º from the horizontal and dielectric constant 21. If the angle between the strings
remains the same after the immersion, then (2020)
5 (a) electric force between the spheres remains unchanged
(c) time taken by the particle to hit T could be s as
6 (b) electric force between the spheres reduces
(c) mass density of the spheres is 840 kg m–3
5 (d) the tension in the strings holding the spheres remains
well as s
2 unchanged

5 57. Two point charge –Q and +Q / 3 placed in the xy-plane

(d) time taken by the particle to hit T is s
3 at the origin (0, 0) and a point (2, 0) respectively, as shown
54. Two large circular discs separated by a distance of 0.01 m in the figure. This results in an equipotential circle of radius
are connected to a battery via a switch as shown in the R and potential V = 0 in the xy-plane with its center at (b, 0).
figure. Charged oil drops of density 900 kg m–3 are released All lengths are measured in meters.
through a tiny hole at the center of the top disc.Once some
oil drops achieve terminal velocity, the switch is closed to
apply a voltage of 200 V across the discs. As a result,
an oil drop of radius 8 × 10–7m stops moving vertically
and floats between the discs. The number of electrons
The value of B is _ meter.
present in this oil drop is ________. (neglect the
58. A circular disc of radius R carries surface charge density
buoyancy force, take acceleration due to gravity =10 ms–2
and charge on an electron (e) 1.6 × 10–19 C)  r
 (r)   0  1   , where  is a constant and r is the
(2020)  R 0

distance from the center of the disc. Electric flux through a

large spherical surface that encloses the charged disc
completely is 0 . Electric flux through another spherical
surface of radius and concentric with the disc is .
Then the ratio is ………. . - (2020)


Answer Key


1. (6.25) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a)

5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b)
9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (4.50) 12. (b) 9. (d) 10. (2) 11. (b) 12. (c)
13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (d)
17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (3) 20. (3) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 21. (b) 22. (4) 23. (d) 24. (1.00)
25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (c) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d)
29. (1) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (c) 29. (d) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (d)
33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (4) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (a)
37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (48.00) 44. (b)
45. (2.70) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (b) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c)
49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (b) 49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (c) 52. (a)
53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (90) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (c)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (7) 57. (48.00) 58. (226.00) 59. (128.00)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (c) 60. (36.00) 61. (20) 62. (243.00)
65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (576) 68. (d) 63. (a) 64. (d) 65. (c) 66. (c)
69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (b) 72. (b) 67. (1.00) 68. (640.00) 69. (a) 70. (c)
73. (a) 74. (3) 75. (d) 76. (a) 71. (c)
77. (a) 78. (c) 79. (a) 80. (d)


1  Qq 
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) (c)  
40  2ma 
5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c)
47. (a) 2and 8at ends, at 3 cm from 2(b) zero
9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (d)
13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (c) 5
48. 
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a) 6
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 49. (b)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (b) 2
Q2 R   R  
29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (d) U
50. (a) n  1    
8 0 r 2   R  r  
32. (True) 33. (False) 34. (0.2) 35. (0.9)
36.(0) 37. (0.5) 38. (3.16 × 10 C)

39. (8.48 m) 40. (0.628 sec.) Q2 R

(b) U  
8 0 r 2
4 a
41. (a) H  a (b) H  3
3 51. (b, d) 52. (a,b,c)
53. (b,c) 54. (c,d)
   a2 
55. (b,d) 56. (a,b,cd)
42. (i) VA   a  b  c  , VB    b  c  ,
0 0  b  57. (a,b) 58. (a,b,c,d)
59. (c,d) 60. (a,d)
  a 2 b2 
VC 
 
c c
 c
 , (ii) a + b = c 61. (a,b,c) 62. (c,d)
 
63. (a,c) 64. (a,b)
65. (A–R, P; B–Q; C–P; D–P,S)
3 Q2 3 GM 2
43. (a) U  , (b) U   E  1.5  1032 J , 66. (–Ea)
20  0 R 5 R
67. ( 8iˆ )
(c) U  Q
9 q2
80 R 68. 9  10
q 69. (c)
44. 2 0 m 1 Q2
70. 180º , , 2
40 4L
QR  r
45. 4 R 2  r 2
0  
 1
46. (a) 4a, (5a, 0); (b) KQ 
2 
 ;
 3a  x 3a  x 


1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b)

4. (5.86 m/s)

1 q2 4
5. (b) 6.
40 a

3 3 3 6  2 
qp  pq ˆ
7. (c) 8. (a) KE  2
, (b) F  i
40 d 20 d3

9. (c) 10.
 1  2  qa 11. (c)
2 0

1/ 3
 a 
12. V '  V  
 3t 
13. (b) 14. (a,b,c,d) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (c)
25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a,d)
29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (a,b,c,d)
32. (c)
33. (a,b,c,d)
34. (c,d) 35. (c) 36. (a,c,d)
37. (6) 38. (b,d) 39. (c,d) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (d)
45. (6) 46. (c) 47. (b,d)
48. (P–5; Q–3; R–1, 4; S–2)
49. (a,b) 50. (a) 51. (c,d)
52. (b,c,d)
53. (b,c) 54. (6.00) 55. (2.00) 56. (a,c)
57. (3.00) 58. (6.40)

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