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Reading Journal -3-

Chapter 3+4:
1) Reading: Read chapters 3-4 (pages 10-16) in your book.
2) Summary (= Zusammenfassung):
Fill in the table:
Be careful: You always write a summary in the simple present!! Achtung: Eine
Zusammenfassung wird im Englischen immer im simple present geschrieben!

My comments (what I New words I want

Chapter What happens? (=summary)
like/don‘t understand …) to remember


3) Understanding the text: → Reading Journal

Answer the following questions for each chapter. Careful: Pay attention to the tense in the
question and answer the question using the same tense. Achtung: Achte darauf in welcher
Zeit die Fragen geschrieben sind und beantworte die Fragen in der selben Zeit.

Chapter 3:
A) Questions:
1. Where is Kaz’s new afternoon job?
2. How does Kaz feel about Adam’s questions?
3. What do Mia and Ellie think about Kaz?

B) What happened when?

1. What happened when? Put these events into the right order.
Tom tells Kaz he only needs him to work in the mornings.

Kaz meets Adam and his mum.

Adam’s three friends come to the cafe at about 5 pm.

1 Kaz has a busy morning working in Tom’s shop.

Kaz offers to help at the cafe in the afternoons.

Kaz goes into town with the four friends after work.

Kaz goes to the cafe to buy a pasty for Tom.

Kaz starts working in the kitchen of the cafe that afternoon.

2. Why is Adam’s mum so surprised when she gives Kaz lunch?

Chapter 4:
1. Why does Luca think it’s strange that Kaz bought his bike in London?
2. What do Kaz and the four friends do in town? Where do they go?
3. Does Kaz like Plymouth? Does he have plans to go back to London?
4. What does Kaz do when Ellie is cold?
5. What does Kaz say when Mia asks where he goes to school?
6. What happens at the end of the chapter? Why are the four friends surprised?

4) Describing a picture
Describe the picture on p. 16. Think about everything you’ve learned about
describing pictures.

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