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Anxious about : He is very anxious about the

examination result.
Apologize to : We apologized to you for their mistake.
Appeal to : We appealed to her for help
Appeal against : He appealed against the judgement.
Applied to :The villagers applied to the bank for a loan.
Appointed to : He was appointed to the post of vice president.
Approve of : I do not approve of your extravagant lifestyle.
Argue with : : The lawyer argued with the judge on the point.
Arrive at : The students arrived at the venue in time.
Ashamed of : The king was ashamed of his unworthy sons.
Associated with : The manager is associated with his firm.
Assure of : We assure you of our help.
Attend to : Please attend to what I say.
Attend upon : She has only one servant to attend upon her.
Authority on : He is an authority on Literature.
Avail of - : Let us avail ourselves of this opportunity.
Aware of : : Are you aware of that case ?
Bark at : The dog barked at the stranger.
Begged for :The convict begged for mercy.
Begin with : The assembly began with prayers.
Begins at : : The next unit begins at page 50.
Believe in - : DO you believe in ghosts?
Belong to : : These books belong to Roger.
Bent on : They are bent on creating trouble.
Beware of : : Beware of imitations.
Blame for - : He was blamed for nothing.
Blessed with : She was blessed with a son.
Blind to : : Do not be blind to your faults.
Boast of : She boasts of her riches.
Born of : Nehru was born of rich parents.
Bound for - :The ship is bound for Japan.
Busy with : She is busy with her lessons.
Cause for - : There is no cause for anxiety.
Cause of : What is the cause of this trouble?
Call on : They called on him at his office.
Capable of : She is capable of improvement.
Careful about : He is very careful about his clothes.
Care for : Why shouldn't my mother care for me?
Celebrated for : Jaipur is celebrated for its old buildings.
Charged with : The beggar was charged with theft.
Commence on : Our examination commence on 5th March.
Commit to : Please commit this number to memory.
Complain against : We complained against him.
Compare to : Love is compared to a blind man.
Complete with : He completed with us for the scholarship.
Complained to : The passenger complained to the stationmaster
against a ticket checker.
Complains of : He complains of pain in the stomach every day.
Complaint against : Do you have any complaint against him?
Comply with : any sorry I cannot comply with such demands.
Condemned to : He was condemned to death.
Confident of : He is confident of success.
Confined to : I was confined to bed with fever.
Congratulate on : She congratulated me on my success.
Consist of : The section consists of fifty students.
Content with : They are content with their lot.
Contribute to : We contributed fifty rupees to the fund.
Courteous to : Be courteous to all.
Count on : We always count on your help.
Cure of : This medicine will cure of malaria.
Deal in : we deal in imported clothes.
Deal with : Deal fairly with everyone.
Depend on :You can depend on me
Deprive of : They were deprived of their freedom.
Dispose of : He disposed of his old car.
Doubtful of : My parents are doubtful of my success.
Desirous of : Everybody is desirous of going abroad.
Devoid of : He is devoid of any sense of responsibility.
Die of : Many people die of cancer.
Die from : Some people die from malnutrition.
Differ with : We differ with you on this point.
Different from : Our plans are quite different from yours.
Dislike to : He tool a dislike to me.
Deal in : We deal in imported clothes.
Devoted : The master dispensed with the services of his
Disgusted with : She was disgusted with life.
Displeased with :The teacher is displeased with me,
Duty to : Let us do our duty to our country.
Eager for : You are too eager for the results.
Eligible for : Tom is not eligible for this post.
Endowed with : He is endowed with a strong will.
Enlist in : I was enlisted in the army.
End in : The scheme ended in failure.
Engaged in : They are engaged in business.
Engaged to : He is engaged to a rich girl.
Entrust to : She entrusted the box to the servant.
Equal to : He proved equal to the task.
Escape from : The thief escaped from jail.
Exception to : We take strong exception to your remarks.
Exclude from : We excluded him from our team.
Excuse for : She had no excuse for remaining absent from work.
Entered into : I entered into an agreement with the firm.
Exposed to : Our cricket team was exposed to criticism from all quarters.
Faithful to : The servant is very faithful to his master
Familiar with : I am familiar with his tricks.
Faith in : : Don't you have faith in me?
Famous for : Delhi is famous for its monuments.
Feed on : Silkworms feed on mulberry leaves.
Fight for : We fought for our Independence
Fill with : Please fill the tumbler with water
Fit for : You are not fit for the post
Flew into : : He flew into a rage at her insulting words.
Fond of: : Children are fond of sweets.
Free from : Nobody is free from faults.
Furnish with : They furnished the library with books.
Feed with : : He has to feed the cow with grass, twice a day.
Get at : : Get at the facts
Get on : cannot get on with him
Gifted with - : Our new teacher is gifted with a good voice
Good at : : Mohan is good at Mathematics
Grateful to : I shall be grateful to you for your help.
Greedy for : He is greedy for money
Guard against : We must guard ourselves against vices.
Guilty of : The judge found her guilty of murder.
Hope for : Let us hope for the best
Hopeful of : We are hopeful of our success.
Hostile to : The native are not hostile to outsiders.
Heir to : Peter is the only heir to his father's estate.
Hanker after : I do not hanker after riches.
Hard of :The child is hard of hearing
Heard of : We heard of your success.
Honest in : Always be honest in your business.
Ignorance of : Ignorance of law is no excuse for breaking it
ill with : She is ill with fever.
Impatient for : The child is impatient for milk.
Impose on : The judge imposed a heavy fine on him
Impress with : You are impressed with her speech
Impress upon : The teacher tried t impress upon us the need of good habits.
Indebted to : I am indebted to my friend for timely help.
Inferior to : This plastic chair is inferior to that wooden chair.
Indulge in : Do not indulge in gossip
Indebted to : We are indebted to you for this favor
Inspire with : Buddha inspired his followers with noble ideals.
Infested with : The house is infested with rats
Injurious to : Smoking is injurious to health
Inclined to : I am inclined to give him leave
Inquire into : The teacher is inquiring into the case.
Inquire of :We inquired of him about these village,
Insist on : She insists on my staying in the village.
Interested in : Are you interested in this course?
Indispensable to : Hard work is indispensible to success
Interfere with : She never allows her personal problems in interfere with her work.
Invest in : In invested a lot of money in business.
Introduce to : He introduced me to his friend.
Intimate with : I am very intimate with my elder sister.
Influence with : Have you any influence with the principal 1
Influence over : The teacher has no influence over his pinils.
Jealous of : Neighbours are jealous of one another.
Jeer at : They jeered at us
Jot down : Just let me jot down your address.
Join in : Our neighbours joined in the celebrations.
Jump at : He jumped at the first offer of a job
Jump to : Never jump to hasty conclusions.
Junior to : My brother is junior to you by one year.
Key to : Hard work is the key of success
Key in : Have you begun to key the annual report?
Kind to : Be kind to the poor
Knock at : Who is knocking at the door?
Knock over : The woman knocked over a man with her stick.
Know about : I know about their holiday plans
Knowledge of : I have some knowledge of English
Keep to : Always keep to the left.
Keep up : I could not keep up the pretense any longer.
Keep off : Try to keep the child's attention off the sweet.
Lax in : The government is lax in implementing the new policy:
Lead to : This road leads to the town.
Labour for : The social workers labour for a just cause.
Lack in : He lacks in experience
Leans on : The old man leans on a sa
Liking for : I have no liking for grapes
Live by : I live by honest work
Live on : Birds live on insects.
Long for : Man longs for peace
Loyal to : We are loyal to our motherland
Laugh at : Do not laugh at a beggar
Liable to : He is liable to suspension from ser
Liable for : I am not liable for the debts incurred by my

Match for : You are no match for him
Meet with :He meet with many obstacles.
Meddle with : Let us no meddle with the affairs of others.
Motive for : His motive for coming here is not known
Mourns for : The country mourns for its dead.
Moved to : The condition of the child moved her to tears
Married to : Peter is married to Sam's younger sister.
Need of : I am in need of honest advice.
Need for : There is an act need for a fence around the garden.
Negligent in : He is negligent in his work
Negligent of : She was negligent of her duties.
Narrow down : They have narrowed down on two candidate after the interview.
Necessary to : It is necessary to buy a new computer,
Necessary for : He is not necessary for you to call the doctor immediately.
Notorious for : He is notorious for his rude behavior.
Obedient to : Always to obedient to your parents.
Object to : objected to his going out.
Obliged to : She is obliged to us.
Offended by : She felt offended by his remarks.
Open to : We are open to suggestions.
Opinion of : The teacher has a very high opinion of her
Opposed to : Why should we be opposed to them?
Offended with : The boss was offended with the typist at his insolence.
Partake of : Let us partake of the birthday cake.
Part with :I can not part with my money.
Participate in : You must participate in school activities.
Persist in : The boy persists in telling lics.
Pine for : We pine for what is not.
Preside over : The principal presided over (or at) the meeting.
Prevail upon : We prevailed upon them to go there
Prey to : She fell a prey to cancer.
Passion for :His wife has passion for music.
Pity for : Have pity for the poor.
Pity on : He took pity on the poor.
Presented to : A book was presented to him
Popular with : Pulp fiction is popular with Indian readers.
Pray to : Let us pray to God for his safe return
Preferable to : Poverty with honesty is preferable to a dishonest life.
Presented with : He was presented with a special award.
Painful to : This news is very painful to my father
Parted from : She parted from her father.
Peculiar to : This custom is peculiar to this region.
Polite in : She is polite in her behavior.
Pretends to : He pretends to be calm in distress.
Proud of : We are proud of our school
Protect from : A woolen blanket protects you from cold.
Prove to : he proved false to his friends.
Provide for : We must always provide for our family
Prohibit from : He was prohibited from entering the room.
Proceed with : Let us proceed with our work.
Protest against : The students protested against the new policy.
Quality for : he has qualified for the interviews
Quarrel with : Let us not quarrel with one another.
Quick at : Peter is quick at figures.
Quote from : She quoted many verses from Gita
Recommend to : Please recommend him to the manager for the post.
Reconciled with : She reconciled with her brother.
Recover from : he has recovered from a serious illness.
Reduced to : He is reduced to a skeleton
Refer to : The case was referred to the Minister.
Release from : The leader was released from jail.
Regard for : I have great regard for all the seniors.
Regard to : The boy paid very little regard to the teacher's advice.
Rejoice a : They rejoice at their success.
Related to : How are you related to my aunt ?
Relieved from : The medicine relieved me from pain.
Rely on : You may rely on us
Remedy against : This drug is a sure remedy against typhoid.
Remember to : Please remember me to your parents.
Revenge on : He revenged himself on his enemies.
Responsible for : Who is responsible for this delay?
Respect for : They have respect for our elders.
Respectful to : They are respectful to their elders.
Reward with : The soldier was rewarded with the Vir Chakra
Rule over : he ruled over the hearts of the masses.
Sacred to : This shrine is sacred to many sects.
Satisfied with : Always be satisfied with your lot.
Save from : We saved her from drowning.
Search for : His parents searched for him everywhere.
Send for : The teacher sent for the monitor.
Sentenced to : The judge sentenced him to death.
Sensitive to : This plant is very sensitive to touch.
Set out : They set out on a journey.
Shocked at : He was shocked at the news.
Short of : She was short of money towards the end of the month.
Sick of : he is sick of poverty
Similar to : the knife he has shown me was similar to this one.
Slow of : The younger boy is slow of speech.
Slow at : His brother is slow at arithmetic.
Stand by : We shall stand by our leaders.
Stare at : she stared at him
Stick to : We shall stick to out post at all cost.
Submit to : I have to submit to the orders of my senior colleagues.
Succeed in : he succeeded in winning a prize.
Succumb to : the old man succumbed to his injuries.
Sufficient for : This amount is not sufficient for the project
Sure of : He felt sure of success.
Supply to : Food was supplied to the hungry.
Supply with : The hungry were supplied with food.
Surrender to : The soldiers would not surrender to the enemy
Suspicious of : He was suspicious of all his employees.
Sumpathise with : We sumpathise with her in her troubles
Sympathy for : We should have no sympathy for idle people
Taste for : She has no taste for music.
Take to : He take to drinking after his wife's death.
Talk over : Let them talk over the matter
Talk to : They talked to us.
Thankful to : We re very thankful to you for your help.
Trust in : Trust in God.
Tired of :He is tired of the game.
Tired with : We are tired with our hand work.
True to : You must be true to your word.
Tremble with : She trembled with fear.
Use up : We have used up all the milk for tea.
Useful for : Recycled waste is useful for many purpose.
Useful to : This book is useful to me.
Vain of : The actress was vain of her pretty face.
Vexed with : Do not be vexed with me for coming late.
Vexed at : I am vexed at his silence.
Victim of : He was a victim of his circumstances.
Vie with : Peter and Tom vied with each other for elocution prize.
Walt on : All the servants waited on her.
Wait upon : a deputation waited upon the Minister
Warn of : We warned him of the danger.
Win over : The actor's good performance won over his critics.
Weary of : The king grew weary of his courtiers.
Wonder at : We wonder at their skill.
Worthy of : She is worthy of praise.
Well versed in : She is well versed in household chores
Withdraw from : He withdrew from the contest.
Witness to : I was a witness to the bomb blast.

Yield to : The soldiers did not yield to the enemy
Yearn for :He yearned for success all his life.
Zeal for : The reformer is full of zeal for his mission. improvement.
Zealous for : The young minister was zealous for
Zealous in : Be zealous in a good cause.

1. Act
Act for : (on behalf of somebody, to perform somebody’s
duty): Mr Bose will act for the Director.
Act on : (do something because u have been advised or told to
do it): She has acted on my advice.
: (to produce effect): The medicines will act on the
patient after some time.
Act out : (to perform how something happened, perform
drama or scene ) : The children started to act out the whole incident.
2. Back
Back out of : (to decide that you are no longer going to take part in something that has been agreed)
He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.
Rahul backed out of his commitment.
Back up : (support): I backed him up during the election.
Back down : (to withdraw from a position, abandon a claim): She refused to back down
on a point of principle.
Back off : ( to retreat, to stop being involved in a situation): Seeing his intense anger, she backed off.
3. Bear
Bear away : (win): Anil bore away the first prize in sports.
Bear down : (overpower): She was borne down with grief.
Bear out : (confirm): The result will bear out his outstanding skills.
Bear up : (to remain cheerful during a difficult time): He has to bear up much for
the sake of love.
Bear with : (be patient): He had to bear with her rude behaviour.
Bear upon : (relevant to): This testimony did not bear upon the inquiry.
4. Break
Break down : (stop working because of a fault): Our car broke down on the highway.
: ( lose composure or health): She broke down in the middle of her speecn.
Break in, into : (enter illegally): The burglar broke into the manager's house last night.
Break into : (do something at once): She broke into tears when she heard the news.
Break of : (stop a habit): He is trying to break himself of drinking
Break off : (stop, discontinue): He broke off his relations with Rani.
Break out : (escape): The convict broke out of the police custody.
: (arise, spread, begin, suddenly): World War II broke out in 1939
A fire broke out in our colony yesterday.
Break up : (end): The meeting broke up late at night.
5. Bring
Bring about : (cause): What has brought about the quarrel in the family?
Bring forth : (give rise to): This Act brought forth discontent among the people.
Bring in : (earn): His business brings in a lot of money.
Bring off : (achieve successfully): The Movement brought off no considerable gains.
Bring on : (produce, cause): Poverty brings on social revolution.
Bring out : (produce): The juggler brought out a big ball.
: (reveal): An artist brings out the characteristics of a nation.
: (publish): The publisher has brought out a new edition of his dictionary.
Bring round : (succeed in changing one's opinion): He brought his father round to his
view after a long discussion.
Bring up : (rear): He was brought up by his grandmother.

6. Call
Call for : (require): The explosive situation calls for an immediate action.
: (demand):The manager called for an explanation for the peon's misconduct.
Call in : ( summon): Call in a doctor; she is seriously ill.
Call off : (cancel): The meeting was called off at the eleventh hour.
Call on : ( go to visit): The Prime Minister called on the President.
Call up : (to telephone): Call me up tomorrow morning if the matter is urgent.
(summon): The soldiers were called up during the war.

7. Carry
Carry away : (to get very excited): The public was carried away by his speech.
Carry off : ( win): She carried off the first prize.
Carry on : (continue): He carried on the business after his father's death.
Carry out : (execute): He carried out the wishes of his parents.
: The officer has carried out his assigrnment.
Carry over : ( postpone): The meeting was carried over to the 19th.
8. Come
Come about : (happen): How did the incident come about?
Come across : (Find by chance): T came across my purse in the kitchen.
Come round : (recover): The patient is coming round.
: (to change one's mood or opinion): The Principal is coming round to
the views of the teachers.
Come in : (arrive): When does the train come in?
(to become involved in something): If you
want to come in on the deal, you need to
decide now.
Come into : (inherit): My friend came into his father's property.
Come of : (be a result of): FHis success comes of his hard work.
Come off : (take place): The ceremony did not come off.
Come to : (be a question of, about): VWhen it comes to
giving time to others, he shies away.
(amount to) : Office expenses come to rupees five hundred per day.
Come up : (arise): Many problems came up during the meeting.
Come up to : (be equal to): He will come up to the expectation of his teacher.
Come upon / or on : (discover or find unexpectedly): He came upon the hidden treasure
in an abandoned cave.
9. Do
Do away with : (discard) : Do auay with your superstitions.
Do for : (ruin): He is done for.
Do out of : (cheat): The landlords do the illiterate farmers out of their rights,
Do over : (do again): He will have to do the exercise over as it has many errors
(renovate): I am doing my bedroon over
Do up : (comb and fasten);: She has done her hair up before the party.
(wash and press): That laundry does up clothes well
(arrange) She has to do up the sitting room before the guests arrive
Do with : (manage with or without something/somebody): I can even do with a
Little money.
Do without : (manage without: The poor have to do without the luxuries of life.
10. Drop
Drop in : (visit without prior information): We dropped in at their house on
Drop out : (leave): He dropped out of the picnic.
11. Draw
Draw back : (retreat): He drew back when he found that the principal was annoyed.
Draw on : (depend): He drew on his savings to buy a piece of land.
Draw into : (drag): She drew me into an argument.
Draw to : (attract): They were drawn to each other.
Draw up : ( make or write something that needs careful planning): She has drawn
Up the plan for us.

12. Fall
Fall back on : (use in emergency): Save something now to fall back on in old age.
Fall behind : (make less progress) It you do not work well,
you will fall behind other Competitors.
Fall in : (collapse): The roof fell in.
(line up) The officer ordered the soldiers to fall in.
Fall off : (decrease): Textile business falls off during the rainy season.
(desert): False friends fall off in adversity.
Fall out : (quarrel): He has fallen out with his neighbour.
Fall through : (fail) The scheme fell through for lack of funds.
13. Get
Get ahead : (Succeed) : You cannot get ahead without proper planning.
(proceed): In order to get ahead in life she has to be more assertive.
Get ahead of : (Surpass): He got ahead of the other candidates
(pass, overtake): There was an accident when the driver tried to get ahead
of our car.
Get along : (manage): How are you getting along in your studies?
(be friendly): She is irritable, I can't get along with her.
Get around : (circulate): Bad news gets around very fast.
Get at : (keep criticising): Why are you always getting at me?
Get away : (escape): The criminals got away after killing three men.
Get away with : (do something undesired without punishment): Many criminals get away
with all sorts of crimes.
Get back from : (return): He got back from Patna this morning.
Get back to : (to return to something): Now he has got back to his studies.
Get by : (manage unpleasantly): I hope I will get by this unruly crowd.
(pass): I moved my car to allow the truck to get by.
Get down to : (attend seriously): Let us get down to business.
Get off : (come down): She got off the train at Pune.
Get on : (make progress): How are you getting on in your studies?
(be friendly) : He is getting on very well with his friends.
Get out : (publish): We are getting a new book out.
(be released from): He goes to the market when he gets out of work.
Get over : (recover from): I have got over my difficulties.
Get round : (persuade): He got me round to his point of view.
Get through : (succeed in): He got through the examination.
Get to : (reach): I got to my friend's house very late.
(start): He gets to work at 10 a.m.
14. Give
Give away : (distribute): The Minister gave away the prizes.
Give in : (surrender): The enemy finally gave in.
(give consent): Mother gave in when we made a request.
Give off : (emit): The chimney gives of smoke.
Give out : (be exhausted): Her courage gave out.
Give up : (abandon): He gave up smoking
(lose hope of): The doctor gave up hope when she was in coma.
Give way : (collapse): The mud hut gave way as it rained heavily.
15. Go
Go about : (continue to do something): He is going about with his job in a systematic
Go against : (be opposed to): She went against the wishes of her father.
Go ahead : (make progress): He is going ahead fast in his business.
(continue): They are going ahead with the schemne.
Go along with : (accompany): Ill go along with the group to Europe.
(agree): Joe went along with my scheme.
Go around : (circulate): Rumours go around fast in our colony.
(be sufficient): There is not enough cake to go around.
Go at : (attack): The dog went at the stranger and bit him.
Go back on : (fail to keep promise): Don't go back on your promise.
Go by : (be guided by): The public servants must go by the rules
(judge from): You should not go by external appearances.
Go down : (believe): Your statement won't go down well with the judge.
Go for/ at : (attack): The militants went for the poor farmers.
Go in for : (to have something interesting): Don't go in for cricket in this seasOR
Go into : (examine): The Principal is going into this case.
Go off : (leave): He went off in a hurry to catch the train.
: (proceed): Our school fete went off very well.
: (explode): The gun went off accidentally.
Go on : ( happen): What is going on in that office is not correct.
(continue): The old man went on with his work in spite of his illness.
Go over : (review) He went over the file after office hours.
Go through : (pass through): Mala is going through hard days after the death of her father.
(complete): He will go through with his plans.
Go with : (match): His tie goes with his suit.
Go without : (manage without): We cannot go without food for long.
16. Hand
Hand down : (give): The Justice handed down the judgement.
(pass on, transmit): This bracelet has been handed down from mother to daughter for generations.
Hand in : (submit): Kindly hand in your assignments.
Hand on : (transmit): The Secretary handed the message on to the Officer.
Hand out : (distribute): He handed out the prizes.
Hand over : (transfer): She handed over the business to her son.
17. Hang
Hang around : (loiter near): Teenagers generally hang around fast food restaurants.
Hang on : (hold) : He hung om to the mast till the ship sank.
Hang together : (remain united): The inmates of the house have not been able to hang together in times of adversity.
Hang up : (terminate a phone call): She hung up, before he could get a chance to tell her what he wanted.
18. Hold
Hold back : (restrain) : She held herself back from abusing him.
(keep secret): Do not hold back anything from your mother.
Hold down : (control): The government must hold down prices.
Hold good : (apply to): This holds good for everyone.
Hold on : (wait on the phone): Please hold on; I have sent for my uncle.
(grasp): Hold on to the bars, while climbing up the stairs.
Hold up : (delay): The flight was held up due to fog
(stop by force): The bus was held up by terrorists.
19. Keep
Keep away : (not go near): Keep away trom wild dogs.
Keep back : (conceal): The government kept the findings of the Commission back from the public.
Keep off : (stay away from): We should always keep off the grass.
Keep on : (continue): She kept on running till she collapsed.
Keep out of : (stay away): She kept out of my room.
Keep to : (adhere to): Keep to the promise which you made.
Keep up : (have same pace): He couldn't keep up with the progress of the class.
(maintain): Keep up your prestige.
20. Lay
Lay by : (reserve for the future): Lay by some money for a rainy day.
Lay down : (sacrifice: The soldier laid dow his ite tor the country.
(fix, establisih): New rules have been laid down to deal with tax evaders.
Lay off : (dismiss): The factory had to lay of some workers.
Lay out : (arrange) : Lay out the table for dinner.
Lay up with : (confined to bed): She is laid up with malaria.
21. Look
Look after : (take care of): She looks after her uncle's dog
Look ahead : (plan for the future): One should look ahead for success.
Look around : (search): Im just loking around for a pencil.
Look at : (to direct one's gaze seriously or with concentration): The teacher took a look at what Anil was doing.
Look down : (hate): One should not look down upon the poor.
Look for : (search): He is looking for a job.
Look forward to : (expect wth pleasure):1 am looking forward to the visit of my sister
Look in : (make brief visit): She looked in to see her old aunt
Look into : (make investigation): The army is looking into this case
Look on : (regard as I look on him as an authority on Shakespeare
Look over : (examine The Finance Minister looked over the papers betore pia the budget in the Parliament
Look through : (go through: She quickly looked through the newspapers.

Look to : (expect from) He looks to his father for guidance.

Look up : (improve): Share prices are looking up these days.
(search): I am looking up the word in the dictionary.
Make away with : (steal): The servant made away with ten thousand rupees.
Make for : (rush to): We made for home when it rained.
Make off : (hurry away): The car made off after the shooting.
Make out : (understand): I can't make out anything in his letter
(claim): He makes himself out cleverer than he is.
(argue): The lawyer made out the case of Mr Verma successfully
(construct or make from): He made a beautiful idol out of wood
Make over : (transform): He made over his old office.
(transfer): He made over all his property to the family.
Make up : (fabricate): The boy made up a story for his absence.
(apply cosmetics): She makes herselt up when she goes for a party.
(compensate for): The losses of the riot victims have not been made up by the government.
(take decision): She made up her mind to go abroad.
23. Pass
Pass away : (die): His uncle passed away at Roorkee.
Pass by : (go by the side of):I waved to her as I passed by her.
Pass for : (be accepted as): She passes for a model in the city.
Pass off : (represent falsely): He passes himself off as a scholar.
(take place): The Bandh passed of peacefully
Pass on : (give): Mr Gupta passed his property on to the Sri Aurobindo Trust.
Pass 0ut : (distribute): The report was passed out to all those who were present.
Pass through : (undergo): Tony is passing through a difficult phase in his life.
24. Pull
Pull down : (demolish): The old house was pulled down by the new owner.
Pull in : (arrive): When will the Shatabdi Express pull in?
Pull off : (succeed in a plan): Reena pulled off a business deal.
Pull out : (leave): I pulled out of the partnership in the business.
Pull through : (recover): She has pulled through her illness.
Pull together : (cooperate): All have to pull together for a good cause.
Pull up : (reprimand): He was pulled up by his commanding officer.
25. Put
Put across : (convey) : Being trained abroad, he puts his ideas across convincingly.
Put aside : (leave): Put aside the unrealistic plans.
(save): Mr Bose has put aside R2 lakh for his daughter's education.
Put away : (give up): He put away his dreams of wealth.
Put down : (suppress): The army put down the rebellion.
(write): Please put down your address on this paper.
Put off : (postpone): The judge put off the hearing of the case.
(extinguish): The lights were put of by the servant.
Put on : (wear): She put on a pretty dress for the party.
(add to): She is putfing on weight.

Put out : (extinguish): The lights were put out.

(offend): The lady is put out as she was not invited to the party.
Put up : (erect): He put up a stall at the fete.
(lodge): I put up at my aunt's house for the night.
Put up with : (tolerate): I can no longer put up with his temper.
(stay): She is puting up with a friend.
26. Run
Run across : (happen to meet): She ran across her friend in a busy street.
Run after : (chase, follow): The policeman ran after the thief.
Run along : (go away): Now boys, run along.
Run down : (say unkind words): We should not run down anyone.
(tired): I feel run down today as I didn't have sound sleep.
(stop): The watch has run down.
(hit): A boy was run down by a car.
Run for : (contest election): Giani Zail Singh ran for Presidentship in 1983.
Run into : (meet by chance): She ran into an old friend in the town.
(collide with): The train ran into a private bus.
Run out of : (exhaust the supply of): We have run out of sugar.
Run over : (hit with): The man was run over by a truck.
Run through : (examine quickly): I ran through the case before going to the court.
(spend recklessly): He ran through his father's savings.
Run to : (reach an amount): The bill ran to a thousand rupees.
27. Set
Set apart : (reserve): Some seats are set apart for the handicapped.
Set aside : (nullify): The Supreme Court has set aside the decree of the lower court.
(keep): I have set aside20,000 for my sister's marriage.
Set about : (begin): We immediately set about fixing the roof.
Set back : (check progress): The fire in the plant set production back for a year.
Set forth : (begin a journey): He set forth for Mumbai on Sunday
Set in : (begin): T'he spring sets in the flower-bloom.
Set on : (determined): She is set on starting a business.
Set off : (start): Her remark set off a controversy.
Set out : (start): When do you set out for the tour of Burope?
Set up : (establish): He set up a new software company

28. Take
Take aback : (surprised): I was taken aback when I heard of his accidernt.
Take after : (resemble) : Veena has taken after her mother.
(follow the example of): Many people took after Mahatma Gandhi's ideals of truth and non-violence.
Take back : (withdraw): He did not take back his comments.
Take down : (write): The Principal asked his Secretary to take down his speech.
Take for : (mistake for): Excuse me, I took you for your younger brother.
Take in : (comprehend): It is difficult to take in Auden's poems.
Take off : (remove): He took off his shoes before entering the temple
(leave the ground): The aeroplane took off at 10.30 a.m.
Take out : (delete, remove): Take that word out of the sentence.
(have insurance): He took out a policy on his life.
Take over : (acquire control): The governmernt took over the sick mill.
Take to : (addicted to): She has taken to drugs.
Take up : (pursue): He took up the problem with his father.
(consider): The question was taken up in the meeting.
29. Turn
Turn against : (become hostile): Neha turned against her friend.
Turn away : (not allow to enter): The conductor turned auway the commuters as the bus was full.
Turn down : (reduce the volume): Turn the transistor down a little.
(reject): His request was furned down by the teacher.
Turn out : (prove): She turned out to be more intelligent than her brother.
(expel): He was turned out of the school for cheating
Turn over : (give or pass on): turnea over the business to my brother.
Turn up : (come, be found): The missin8 boy turned up in the evening.

30. Work
Work off : (get rid of: She must work off her extra weight by dieting
Work out : (solve): Please work out this problem as early as you can.
(devise): I worked out a plan to apply for a loan.
(prove satisfactory): Nothing works out in a poor man's life.
Work up : (prepare): I have to work up a programme for the conference.
(agitated): He was worked up over his wife's bills.


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