Session 5 - HRM and Responsible Business Performance

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Aditi Dey Sarkar

A consulting firm found that “nearly 65% of all openings are filled through internal
movement and referrals” and that referrals make up 27% of all external hires.
Thus, recruitment efforts by human resources through its own company website and
public advertisements seem to account for only a small portion of successful new
Clearly, ethics becomes central to the decisions of professionals when they follow
nondiscrimination policies and create equity in hiring.
Responsible practices ensure zero discrimination on any basis and should be
incorporated into the recruiting and screening process in all organizations.
A responsible approach to recruitment demands that HRM seek out potential
candidates through developing a broader range of recruitment channels and
retaining some flexibility about educational and experience preconditions.
Collaboration with local government employment offices or specialist organizations
that assist minority groups may help to discover a wider range of candidates.
Recruitment agencies must be fully briefed and trained in the organization’s CSR
requirements, and instructed to proactively seek diverse candidates, and not just
accept the applications that arrive through traditional channels, which may be limited
to a small group representing the dominant population sectors.

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