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Beirut Arab University

Faculty of Engineering
Contract Sheet (Industrial Engineering &Management)
ID#: Telephone #:

Student's Name: Mr.

Family Name First Name Father's Name
Basis of Admission:
Admission Condition: (English Entrance Exam:40-49 Must Take INTE 101,102 : 50-59 Must Take INTE 102)
Date of Admin: Class:
Min Credits for Graduation: 164

General University Requirements (16 Cr)

Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade
ENGL 001 English Language 2
ARAB 001 Arabic Language 2
LAWS 001 Human Rights 1

Faculty Core Courses (51 Cr) Major Core Courses (70 Cr)
Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade
CHEM 101 Chemistry 2 1 IEME 323 Production & Operation Management I 2 5
CMPE 111 Introductory Computer Programming 3 1 IEME 331 Industrial Measurements and Inspection I 2 5
EMAP 111 Algebra and Analytical Geometry 3 1 IEME 341 Industrial Manufacturing Processes 3 5
EMAP 121 Mechanics I (Statics) 3 1 IEME 363 Machine Design 3 5
EMAP 131 Physics I 3 1 IEME 365 Facility Planning and Design 3 5
EMAP 141 Engineering Drawing and Projection I 3 1 EMAP 314 Numerical Analysis and Techniques 3 6
EMAP 112 Calculus 3 2 IEME 316 Economic Analysis and Decision Making 2 6
EMAP 122 Mechanics II (Particle Dynamics) 3 2 IEME 324 Production and Operation Management II 2 6
EMAP 132 Physics II 3 2 IEME 342 Statistical Process Control 3 6
EMAP 142 Engineering Drawing and Projection II 3 2 IEME 425 Scheduling and Project Management 2 7
IEME 112 Production Engineering 2 2 IEME 433 Industrial Measurements and Inspection II 2 7
CIVE 211 Structural Mechanics in Civil Engineering 3 3 IEME 443 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing 3 7
CMPE 211 Introduction to Information Technology 3 3 IEME 461 System Modeling and Simulation I 3 7
ELEE 211 Fundamentals of Electric & Electronic Eng. 3 3 IEME 473 Environmental Systems and Engineering Safety 3 7
EMAP 211 Differential Equations 3 3 IEME 432 Design of Experiments 3 8
IEME 221 Introduction To Industrial Eng& Management 3 3 IEME 446 Maintenance Planning and Techniques 3 8
MECE 201 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 3 3 IEME 472 Human Factor Engineering 2 8
EMAP 152 (Elective) 3-D Drawing and Modelling Software 2 2 IEME 501 Senior Project I 3 9
EMAP 162(Elective) Applied Engineering Software 2 2 IEME 527 Computer-based Management Systems 3 9
EMAP 172 (Elective) Introduction to Global Positioning Systems 2 2 IEME 537 Operations Research II 3 9
IEME 547 Technology-based Entrepreneurship 3 9
IEME 549 Engineering Logistics and Supply Chain 3 9
IEME 502 Senior Project II 3 10
IEME 526 Quality Engineering Principles and Analysis 3 10
IEME 574 Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2 10
IEME 598 Systems Engineering 3 10

Departmental & Faculty Electives (27Cr)

Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade Course No. Course Title Cr. Sem Grade
- Selected from 200 level EMAP Courses. 3 4
- Selected from 200 level departmental and
12 4
faculty elective courses.
-Selected from 300 level departmental and
3 6
faculty elective courses.
-Selected from 400 level departmental and
6 8
faculty elective courses.
-Selected from 500 level departmental and
3 10
faculty elective courses.

Total : ____ Student's Signature: _______________ Date: _______________

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