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During which geologic period did life venture onto land, including the appearance of psilophytes

and eurypterids?
ANSWER: Silurian Period

Which period is also known as the "age of the fishes" due to the abundance of fish fossils in its
ANSWER: Devonian Period

Transform Plate Boundary also known as _______.

ANSWER: strike slip

What is the part of the Mantle where the Lithosphere is situated?

ANSWER: Asthenosphere

What is the longest belt of circling Volcanoes and other geologic formations and activities
ANSWER: Pacific Ring of Fire

It's a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, usually caused by movements of tectonic plates
beneath the Earth's surface.
ANSWER: B. Earthquake

The scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth.
ANSWER: Seismology

The focus is the point underneath the earth’s surface which signifies the region where the
earthquake’s energy originated from. What is the other name for focus?
ANSWER: Hypocenter

What are the zig-zag lines which represents the changing intensity of the seismic waves of
ANSWER: Seismogram

This is the layer of the Earth that exhibits plastic behavior, contributing to mantle convection.
ANSWER: Asthenosphere

What is the term given to the landform at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean where seafloor
spreading takes place?
ANSWER: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The lithosphere is made up of:
ANSWER: The crust and upper mantle

Which type of tectonic plate boundary is associated with subduction and explosive volcanic
ANSWER: Convergent plate boundaries

What is the name of the geological phenomenon that results in the formation of volcanic island
chains, such as the Hawaiian Islands?
ANSWER: Volcanic hotspots

A type of body wave that travels through Earth’s interior in a push and pull motion is called?

A transverse body that moves slowly.

ANSWER: Shear Wave

Of all the seismic waves, the ___ waves are said to be the most damaging to humans.
ANSWER: Surface Wave

In Polynesia, whose god/goddess did they attribute the volcanic eruption to?
ANSWER: Pele - goddess of volcano

It refers to the entire process of volcanic activity.

ANSWER: Volcanism

Strombolian, Vulcanian, Vesuvian, Pelean/Nuee Ardente, Hawaiian, Phreatic, Plinian are

classified as _________.
ANSWER: Types of Volcanic Eruptions

What is the strongest and most destructive type of eruption? Mayon Volcano is an example
of this.
ANSWER: Plinian

Pelean is also called _____.

ANSWER: Nuee Ardente
Refers to the amount of energy released by an earthquake. (The objective approach to
assessing an earthquake's severity.)
ANSWER: Magnitude

The scale used in assessing an earthquake’s intensity.

ANSWER: Modified Mercalli Scale


QUESTION #1: A type of lava flow in which it flows slowly and appears to have a blocky
and rocky texture.
ANSWER: Pahoehoe

It is a type of volcano in which most of it is symmetrical and steep.

ANSWER: Composite Volcano

Composite volcanoes are also called _______ because of the alternating layers in which
they are made.
ANSWER: Stratovolcanoes

What is an inorganic substance that exists naturally and has a specific crystalline structure and
chemical composition?
Answer: Mineral

What is the study of the characteristics, divisions, and occurrences of minerals?

Answer: Mineralogy

Why is oxygen considered as the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?
Answer: It is because oxygen is a highly reactive element that combines with other elements,
forming oxides.

What is the softest mineral having a Mohr's hardness scale of 1?

Answer: Talc

It is known as the backbone of construction projects. Essential for creating concrete and as a
key ingredient in road construction.
Answer: Sand and Gravel
This kind of pollution occurs when chemical agents (such as cyanide or sulphuric acid used by
mining companies to separate the target mineral from the ore) spill, leak, or leach from the
mine site into nearby water bodies.
Answer: Processing Chemicals Pollution

Hardness: 2.5 on Mohs scale.

Answer: Galena

There are over minerals on Earth, but only are commonly found
and about minerals make up the majority of the rocks on Earth.
Answer: 2000, 100, 30

What property of a mineral determines its relative density when compared to water?
Answer: Specific gravity

Minerals that are used to create sparks and starter fires before matches/lighters were common.
Answer: Pyrite

Substances that contain carbon-hydrogen or carbon-carbon bonds.

Answer: Organic

In 1822, he invented the Mohs scale of hardness in order to identify a particular mineral based
on their resistance to scratch
Answer: Friedrich Mohs

Minerals can only be created by that occur in our universe.

Answer: Natural Processes

Ability to get attracted to a magnet.

Answer: Magnetism

It is the first criterion for a mineral. It describes a substance in which the atoms are
arranged in a regular, repeating, orderly pattern.
Answer: Crystallinity

The substances that form overtime through geological processes are natural substances.
Answer: FALSE - Inorganic

Cleavage is the property of some minerals to break along parallel repetitive planes of
weakness to form smooth, flat surfaces.
Answer: TRUE

Heime is a Greek word that means blood.

Answer: FALSE - Haima

The gradual process that occurs when the impact of water or wind detaches and removes soil
particles, causing the soil to deteriorate is called deforestation.
Answer: FALSE - Soil Erosion

The picture below is a mineral called graphite.

Answer: TRUE

Copper is employed in electrical wiring and plumbing systems. The Statue of Liberty stands
tall with its known exterior.
Answer: TRUE

Color is a physical property of a mineral that identifies its color in powdered form.
Answer: FALSE - Streak

Give atleast 2 electrolyte minerals.

Answers: Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and or Chlorine

Steel is made up of what elements and or minerals.

Answers: Iron and Carbon

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