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Sports And Nutrition

Table of Contents
 Sports And Nutrition
 Concept of Balance Diet And Nutrition
 Macro And Micro Nutrient:
 Food Sources And Functions
 Nutritive And Non Nutritive Components of Diet
 Nutritive Components of Diet
 Non-Nutritive Components of Diet
 Eating for weight control
 Importance of Diet in Sports-Pre, During and Post competition
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Multiple Choice Questions
 Short And Long Answer Type Questions
 Case-based/Source-based Integrated Questions
Sports and nutrition both are interrelated. Without proper nutrition sportsman
will not be able to perform well, no matter how skillful an Athlete he is.

Every physical activity needs energy to perform, and without proper nutrition,
our body is unable to release sufficient energy.

Nutrition plays a very vital role in our growth and development. It is required
to maintain good health.

Nutrition is the science of food in which consumed food is digested, nutrients

are absorbed and distributed to the tissue for utilisation.

Concept of Balance Diet And Nutrition

Nutrients are the chemical compounds in foods which are most essential for
our life and health. It provides us with energy for work, It is the building blocks
for repair and growth.

There are five major nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins,

Minerals. Nutrients are divided into two categories Macro and Micro Nutrients.
Balance Diet

A balanced diet in nutrition is a diet which contains all nutrients (macro and
micro) in a correct proportion for efficient working of the body.

In other words, it is the intake of the appropriate type and adequate amount
of food, to supply energy and to support growth and development of an

Functions of Balance Diet

It provides sufficient energy It helps in optimum growth and development
It improves the proper functioning of organs
It helps to recover fast. The immune system becomes strong
It improves health status
It also improves metabolism
It prevents a deficiency disease
Helps in maintaining body weight
The overall efficiency of the body improves

Factors affecting diet

 Age
 Gender
 Workout or Profession
 Bodyweight
 Specific sports diet
 Sufficient roughage
 Pregnant or feeding mother
 Diet during a health problem
 Seasonal food
 Climatic conditions
 Natural diet
 Doctor’s recommendation
 Eating habits and social customs
Nutritive Components of Diet

Macro And Micro Nutrient:

Food Sources And Functions
The nutrients that your body needs to promote growth and development and
regulate bodily processes are divided into two groups: Macronutrients and

Macronutrients are the nutrients your body needs in larger amounts, viz.
carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These nutrients provide your body energy or

Micronutrients are the nutrients your body needs in smaller amounts, which
are commonly referred to as vitamins and minerals.


Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrition. It supplies energy for all types
of physical and mental activities. It is the major fuel for muscular contraction

It provides instant energy, but this energy does not store for a long.
Carbohydrates are also termed as energy-yielding food.

Carbohydrates are the compound of Carbon(C), Hydrogen(H), Oxygen(O). One

gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories of energy.

That means, if we consume 400 gram during a day, we get 1600 calories from
only carbohydrates. So we have to be very calculative while taking it.

It should be taken as per our physical activities. Extra carbs which don’t burn
will convert into Fats

Types of Carbohydrates

Simple Carbohydrates:

This kind of carb in nutrition provides immediate energy. There are various
kinds of sugar present in this, like Glucose, fructose, lactose, and galactose.
These carbs are soluble in water.

Sources: Fruits, low-fat milk, table sugar, honey, jam, vegetables like potatoes,
candy, etc.
Complex Carbohydrates: Complex carb is starch which contains various types
of sugar molecules to form glycogen. This glycogen releases slow energy as
compared with simple carbs. They are not soluble in water.

Sources: Bread, cereals, vegetables, whole pulses.


Protein is the basic structure of all living cells. They are complex organic
compounds which form chains of amino acids which contain Carbon,
Hydrogen and Nitrogen. It is also called bodybuilding food.

A correct quantity of proteins is needed every day for growth and

development. It helps to repair worn-out tissues. It is the main component of
muscles, organs, and fluids like enzymes, hormones and blood.

One gram of protein provides 4 Kcal. Thus, if you take 50 gram of protein, you
are getting 50×4= 200 calories.

Daily protein requirements depend upon individual activities. One kilogram of

body weight needs one gram of protein.

Thus, if your body weight is 70 kg you need 70 gram of protein every day, and
if your workout is heavy, you need even more protein than normal.

(CAUTION: High Intake of protein creates an overload on Kidney and liver.

Also, it leads to dehydration.)

Protein deficiency diseases are MARASMUS and KWASHIORKOR.

Types of protein

There are two types of protein:

Essential protein:There are 9 essential amino acids which we have to take

from external food sources because they are not produced in our body.

The sources of essential proteins are pulses, milk, dairy products, soybeans,
egg, meat, etc. They are required for the growth of tissues
Non essential proteins:

There are more than 13 non-essential proteins, the body requires them in less
quantity. It helps in the synthesis of essential protein.

The sources of non-essential proteins are grain, dry fruits, vegetables.


Fat contains Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. It is one of the important sources
of nutrition. Fats are energy yielding food which stores inside our body and
are used as an emergency source of energy. It converts into fatty acid.

Fat acts as a source of energy during long-duration work. Fats are important
for the proper functioning of glands and other important organs. It also keeps
us warm.

One gram of fat provides 9 kcal. Thus, if you take 50 gram of protein, you are
getting 50×9= 450 calories.

Types of Fatty acids

There are two types of fatty acid present in food

Saturated fatty acid

They contain chains of Carbon atoms. Intake of saturated fat increases the
chances of heart disease due to an increase in high cholesterol in the blood. It
provides high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Sources: Animal fat, full cream milk, cream, butter, coconut oil, palm oil, ghee
and all fast foods.

Unsaturated Fatty Acid It provides low-density lipoprotein(LDL) which is

good for our body. It helps in lowering blood cholesterol.

It is further divided into two categories

 Polyunsaturated Fatty acid

 Monounsaturated Fatty acid
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are fatty acids that contain more than
one double bond in their backbone.

Food Sources:

For Omega-3 PUFA foods

 Fish oil from fatty fish like herring, trout, sardines, salmon, and mackerel.
 Seafood like scallops and mussels.
 Nuts like walnuts.
 Seeds like flax, chia, and sunflower seeds, Tofu.
 Plant-based oils like canola and olive oil.
 Eggs.
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are fat molecules with one
unsaturated double carbon bond. These fats are usually liquid when at room
temperature and turn solid when chilled.

Food sources:

 Olive, peanut, and canola oils

 Avocados
 Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans
 Seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds

Vitamins are complex compounds of Carbon. It is micronutrients. Vitamins are

very essential for the normal functioning of our body. Absence of any kind of
vitamin causes certain deficiency disease.

Vitamins are divided into two groups.

Fat Soluble Vitamin – These are Vitamins mins A, D, E and K. These vitamins
are soluble in fat.

Water-Soluble Vitamin These Vitamins are soluble in water. These Vitamins

are vitamin B and C
Fat Soluble Vitamin

Vitamins Helps Deficiency Sourses

Milk, butter,
Vitamin A Eyes and skin Night blindness
egg, carrot, tomatoes

Vitamin D Strong bones and teeth Rickets Milk, Butter, vegetables, sunlight.

Vitamin E Protect cell membrane Anaemia Milk, Butter, meat

Vitamin K Blood clotting and heal wounds Anaemia Cabbage, soyabean, fish, wheat, egg, m

Water Soluble Vitamin

Vitamins Helps Deficiency Sourses

Healing wounds, maintain Lemon, orange, Amla,

Vitamin C Scurvy
ligaments, tendons tomatoes


Vitamin B1 Metabolism of Carbohydrates. Black beans, lentils,

(Thiamine) Maintains liver, Kidney Asparagus

Vitamin B2 Cereal, bread, egg,

Growth of Red Blood Cells(RBC) Retarded growth
(Riboflavin) vegetables

Vitamin B3 Lower cholesterol, ease arthritis and Pellagra (lost skin Meat, poultry, red fish,
(Niacin) boost brain function sensitivity) cereals

Vitamin B5 Insomnia, Cereals, mushrooms, nuts,

Making blood cells
(Pantothenic) Depression milk
Vitamins Helps Deficiency Sourses

Vitamin B6 Lips corner crack, Fish, peanut, soyabean,

Form haemoglobin
(Pyridoxine) Depression Oats

Vitamin B7 Metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and Hair loss, red rash in Bread, cauliflower,
(Biotin) protein the face mushrooms

Vitamin B9 Reproduction, growth and Beans, peanut, sunflower

(Folic Acid) development seed, seafood

Vitamin B12 Reduction in blood

Metabolism, energy transfer Meat, fish, milk, cheese
(Cobalamin) cells


Minerals are required for healthy teeth, bone and muscles. It helps the
transmission of nerve impulses, the formation of hormones, maintenance of
Heartbeat etc.

Mineral are classified into two groups macro and micro Minerals

Macro Minerals

Minerals Helps In Deficiency Sourses

Growth and development of Cheese, milk, yoghurt,

Calcium Rickets
bones and teeth cereals, vegetables

Fatigue, muscle cramps and

Potassium Make nervous system strong Banana, tomatoes, peanut
abnormal heart rhythms.

Sodium Muscular activities and Nausea, headache and fatigue Table salt, pickles, Butter
Minerals Helps In Deficiency Sourses

transmission of nerve impulses

Fatigue, muscle cramps, mental Meat, brown rice, whole

Magnesium Repairs and maintain body cells
problems grain

Phosphorus Formation of bones and teeth Rickets, osteoporosis Fish, milk, cod liver, egg

Micro Minerals

Minerals Helps In Deficiency Sourses

Production of hormones in the thyroid Goitre (Swollen Thyroid

Iodine Iodised salt, sea food
gland. Gland)

Liver, meat, banana,

Iron Production of haemoglobin Anaemia

soyabean, carrots, Bajra,

Chromium Stimulates insulin activities Diabetes

Nutritive And Non Nutritive

Components of Diet
Nutritive Components of Diet
Nutritive components are essential for overall health and well-being. Eating a
variety of foods in appropriate portions can help ensure you’re getting the
nutrients your body needs to thrive.

 Main source of energy for the body.

 Found in foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
 Simple carbs (sugars) and complex carbs (starches) provide different
energy levels.

 Essential for growth, tissue repair, and immune function.

 Found in meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and dairy products.
 Composed of amino acids, some of which the body can’t produce on its

 Also a source of energy and vital for absorbing certain vitamins.

 Unsaturated fats (healthy fats) found in nuts, seeds, and oils are good
for heart health.
 Saturated fats (unhealthy fats) are present in animal products and
should be consumed in moderation.

 Play crucial roles in various bodily functions.

 Examples include vitamin C (found in citrus fruits) and vitamin D (from
sunlight and some foods).

 Important for bone health, nerve function, and enzyme activity.

 Examples include calcium (dairy), iron (red meat), and potassium

 A type of carbohydrate that aids in digestion and maintains bowel

 Found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

 Essential for hydration and proper bodily functions.

 Drink plenty of water daily to stay adequately hydrated.
 Help protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress.
 Found in colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, spinach, and carrots.

 Natural compounds found in plants that promote health.

 Include flavonoids, carotenoids, and polyphenols.
Non-Nutritive Components of Diet
Components which do not provide energy


Our body consist of 70℅ of water in total body weight. An n adult needs 2 – 3
litres of water daily for a normal life.

Water in the blood helps in the transportation of nutrients to various cells of

the body.

Importance of water

1. Excretion of waste products.

2. Regulates body temperature.
3. Transportation of nutrients
4. Maintains body fluids
5. Eliminates body toxin
6. Lubrication of joints
7. Improves skin quality
8. Kidney function improves
9. Boost physical performance
10.Improve digestion

It is known as fibre, which is a very important part of nutrition. It is the

indigestible portion of food.

Fibre comes from the part of plant-based foods. It helps in digestion, prevent
constipation, and helps to manage cholesterol levels.
Some other sources: Artificial Sweeteners, colour compounds, flavour

Eating for weight control

A stable weight based on a balance between the energy which you get from
food and the energy you use. We must provide good nutrition for our body to
maintain a healthy weight.

If calorie consumption is more than calorie burn, than our body stores extra
calories, and converts them into fat. When a person burns up more calories
than they consume, they lose weight.

We use energy during a day in three ways

 Energy expended during rest (Basal Metabolism)

 Energy used to break down food (Thermogenesis)
 Energy used during activities
Healthy weight

Healthy weight leads a healthy life with a reduced risk of diseases. It means
that an individual who has a healthy weight, he can lead a healthy life.

Healthy weight lowers an individual’s risk of various health problems, such as

heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

A healthy weight can be calculated by Body Mass compound. BMI can be

calculated by…

BMI= Weight (Kg) / Height in m²

Catogory Men Women

Under weight Below 20 Below 18

Healthy weight 20 – 25 19 – 24
Catogory Men Women

Over weight 26 – 29 25 – 29

Obese 30 above 30 above

Methods to control healthy body weight

 Take a balanced diet

 Drinks lots of water
 Eat a lot of fibrous food
 Regular Medical Checkup
 Avoid Fatty foods
 Do regular physical Activity
 Avoid drinking alcohol
 Avoid junk food
 Eat meals in small shifts
 Do not do crash dieting
 Never try slimming pills
 Avoid overeating
Pitfall Of Dieting

An individual who is overweight wants to reduce weight by any means and

methods, without realising it’s side effects.

They starve to reduce weight. Many times they skip meals to lose weight,
sometimes take slimming pills. This causes serious health problems.

Major Pitfalls of Dieting

 Extreme Reduction of Calories sometimes takes less than 1000 calories a

 Restriction on some nutrients like Carbohydrates, fat
 Often skipping meals
 Intake only liquid food
 Intake of only labelled and processed foods.
 Consume low energy diet
Food Intolerance

Food Intolerance is when a person has difficulty in digesting a particular food.

Food cannot be properly digested by the digestive system.

The main cause of food intolerance in any human being is the complete
absence of enzymes, which is responsible for breaking down or absorbing the
food elements.

Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting, Pain in joints, headache and rashes on the skin,
Diarrhoea, sweating, palpitations, burning sensations on the skin stomach.

Food Myths

Myth– Eggs increases cholesterol level

Fact: Eggs are one of the best sources of energy. Egg provides various
nutrients, so taking at least one egg daily is advisable.

Myth: Food which has very low fat or no fat is good.

Fact: Our body needs fats for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamin
A.D, E,.K.

Myth: Crash Dieting or Fasting lose weight.

Fact: It may give fast results but has a lot of side effects.

Myth: Food eaten late-night is more fattening.

Fact: It doesn’t make much change.

Myth: Low-fat milk has less calcium than full-fat milk.

Fact: Skimmed and semi-skimmed have more calcium

Myth: Vegetarians cannot build muscles.

Fact: Vegetarians can build muscles by eating veg food rich in proteins, like
pulses, nuts, milk

Myth: Healthy food is very expensive.

Fact: All tinned, stored, packed food is expensive. Whereas local & seasonal
foods are not so expensive.

Importance of Diet in Sports-Pre,

During and Post competition
Diet plays a pivotal role in an athlete’s performance and overall well-being.

Proper nutrition is essential during all stages of sports, including preparation,

competition, and recovery.

Pre-Competition Diet:

 Before the event, athletes should focus on consuming nutrient-rich

foods to optimize energy levels and endurance.
 Carbohydrates should be the mainstay, providing a steady source of fuel
for muscles.
 Lean proteins aid in muscle repair and recovery while also supporting
immune function.
 Adequate hydration is crucial; athletes should aim to maintain optimal
fluid levels.
During-Competition Diet:

 Staying hydrated is paramount during sports activities to prevent

performance decline.
 Easily digestible carbohydrates, like sports drinks and energy gels, help
maintain energy levels.
 Some athletes may benefit from consuming small, easily digestible
snacks during prolonged events.
Post-Competition Diet:

 After the competition, recovery is a top priority to replenish depleted

nutrients and repair muscles.
 Consuming a combination of carbohydrates and proteins within the first
30 minutes is vital for muscle glycogen restoration and repair.
 Antioxidant-rich foods aid in reducing inflammation and supporting the
immune system.
 Hydration continues to be essential, as athletes lose significant amounts
of fluid during intense activities.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A balanced diet is a complete diet when it contains an adequate amount
a. Complex Carbohydrates

b. Nutrients

c. Animal fat

d. water

2. Vitamin D makes ________ strong.

a. Bones

b. Muscles

c. Lungs

d. Heart

3. Which of the following is not a part of balanced diet?

a. Probiotics

b. Proteins
c. Vitamins

d. Carbohydrates

4. Maximum Carbohydrates are obtained from:

a. Whole grain food

b. Fish

c. Plant oil

d. Nuts

5. If BMI of a person is 28. It is considered as:

a. Overweight

b. Underweight

c. Normal

d. Obese

6. The body needs vitamins and minerals because:

a. They give energy to our body

b. They help carry out metabolic reactions

c. They insulate the body organs

d. They withdraw heat from the body

7. ________ Vitamin keeps eyes and skin healthy.

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin K

d. Vitamin B

8. Almost ________ part of our body is made up of water.

a. Two-third

b. One-third

c. One fourth

d. Three-forth

9. Nutrients are ________ substances present in food.

a. Essential

b. Irrelevant

c. Harmful

d. Rich

10. Which if the following food item contains carbohydrates and fats?

a. Bread and butter

b. Rice and Pulses

c. Potato and Tomato

d. Tomato and Almond

11. Sources of Proteins include:

a. Fish

b. Spinach
c. Potato

d. Cucumber

Short And Long Answer Type Questions

1. What do you understand about food myths? (2020)

Ans. Food myths are common ideas about food that are not correct. For
example, people think potatoes cause weight gain while the truth is that how
we cook them determines if they lead to weight gain or not.

Similarly, the belief that yellow of an egg is harmful is not correct as is the
myth that full-fat milk is to be avoided or eating fruits at night is bad for

2. What are the pitfalls of dieting? (2020)

Ans. Pitfalls of dieting point to the fact that too rigid diet controls are bad. We
need adequate nutrients and calories to function well. When we cut back too
much, we lose muscle mass but retain fat which leads to unhealthy body

Essential nutrients are in deficit. Dieters tend to give up exercise and also may
gain unnecessary calories from drinks as they believe that giving up solid food
equals dieting.

3. Define a Balanced Diet. Explain any four Micronutrients. (2020) Ans.

Balanced diet is one which contains macronutrients and micronutrients in
the right quantities.

While there are many micronutrients, the important ones in our diet include
Vitamins and Minerals. Thus, among the fat-soluble Vitamins, Vitamin D aids
calcium absorption and helps maintain bone and muscle health.

Exposure of skin to sunlight helps form this Vitamin. Another important

micronutrient is Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps in the formation
of connective tissues in skin and bones.
Found in citrus fruits and many vegetables, it is important to prevent fatigue
and diseases such as scurvy. Calcium is another important mineral responsible
for bone and teeth health and is found in dairy products while iron is
important for blood formation.

4. Write briefly about “Micronutrients”. (2019)

Ans. Micronutrients are nutrients that we need in very small quantities but on
a daily basis. They serve very important functions. All the chemical reactions
inside our body are aided by micronutrients which are mostly vitamins and

5. Why is roughage considered a necessary part of a diet? (2019, 2019 C)

Ans. Roughage is important and is known as fiber. Soluble fiber helps lower
cholesterol and blood glucose. Insoluble fiber makes waste heavier and softer
so that it can pass through the intestines more easily.

6. Suggest two reasons why our body requires food supplements. (2019)

Ans. Many foods currently do not have the nutrients we need, so people don’t
get enough from their daily diet. Also, people may not eat enough variety of
food, so they lack certain nutrients because of poor food choices.

7. Discuss about meal intake guidelines for pre, during and post-sports
event. (2019)

Ans. Before competition, a sportsperson should focus on consuming a

balanced meal containing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—about 1-2 hours
before the competition.

They should drink lots of fluids, especially water, before competition to keep
the body hydrated. During competition, a sport drink containing 30 grams of
carbohydrate and 15 grams of protein (in 500 ml water) per hour of exercise is
strongly recommended. After competition, post-workout nutrition requires
two things: protein to aid protein synthesis, carbohydrate to replace muscle

8. Explain macronutrients and their role in our diet. (2019, Al 2016)

Ans. Macronutrients are the nutrients that we need in bulk, by the grams.
These nutrients are proteins, fats and carbohydrates and need to be consumed
daily in the right proportion.

Proteins are the building blocks of our body. They are vital for the growth and
development of the human body. Proteins are needed to build muscles, grow
nails and hair and protect skin and tissues of our internal organs.

Most hormones are of protein origin. We need to take 30 percent of our

calorie needs from protein. Protein shortage causes various diseases that can
deteriorate the quality of life and even cripple some.

Carbohydrates are the energy sources in our food. Our diet should derive 40
percent calories from this source. Carbohydrates are divided into simple and
complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly by the body to be used as

energy. They are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk and milk

Complex carbohydrates are the “good carbs”. Examples of complex carbs are
whole grains, starchy vegetables and beans.

Fat in food is essential so that we can absorb the fat-soluble nutrients. Fat acts
as a protection to the organs, many of which have support only from the
surrounding fat.

Also, fat under the skin helps regulate body temperature and store and
produce many hormones such as leptin. Current science suggests that in our
food, 30 percent of the calories should come from fat.

9. Discuss the requirement of food supplements in children’s diet.


Ans. In some children, supplementation may be important. Vitamin and

mineral supplements are required if the diet is strictly vegetarian.

Critical vitamins and minerals which can be deficient in a vegan diet include
vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, vitamin A, calcium, zinc, and riboflavin.
Inadequate vitamin D intake and decreased exposure to sunlight causes
rickets, so supplements will be important. Children who have celiac disease are
at a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies and may need supplements.

Additionally, children who have a poor appetite, drink a lot of sugar-

sweetened beverages, take certain medications or have chronic medical
conditions that interfere with intake may need a supplement.

10. What do you mean by food intolerance? (2018, Al 2017, 2016)

Ans. Food intolerance, also called food sensitivity, occurs when a person has
difficulty digesting a particular food.

11. Fats are derived from two sources. Name them. (2017)

Ans. Fats are derived both from animal and vegetable sources. Plant-based
diets include foods that contain fats such as nuts and seeds and oils from
grains and seeds. On the other hand, animal sources of fats are butter, whole
milk, products made with whole milk, meats and eggs.

12. What are the Nutritive and Non-Nutritive Components of diet?

Explain. (Al 2017)

Ans. Nutritive components of food are the constituents that supply calories
and energy. The nutritive components are Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins.
Other components of diet are also required which are called Non-Nutritive
Components and include Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Fibre.

13. What are the symptoms of food intolerance? (2017)

Ans. The symptoms of food intolerance include intestinal gas, abdominal pain
or diarrhea.

14. Enlist two sources of iron and calcium. (2015)

Ans. Iron-rich foods are green leafy vegetables and meat while calcium-rich
foods are milk and cabbage.

15. Explain any five essential elements of diet. (2015)

Ans. Five essential elements of a diet are protein which builds up the muscles,
carbohydrates that give us energy and fats that store energy as well as help
absorb vitamins. Water helps circulate nutrition throughout the body and
fibres help clean the intestines,

16. Vitamins are very essential for the working of the body and are
divided into two groups. Explain them. (2015)

Ans. Vitamins are divided into water-soluble vitamins that are absorbed in the
water that we drink and fat soluble vitamins that need fats in foods to get

Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E & K while the rest, especially B

complex, and vitamin C are water soluble vitamins, These are required on a
daily basis in small quantities for the human body to

Important Questions

1. What role do micronutrients play in health and fitness?

2. List the steps needed to control weight.

3. Explain the non-nutritive components of a diet and their role in the human

4. Discuss why protein is among the most important macronutrients, especially

in sports.

5. Discuss in detail food allergy with examples.

6. Differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy with examples.

7. Explain the concept of food myths with a few examples.

Case-based/Source-based Integrated Questions

1. Mr Shah, a renowned cricketer, was the chief guest at the school Annual
Day. He talked about his past and how difficult it was for sportspersons from
relatively impoverished backgrounds, especially in the past when there was
limited knowledge of how nutrition influenced sports performance. He talked
about the need for balanced nutrition with a special role of the

(a) What is a balanced diet?

Ans. A balanced diet, Mr Shah explained, was a diet which had a balanced mix
of protein, fats, carbohydrates and water and micronutrients like vitamins and
minerals in the right proportion.

(b) What macronutrients did Mr Shah mention?

Ans. Mr Shah focused on proteins as being essential as building blocks of

muscles. He explained that good fats were not only a source of energy but
also helped absorb many vital vitamins.

Correct type and quantity of carbohydrates are necessary to fuel the energy
expended in sports while proper hydration by drinking adequate water was
equally important.

(c) What role did he attribute to proper hydration and drinking adequate

Ans. Mr Shah rated water as among the most essential nutrients a

sportsperson needs. Water is not only the most vital in body composition but
also helps transport other nutrients to the cells.

He also explained that water keeps the muscles and other organs supple,
removes body waste and helps digest the food we eat.

2. Most people consider consuming fat in food as unhealthy. Ms Shefali, the

school nutrition counselor delivered a talk on nutrition to the sports team of
the school and explained why good, adequate fat in the diet was desirable.

(a) Why do we need fat in the diet?

Ans. Fats are important as they help in the absorption of the four fat-soluble
vitamins. Ms Shefali explained that fats in our body help buffer the internal
organs and prevent them from getting hurt.
Fat under the skin helps regulate temperature and produces many hormones.
Also, the essential fats can only be obtained from food, so judicious intake of
fats in the diet is very desirable.

(b) What is the role of fats in vitamin absorption?

Ans. Four vitamins, namely Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K, are
absorbed by the body only if there is adequate fat in the diet. While Vitamin A
helps in normal vision, Vitamin D is good for bones as it helps absorb calcium
and phosphorus.

Vitamin D is also an immunity booster as is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also a

potent antioxidant while Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, bone metabolism
and regulating calcium in the blood.

(c) Why is adequate Vitamin D important for sportspersons?

Ans. Vitamin D is very important for bone health. It regulates parathormone

function, boosts immunity and decreases fatigue. Rapid healing of injuries is
an advantage Vitamin D offers to sportspersons,

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