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Physical Education & Sports For CWSN | Class 12 Chapter 4 Notes 2023

Table of Contents

 Sports For CWSN

 Organizations Promoting Disability Sports
 Special Olympics:
 Paralympics
 Deaflympics
 Concept of Classification and Divisioning in Sports
 Concept of Inclusion in Sports, its Need and Implementations
 Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs
 Strategies To Make Physical Activities Accessible For Children With
Special Needs
Sports for cwsn and normal children, both are equally important. More or
less every child needs to participate in sports and games for proper growth
and development.

Special needs children are generally not encouraged to take part in sports.
Whereas participating in sports can help boost their self-confidence and
relationship-building. It can also improve their fitness levels and skill.

Many children with disabilities do not have equal access to Health Care,
Education, and employment opportunities.

Nowadays sports for disabled children are organized officially. Physical

education and sports provide ample opportunity to disabled children to lead
a fruitful and energetic life.

These organizations provide opportunities for athletes with disabilities to

participate in sports and compete at the highest levels. They also work to
raise awareness of disability sports and promote inclusion and diversity in
Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a global organization that promotes sports and athletic
competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The
organization was founded in 1968 and now operates in more than 190
countries. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and
competition in a variety of sports, including track and field, swimming,
basketball, soccer, and gymnastics, among others.
In addition to providing sports opportunities for athletes with intellectual
disabilities, Special Olympics also aims to raise awareness and promote
inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities. The organization
works with schools, communities, and governments to promote health,
education, and social inclusion for people with disabilities.
Special Olympics also hosts global events, including the Special Olympics
World Games, which bring together athletes from around the world to
compete in a variety of sports. These events help to showcase the abilities
and talents of athletes with intellectual disabilities and promote a more
inclusive and accepting society.
 The Paralympic Games is a global multi-sport event designed for athletes
with physical, intellectual, and visual impairments.
 The event features a variety of sports, including athletics, swimming,
cycling, wheelchair basketball, and more.
 Athletes are categorized based on their level of impairment to ensure fair
 The primary goal of the Paralympic Games is to promote social inclusion
and break down stereotypes and stigma surrounding disability.
 The event encourages individuals with disabilities to participate in sports
and pursue physical activity, regardless of their level of impairment.
 Through the Paralympic Games, athletes with disabilities have the
opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities, and to inspire others to
do the same.
 The Paralympic Games have helped to shift attitudes towards people with
disabilities and promote a more inclusive society.
 The event has challenged stereotypes and shattered misconceptions about
what individuals with disabilities can achieve.
 The Paralympic Games have raised awareness and increased opportunities
for individuals with disabilities to participate in sports and physical activity.
 The event helps to promote better health and overall wellbeing for
individuals with disabilities.

DeaflympicsDeaflympics is a multi-sport event that is specifically designed

for athletes who are deaf or hard of hearing. The event features a variety of
sports, including athletics, swimming, basketball, football, and more. The
first Deaflympics was held in 1924 in Paris, France, and since then, the
event has grown to become a global event, attracting athletes from all
around the world.

The primary goal of the Deaflympics is to provide a platform for athletes

who are deaf or hard of hearing to showcase their talents and abilities in
sports, and to promote social inclusion and equality for people with hearing
disabilities. Through the event, athletes have the opportunity to compete at
the highest level and to connect with others who share similar experiences.

One of the unique aspects of the Deaflympics is the use of sign language in
communication. Sign language is used during the opening and closing
ceremonies, as well as during the events themselves, allowing for greater
accessibility and inclusion for athletes who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The event also helps to promote better health and overall wellbeing for
individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Participation in sports and
physical activity can help to improve cardiovascular health, increase
strength and flexibility, and boost mental health and wellbeing.

In addition to promoting physical activity and social inclusion, the

Deaflympics have helped to raise awareness and promote a greater
understanding of the needs and abilities of individuals who are deaf or hard
of hearing. The event has challenged stereotypes and misconceptions about
individuals with hearing disabilities, and has helped to create a more
inclusive society for all.
Concept of Classification and Divisioning in Sports

In the world of sports, classification and divisioning play a vital role in

ensuring fair and competitive participation for athletes of all abilities.

Classification refers to the process of grouping athletes based on their

functional abilities, impairments, or characteristics, rather than their skill
level. This ensures that individuals with similar conditions compete against
each other, creating a level playing field.

The goal of classification is to promote inclusivity and fairness, allowing

athletes with disabilities or different abilities to participate and excel in their
respective sports.

Divisioning, on the other hand, involves categorizing athletes into specific

divisions or classes based on their classification. This ensures that
competitions are structured in a way that accommodates various levels of

For example, in Paralympic sports, athletes are classified according to their

impairment, such as physical, visual, or intellectual, and placed into
relevant divisions. This system helps create exciting and engaging
competitions for both athletes and spectators.

Classification and divisioning not only promote fairness but also provide
opportunities for athletes to challenge themselves and showcase their skills
within their respective categories.

The process of classification and division involves experts, medical

professionals, and governing bodies who work together to assess and
categorize athletes based on established criteria.

It is crucial for sports organizations to regularly review and update the

classification systems to ensure they remain accurate and reflective of the
athletes’ abilities.

In conclusion, classification and division are essential elements in sports,

fostering a spirit of inclusivity and creating a platform for athletes to
compete at their best regardless of their abilities.

Concept of Inclusion in Sports, its Need and Implementations

Inclusion in sports refers to the practice of creating an environment where

everyone, regardless of their abilities, gender, race, or background, can
participate and feel welcome.

This concept is essential to ensure that all individuals have equal

opportunities to engage in sports and experience the numerous physical,
emotional, and social benefits that come with it.
The Need for Inclusion in Sports:

Promoting Diversity: Inclusion fosters diversity in sports, allowing

individuals from various backgrounds to come together and celebrate their
differences. This enriches the sporting community and breaks down barriers
between cultures.

Empowering Individuals: Embracing inclusion empowers individuals with

disabilities or those facing socio-economic challenges to participate actively
in sports. It boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to pursue their

Breaking Stereotypes: Inclusion helps challenge stereotypes associated

with certain sports or genders, proving that anyone can excel in any
discipline if given the opportunity and support.

Implementations for Inclusion in Sports:

Accessible Facilities: Providing accessible infrastructure and equipment

ensures that people with disabilities can participate comfortably. This
includes ramps, adaptive sports equipment, and wheelchair-friendly spaces.

Training and Education: Coaches, referees, and volunteers should

undergo training to understand the needs of diverse athletes and create an
inclusive atmosphere. This includes learning about adaptive techniques and
fostering sensitivity.

Inclusive Policies: Sports organizations must adopt inclusive policies that

address discrimination, harassment, and unequal treatment, while actively
promoting diversity in all aspects of the game.

Supportive Programs: Creating outreach programs and scholarships for

underprivileged individuals can make sports more accessible to them and
provide opportunities they might not otherwise have.

Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs.

Physical activities and exercise play an essential role in the development of

children with special needs. Here are some advantages of physical activities
for children with special needs:
Improved motor skills: Physical activities such as running, jumping,
crawling, and climbing can help children with special needs develop their
gross motor skills and improve their balance and coordination.

Better social skills: Participating in physical activities and sports can help
children with special needs develop better social skills, including
communication, teamwork, and cooperation.

Increased self-confidence: Regular physical activity can help children with

special needs develop a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, which can
help them feel more confident in their abilities.

Better overall health: Physical activity can help improve cardiovascular

health, strength, flexibility, and endurance, which can help children with
special needs stay healthy and active.

Improved mood and behavior: Physical activity can help reduce stress and
anxiety, improve mood, and reduce disruptive behavior in children with
special needs.

Enhanced cognitive function: Physical activity can help improve cognitive

function, including attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Better sleep: Regular physical activity can help improve sleep quality and
duration, which is important for children with special needs who may
struggle with sleep.

It is important to note that some children with special needs may have
physical limitations or medical conditions that make certain activities
unsafe or inappropriate. It is essential to consult with a healthcare
professional before starting any new physical activity or exercise program.
Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that physical activities are age-
appropriate, enjoyable, and adapted to the child's needs and abilities.

Strategies to Make Physical Activities Accessible for Children with

Special Need
The various strategies or ways by which physical activities can be made
accessible for children with special needs are as follows
1. Inclusive Classrooms: It means the development of education laws in
such a way that children with special needs get education within the normal
classrooms along with other children so that they are well accepted in
2. Assistive Technology: It refers to creating devices, tools or equipment
that help children with special needs to participate in learning activities like
bigger balls, balls with bells, balls attached to strings to bring it back to the
students etc.
3. Adaptive Physical Education: Depending on a student’s disability, a
separate, adaptive class or modifications within a game, changing the rules
of the game or sport to some extent can help the students in a big way.
4. Creating Specific Environment: Students with special needs can be
provided with specific play area with special requirements as needed by
them. Loud music, glaring lights often cannot be tolerated by these
children, so a lot of natural lighting should be there.
5. Positive Behaviour In physical education classes, teachers should show
positive behaviour and healthy interactions and prevent negative
behaviours. The method is to “Prevent, Teach, Reinforce”. This means class
material taught through positive interactions, a lesson reinforced by
referring back to behavioural expectations and evaluating progress.
6. Focus on Creative Games Instead of competitive games and physical
activities, the strategy is to develop creative games. This helps in team
building and cooperation and prevents unnecessary competition and boosts
the confidence of these children.
7. Accommodations and Modification Since the individual needs of the
children with special needs are different. It is essential for the teachers to
modify the teaching strategies in order to accommodate the children with
disabilities. Therefore constant modification and accommodation are
8. Professional Courses Developing more professional courses and teacher
certification programs for teaching physical education to children with
special needs is essential to popularise the adaptive physical education
What do you understand by the term disability? Explain any four
disability etiquettes.

Ans. Disability means any kind of impairment or permanent reduction in

physical or mental capacity of an individual. It can be a physical loss,
mental illness or reduction in the use of sense organs.

Four methods of following disability etiquette are as follows

(i) Treating disabled people with care and lespect.

(ii) Educating normal people regarding disabilities,

(iii) Speak directly to the disabled person rather than through attendant or
sign-language interpreter, who may also present

(iv) Never speak about disabled person as if the person is invisible or can’t
understand what is being said.

Elaborate the causes that lead to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder) and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder).

Ans. The causes leading to the two disorders are as follows

ADHD Causes

(i) Genes and Heredity. Genetic inheritance and abnormalities in genes that
are acquired from birth, may cause this disorder.

(ii) Brain Injury and Epilepsy. Children who have had traumatic brain injuries
or who have epilepsy can often have ADHD symptoms.

9. A child’s mother has the habit of washing her hands frequently.

What kind of disorder might she be suffering from? Explain its

Ans. Child’s mother is suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

(OCD). It is a mental health condition that involves a debilitating obsession
or compulsion, distressing actions and repetitive thoughts. The person feels
the need to repeat the behavior over and over.

The symptoms of OCD are as follows:

 Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others.
 Aggressive thoughts towards others or self. Habitual of doing or
having things in a perfect order always.
 Repeatedly checking things and compulsive counting. Spending a
considerable time in a day on their thoughts and behaviors.
 A fear of being embarrassed.

. Write any three causes of disability

Ans. Three causes of disability are discussed as follows

(i) Accidents. A wide variety of disabilities especially those associated with

traumatic brain injury result from vehicular accidents, burns, falls etc.

(ii) Poverty is one of the biggest causes of disability. Poor people are most
vulnerable to disability because they are forced to live and work in unsafe
environments with poor sanitation, crowded living conditions and with little
access to education, clean water or enough good food.

(iii) War Land mines, cluster bombs, bullets and chemicals used in wars,
cause more disabilities in the world today than anything else.

Explain the strategy of positive behavior in brief.

Ans. The strategy of positive behavior relates to showing a positive attitude

and having healthy interactions with the children with special needs. The
teachers should prevent negative behaviors and encourage these children
to participate in classroom activities.

Teachers and parents of children with special needs should encourage

more interaction with normal children to develop proper social behavior.

laborate the disability etiquettes of dealing with people facing speech

difficulties and language impairment.

Ans. The disability etiquettes for dealing people with speech difficulties and
language impairment are mentioned below

 Give attention to the person who has difficulty in speaking.

 Keep manners to encourage rather than correct.
 Give extra time for the conversation with these people and be patient.
 If you have difficulty in understanding, don’t pretend that you do,
Repeat as much as you do understand.
 Use a calm voice and be comfortable. Use simple and short
 Do not argue with the person.
 Treat each person as an individual with talents and abilities deserving
of respect and dignity.

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