Introduction To Law - Topic 1 - Part 3 - Styles, Forms and Functions of States - B N GHI CHÉP

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Session 3

Styles, Forms and Functions of States

Session Objectives
• Define and differentiate styles, forms and
functions of states
• Compare and contrast
– Monarchies and Republics feudal: phong kin
– Unitary and Federal States
monarchies: nhà nc quân ch- vua làm ch
republics: nhà nc cng hòa
unitary: nhà nc n ng
federation: nhà nc a ng

capitalist style: t bn socialist: cng hòa

xem li xem sai ch nèo
Exercise germany



Styles Feudal
of style
states Capitalist
Ruling Monarchy
forms Republic
Struct states
Federatio hình thc chính th: t bn/cng hòa
forms hình thc....: n nc/ liên bang
quc hiu ca 1 quc gia, vd: the socialist vietnam --> social hin pháp~ giy khai sinh
us-united STATES --> federation

How to know? → State Titles and/or Constitution

Styles of States
• What?
– Denoting groups of states with the same
class-conscious face including kinh t¿, chính trË, t° t°ßng
tính giai c¥p
• How many?
• Slave-possession style of states
• Feudal style of states
• Capitalist style of states
• Socialist style of states
• E.g.
I/ Origin of States and law thi kì chuyn tip tc
ko hn v n socialist period

1. Origin of States: Marxism and Leninism

Socialist Period
Primitive Slave Feudal Capitalist Transitional
community Possession Period Period Period

1. WHEN? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2. WHO?
Upper class

X giai cp t sn

Slave owners Land-owners Bougeoisie Proletariat

gc t sn
Slave owners Land-owners Bougeoisie Proletariat
giai cp vô sn

vì thi feudal
peasants ni dy
lt nên h làm ch X
ESSENCE oppress oppress oppress oppress
conscious face Slaves Peasants Proletariat Bougeoisie
giai cp vô sn gc t sn
Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Style 4
Forms of States
• What?
– Forms in which state powers are
• Types
– Ruling form vv mt cá nhân t chc --> ruling form
mt lãnh th --> cu trúc t chc

– Structural form
vd: hi ng-ban giám c- ....--> ruling form
n v chính, n v ph,...--> structural form
Ruling Form v Structural Form
State Forms
Ruling form Structural form
≡ Forms of states → Forms in which state powers are allocated

What? Form in which state powers Form in which state powers
are allocated/divided among are allocated/divided among
various state various state territories

Types - Monarchy - Unitary

- Republic - Federation

quân ch-state powers divide among


quân ch chuyên ch: mi quyn lc thuc vua (ABSOLUTE MONARCHY)

quân ch lp hin: quyn ko nm ht trong tay vua, mà cs quyn lc, da trên hin pháp (CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY
Monarchies v Republics
Ruling Forms
Monarchy Republic
E.g. japan, uk,australia, netherlands vietnam, french, china, north-korea,

Similarities form in which state powers are allocated/divided among various state bodies/individuals

Dissimilarities power is given only to hereditary monarch VS is given an individual- president

What? a ruling form of a state in which

an individual/a monarch
a ruling form of a state in which state powers are design
is the head of the state for life (with except)

Head of State
nguyên th quc gia PRESIDENT

How to elect
proximity of blood/kinship election/ voting
Head of State?
How to allocate 100-> <10: uk, aus,jp
100--> t trên 0 n di 100: vietnam, china depending on constitutions:
powers? <100 -->0:

-100%- absolute monarchy

How much power - 0--> 100%- constitutional monarchy
-legislative power
the Head of State -0%- republic
-executive power
cng hòa quý tc
Variants absolute monarchy:
cng hòa dân ch
aristocratic republic
constitutional monarchy democratic republic
CHÍNH QUYN DUY NHT: chính quyn trung ng a phng: unitary VS chính quyn liên bang, tiu bang: federal

Federations v Unitary States

State Structures Federal States Unitary States
deu (germany),brazil, mexico, india,
E.g. australia , russia, canada, usa vn, china, japan, NZ

Similarities states/nations --> 3 powers of states

Dissimilarities structural forms --> how a state is organized territorially

What? nations whose territory is divided into >= 2 states nations whose territory is united 1 single state

No. of states >=2

No. of levels of 2 levels 2 cp chính quyn 2 levels: 2 cp chính ph:

chính quyn trung tâm
governments - 1 federal gov
- >= 2 state gov.s
chính quyn liên bang
chính quyn tiu bang
- 1 central gov
->2 municipal gov.s
chính quyn thành ph

s cp chính quyn

No. of legal systems >=3

- 1 federal legal system: h thng PL liên bang
s h thng pháp lut - >= 2 state legal systems: h thng PL tiu bang 1

No. of nationalities of >=2 1 (with exception)

citizens - federal nationality: quc tch liên bang
- state nationality: quc tch tiu bang
Forms of Australia

Ruling form Structural form

Constitutional Federation

Khi US president visit VN ng ón tip là: Division of law – making power

priminister-president- political party general (hi ng)

hi¿n pháp quy Ënh phân chia power

bin th:
tng thng- có c quyn ca c th tng, va là nguyên th quc gia va có quyn hành pháp
tng thng- cng hòa dân ch ngh vin: tng thng ng u quc gia nhng k thay th th tng, nguyên th quc gia
vd: nga. pháp, c
ch tch nc- ng u quc gia- nhng th tng mi là ng ng u chính ph (ex: china, vietnam)
(Cont.)c quan lp pháp
quc hi khi thnh vng chung

FEDERAL Legislature executive judiciary

SYSTEM (Common Wealth Parl.)
h vin thng vin tng c AUS- quân ch 1 phn
h thng liên bang
senate governor general US
house of Rep.s

SYSTEM (State Parl.)
executive judiciary
h thng nhà nc c quan lp pháp: quc hi quc gia
thng vin h vin

lower house upper house

e.g: e.g:
legislative assembly legislative council

ACT và Northern territory là vùng lãnh th

ko c hng c ch as tiu bang nh Queensland
Structural Form of Australia
• Federal level

Body/ Cth
Structural Form of Australia
• State/Territory level
State Gov.

Body/ State
Example 2: The State of the United States
2. Federal law v State Law
State Structures
Federal Law State law


Who makes?
How to make?

Territorial scope of
In case of conflict,
which prevails?
A moving house company in Queensland in
Australia moved house for B and damaged B’s
furniture valued at AUD 1,000.
B sued the company for the damage but the
company based on Queensland law which stated
that “the maximum liability for moving house
companies is AUD 200”
The federal law said that “there is no maximum
liability for moving house companies”

Q: How much did the company have to pay B?

Functions of States
• Internal Functions
• External Functions
legislature: quc hi
c quan hành pháp cp TW: b trng
Determine the Styles, Forms and Functions of
States in South East Asia? Asia? European
Union? The America? The Oceania?
Source of reference: Constitutions
• Assuming that the US president is visiting
Vietnam, who is/are the Vietnamese
counterparts to welcome him?
– The Vietnamese President
– The Vietnamese PM
– The Vietnamese Socialist Political Party General
• What is the ruling form of Vietnam?
– Socialist state
– A republic
– A unitary state
• What is the structural form of the US?
– A capitalist state
– A republic
– A federation
1. Create your own
mind-map for
today’s session!
(It works for you in
exams! :D)

2. Prepare for the

next session: Read
Coursebook, pp.

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