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Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Demonstrates a comprehensive
understanding of wireless
communication principles, Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a basic
Understanding of including the different types of understanding of wireless understanding of wireless Lacks understanding of
Wireless Communication wireless communication, the communication principles communication principles wireless communication
Principles characteristics of wireless signals, but may have some gaps in but may have significant principles.
and the common components used knowledge. gaps in knowledge.
in wireless communication

Develops a design for the

Develops a design for the Fails to develop a clear and
Develops a well-conceived and wireless communication
wireless communication comprehensive design for the
Design and Planning detailed design for the wireless device that is generally
device that is basic and may wireless communication
communication device. sound but may have some
not be fully functional. device.
minor flaws.

Constructs and assembles

Constructs and assembles the Constructs and assembles the Constructs and assembles the
the wireless communication
Construction and wireless communication device wireless communication wireless communication
device with reasonable
Assembly with precision and attention to device with some errors and device with significant errors
accuracy and attention to
detail. may require assistance. and may not be functional.

Tests and troubleshoots the Struggles to test and

Effectively tests and troubleshoots
wireless communication troubleshoot the wireless Unable to effectively test and
Testing and the wireless communication
device but may need communication device and troubleshoot the wireless
Troubleshooting device, identifying and correcting
assistance with more may not be able to identify communication device.
any problems.
complex problems. all problems.

Communicates the design, Does not effectively

Effectively communicates the Struggles to communicate
construction, and testing of communicate the design,
Communication and design, construction, and testing of the design, construction, and
the wireless communication construction, and testing of
Documentation the wireless communication device testing of the wireless
device, but may not always the wireless communication
to others. communication device.
be clear. device.
Demonstrates a good level Demonstrates a basic level of
Demonstrates a high level of skill Needs significant
of skill and proficiency in skill and proficiency in
and proficiency in designing, improvement in designing,
designing, constructing, designing, constructing,
Overall Performance constructing, testing, and constructing, testing, and
testing, and troubleshooting testing, and troubleshooting
troubleshooting wireless troubleshooting wireless
wireless communication wireless communication
communication devices. communication devices.
devices. devices.

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