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1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A commission of five, with Dr. Walter Reed at its head, was appointed in 1900, in order to discover the cause of yellow
fever. The commission was of the opinion that the mosquito theory could only be tested by actual experiment upon a
human subject. Because of this opinion, one of the members of the commission Dr. Lazear permitted himself to be bitten
by a mosquito which had previously bitten a person suffering from yellow fever, with the result that he contracted the
disease and died in a few days. He sacrificed his life for others and his devotion to his cause is recorded on a tablet
created to his memory which reads: "With more than the courage and devotion of the soldier, he risked and lost his life to
show how a fearful pestilence is communicated and how its ravages may be prevented."

Later, two soldiers also volunteered their services for experimental purposes, though they knew the probable
consequences of their decision. When both made it a stipulation that they should receive no pecuniary reward, Dr. Reed

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touched his cap and said respectfully, 'Gentlemen, I salute you. For one of the first experiments three brave men slept for
for twenty nights i in small ill-ventilated room screened from mosquitoes but containing furniture and clothing which had
been in close contact with yellow. fever patients. None None of them contracted yellow fever. This proved that the
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disease was not contagious. In the next experiment, a room was divided by a wire screen, and mosqance and mosquitoes
which had bitten yellow fever patients were allowed to enter into the room only on one side of the screen. John J. Moran,
one of the soldiers, entered this section for a few minutes and allowed these mosquitoes to bite him. He had an attack of
yellow fever, while three soldiers on the other side, safe from mosquito bites, remained perfectly healthy. Then it was
proved beyond doubt that the scourge of the tropics was conveyed by the agency of a mosquito.

The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine deputed in the same year Dr. H.E. Durham and Dr. Walter Myers to make a
detailed study of yellow fever. Both decided to take the risks and do the work assigned to them. Myers died after
contracting the disease, becoming a victim to his love of science and humanity. His death added another name to the roll
of martyrs to scientific investigation. His courage and unselfish spirit led him to accept the invitation to take part in a
most dangerous expedition, and he died that others might live.

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One practical result of the discovery of the cause of yellow fever was that it made possible the construction of the
Panama Canal, which had been abandoned as hopeless. It was not a hostile army or political difficulties that obstructed
the progress of the work, not a mountain chain or desert waste, but an insect which raised a barrier of disease and death
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between endeavour and accomplishment.

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: One word answers

or short phrases will be accepted.

(i) ravages (line 10)

(ii) a barrier (line 35)

(iii) between endeavour and accomplishment (line 36)

(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

(a) Briefly explain "the mosquito theory."

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(ii) According to the passage, who died in the process of proving the truth of the theory?
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(iii) For whom did Dr. Reed say, "Gentlemen, I salute you"? Why?

(iv) How did the commission prove that the disease was not contagious?

(v) What is meant by "martyrs to scientific investigation"? Why were Dr. Lazear and Dr. Myers described as "martyrs to
scientific investigation"?

(c) In not more than 50 words, state how the cause of yellow fever was discovered. [8]

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2.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

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It was Christmas Eve and old Papa Panov, the village shoemaker, stepped outside his shop to take one last look around. The sounds of
happiness, the bright lights and the faint but delicious smells of Christmas cooking reminded him of past Christmas times when his
wife was alive and his children were small. Now the children had all grown up. His usually cheerful face looked sad now.
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Papa Panov pulled out the Bible to read the Christmas story. He read how Mary and Joseph, tired by their journey to Bethlehem, found
no room for them at the inn, so that Mary's little baby was born in the cowshed.

"Papa Panov said, "if only they had come here! I would have given them my bed and I could have covered the baby with my
patchwork quilt to keep him warm."

He read on about the wise men who brought gifts for the baby Jesus. "I have no gift that I could give him," he thought sadly. Then his
face brightened. He took out a small, dusty box, opened it and found a pair of tiny leather shoes inside.

I should give him those," he decided. Papa Pranav was feeling tired and in no time he was fast asleep. And as he slept he dreamed of

“You have been wishing that you could see me, Papa Parnov," He said kindly, "then look for me tomorrow. I will visit you."

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Papa Parnov put on a pot of coffee for his Christmas breakfast and looked out of the

window. There was no one on the road except the sweeper.

He said, "Come in and have some hot coffee to keep out the cold!"
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Papa Panov watched him with satisfaction, but every now and then his eyes were looking for his special visitor.

Then he saw a girl looking tired and carrying a baby, wrapped in a thin shawl.

"Won't you come in," he said.

He took the milk from the stove and carefully fed the baby from a spoon, warming her tiny feet by the stove at the same time. A
sudden thought flashed through his mind. He remembered the little shoes he had kept for Jesus. He looked again at the cold little feet
and made up his mind.

"Try these on her," he said, handing the baby and the shoes to the mother. The beautiful little shoes were a perfect fit. After that he
hurried indoors to fetch hot soup and bread, for the beggars in the street.

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He walked slowly back into his room at last and knew that he was no longer alone in the room. This was not dream for he was wide
awake. He saw again the old road sweeper, the young mother and her baby and the beggars he had fed. As they passed, each
whispered, "Didn't you see me, Papa Panov?"
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"Who are you?" he called out.

Then another voice answered him. It was the voice from his dream - the voice of Jesus. "I was hungry and you fed me," he said. "I was
naked and you clothed me. I was cold and you warmed me. I came to you today in everyorne of those you helped

and welcomed."

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: One word answers or short phrases will be accepted.

(i) faint (line 3)

(ii) cowshed (line 8)

(ii) patchwork (line 10)

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(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

(i) What were old Papa Panov's feelings when he looked around the village on Christmas Eve?
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(ii) what did papa panov do when he felt lonely and sad?

(iii) how did papa panov react after reading the Christmas story?

(iv) how did papa panov treat the little baby?

(v) what did papa panov feel and see when he went into his room?

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3.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

One summer Aksionov, a young merchant, was going to the Nizhny fair. But his wife forbade him from going to the fair
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because of a nightmare she had the previous night in which she had seen him with greyed hair. Disregarding his wife's
dream, Aksionov left for the fair. When he had travelled half-way, he met a merchant whom he knew, and they put up at
the same inn for the night. They had some tea together, and then went to bed in adjoining rooms.

When Aksionov had gone about twenty-five miles the next day, he stopped for the horses to be fed. Aksionov rested
awhile in the passage of the inn. Suddenly a horse cart drove up with tinkling bells and an offcial got off, followed by
two soldiers. He came to Aksionov and began to question him, asking him who he was and whence he came. Then the
official, calling the soldiers, said, "I am the Police-Officer of this district, and I question this man because the merchant
with whom he spent last night has been found with his throat cut."

The soldiers and the Police-Officer unstrapped Aksionov's luggage and searched it. Suddenly the officer drew a knife out
of a bag, crying, 'Whose knife is this? Aksionov swore he had not done anything wrong, and that the knife was not his.
The Police-Officer ordered the soldiers to bind Aksionov and to put him in the cart. Then the trial came on: he was

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charged with murdering a merchant from Ryazan, and robbing him of twenty thousand roubles.

For the next twenty-six years Aksionov lived as a convict in Siberia. His hair turned white as snow, and his beard grew
long, thin, and grey. Resigned to his plight, he dedicated his life to God. All his mirth vanished; he spoke little, and never
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One day a fresh gang of convicts came to the prison. Aksionov sat down near the newcomers and listened with downcast
air to what the new convicts were saying. One of the new convicts, a tall, strong man of sixty, was from Vladimir. He
said, "My name is Makar, and they also call me Semyonich." When Aksionov heard these words, he felt sure he was the
man who had killed the merchant.

That night, when Aksionov was lying on his bed someone came quietly and sat down on his bed. Aksionov peered
through the darkness and recognised Makar.

Makar Semyonich bent close over Aksionov, and whispered, 'Ivan Aksionov, ie mel" "It was I who killed the merchant

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and hid the knife among your things. Jmeant to kill you too, but I heard a noise outside, so I hid the knife in your bag and
escaped out of the window. I will now confess that it was I who killed the merchant, and you will be released and can go
to your home.
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When Aksionov heard him sobbing, he, too, began to weep. God will forgive you! said he. And at these words his heart
grew light, and the longing for home left him. Next morning when the order for his release came, Aksionov was already

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: One word answers

or short phrases will be accepted.

(i) unstrapped (line 14)

(ii) swore (line 16)

(ii) mirth (line 22)

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(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

(i) Why did Aksionov's wife forbid him from going to the Nizhny fair? How did Aksionov react?
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(ii) What did the Police Officer find in Aksionov's bag?

(iii) What was Aksionov accused of ? What punishment did he get?

(iv) how did Aksionov feel when he had the name Makar from one of the fresh Gang of convicts to the prison?

(v) what did Makar semyonich tell Aksionov when he came to see him at night?

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