Youngs Double Slit

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Young's experiment and the dual nature of light

Light has a dual nature: it has the characteristics of both waveforms and particles. This science project

was conducted in order to help us better understand the dual nature of light. This paper explains the

double split experiment which is also known as Young's experiment, and how the experiment

demonstrates the waveform nature of light.


The double slit experiment will prove that light has the properties of waveforms.

Scientific Terms
Particles, waveform, Young's experiment, interference, quantum mechanics, electromagnetic, photon


Dual nature of light

Light has the ability to demonstrate the behavior of both particles and waveform. The double split

experiment, also known as Young’s experiment, demonstrates the wave-like behavior of light: where

interference of light causes the formation of light and dark lines on a screen. Also, the particle

properties of light can be demonstrated through photons. This wave-particle dual nature of light is

studied under the field of quantum mechanics.

The waveform behavior of light enables us to understand the different colors of light around us.

Electromagnetic rays from the sun consist of waveforms that have different frequencies and

wavelengths. Each band of frequency in the visible light spectrum is seen as a different color.

Light is also known to exist as photon particles. These particles do not have a mass, are without

electric charge and do not decay. Photons are carriers of electromagnetic force and are able to

demonstrate the properties of both waves and particles.

The materials required for our project are as follows:

- a light source (for example, a laser pointer)

- 2 sheets of cardboards 100mm x 100mm in size

- a paper cutter

- a stack of newspapers

- a white board to act as the screen


1. Two small slits are made in the middle of the first sheet of cardboard. The cardboard sheets are

placed on the newspaper stack before they are cut. This will prevent the table from being damaged.

The slit should be 1 mm x 5 mm. The slits are parallel to each other and 5mm apart. Only one slit

about 1 mm x 5 mm is made in the middle of the second sheet of cardboard.

2. The experiment is set up as illustrated in figure 1. The light source is placed in front of the

cardboard sheet and the whiteboard acting as the screen is placed at the back.

3. The distance between the light source and the screen is adjusted so that the diameter of the circle

of light that falls on the slits is larger than the slits on the cardboard. The experiment is best

performed in a dark room with the lights switched off.

4. The tests are done using the cardboards with 1 slit and 2 slits. The light patterns on the white
board are observed. The distance between the white board, the cardboard and the light source are to

be adjusted to obtain the best results.


The results seen on the white board screen are shown in figure 2. When light

passed through the cardboard with only one slit, it was diffracted. A narrow band

of light, which is bright in the center and dim at the sides, was observed.

When the test was repeated using the cardboard sheet with 2 slits, light leaving

both the holes were diffracted. The diffracted light from the 2 slits met and

"interfered", resulting in the interference pattern of dark and light bands on the

whiteboard screen. The pattern on the screen also widened by 3 to 4 times.


The double slit experiment proves the wave properties of light.

Also consider

Vary the size of the slits. Do the patterns on the screen change?

Put pin holes into the cardboards. Make holes in different locations. How do the

patterns on the screen change?


Double slit experiment -

Photon -

Wave-particle duality -


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