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AND MUNICIPALITIES alg gyal kkas l 4,to ‘ DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING. for Infrastructure Works for Baps Hind Mandir Project in Abu Dhabi Geotechnical Interpretative Report February 2020 — Rev (0) FOR GUIDANCE ONLY Brant free eeenrecy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report a rE TATWEER ‘siackacrrnwerac Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 14 General 3 4.2 Scope and Objectives 3 4.3. Site and Project description. 4 2 Ground Investigations. 5 24 Site work, 5 5 7 7 7 7 24.4 Settng-out of Borehole Locations 24.2 Driling 21. Sampling 24.4 Field Testing in Borshotes.... sewn 24.8 Piezometerlnstatfation and Ground Water Monitoring 2.4.6 Laboratory Testing 3 Ground Conditions. 34 General Geological Seiting 32 Subsurface Condition seen 3.3. Seismicity s/s \ 15 34 — Groundwater. " 8 4 Proposed Ground Model... fox LE annem 1B 5 Geotechnical Parameters . 54 Soil Parameters 6 Geotechnical Design & Considerations 641 General. a 62 Bearing capacity and foundations. 63 Road. 63.1. General 23 63.2 Pavement... 123 64 Earthwork nn 128 64.1 Excavation Methods. 2B 84.1 Side Slopes senna se soni 2B 64.1 Backfill Material and Filling Work 24 642 Drainage... somone . se 24 6.5 Sign Boards & Streetlighting Poles Foundations 24 6.8 Buried concrete 24 7 Summary 125, 8 Recommendation... 25, & —_ Ly OL Ll np Gootechrical Interpretative Report ee in TATWEER tactievmeone! Note: all reports are for guidance only and it will not be used for any claim. It is the bidder's responsibility to verity the provided information presented in all reports and familiarize themselves with the existing site/soil conditions, 1 Introduction 4.4 General ADM has appointed Tatweer to undertake the “Consultancy Services for Infrastructure works and Baps Hindu Mandir Project in Abu Dhabi". The project includes the construction of service roads and parking areas serving the Hindu Temple, The location of the project is shown in Figure (1) ‘The objective of the project isto provide aocess-and parking along with the essential infrastructure that ‘serves the Baps Hindu Mandir site (Plot 6) which is considered the fst traditioral Hindu Temple in the UAE and the middle east, ‘The design proposal is aiming (o provide functional number of parking spaces for both passenger cars and buses, as the proposed layout has put all the consideration of the developét "Nandi requirement, main Involved stakeholder “ITC” along with Abu Dhabi standards used to establish the design and overcoming the challenge of calculating the parking demand for the temple. 1.2 Scope and Objectives ‘The scope of this report is limited t6 the- Geotechnical interpretation of tne site investigation for Hindu Temple Area. The report will summarize and éollaborate all findings from ground investigations and the outline impact of these findings on the pavement designs for the proposed development. The following key geotechnical aspects are outlined inthis report: + Description ofthe site and the proposed development. + Recent ground investigations. + Groundwater conditions. + Potential geo-hazards + Geotechnical design parameters ‘+ Geotechnical design considerations and recommendations, daLyola Lit ap Geotechnical Interpretative Report aie TATWEER Sietdewiamenay 1.3. Site and Project description ‘As a background, Abu Mreikha Area is stil undeveloped as shown in figure 1 below. Currently, the site is bounded by a temporary fence with exposed isolated foundations, no utities or main building construction ‘can be observed onsite. In addition, there was no construction activity on site at the time of the inspection. OS® free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report ae re TATWEER Soto arrawmenumt 24 Site work Ground investigation was carried out by Capital Survey forall site work. On the other hand, all ab results forthe soil formation log will be under the responsibiliy of Capital Survey. Site investigation report as presented in Appendix B were submitted to Tatweer as the main source of information for this interpretative report. ‘The scope of the site works for the ground investigations comprised the following Setting-out of borehole locations Driling Sampling Field testing in boreholes Laboratory testing 2.4.1 Setting-out of Borehole Locations Locations of the boreholes required for the subsurface Investigation are shown on Layout Plan (Figure No.2) and located on the ground by Capital Surveyor. 13 Boreholes were carried out with 30m depth to investigate the soll in Al Hindu Temple location. Borehole numbers, dtilled depth and co-ordinates of each borehole are shown individually on the respective borehole log and summarized n Table No.t TABLE No.1: Exploratory boreholes details Coordinates Flevations® BH No. | Dritag’gaqt (m =r ro ei [BROT] a 270313 2rasa0__ | 20.858 | ‘BHO, 300 27039 2724330, 20.895 BHO 30.0 ‘270008 | 27a4s07 7e.869 BHO 300 aT 20ati BHOS 300 | —-270283 Sar2a381 20.202 HOS 30.0 2TOZTE 2T2A25A 21.398 BHO 300 270382 2724378 2.046 ‘HOE 300 270A BST Baar BHO, 300 27a Tea 25.988 BHD. 300 27049 2rek2s0 20.550 BHit 300) 270528, 2TAB0 20.773 CERT 300. 27088 272 2237 caraz 300. 270236 212 206s Note: 1, Coordinates are referenced to WGS-24, Zone-40 North; wher (wano} lvations are related new Abu Dhabi datum TATWEER Geotechnical Interpretative Report Soar rar 8 OS® i, free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report a rE TATWEER ‘siackacrrnwerac 2.4.2 Drilling ‘The driling was executed by using Rotary driling rig with water and mud (bentonite) circulation methods to retain the sides of the boreholes, the boreholes logs are attached in the soil investigation report of Capital Survey in Appendix 8 (Section 82) 2.4.3 Sampling ‘Samples were obtained and retained in aright plastic bags to maintain the moisture content to obtain accurate results in laboratory testing. The undisturbed rock core samples were obtained using a double tube core barrel having 76mm internal diameter. These samples were examined by a specialized geologist to obtain accurate classifications. 2.4.4 Field Testing in Boroholog ‘Standard Penetration Tests (S,P. Ts) were performed at various depths in the boreholes to assess the relative densities of the ground materials. The tests were performed in accordance with BS 1377: Part 9: 1990, “In-situ Tests *. The S,P.TS results are shown on the boring los-at the respective test depths. SPT 'N’ values are usually used to correlate with undrained shear strength in Cohesive soll and with relative density in cohesion less soil. Interpretation of the SPT test results can be found in the Capital Survey Geotechnical investigation report attached in Appendix B (Boring Logs (Section B1)). 2.4.5 Piazometer Installation and Ground Water Monitofing, ee ‘Three standpipe piezometers wore installed to monitor the {Ground water levels in BH-01, BH-04, and BH-09. Figure 3 ustrates. the typical standpipe piezometer used for the investigation, The results aro attached in the soil investigation report of Capital Survey (Appendix B, Section C1}, Farr vor eee Figure 3 Typical Schematic Installed Single Tube Piozometer a — free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar TATWEER Soto arrawmenumt 2.4.6 Laboratory Testing ‘The summary of laboratory tests carried out and its quantities are summarized below. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix D of the Capital Survey Geotechnical Investigation report attached (Appendix 8). In general, laboratory testing has been performed in accordance with ASTM and British ‘Standard procedures. ‘Summary of the laboratory tests performed on borehole samples: 4, Soil classification tests: a. Parlicle Size Distribution (sieve): BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: C19 Db. Alterborg Limits: ASTM D 4318-05 2, Physical ‘@ Natural Moisture Content: ASTM'D 2216-10 b. Specie Gravity 3. Chemical Tests: A. Sulphate cofiont fr sol & Water: 8S 1377 : Part3 1980, CIS b, Chloride conten! for sol & Water: BS 1377 /Part3 : 1990, C17 pH of Sol & Water 4d. Organie Waiter content 4, Shear (Rock) tests: ‘@.Unconfined Compessive Strength ASTM D 7012-14 . Pointload ASTID 5731-08 free eeenrecy 1D Geach! orprettve Roper aaa TATWEER 1. Summary of Results of Laboratory Tests Performed on Soil Samples from Boreholes: PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST RESULTS FOR ALL BOREHOLES WITH VARYING DEPTH 2 ©8 free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar feb ieenae aly TATWEER nt ranean b. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL TEST RESULTS FOR ALL BOREHOLES WITH VARYING DEPTH: Water Soible Suphate Content as S04 (gL) 12 BHa1 | 00-05 [Water Soluble Chore Content as Ck (by dy wi 208 pHunt 32 Water Soube Suphate Content as S04 IL) 12 sHae | os Water Soluble Ghioide Contont as Gr (by ary wi) 208 pHunt 33 Water Soubo Suphate Content as S04 GL) 08 suas | 005 Water Soluble Ghiode Contant as Gk- (by ary w a1 pHunt 32 Water Soube Subhate Corton as 504 (01 1 sia | 00s ator Soluble Chloride Content as G-(% by dry WA) ou7 Hun 33 Water Souble Sulphate Corton a3 S04 (i 22 Bhs 1 Water Soluble Chloride Contonfas CF (by dy wi) O21 oH unit ch 23 T= ipnate Content a8 SO4igh 42 BH06 02 Water Soluble Chloride Content as Cl-(% by'dry wt) 0.26 =\~ ‘pH unit THT a3 Water Solibie Suphate Content as 504 (gt 18 BHO7 05 Water Soluble Chloride Content as Cl- (% by dry wt) O14 pH unit 33 Water Soubo Suphate Contentas 864 (Gt 17 BH4s | 00-05 | WaterSdluble Chloride Contents OF (% by dry wi. a1 ewer 32 Water Souble Suiphate Cohtent as 604 (a 05 Bias | 00-05 aot Soluble Ghlorde Contont as GF (% by ary) a1 pHunt 32 Water Sabo Suphato Content as S04 (GL) 08 BHA | 02 Water Sole Ghiorde Content as Gr- (by ary) O18 pHunt 34 Water Soubo Suphato Content as S04 GL) 08 BHA 10 Water Sole Ghorde Content as Gk-(% by ary) O18 pHunt 84 Water Soke Suphate Content as S04 (GL) 08 cant os Water Soluble Chloride Content a5 Gr (by ary wi) 2.8 pean B2 Woter Soube Suphate Content os S04 GIL) ta con2 os Water Soluble Chloride Content a5 Cr- (by ary wi a4 pean 7 free eeenrecy = 1D Gece! opt Repo aaa 2, Unconfined compressive strength of intact rock cores from (BH-01) to (BH-13) TATWEER ‘SANDSTONE SILTSTONE MUDSTONE CRYSTALLINE GYPSUM SANDSTONE SILTSTONE MUDSTONE CRYSTALLINE GYPSUM ‘SANDSTONE SILTSTONE ‘CRYSTALLINE GYPSUM. : free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar Perea veeranrh TATWEER euiener [Borate Ne [epi y [_Msitre Content (i)_ | Una compressive strength Wa] RockDessipion | aa 23 93 wuosTone mm ar 27 eRYSTALLINE GvesuM 38 FA 33 ioe es 27 va 2 surstoxe ita 2a SANDSTONE at —29___T crverauune evesum 8 3 envy saNosTone ar 108 “== surstoxe ‘a Liston tas ai oe 234 71 8 48 1 a TAROSTORE ‘ar 43 12 —_ Ly OL Ll np Geotechnical Interpretative Report OT TATWEER ‘stot envtuwenuny [Borehole No. | Depth (m) | Molsture Content (%) | Ultimate compressive strength (MPa) | Rock Description | 243 145: 34 MUDSTONE: 254 53 37 ‘CRYSTALLINE GYPSUM eH0e 266 24 123 288 145 29 MUDSTONE: 295 144 30 34 98 37 50 129) 34 66 79 36 SANDSTONE 36 99) 36) 70.0 113 26 eT 12.0 11.3 28 134 728 28 SILTSTONE 156 139 28 22.40 143 boat "26 MUDSTONE 25.3 rar t 29 pomp ORYSTALLINE GYPSUM 208 25. 65 Ez 69 30 8.0 18! 28 SANDSTONE 10.4 [ 26 720 2A ase 16.3 1 = 34 184 Ve a SILTSTONE 204 a3 (a 3.0) 22.9 113 30, MUDSTONE 28.8 “4s 23 35. 108. t 26 ‘SANDSTONE 46 114 { 34 70) 149 25 rr cs ae ‘SANDSTONE 14 10.4 34 Hoa 136 97 34 179) 114 27 194 124 28 SILTSTONE 215 114 26 226 153 20 25.4 153. 20 MUDSTONE 208 114 34 06. 97 30 26 97 26 SANDSTONE ea 4.9 7 27 73 7 30 92 10.0 28 13 free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar Perea veeranrh TATWEER tek ivimesin! 145 TE 3a SILTSTONE 156 118 28 184 14.3 25 MUDSTONE BHio 252 23 115: CRYSTALLINE GYPSUM 25.8 24 129) 275 23 226 119 MUDSTONE 295: 139 34 10.4 43 10.7 SANDSTONE 72 10.4 10.4 10.9 155 143 SILTSTONE eH tee at 19.9 143 23.5 17. MUDSTONE 245 Eg Bb 278 23 ‘ORYSTALLINE GYPSUM 235 24 11 Dae = aa 24 SANDSTONE f se | its as BS ri 93 124 cont [oe Ts es i 125 139 29 ae = rg SILTSTONE 16.1 439. 27 282 143 27 CBHI 204 144 Shaking I-25 SILTSTONE 40 a9 27 st ae oe SANDSTONE 110 98 25 126 14.3 28 ae ae 3 SILTSTONE cane 186 133 19 186 120 26 (CONGLOMERATE 204 12.0 28 ae ae 38 SILTSTONE 24.0 12.0 23 274 132 26 MUDSTONE 23.6 133 29 —_ free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report ae re TATWEER Soto arrawmenumt 3 Ground Conditions 3.1. General Geological Setting ‘The project site les in Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE. At the time of investigation, the site topography was slightly irregular with elevations ranging from 18.869m NADD to 25.988m NAD. No faults or any other special geological features were observed at the site. ‘The site location on UAE map and a typical satelite image of the site area under study with test locations marked on it as shown in Figures 1 and Figure 2 in pages 4 and 6 respectively. 3.2 Subsurface Condition ‘The geolagic description ofthe subsurface materials encountered in the boreholes and further information ‘about the materials encountered can be obtained from the logs of boring presented in section B2 of the soil investigation report (Appendix B). 3.3 Seismicity ‘As per the Geotechnical Sol Investigation Report, the relatively lower magoltude earthquakes that may ‘occur in easter UAE have no impact on long period hazard. The actual hazard amplitudes are low- ‘generally between 0.05 and0.109, 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater table are subj 1d to. weather, Seasonal variations or by artificial induced effects. ‘Therefore, reconfirmation is recommended prior to'any works related to the groundwater. The water level at each borehole as per the following table Water Dopih Laval | — Ground Water Lava Buin, | “Salowithe ovation | elated to NAD" oF os 1135 ara 35 7140 BHO 72 a7 BFF 30 1135 FS a7 7735 BF 3 Tas BFF 5 1149 free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar Perea veeranrh TATWEER Sian ey wcmaLty [noe Tt | BHOS | ~—So4SsC“‘C SX;SC;*#*#*#*#~;«&4ft@®!!CY BATO aie That [att] | ceHT | ~=«985””~=<“‘is~*”*‘“CSé*sCSC*C*~*C‘*Yd: CBRE 705 1158 4 Proposed Ground Model ‘The proposed ground model based on the findings of the geological investigation is presented in the following table: The depth of each strata is according to the existing ground elevation level atthe location of each borehole, BH-o1 Saf pie eNOS Strata | ‘Average depth (m) Light brown, sity sand 0205 Dense, ight brown, sity sani 050-10 Very Dense, light brown, sity sand [10-15 Very weak, light brown SandStone 1.50 - 11.0 Very weak, ight grey SendStone 410-125 . Very weak, light grey to light brown SitStone 125-175 Very weak, light grey fo light greenish grey 7 MudStone ease ‘Very weak, ight brown to light orey SitStone. | 225-235 ‘Very weak, Iight grey to off white Gypsum 23:5 30.0) BH 02: Strata Average depth (m) Light brown, sity sand 0-050 Very Dense, light brown, sily sand 050= 1.0) Very weak, ight brown SandStone. 1.0 - 16.0 Very weak, light grey t light brown SIKStone: 16.0— 20.0 Very weak, ight grey to light greenish grey 4 MudStone 2005215 [Very weak, Tight gray to ight brown Gypsum [275-300 — A yol at np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar TATWEER BH-03: Strata ‘Average depth (m) Tight brown, sly sand 0= 050 ‘Very Dense, igit brown, sity sand 0n0= 10 Vary weak, ight brown SandSione 10-88 Very weak, ight grey to ight brown SilStone | 8.5= 17.5 Very weak, ight greenish grey to light brown MudStone 178~200 ‘Very weak, ight greenish grey to brown MudStone 200-225 ‘Very weak, ight grey Gypsum WEawaS Vary weak: ight grey fo off wna MudStone: 245= 270 | [Wary weak, ight aey to off write Gypsum [27.9= 30.0 J BH- 04: Strata Average depth (m) [Tight brown,sitysand— 7S 008 Danse voy cone, Tita MY SH 5.) 59 ([Wery weak, ight brown SanidSione Very weak, light brown to brown SitStone ‘Very weak, ight grey SandSione. ‘Very weak, ight grey to pale yellow Sil 185-255 Very weak. ight grey t0 ight brown SandStone | 25.5 27.0 =f} [Very wesk ight grey to of White Gypsum} 270-300 7 > BH - 05: Strata } ‘Average depth (rm) (ight brown, sity sand 5-050 Dense to very dense, Iight brown. sity sand 0.50 — 1.50 Very weak, ight brown SandStone 150-80 Very weak, ight brown fo light rey SIiStone | 8.0 - 14.3, ‘Very weak, ight brown to brown Mudstone 145-193 Very weak, Ight brown to off white Gypsum a3 220 Very weak to weak, off white Gypsum 220-265, [Very weak, off white to light orown Gypsum [26.5 = 30.0 BH - 06: Strata Average depth (rm) Vary weak, SandStone o=70H Very weak, ight grey folight brown SitSione | 10.0 = 1860 Very weak, ight grey to ight rewn MudStoné | 19.6=25.2 Vary weak to weak, off white Gypsum 25.2=27.2 [Very weak, light grey to off white MudStone [27.2-30.0 ] — A yol at np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar pebplanaeealy TATWEER Setar cratmenty BH-07: Strata ‘Average depth (m) Tightbrown, Sand 0-050 Dense to very dense, ight brown, Sand 050-150 ‘Very weak, ight brown SandStone 750=95, Very weak, ight grey SandStone 25131 Very Weak, ight grey to ight row SSione | 13.1= 175 ‘Very weak, ight greanish gray to grey MudStone | 175=23.5 Very weak, ight grey to dark grey SitStone. 2a8= 247 Very weak to weak, light grey to light brown 247-300 Gypsum BH 08: strata | ‘Average dopth (rm) (Tight brown, Sando 0 —_— ‘Medium Dense fo very dense, ight brown, sigh > silty Sand is COOH NNN ‘Vary Dens6, ight brown sly sand 40-431 ae Very weak, ight brown SandStone (431-1958 Very weak, light grey to light brown SitStone | 138-224 Very weak, ight greenish grey MudStone 224= 30.00 BH 0%: Strata | Average depth (m) ([Lightbrown sights, Sand 0-050 Medium Dense to very dense, ightbrown, sTahy | gy —g silty Sand. ag 0.50536" Very dense, ight brown, slightly gravely Sand.__| 30-338 ‘Very weak, ight brown SandStone 334=150 ‘Very weak, ight Brown i lght grey SitStone 18,0 = 24.3, Very weak, ight greenish grey to ight brown MudStone 243-300 BH- 10: Strata ‘Average depth (m) Very weak, ight brown SandStone 0= 920, ‘Very weak, ight grey to ight brown SifSione | 9.20 — 16.80 Very weak, ight greenish grey to off white MudStone 16.80 ~ 25.1 Very weak To weak, ight arey Gypaum 251-280 [Nery weak, ight brown to ight grey SitStone [28.4=30.0 free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar Perea veeranrh TATWEER ‘Sha ervaoera BH. 11: Strata ‘Average depth (rm) Light brown, lightly gravely. Sand 0-050 very dense, ight brown, sightly gravely, Sand | 0.50 —1.0 Very dense, light brown, SandStone 10-114 Very weak, light rey to brown SilStone 1118.5 Very weak, light greenish grey to brown MudStone 188-255 ‘Very weak to weak, light grey to ight brown 5300 Gypsum Bh Strata I Average depth (m) [Right brown, Sghty iy. very aravely Sa very danse, ight brown, sy. Sand Vary weak, ight brown, SandSione Very weak, light grey to light brown SiNStone 10,3- 18.1, . Very weak, ight greenish orey n MudStone [Wery weak. ight greenish grey brown SitStone | 26.1=30.0 > cBH.2: Strata Average depth (m) Light brown: sity, Sand 0-050 Very weak, ight brown, Sandstone =17.70 ‘Very weak, Iight brown, Conglomerate 4.10 =1270 ‘Very weak, ight grey SilStone 42:70=18.3 Very weak, ight brown io motteled Conglomerate [18.3 ~ 20.3 Very weak, light grey to light brown SiltStone | 20.3=24.5 [Very weak, ight grey to light brown MudStone [24.5 ~ 30.0 i, free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report a rE TATWEER ‘siackacrrnwerac 5 Geotechnical Parameters 5.1. Soil Parameters ‘The following soll parameters may be adopted for the design of shoring system as shown in the following table. This table have been extracted from the geotechnical investigation report attached (Appendix B) Table 18: Site Class Definition tects | soiotietype | Sonate veoty | SPT | Sail Unained A Hard Rock 75000 NA NA 3 Rock 200 << sooo | _NA NA © | Very dense sol &Sotreck | 120022500 | >s0 | a>z000 ° Sif SoiProfie | _eod=m=ta00 | 83" [toons «2000 E Sot Goi Proto gy a= —ncetoa | <8 | tooo ‘Any pie wth mare thar 10 feBl oF R soi having Yolowing Gharactersts 1 Plasticity index P1220, 2. Maistre content w 240% ana 23._Undeained shear stengin 10 fect of peat andor highly organic clay vihere H=tnexness of el). Very high plasticty clays(t28teet wth plasticity index PI-75) ‘Vary thick sotimedum sift clays(H>120 feet) Figure 4 Site Class Definition 6 Geotechni I Design & Considerations 641 General ‘The ground condition and the adopted ground model have been discussed in Section (3,084.0), the geotechnical properties are presented in Section 5.0 and the geotechnical design considerations are ‘summarized in Section 6.0, ‘This section will consider the engineering basis of design and the following items will be addressed: = Bearing capacity and Foundation = Roads ~ Earthworks and retaining walls = Sign gantries, light poles and traffic ight = Buried concrete i, free pererresy np Geotechnical Interpretative Report a rE TATWEER ‘siackacrrnwerac 6.2. Bearing capacity and foundations Well compacted for soil underneath the foundations should be carried out before construction and the ‘contractor is responsible to check the bearing capacity at each level as mention in the geotechnical report before construction. The particular type of foundation depends upon the character of the soil, the presence of groundwater al the site, the magnitude of the imposed loads, and the project characteristics with taking into consideration the characteristics of the proposed structures, + The net allowable bearing capacity values for the raft and isolated foundation are summarized in the following table: (This table Is based from the geotechnical Investigation report attached) © These recommendations are mainly for any structure going to be used in the construction of the roads (Street lighting poles, Utility structures, etc. ewan Bnrng rvs em) uate | ‘Smad ces Fost wa 8) em) Hor | 20600 50 » | 20 | 27 | 20 oa powe | os | so Jas [ 208 | 27 | 20 - sey sino) " saat | aoa [to Vamsi to | teat ss | 3s | aa | 38 1s | Ben is so | so | 50 | 50 os | wm [os 20 | 2 | a7 | 20 1s | ve | 1s | vam as | as | a | ae os | mse | os | mK ae | as | aa | ae Geotechnical Interpretative Report free pererresy at aly B TATWEER ‘stocks roman mee eT 30 | er | 20 | mur | | ay | ae | ae | ar ze | mer [te | nee ao | 2s | a7 | 30 as | sae | os | ase wv [oe [ow [or 10 | moe | so | mone a1 | 20 | se [ay me em as | ae | ae [mae | | ae | ae | a7 | ae zo | mee | 20 | mem aa | 33 | 32 | a4 as | moe | os | mos so | so | 50 | 60 os | m7 [ses] 2% [ owen | os | as | aa | ae conor | 2.201 1a, [eat so | 0 | so | 50 rs a conan | zzone 2106 co | so | 60 oes sa | so | 50 —_ Ly OL Ll np Gootechrical Interpretative Report ee in TATWEER tactievmeone! 6.3 Road 631 General Itis recommended to compact the soll undemeath the foundations, In adaition, the excavated surface shall be submerged in water and remove any fine-grained deposits (Sally / Plastic) to possibly appear on the surface, Surface shall be compacted by heavy vibratory roller to a degree of compaction not ess than 95 % of maximum dry density as obtained by modiffed proctor (ASTM D 1557) and shall be in accordance with the project earthworks specification, 632 Pavement ‘The pavement cross section should consist of asphallic layers on the top of the aggregate base course well ‘graded as per the specifcation and as per the pavement design requirements. Selective screening and blending could also be used to develop & higher quality base material I'should be noted, however, that the pavement design is based on the Felative quality of the various layers, staring wity the native subgrade soil Which should be checked again befere construction. 64 Earthwork 6.4.1 Excavation Methods ‘The excavation works should 68 Carried out in accordance with good consinuction practice, such as Abu Dhabi Standard Specification Seetion ll - Earthworks. Shallow excavations are expected to be through ‘sandy soil materials. Therefore, conventional excavation equipmient such as loaders and dozers will be sufficient forthe excavation works. 641 Sido Slopes Where space permits and above the water table, the temporary excavation side slopes should consider the following gradients (Section 11.2 of Appendix B). + Inthe very loose to loose soils, slopes should have maximum gradients of 1V: 2H ‘+ Inthe medium dense to dense soils, siopes should have maximum gradients of + ith ‘+ In-very dense soil, slopes should have maximum gradients of 1V:1H. + In very weak to weak rock, vertical cut shall be provided. free pererresy — np Geotechnical Interpretative Report ae re TATWEER Soto arrawmenumt 64.1 Backfill Material and Filling Work According to section 11-3 of the Geotechnical Investigation Report (Appendix B), most of the materials, ‘excavated such as sandy materials and rock encountered during the site investigation in boreholes is {ound satisfactory forthe backfilling purposes as fil materials. Nevertheless, the contractor shall obtain the approval for the filing material according to the specifications of the Abu Dhabi Standard Specification Section II - 2 Earthworks. Its unacceptable to use sols that contain deposits of salurated or unsaturated mixtures, high salt content or organic matter and shall be disposed as waste. Accordingly, if the filing material was found suitable, contractor should carry out the necessary field and laboratory testing to establish the suitabilty ofthe tested material to fulfil the filing work. In the case ‘of any material characteristic changes, additional testing should be carried out and will be subjected for approval again, 642 Drainage Control of run-off is crucial in order to prevent wash-out arising during flasi floods. Any run-off control ‘scheme should direct water away fram foundations, slopes, fil, roads and parking ete, and towards the drain-off system, 65 Sign Boards & Streetlighting Poles Foundations ‘These structures are both relatively tall and light weight, the controlling load for design oftheir foundations is nearly always overturning due to the wind loading or cantilever arms. As a result, the moments applied at the foundation connection tend to be large as compared to the axial load due to the dead load of the structure 6.6 Buried concrete ‘The recommended Cement Combination is type V (Portland cement) with 0.45 Max. wic ratio and minimum specified compressive strength 4500 psi at 26 days of age. Further, the foundation concrete shall be protected by using water proof membrane. More details on mix design and proportions will alvays need to be done with a concrete specialist. — dats tgs rT Geotechnical Interpretative Report manera in TATWEER ‘siackacrrnwerac 7 Summary 1. Geotechnical investigation has been carried out on the proposed area of the Baps Hindu Mandir in ‘Abu Dhabi. The road alignment was found in order to determine the nature and engineering properties of the ground conditions as foundation materials for the proposed infrastructures. 2. This interpretative report shall be read in conjunction with the factual reports submitted by Capital Survey Ref: CS-SI-RPT-19-009 3. Results of the in-situ and laboratory tests have been summarized by stratum and design values assigned including the effective parameters and besring capacities, 4, Groundwater table was encountered at different levels in the proposed area ranging trom -7.4 to -14.35 from the ground level. However, that groundwater level is subject to variations caused by ‘weather seasonal variations and by changes of local drainage and or pumping conditions. Hence, the ground level height should be tasted again before cofstruction. 8 Recommendation 1. The realistic in-situ relative density of the native soll at the anticipated subgrade level, as the experience of the area tells and as reflected by the boreholes, is mostly into the dense range, Which comfortably Indicates a CBR In excess of 15%, at the target compaction ratio. This conservative Value will be subject to adequate verification and confrmation once the road is ‘exposed for proper testing as indicated above. Borrow material (Icad bearing) shall have a ‘minimum density (in percent of maximum dry density) of 95% with a minimum CBR of 25 to a ‘minimum depth of 30 om below the-top.of subgrade or to the top of the approved compacted subgrade which shall have @ minimum CBR of 10, unless otherwise specified according to the Standard Construction Specifications section 206 05, 2. As part of the contractor scope of work, trial pits shall be conducted and CBR values to be determined before construction. 3. Before construction, the contractor of the project shall make his judgment as to the uniformity of geology and shall perform further investigations as necessary to be fully satisfied with the level of knowledge about the site, 4A. The contractor is responsible for checking the bearing capacity values at each level before construction as mentioned in the geotechnical repor. 5, The anticipated total settlements were estimated and found to be within permissible mits (less than 25mm for Isolated Footings) 6. The total settlement would allow a maximum differential setloment of approximate 20mm and it should be considered during design process, TATWEER 10. free pererresy Geotechnical Interpretative Report Seamer nar Isolated and Raft foundations should have a Max. wic ration of 0.48 and a minimum specified compressive strength of 4500 psi at 28 days of age, ‘The Cement type recommended for the concrete foundation is type V (Portland cement) ‘Surface shall be compacted by heavy vibratory roller to a degree of compaction nat less than 95 % of maximum dry density as obtained by modified proctor (ASTM D 1857) and shall be in accordance with the project earthworks specification During construction, the Contractor shall make sure that the soil condition, a every spot of the design roads, agrees with the design assumptions. In case different conditions are encountered, the respective spots shall be subject to reevaluation before construction proceeds, & (OJECT ‘SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO: eehadce ‘Abu Mareikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE. GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR BAPS ABU DHABI HINDU MANDIR TEMPLE AT ABU MUREIKHAH, ABU DHABI, UAE Capital Survey Report Ref No. CS-SI-RPT-19-009 Interpretative Report 21" August 2019 7 May 2019 “16 April 2019 ~_ | 8" April 2019 B | Issued for Review 28! March 2019 A_| Issued for Re 12" March 2019 Rev. No. OWNER MANDIR LIMITED. CONSULTANT RSP 8 Cerrar a 20 Box 28308 Duboi: Tl G Bon 116588 Alain 73 20 Box YOCBGS Email" | earuvaye@ecim.a6 ‘SUB CONSULTANT PROJECT: BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandit Temple CONSULTANT Locatio: eee ‘Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE M/s. RSP, Report No. CS-SI-RPT-19-009 Rev. F 3503, Marina Plaza Date: 21" August 2019 Dubai Marina P.O Box 191768 Dubai, UAE SUBJECT: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROJECT: BAPS ABU DHABI HINDU MANDIR TEMPLE LOCATION: ABU MUREIKHAH, ABU DHABI, UAE Dear Sirs, Capital Survey (CS) is pleased to submit here with, the report of geotechnical investigation conducted for BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple, to be constructed in Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE. This investigation was carried out according to M/S RSP’s Letter of Acceptance Ref No. A101_B37_CAPITAL_001 dated 28% October 2018 and our Quotation Ref: CS-QS-18-760-Rev-3 dated 18% December 2018. The contents of this report are the results of the field and laboratory investigations, geotechnical analysis and interpretation of the findings, conclusions and recommendations to aid the design and construction of the foundations. For further details, please contact our office or the undersigned at your convenience. We would like to thank you for your confidence in us and look forward to be of service to you agairvin the near future. Sincerely yours, For and on Behalf of CAPITAL SURVEYS For Geotechnical and Material Testing services Engr. Sinoj Jolly Geotechnical and Material Division Manager ‘Roshna Nasimudeea Sinoj Jolly Prepared by | project Engineer Checked PY | Project Manager min ‘SUB CONSULTANT PROJECT: LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple 10 Md 12 13 20 3.0 40 50 SA 60 6A 62 62.1 63 63. 63.2 633 63.4 635 63.6 637 70 ay 2 80 34 82 83 84 9.0 10.0 to. 102 103 10.4 10s 106 10.7 108 109 11.0 aud 412 413 3a 1132 133 34 13s 1136 a us 12.0 CS-SI-RPT-19-009 Rev F Too 1/3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION. 1 Purpose of Study 1 Scope of Works. 7 1 Standards and Codes of Practice... a 7 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 2 SITE DESCRIPTION... 2 PREVAILING WEATHER CONDITIONS. 3 GENERAL GEOLOGY & GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE AREA. 5 Geomorphology of the Area o 6 FIELD WORK 7 7 8 8 3 Field Testing in Borcholes, 8 Piezometer Installation and Ground Water Monitoring 8 (Cone Penetration Test Soil Electrical Resistivity Testing Soil Thermal Res sivity Testing Plate Load Test, Rebound Hamme Tes. LABORATORY TESTING ' Laboratory Tests caried out on Borehole Summary of Laboratory Tests Results carried out on Borehole & Trial Fit Samples GROUND CONDITIONS. Subsurface Condit Material physical and Mechanical properties Materials chemieal properties Ground Water . GENERAL DISCUSSION FOR THE CHOICE OF SUITABLE FOUNDATION... CONCLUSIONS AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS. Raft Foundation on Natural Ground at the location of BH-O1, BH-02 and BH-LL. Shallow foundation on Natural Groun Foundation Settlement. Foundation on Compacted Filled Ground (BH-03) Slab On Grade Electrical Resistivity Earth pressure and Soil Parameters. Liquefaction Seismic Design Parameters as per IBC-2013 . FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION... Excavation Methods, Excavation Side Slopes and / or Lateral support system .. Backfill Material and Compaction Criteria, Selection of Fill Materia. Coarse Sand, Base Course. Crushed Rock Rock Compaction Requirement Subsurface Drainage System (Dewatering) Surface Drainage FOUNDATION Col PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 121 Chemical Attack Causes & Concrete Protection: 12.2 Assessment Methodology 12.3 Site Classification. 124 — Chemical Classification of Conerete for Resisting Chemical Attack. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT'D) LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) in Abu Dhabi (Source: USGS website) seennnnnnnnes 5 Table 2: Geomorphic units and hydrological significance in UAE (USGS, 1996) 6 Table 3: Details of Boreholes Drilling 7 Table 4: Details of the CPT Locations. Sonmnninnnnnnnnnnnnns 9 Table 5: Summary of Electrical Resistivity Survey Locations 1 Table 6: Details of Thermal Resistivity Test Location 12 Table 7: Summary of Plate Load Test REsUltS..nn0. fesse Table 8: Summary of Laboratory Tests Performed. 13 Table 9: Summary of Results of Laboratory Tests Performed on Soil Sampies from Boreholes 15 Table 10: Summary of Results of Laboratory Tests Performed on Rock Samples from Boreholes 7 Table 11: Summary of Chemical Test Results on Water Sample Collected from Boreholes.... 28 Table 12: Summary of subsurface Materials Encountered 29 Table 13: Details of Ground Water in Boreholes eee en3O Table 14: Details of Water Loss Encountered 30 Table 15: Recommended Allowable Bearing Pressure at Each Borehole Location 33 Table 16: Soil Corrosivity versus Resistvily.on.u bolenbninnenennnnanan 8 Table 17: Recommendad Earth Pressure Parameters j 38 Table 18: Site Class Definition an) Table 19: Site Classification based on Sulphate & pH as per BRE SD 1-2005.. 46 Table 20: Recommendations for Foundation Concrete as per BRE SD1-2008, 47 Table 21: Site Classification and Concrete Recommendations based on Chloride Content in view of CIRIA Publication 0577, 2002 smn 2 ar LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4: Investigated Site Location on the UAE Map 2 Figure 2: Satelite Image of the Area under Study (Courtesy: Google Earth). 3 Figure 3: Mean monthly total rainfall (mm) forthe period from 2003-2016 in Abu Dhabi ncn. Figure 4: Average Annual Rainfall Over Abu Dhabi (1971-2008). 4 Figure 5: Gross Annual Rainfall in Abu Dhabi City (1971-2008)... 4 Figure 6: Physiographic Regions of Abu Dhabi Emirate (USGS, 1996) 6 Figure 7: Typical Schematic of stalled Single Tube Piezometer (Not To Scat} 9 Figure 8: Schematic Image of Cone Penetration Test... nT) Figure 9: 0.2 s (Ss) Spectral Response Acceleration (ADIBC 2011) 40 Figure 10: 1.0s (S1) Speciral Response Acceleration (ADIBC 2011) nusucwnsnnourannnnnann4O CS-SI-RPT-19-009 Rev F Too 2/3 ‘SUB CONSULTANT PROJECT: BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATION: ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE CONSULTAN: LIST OF APPENDI APPENDIX A. SECTION SECTION At Az APPENDIX B SECTION SECTION Bt B2 APPENDIX C SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION 1 c2 3 c4 cs ce APPENDIX D SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION Dt b2 D3 D4 DS Dé D7 Ds Do p10 APPENDIX E SECTION SECTION 1 E2 APPENDIX F APPENDIX G ICES CS-SI-RPT-19-009 Rev F ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’ SITE PLAN & GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE SITE PLAN GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE LOGS OF BOREHOLES LEGEND FOR LOGS OF BOREHOLES LOGS OF BOREHOLES FIELD TEST RESULTS GROUND WATER MONITORING BY STANDPIPE PIEZOMETER CONE PENETRATION TEST RESULTS ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TEST RESULTS THERMAL RESISTIVITY. TEST RESULTS PLATE LOAD TEST RESULTS REBOUND HAMMER TEST-RESULTS LABORATORY TEST RESULTS, GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION (SIEVE) & ATTERBERG LIMIT TEST MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS. SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST RESULTS UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS POINT LOAD TEST RESULTS BULK AND DRY DENSITY TEST RESULTS CHEMICAL TEST RESULTS ADDITIONAL UCS (ORY CONSITION) ADDITIONAL.UCS (SOAKED CONDITION) GYPSUM GONTENT PHOTOGRAPHS SITE PHOTOGRAPHS BOREHOLE SAMPLES PHOTOGRAPHS LITERATURE ON CONCRETE RECOMMENDATION ‘SAMPLE CALCULATION Toc 3/3 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Capital Survey (CS) was contracted for the geotechnical investigation works by M/S RSP, the main consultant of the project BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple at Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE. This interpretative report describes the findings of the geotechnical investigation conducted at the proposed project site and the analysis of the field and laboratory test results carried out. 4.1 Purpose of Study The purpose of this geotechnical investigation was to determine the character and distribution of subsurface materials and ground water for foundation end excavation design. The main objectives of the study are: + Assess the stability of the site in general and the influence of te construction works, and to provide the design engineers with the required measures to enhance the stability and safety of the site, and design of safe foundations. + Define and describe the subsurface materials within the: site in order to assist in ‘evaluating its suitability to be used as backfill materials. * To enable an adequate and economic design to be prepared, and to plan the best method of construction, 4.2. Scope of Works This soil investigation report consists of the following completed field & laboratory test results as part of our scope of works: + Drilling of total thirteen (13.Nosl) boreholes toa depth of 30.0m below existing ground surface and collecting disturbed and Undisturbed samples. ‘+ Installation of three (3 No.) piezometer and ground water monitoring. ‘+ Carrying out three (3 No.) Cone Penetration Test at specified locations. + Carrying out four (4 No.) Electrical Resistivity Test at specified locations. Carrying out two (2 No.) Thermal Resistivity Test at specified locations. Carrying out a total of six (6 No.) Plate load tests, of which five (5 No.) are to be carried out in various conditions (dry! soaked) on rock and one (1 No.) in soil under dry condition. * Carrying out five (5 No.) rebound hammer test at the location of plate load test under dry/ soaked condition on rock * Carrying out the necessary physical, mechanical and chemical laboratory testing on soil, rock and ground water samples as per agreed scope. ‘+ Preparing an interpretative report based on the finding of the field and laboratory tests CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 1/47 PROJECT: ‘SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATION: eehadce ‘Abu Muteikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE, CONSULTANT od 4.3. Standards and Codes of Practice ‘The following BS standards were used in the site investigation and for describing soil and rock samples: ‘+ BS 1377-9:1990 Part 9, “Method of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes.” + BS 5930:2015, “Code of Practice for Site Investigation.” + BS EN ISO 14689-1:2003, “Geotechnical Investigation and Testing-Identification and Classification of Rock’. * BS EN 1997-2:2007, “Geotechnical Design- Part 2: Ground Investigation and Testing’ 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is in Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE where the proposed BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple is to be constructed, 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ‘The project site lies in Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE. At the time of investigation, the site topography was slightly irregular with elevations ranging from 18,86¢m NADD to 25.988m NADD. No faults or any other special geological features were observed at the site. The site location on UAE map and a typical satellite image of the’site area under study with test locations marked on it are shown as Figure 1 and Figuré 2, respectively. A general site plan provided by client showing the location of the boreholes within the site area is presented in Figure A-1, Appendix A: United Arab Emirates Figure 1: Investigated Site Location on the UAE Map (CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 247 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple - LOCATION: apozst ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE | BAPS Abu Dob! itindu Manair Temple | om « BO Seior Hoe caH02° careot ; an Meer aren - i ae ives igure 2: Satellite Image of the Area under Study (Courtesy: Google Earth) 4.0 PREVAILING WEATHER CONDITIONS The site is located in Abu Mureikhah, Abu Dhabi, which is part of the coastal plain of the UAE along the Arabian Gulf, an area of extremely hot and humid climate. The peak temperature may touch the §0-degree centigrade during summer season. In winter, the temperature drops to around. 15:20 centigrade in the month of January ~ February. Humidity is generally high during peak-summer with” 80-100% relative humidity quite common Humidity is influenced by several factors; winds, temperature and physiography. It fluctuates according to fluctuation of temperature; as a result humidity reaches 20-50% during winter season. Regional winds are generally of north-westerly, onshore wind pattern modified by convective circulation near the coast (RuJ. Petterson and D.JJ. Kinsman, 1981). Strong winds called “Shamals are north to northwest onshore winds, accompanied by hazy condition due to suspended dust. Rainfall is erratic and seasonal, usually occurring during winter months. On average, the area receives 30 to 40 mm of rain annually but some years pass without rain, Evaporation rates for the Arabian Gulf are estimated by Privit (1959) to be as much as 50.4 inches per year. compared with a value of 39.6 inches for similar evaporate-forming environment (Godfrey P. Butler, (1969). The annual rainfall in Abu Dhabi is shown in Figure 3, 4 and 5; the total monthly rainfall is shown in Table 1. CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 3/47 PROJECT: ‘SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple CONSULTANT LOCATION: Eee ‘Abu Muteikhah, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 30 wean of Monthly Total Rainfall (mm) for the 2003-2016 in Abu Dhabi ts Rainfall Prepatin (rum) o E fin Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 3: Mean monthly total rainfall (mm) for the period from 2003-2016 in ‘Abu Dhabi (Gource: National Genire for Mefsorolody and Seismology. Station: Abu Dhabi Comiche) Average annual Rainfall over Abu Dhabi (1971-2009) Figure 4: Average Annual Rainfall Over Abu Dhabi (1971-2009) (Source: National Centre for Meteorology and Seismology) Grose Annual Rainfall in Abu Dhabi City, 1971.2009 200 20 200, : \ | li © tolltiall ttl ANE ant. I tadasetdutandisoasssasassuetbazestaie Figure 5: Gross Annual Rainfall in Abu Dhabi City (1971-2009) CS-SE-RPT-19-009 Rev F Page 4/47 Raita re) PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Source: National Centre for Meteorology and Seismology) Table 1; Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) in Abu Dhabi (Source: USGS website) | Jan_| Feb [Mar] Apr | May | Jun [Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec mo] 139 [177] ss | 04 | oo | 17 | 03] 00 | 0S 12 | 9d 68.1 | a7 | 605] $62 | Trace] 0 [Trace] 36] 0 | 88 | 139 | S49 “Trace = amount Tes than 0.05 mmm Mean Max. 5.0 GENERAL GEOLOGY & GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE AREA The project area lies on the coastline of the Arabian Gulf, U.A.E, which mainly consists of extensive carbonate sediments, mostly of Pleistocene or recent in age. With the exception of mountainous regions shared with Oman in the north-east, the country is relatively low- lying, with near surface geology dominated by Quatemary to late Pleistocene age, mobile ‘Aeolian dune sands, and sabkhalevaporates deposits, The Arabian Peninsula as a whole shows two main geological provinces: 1) The Arabian Shield in the west which is composed mostly of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks, and 2) The Arabian platform that is a vast area’to the east of the Arabian shield including Qatar and the Emirates. The geologically stable Arabian plate is separated from the unstable Iranian Fold Belt by the Arabian Gulf. It is believed that a tiling of the entire Arabian Plate ocourred during the Permian period, resulting in uplift in southern Yemen, and depression to the north-east, Crustal deformations and igneous intrusions occurred in the north-east as a result of this movement, Subsequent tectonic movements, peripheral to the folding of the Iranian Zagros Range, during the Plio-Pieistocene epoch, probably contributed to the formation of both the Arabian Gulf depression, and the mountains regions Shared by the United Arab Emirates and Oman in the north-east. The near surface geology of the western region of UAE is dominated by Aeolian dune sand, sabkha and evaporates deposits of Holocene to Pleistocene age. These deposits typically comprise fine grained silly calcareous sand, which is commonly dense and variably cemented beneath a shallow, loose, normally consolidated mobile layer. Although variable, the degree of cementation generally increases with depth, such that the variably cemented sand grades to predominantly calcareous sandstone. Very silly, gypsiferous sabkha and evaporate layers occur occasionally within the Aeolian sand deposits, Although surficial sabkha deposits are found throughout the coastal belt of the Arabian Gulf, and far inland in the westem and southem parts of the United Arab Emirates, Sabkha is an Arabic name used to describe relatively fine grained , hyper saline, silt and sand deposits , which are commonly saturated with brine, and salt encrusted. These deposits form in natural evaporation pans where saline water, introduced by sea invasion or elevated saline groundwater, is able to accumulate at or near ground surface level, assisted by capillary action CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 5/47 ‘SUB CONSULTANT PROJECT: BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 5.1 Geomorphology of the Area ‘A simple classification of geomorphology has been undertaken by the United States Geological Survey (USGS, 1996) in accordance with regions of hydrological significance, as shown in Figure 6 and Table 2 below, Figure 6: Physiographic Regions of Abu Dhabi E1 te (USGS, 1996) Table 2: Geomorphic units and hydrological significance in UAE (USGS, 1996) CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Fair [Sah oa [Fontana Se reales S| stesiteanee Tooaar fa @20)_| dai Fins. iin consmiverace —] Sabla aqule BYDEr Wisse ete 5 san | Towtri ati asta eraee | Sabb we Saline sant aos ¢ 2500 >) tidal Fc, abl paleodune Sibiza & slime Saad gence! aqui T 7 S| AAW ginal hires Ton heh Trtemsd |i 13300 | NW-SE tngiladial does Oechapl |Yiniowm wets Doze ¢ soo | NE-SWeensverse anes. om aigh | auuria ane ead © 3500 | Bara donea 00a tagh. antes | fond agate listed e 530) [AW SE fectazule iinexe anes. | dedsos she proundvater postal f ee eee Li Tiedaoat Ta] kes a gaat gina atin age vam anak Signfcost — tedek sebuaalwater polenta Page 6/47 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 60 FIELD WORK 6.4 Drilling From 9” February to 5" March 2019, thirteen (13 No) boreholes were drilled at specified locations within the site. The boreholes were drilled using mobile type rotary drilling rig with water and mud (bentonite) circulation methods to retain the sides of the boreholes. The details of drilled boreholes are summarized in the Table 3 below. Table 3: Details of Boreholes Drilling Orited Coordinates Depth Driting | Dring SL) BHiNo,| below |__ (GS-4, Zone-40)_|Elevations"| is wom | Started | Finisho No. rm NADI) ESL" | Easting | Northing +— (mm) acvat + [enor] 30 | 270313 [2724330 | 20.659. | china ig | 13-Feb-29 |16-Feb-19 2| eHo2| 30 | 270349 |.2724330 | 20.895~| Mitsubishi | 16-Feb-19 |19-Feb-19 3 | 8H03| 30 | (270208 | 2724397 | 18.869 | Mitsubishi | 24-Feb-19 |24-Feb-19 4 | eHo4} 30 | 270228 | 2724333 | 20.411 | China Rig, | 09-Feb-19 |11-Feb-19 5 | BH-05| 30 | 270283 | 2724381 | 20.202 | Mitsubishi | 25-Feb-19 |28-Feb-19 6 | eHos| 30 | 270274 | 2724254 | 21.309 | RM-06 | 26-Feb-19 |27-Feb-19 7 | BH07| 30 | 270382. | 2724378 | 21.046 | mitsubishi | 28-Feb-19 |oa-Mar-19 Mee aw 8 | BH08| 30 | 270823 |. 2724372 | 24.187 | RIv-06 | 18-Feb-19 |19-Feb-19 re "| 9 | BH-09| 30 | 270421 |~2724310%| 25988 | China Rig | 20-Feb-19 |21-Feb-19 10 | BH-10| 30 270419, 2724250 20.659 | Mitsubishi | 24-Feb-19 |25-Feb-19 11] eat] 30 | 270329 | 2724330 | 20.773 | china Rig | 03-Mar-19 (05-Mar-19 12] cen-o1| 30 | 270345 | 2724268 | 21.231 | China Rig | 16-Feb-19 |26-Feb-19 13} caHo2| 30 | 270236 | 2724276 | 22.064 | China Rig | 16-Feb-19 (02-Mar-19 "NADD- New Aba Dhabi Datu Note: 1 Coordinates are referenced to WGS-84, Zane-40 North whereas elevations ar related new Abu Dhabi datum (nano, The location of the borehole was set-out by Capital Survey as shown in the site plan included in Appendix A, as instructed by the client. The borehole logs describing the encountered geological formations with depth, in-situ testing results and borehole location details are presented in Appendix B, Section B2. CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 7/47 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 6.2 Sampling 6.2.1. Sampling from Borehole: Split spoon samples were obtained at selected intervals through soil materials as specified. ‘Wherever cemented and rock materials were encountered, undisturbed core samples were obtained using double tube core barrel (nominal diameter 76mm). The recovered samples were examined, described and classified by our geologist. Then the soil samples were properly packed in plastic bags and core samples were wrapped with cling flim and placed in proper sequence in wooden core boxes and transported to our laboratories for testing. After the required laboratory testing the remaining samples will be retained for a specific period as agreed or described in the project specification. 63 Fi Id Testing 6.3.1. Field Testing in Boreholes Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) was performed at various depths in the boreholes to assess the relative densities of the ground materials: The tests were performed in accordance with BS 1377: Part 9: 1990, “In-situ Tests’ The SPT consists of driving a Standard 50mm outside diameter spit spoon sampler into soil at the bottom of a borehole, using repeated blows of an automatic ‘rip hammer weighing 63.5kg hammer, falling through 760mm. The SPT N value is the number of blows required to achieve a penetration of 300mm, after an initial seating drive of 450mm. The test results are shown on the boring logs at the respective test depths. Interpretation of the SPT test results can be found in the Legend to Boring Logs (Appendix B, Section B1) 6.3.2 Piezometer Installation and Ground Water Monitoring Three (3 No.) standpipe piezometer was installed in’ BH-01, BH-04 and BH-09 to monitor the ground water table during the field” work period in accordance with the project requirements. After driling and before installation of piezometer, the boreholes were flushed with clean water, Then a 2.0" diameter uPVC pipe with closed end and machine slotted section (1m-2m) was placed at the middle of the borehole. A typical schematic of installed single tube piezometer is provided in Figure 7. The ground water level readings from the standpipe piezometer monitoring and other boreholes are presented in Appendix C, Section C1. No dewatering works were ongoing near the site at the time of investigation CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 8/47 ‘SUB CONSULTANT PROJECT: BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 475° Hole Diamar Aowroxeatly 05m 20" PipeDianter Gavel Conse Sreroie Depth Close Sots of Ppometer Figure 7: Typical Schematic of Installed Single Tube Piezometer (Not To Scale) 6.3.3 Cone Penetration Test On 2” March 2019, three (3 Nos.) Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) were conducted at locations specified at site, adjacent to the corresponding boreholes as provided in Table 4 below. The test details such as depth of refusal, date of test, location coordinates and ground levels are summarized in Appendix C, Section C2. Table 4: Details of the CPT Locations Coordinates" Ground Levels [Depth of Refusal SL.No. | CPT No, Easting Northing wirt, NAD below EGL* (~) (mm) (my (mm) 1 | cpru-or 270326 2724330 20.73 0.49 2 |cptu-02) 270228 2724372 20.00 1.38 3 [epruo3 | 270409 2728275 22.06 1.33 EGU: Bxising Ground Level NADD: New Abu Dhabi Datum Note: coors CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F ios are eoreneed to WGS-84, UTM Zone-40 and Ground eration i rele to NADD, Page 9/47 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE Equipment & Test Method The CPTs were carried out in accordance with BS 5930 “Code of Practice for Site Investigations", using a 20Ton (200kN) hydraulic powered, truck mounted, penetrometer provided by the client. Tests were performed using an electrical piezocone, with a projected area of 10cm, an apex angle of 60 degree and a friction sleeve area of 200 cm*. The tests were terminated upon refusal which defined as SOMPa resistance (q.) (No possible advance) ‘Cone rg wth hydraulic pushing system, SS e Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Esetrohic Penetromater oj .- ctaion *y ; 1 f - enlargement f { | t t ip = pore fressure te oodingsteher c= mbestied tip resistance Eas lec ~ TYL-g= rtal coho tip resietanes Figure 8: Schematic Image of Cone Penetration Test Procedure The following procedure is adopted for the test, * The machine is anchored to the ground in order to obtain counterweight for applying the loads. + The test is carried out by continuous static penetration of the cone into the ground at a standard rate of 20mmisec up to the required depth or up to refusal or no possible advance (loss of reaction). Standard saturation procedure was used of the cone for pore water pressure measurement. Test Results The test results are presented in graphical format (Appendix C, Section C2) The measured parameters and calculated parameters are presented in the form of plots of cone resistance, sleeve friction, friction ratio and pore pressure versus depth of penetration, The graphical presentation includes the following parameters: ~ . Tip resistance, QC (MPa) xs > CS-SIRPT-19-009 Rev F Page 1047 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE © Sleeve Friction, fs (kPa) * Pore Water Pressure, U2 (kPa) * Friction Ratio (RF%) Report Limitations The Cone Penetration Test logs and related information depict subsurface conditions only at the specific locations and times where testing was conducted. Any lines designating the changes between soil layers represent approximate boundaries based on the established interpretation criteria only. The report is based on the subsurface conditions revealed by site work and the results of the site tests. No responsibilities can be held for conditions, which have not been revealed by the CPT sounding locations, for example between sounding positions. The test results are presented in Appendix C, Secton C-2. 6.3.4. Soil Electrical Re: ity Testing Four (4 Nos.) electrical resistivity tests were conducted at specified locations on 31st January 2019. The test was carried out at different spacing between electrodes and according to ASTM G57-95a, "Standard Method for Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the ‘Wenner Four-Electrode Method’. The following Table 5 summarizes the details of test locations and the detailed results are provided in Appendix C; Section C-3, Table 5: Summary of Electrical Resistivity Survey Locations Electrical Coordinates SL.No Resistivity —|——zasting | >— "Nothing Date of Testing Tost Noy (mm) t (m) 1 27m, | 2724385 31-Jan-18 2 270815 2724253 3tJan-19 3 270835 2724337 3tvan-19 4 ERT-O4 270422 2724268 31van-19 (Coordinates are referenced Yo WGS.88, UTM Zone-40 Now and Ground elvatian Ts elated Yo NADD. 6.3.5 Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing Two (2 Nos) thermal resistivity tests were carried out using Huksefflux Thermal Resistivity ‘System at locations specified by the client, The thermal needle was penetrated into soil and the measurement of soil thermal conductivity was recorded and converted to soil thermal resistivity. The tests were carried out according to ASTM D5334~14, "Standard Test Method for Determination of Thermal Conduetivity of Soil and Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe" and according to IEEE Std. 442-1981, ‘IEEE Guide for Soil Thermal Resistivity Measurements’ The test results are presented in Appendix C, Section C-4. The test locations details are presented in the Table 6 below. CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 11/47 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE Table 6: Details of Thermal Resistivity Test Location Coornte sino, | ThematRessiviy | ccaion Date Tested tng | Nenting 1 Tarot noe | 270254 | 2720383 | 30Jan9 2 TRT-O2 Mureikhah 270342 2724251 30-Jan-19 ‘Coordinates ave referanced to WGS-88, UTM Zane-A0 Noth and Ground elevation is eated Yo NADD 6.3.6 Plate Load Test Total Six (6 Nos.) Plate Bearing tests were conducted from 18" March 2019 to 21% March 2019 to understand the quality of the existing ground and to determine the allowable bearing pressures and the modulus of subgrade reaction of the ground surface. The test was carried out according to ASTM 1194-94 test method. Table 7 shows the summary of Plate Load tests results, The tests results are presented in Appendix-C, Section C4, Table 7: Summary of Plate Load Test Results J Coordinates |. Allowable | Medulus of C PLE No. | condtion’ | Depth etc eee (m) | Easting | Northing | Prossu aaa Lt fis (kgicm*) PLT ory 0.00 | 2raai9 | 2724330 2000 prota | Seaked9®° | 0.00 | a7oa19 | 2724930 150.0 PLT2 Bry o.oo | 27ases | 27zasa2 50 690 ruraza | Samed pap | aroace | zrassae 50 1125 PLT by Oo. fearasse | 2724522 50 620 PLT By oo | z70ass | 2reaz55 13 333 Nota: Coorinais aro referenced lo WGS-84, UTM Zone ‘The detailed test results are provided in Appendix C, Section C-5 and the calculation of the allowable bearing capacity and the modulus of subgrade reaction are provided in Appendix G. Section G-1 6.3.7 Rebound Hammer Test Rebound Hammer test was carried out on rock at the location of the plate load test under dry and soaked condition, before every plate load test was carried out. The test was carried out as per ASTM C805, which is for the rebound hammer test on concrete. In this particular case, the rebound hammer test was carried out on rock and the compressive strength was calculated as for concrete. The detailed test results are provided in Appendix C, Section C-6. Also a comparison table of the allowable bearing pressures from plate load test and compressive strength as obtained from rebound hammer test are provided in Appendix C, Section C-7. CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 12/47 PROJECT: SUB CONSULTANT BAPS Abu Dhabi Hindu Mandir Temple LOCATIO’ PIZS ‘Abu Mureikhab, Abu Dhabi, UAE 7.0 LABORATORY TESTING 7.4 Laboratory Tests carried out on Borehole In order to determine the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the ground materials, laboratory tests were performed according to the type and properties of samples and client's requirements, on selected samples from the boreholes. In general, laboratory testing has been performed in accordance with ASTM and British Standard procedures. The laboratory tests results are presented in Appendix D, Summary of laboratory test performed are given in Table 8 below. Table 8: Summary of Laboratory Tests Performed No. ‘Type of Test Nathe of Test &' Specification ‘Test Photographs Particle Size Distribution (sieve): BS 1377; Part 2: 1990: CLO Classification 2 Aitetberg Limits ASTM 4918-08 Natural Moisture Content: ASTM D 2216-10 Physical 4 Specie Gravity Sulphate content for soi & Weer: 5 chemical | 3a a BS 1377 : Part 3: 1980, C15 10) CS-SERPT-19-009 Rev F Page 13/47 =

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