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Intelisense IT - Content Guidelines

SR No. Guidance
1 The primary keyword should be in H1 Tags (title of the page).
2 The primary keyword should be in the first paragraph line.
3 The primary keyword should be used in H2 and H3.
4 Page should have one H1, and three to five H2. The main keyword should be used in 3 to 4 times
5 Make a mixture with primary and secondary keywords while using them in the content body.
6 Use 1% to 1.5% keywords in 1000 words content to fix the keywords density.
7 Make sure to use all secondary keywords (synonyms) in the content body.
8 Use primary keyword in subheadings.
9 Do necessary research and add value in the content - like why customer choose us?
10 Writing a meta description in 150 to 160 characters using the primary keyword is necessary.
11 Make a call-to-action to avail of our service in the last paragraphs of the content. (services)
12 Use keywords in the conclusion section and make a call to action to avail of services. (blog)
13 Check the readability in Real-time Yoast. Make sure your related checkpoints are green.

FAQ Writing Guidelines

SR No. Guidance
1 Making the sentence clear in 100 to 150 words using the primary keyword is mandatory.
2 Adding other keywords relevant are also helpful.
3 Cover helpful questions regarding the topic.

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