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{Your school Library}

A school library is a place where collection of books are kept for students and teachers to read or borrow. A school library is an important
part of a school. No school is complete without a library. Our school has a rich library. It is housed in a separate building. It is large spacious.
It is also well furnished. There are three big rooms in it. The two rooms are reading rooms, Boys and girls have separate rooms. In the other
rooms books are arranged in almirahs and shelves in rows. There are separate almirahs and shelves for books on separate subjects. Beside text
books we have books on travels, biographies, history, geography, science etc, in the almirahs and shelves. Our school library has a huge
collection of nooks on various subjects and topics. The library has more than five thousand books. In the library there is also a librarian. He
helps us find out the books to our need. In the reading room we sit and get absorbed in books. We also collect books from the library to take
home and keep with us for a certain time. These books are issued against our library as many books as we can. There exists a calm, quiet and
serenc atmosphere in our library. We are greatly benefited by the library. We can enrich our knowledge by reading books in the library. Our
school library remains open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on holidays. Our school library is a great attraction for us. Whenever we get chance,
we hurry there and have a glance at the books of varied interests. We are really proud of our school library.

{Our National Flag}

A national flag symbolizes a nation’s independence and sovereignty. It bears much dignity and deserves respects from the people. It introduces
any country to the people of the world. Every independent country of the world has its own national flag. We live in Bangladesh. As our
country is independent, we have our national flag too. It symbolizes our integrity, solidarity and sovereignty. We got our national flag at the
cost of a bloody war in 1971. The size of our national flag is significant. It is of rectangular size. It may be of big, small or medium size. But
its length and breadth must be 10:6 in proportion. It is made of cotton, linen or silk. The major part of it is deep green and there is red circle
in the middle of it. The red circle must be one-fifth of the entire length if the flag. The deep green is the symbol of everlasting youth, freshness
and vigour of our nation. The red circle symbolizes the rising sun of independence. The national flag shows the sovereignty of our country
when it flows by the wind. The flag is hoisted everyday on government building, educational institutions and offices. It is hoisted everywhere
on Independent Day and the Victory Day. Besides, it is hoisted half-mast on national and international mourning day. In fact, our national
flag signifies our dignity and prestige. Whenever we see our national flag flying, our mind is filled with joy and hearts swell in pride. We feel
proud of our national flag.

{A Rainy Day}

On a rainy day, it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go
out without an umbrella. Water stands on roads and roads becomes muddy and slippery. Those who have offices and other business go out
with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand clothes folded upto knee. Passers-by also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on
the muddy road. When it rains in torrents, people get drenched and stop midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in
quest of work and cannot earn their daily food. They pass the day through sufferings. Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few
go to school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not held ant it is a day of great joy to them. Other people also stay at home and
pass the day without doing anything. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day is not pleasant at all.

{A Street Beggar}

The beggar who begs alms in the street is called a street beggar. He is seen sitting or standing everywhere in the street of towns or cities. His
hair is unrushed and without oil. He is seen in patched up and torn clothes. His clothes are very dirty and bad smell emits from his clothes.
Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes in a company. A street beggar may be able-bodied, blind, lame or crippled. A street beggar
has a hanging down his shoulder. When a passer-by walks past him, he stretches his begging bowl for alms. Sometimes he is seen reciting some
sentences of the Holy Quran or the Kalema and asks for money in the name of Allah and His holy prophet. However, some passers-by give
him some coins and some leave being

annoyed at his loud shouts. A street beggar prays for the passers-by who help him. If anyone refuses to give him something, he silently beggar
the place and goes to another. Sometimes a street beggar earns a lot.

{A Street Hawker}

A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his materials on head and sometimes in hand and
sometimes in a small handicraft. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit. A street hawker is very
cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are children and women. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and
sells them at a fixed price at a good rate. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothings, fruits, utensils, fancy goods and things of domestic uses
for women. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A hawker also knows the time/hour of his business. He does
not come when housemaster are at home. Rather he comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their
household work and duties.

{Importance of Learning English}

The importance of learning English is not a hyperbole in the age of globalization. English is an international language. It opens windows to
the entire world. It is widely spoken in the world. Begin fluent in English is certainly a plus point in today’s globalised world. In the job
market, English is given more priority. It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international
organizations need employers who speak and write a standard form of English. We can learn the current goings on in every corner of the
world instantly through reading English newspapers and journals. World literature, culture, sports, politics, geographical locations and the
latest updates are made available in English language. Today more than 80 of all the information in the world’s computers is in English. To get
any information from internet English is a must. So if we don’t know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world.
Without English language the present world could not reach its present heights. The language of science, arts, commerce, business, mercantile
transactions, diplomacy and even conflict management and peace overtures is English. So, English is being used more popularly for its
international acceptance. English, as a gateway to social and economic upward mobility is recognized as part of the current reality. Moreover,

a students must have efficiency on the skills of English to do well in the exam. Actually the importance of learning English is undeniable for
his benefits the world population is gaining.

{A Day Labourer}

A day labourer is he who does heavy manual labour in various fields. He is quite known to all. He is to be healthy, strong and stout. He lives
with his family in a slum, He gets up early in the morning and goes out in search of work. He works hard from dawn to dusk for his employer
and gets his wages in the evening. Then he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his slum. He is always dependent on his
employer. When gets more work, he the members of his family eat to their heart’s content. Sometimes he and his family go without food if he
can not mange work. However, he is in great demand in harvesting season. The life of day labourer is full of sorrows and sufferings. He can
hardly enjoy peace and happiness. In all weathers-good and bad he works hard all day long and earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow.
He does not know what rest is. Though the service of a day labourer is of great importance, he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can
hardly make both ends meet. He is not held in due respect. So we should have soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life with dignity.

{A Farmer}

The person who does the work of farming known as a farmer. In Bangladesh the life of a farmer is not so good. He inherits a little land. He is
illiterate. He does not know how to plough his land scientifically.

He can not apply scientific method. He has only a pair of bullocks and some hand made tools. Often he has not enough money to busy seeds,
fertilizer or pesticide. As a result, he can not produce more food for himself and his family. He can not proper use of his land. He gets up
early in the morning, goes to his land, ploughs it, sows the seeds and weeds out. He comes home at noon, eats his meal, takes rest and again
goes to his land. He is born poor. Sometimes he takes a land from the money lenders. If he cannot repay the loan, he sells the piece of land. A
farmer is left on the mercy of nature. He has pleasures and pains in life. If he gets a good harvest, his face beams with joy. On the other hand,
if the crops are not good, his sorrows know no bounds. He can not raise his head from the fear of wants. His life is meant for struggle of

{A Tea Stall}

A tea stall is a common sight in our country. It is found in cities, towns, bazaars, railway stations, bus stands and even in villages. It is a small
shop. In a tea stall there few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold here. Biscuits, cakes, loafs, bananas, cigarettes and betel leaf are also
sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve tea to the customers. The manager sits behind the cash box and collects money from the
customer. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea
stall is a popular place. People of different ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They discuss on various
subjects. They also talk on village politics, national and international politics and on current affairs. Sometimes customers raise a storm over a
cup of tea. A tea stall is an important place of social gathering indeed.

{Physical Exercise}

Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound.
There lies a close connection between boy and mind. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. IT is physical exercise which
enables us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also improves our power of digestion and
blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rusted for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes
inactive and weak for exercise. So we should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life.

{A Rainy Day}

On a rainy day, it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go
out without an umbrella. Water stands on roads and roads becomes muddy and slippery. Those who have offices and other business go out
with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand clothes folded upto knee. Passers-by also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on
the muddy road. When it rains in torrents, people get drenched and stop midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in
quest of work and cannot earn their daily food. They pass the day through sufferings. Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few
go to school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not held ant it is a day of great joy to them. Other people also stay at home and
pass the day without doing anything. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day is not pleasant at all.

{A Winter Morning}

A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays can not get though it. Even
things at a little distance can hardly be seen. Bird’s chirping is heard. The cow and other animals can not come. But it is not so every morning.
Dew drop fall on leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun fall on them. Village
children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in
the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing and getting
ready for going to their respective places. In a winter morning, one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, pias of date juice and many other
things the scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. A winter morning is enjoyable in
many respects.

{A Book Fair}

Now-a-days a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books amongst the general mass. In a book fair a lot
of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference books etc are displayed. There are also food
and drink stalls. A book fair becomes crowdy especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also
visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are
always at our side when we are in danger. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. They are books which help
us to forget jealousy, malice and superstition. Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.

{A Village Fair}

A village fair is an occasion of the village people to enjoy a public gathering. It is one of the most important events for the villagers in a year.
The fair is held on a specific occasion including Pahela Baishakh, Chaittro Sangkranti, Eid ul-Fitr, Eid ul-Adha, Durga Puja or birthday of a
Bangle winter etc. The village fair is organized by a village committee. The committee organizes the fair at an open filed. Hundreds of stalls
and make-shift ships of various items are installed at the fair. Children wait for a long time for the fair. They count down the days and make a
list of buying goods from the fair. Different forms of entertainments including circus show, cock fight, magic show, jatra, puppet show amuse
the villagers. Men women and children of all ages gather and buy many fancy things for their household purposes. They also arrange for a
family get-together and invite their relatives centering the event. Undoubtedly, the fair brings immense pleasure to the villagers and gives them
relaxed moments from the everyday’s toilsome life. But some evil practices including gambling in the fair must be discouraged.


Load-shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand
and also for unplanned distribution of electricity. It creates problems of far reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of a
country. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, hospitals all fall a victim to it. The running mills, factories and industries come to a stand
still. Failure of electricity hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in description the darkness in the
kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly for load-shedding.
Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators get rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storages get spoiled. In fact, load-
shedding causes great sufferings to the people and an irreparable loss to the country. The entire life-domestic and industrial-comes to a
standstill. An all out effort should be made to stop load-shedding.
{Traffic Jam}

Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move or that can only move very slowly because there is so much traffic on the road. Traffic
jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems of modern time. The causes of traffic jam are many. In
proportion to our population vehicles roads have not increased. The roads are all the same. There many unlicensed vehicles which should be
brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. They want to drive at their sweet will. Overtaking tendency also
causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes traffic jam is so heavy that it
blocks halt a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying
patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by adopting some measures. Well paned spacious roads should be
constructed. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to
obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. After doing all these things,
we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.\

{Your School Magazine}

A school magazine is a magazine that contains writings of the teachers and the students of view of the life of the school and reveals the
creative genius of the students. It contains poems, articles and sort stories-all written by the teachers and students. The publication of a school
magazine is a very difficult task. The editor and his assistants have to work hard to publish the magazine. The magazine committee invites
wettings from students and teachers. The editorial board selects the qualified ones for printing. The school magazine serves many useful
purposes. The most important is that it brings out the latent creative talents of the students and thus helps them to be great writers. A student
feels proud and academic and happy when he finds his own writing in print. The school magazine also reflects the academic and co-curricular
activities of the school. It is a treasure island to the students. The students can learn many things from the school magazine. In a word, the
school magazine mirrors the school.

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