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Dialogue Writing

[The importance of reading newspaper]

Rasheda : Hello, Rahela! What are you doing?
Rahela : I am reading a newspaper.
Rasheda : Do you read newspaper daily?
Rahela : Yes. Everyday before breakfast I read newspaper. Don’t you read newspaper?
Rahela : No. I don’t. What is the importance of reading newspaper?
Rahela : Newspaper is an indispensible part of our life. It helps us in many ways.
Rahela : Would you please tell me how it helps us?
Rasheda : It has removed the global distance. It gives us news about policies, economics, cultures,
literatures, games and sports of the whole world.
Rasheda : You are right. I am devoid of so many things. So from now on I will read newspaper daily.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Rahela : Welcome.
[Brilliant success in the examination]
Myself : Hello, Tanjib! How are you?
Tanjib : I am very well. How are you?
Myself : I am very worried about your results.
Tanjib : There is a very good news. The results have been published. I have secured A+.
Myself : Congratulations on your brilliant success. Did you get A+ in all the subject?
Tanjib : Yes, I did.
Myself : Have you informed it to our parents?
Tanjib : Yes, I talked to them over telephone. They have become very happy.
Myself : Since it’s a great news for us. I will treat you now. Anyhow, what is now your future plan?
Tanjib : I will take admission in Rajuk Uttra Model College.
Myself : That’s a good decision. Thank.
Tanjib : Welcome.
[The JSC examination]
Ajwat : Hello Sarwat! How are have you written your examination?
Sarwat : Quite well. What about you?
Ajwat : I have done well.
Sarwat : When do you think the result will be published?
Ajwat : It may take two months. What will you do during this period?
Sarwat : I have decide to improve my English efficiency and for that I want to get myself admitted into
special English course in British Council.
Ajwat : That’s a very good idea because it will help you much in future. We need English in all sphere of
Sarwat : Have you planned anything to do?
Ajwat : Yes. I like to spend these days in my village home. There I along with some other friends will
teach the adult illiterate people.
Sarwat : That’s of course a noble idea.
Ajwat : I shall be very happy if you visit me at our village.
Sarwat : Of course I’ll visit you. Thank you.
Ajwat : You’re welcome.
[About your Aim in life]
Sakin : Well, Niloy, I am glad you have passed the J.S.C. Examination quite satisfactorily. Now it’s the
time for you to choose your career.
Niloy : I would like to be a teacher if you agree.
Sakin : Why do you like teaching?
Niloy : It’s a noble profession. It will offer me much scope to do good to the whole nation.
Sakin : Thanks. But are you aware of the fact that nowadays teachers are not held in due respect? They
are ill-paid. This profession need much tolerance and sacrifice.
Niloy : Yes, I know all these. Even then, everyone has got some duties to perform in society. I would be
able to spread the light of education among the illiterate.
Sakin : I am happy that you have thought over the matter seriously. My best wishes to you.
Niloy : What is your aim in life?
Sakin : I want to be a doctor?
Nlioy : Why have you chosen this profession as a career?
Sakin : Most of the people our country are poor. They do not get proper treatment. I want to serve them.
Nlioy : Your aim is praiseworthy. I wish your success. Good bye!
Sakin : Good bye!
[The necessity of tree plantation]
Akib : Hello Adeeb, would you please tell me the necessity of tree plantation?
Adeep : Trees are our best friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins.
Akib : Is there any other use of trees?
Adeeb : Yes, tress give us shade in summer days.
Akib : What is the impact of tress on our climate?
Adeeb : Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will
turn into a great desert. Again there will be no rain and as a result the country will face a great
crisis because ours is an agricultural country. Trees save us from flood and many other natural
Akib : What should we do then?
Adeeb : We should not use and destroy tress at random. Rather we should plant trees more and more for a
better, happier and healthier life.
Akib : Thank you.
Adeeb : Welcome.
[Preparation for the J.S.C. Exam]
Amin : Good evening, Habib.
Habib : Good evening. How are you?
Amin : Very well. But I am afraid of the examination.
Habib : Haven’t you completed your courses?
Amin : My preparation in English is not so well.
Habib : Don’t worry. I am sure you will be able to cover up. How is your preparation in mathematics?
Amin : My preparation in mathematics is well. I am afraid I may not do well in English.
Habib : English is difficult to all. You have sharp memory and you will do good. But my preparation in
mathematics is not good.
Amin : Practice mathematic more and more.
Habib : Thank you for your suggestion.
Amin : Thank you.
[The importance of learning English]
Sheuli : Hello, Shahida! What are you doing?
Shaida : I’m reading an article about the importance of learning English.
Sheuli : Actually English is essential in our every walk of life.
Shahida : It’s an International language. It’s essential for higher education. All the books on higher
education of every branch of knowledge are written in English.
Sheuli : It helps a man to get a good job and to earn more money.
Shahida : It’s the official or semi official language in more than 60 countries and many international
organizations. So to maintain daily official correspondence English is a must.
Sheuli : Right you are. In fact, the importance of English can’t be described in words.
Shahida : So, all of us must learn English.
[Well in the examination]
A dialogue between Kamal and Hasan’s asdivce to Kamal how he can make a good result in the examination.
Hasan : Hello, Kamal. How are you?
Kamal : Very well. Thank you. And how about you?
Hasan : Fine, thanks.
Kamal : Hasan, I’m not happy about my results. I must do better. But don’t know how can I have a word
with you about this?
Hasan : Sure.
Kamal : You’ve always been on top in your exams. What’s the secret of your brilliant results?
Kamal : Tell me about those things, will you?
Hasan : Certainly.
Kamal : To do well in the exam you have to study regularly. You must not cram anything without
understanding. You should make your own notes and revise them frequently.
Kamal : Good. Have any advice for me?
Hasan : The thing which you need to do most is to have a fairly good command over language.
Kamal : Thank you.
[The bad effects of smoking]
Reza : Hello, Babu. How are you?
Babu : I am not well. I have been suffering from cough.
Reza : I have heard you have become a chain somker. Smoking may be one of the major reasons of your
Babu : Doctor has also said so.
Reza : Why don’t you give up smoking? Don’t you know the dangers of smoking?
Babu : I tried to give it up, but could not. I can not even concentrate on my study without smoking.
Reza : If you had thought seriously about its bad effect, you would not have smoked anymore.
Babu : How much harmful can smoking be?
Reza : Smoking causes many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis causes etc.
Beside it is also very expensive.
Babu : Is there not anything good in smoking?
Reza : Of course not. Nobody can put any argument in favour of smoking.
Babu : Well, within a short time I will give up smoking totally.
Reza : Thank you, The sooner you give it up, the better it will be for you.
[The importance of early rising]
Asif : I have heard that you get up early in the morning and walk for quite a long time.
Arup : Yes. I always get up minimum one hour before sunrise and go for morning walk.
Asif : What’s the benefit of early rising?
Arup : An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work earlier. As an early riser has
enough time to work, he can earn more and become wealthy.
Asif : Is early rising good for health?
Arup : Of course. The man who rises early in the morning can take some exercise and walk in
the morning fresh air in the open field. The morning air refreshes both body and mind.
Asif : I was completely in the dark. I will start rising in the morning.
Arup : If you cultivate the habit of rising early, you will realize its importance.
Asif : Thank you.
Arup : You are most welcome.
[Mobile Phone]
Myself : Hello, Farzana. How are you?
Rajib : I’m fine and what about you?
Myself : I’m fine too. It is long time since I met you last.
Rajib : But we have kept constant contact over mobile phone.
Myself : Yes, this mobile phone has become a very important factor in our life. We cannot do without if
for a single day.
Rajib : Right. It has reduced uncertainly doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. In fact, It has made
our life easy and comfortable.
Myself : And it has made our global communication dynamic and faster.
Rajib : But it has some disadvantages too.
Mysefl : Right you are. It causes brain tumor, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases.
Rajib : Yes, during conversation, the blood brain barrier may get damaged, The blood pressure may get
high and the red blood cells may get affected.
Myself : It is also hazardous for the children and pregnant women.
Rajib : The criminals are also carrying out to their operations with the help of it.
Myself : Besides, it causes a lot of harm to the teenagers. They can easily contact with their so called
lovers in season and out of season.
Rajib : All these are very true. Though we are getting immense benefits from it, we should use it with
care and caution to avoid its demerits.
[The importance of Physical Exercise]
Ruba : Hi! Chaiti, how are you? What are you doing now?
Chaiti : I’m taking physical exercise. Have you done it in the morning today?
Ruba : No, I’m not fit for it because I’m very weak. So I’m afraid of doing such kind of hard work.
Chaiti : What do you mean? It’s not a difficult task at all. Do you know it is very necessary for all to keep
fit. It means just the movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. You can play with us,
walk with us or alone, swim on water. They are not difficult at all.
Ruba : Doesn’t it need strength? How can I get strength? I keep sick always.
Chaiti : Now, listen to me. You must take physical exercise regularly. You should participate with us to
play outdoor and and indoor games. If you do these, you will feel strong.
Ruba : But how can I get time for it?
Chaiti : No matter. In the morning or in the afternoon you can do it. Remember health in wealth. Only
study is not importance to be happy. Regular physical exercise will remove your weakness and
diseases from your body.
Ruba : Is it enough for me to be healthy?
Chaiti : Yes, you should take also good food and keep neat and clean.
Ruba : Thank you Chaiti. I’m proud of you. I’m happy for having such kind of friend like you.
Chaiti : It’s ok, you’re welcome.

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