Pigments Changing Color

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Chromatophores Cells

Pigments Changing Color

Energy: is the ability of system to do work.

Waves: Transfer energy from one place to another but they don’t transfer any matter. So,
when light waves pass from the cellphone to the eye, and when sound wave pass from the
cellphone speakers to the ear, only energy is transferred

So, when we say direction of energy transfer, we say, direction in which waves are moving

We interpret these as “meaningful information” this is why our brain is able to build images
and tunes from the light and sound that it receives.

To transfer from one place to another, waves vibrate or oscillates (how far it went up and
Amplitude: the maximum displacement of the wavelength.
Wavelength: the distance of an entire oscillation

Or wavelength can be defined as the distance of the wave from crest (top of the wave) to the
next crest

Opposite of the crest is called trough, is the minimum point of the wave.

Or we can have time on the x-axis instead of distance:

The only difference is that, the length of one complete oscillation is called the time period
which is
Time it takes for one complete oscillation

The benefit of knowing the time period is to find the frequency (HZ) which is defined as the
number of complete oscillations per second.
F = 1/T

Q/If the frequency (number of complete oscillations per second) of the wave is 4 HZ, find the
time period it takes to complete one complete oscillation?
Speed of the Wave (λ)
Speed of the wave (m/s) = It is the multiplication of the wave length (meters) by the
frequency of the wave (HZ)

Basically, it is just multiplying how long each wave is by how many waves there are per
second = total distance waves travel per second (m/s) = speed of the wave

Q/Wave frequency is 400HZ and wavelength is 70 cm, find the speed of the wave?

Transverse vs Longitudinal Waves

Most waves we can think of are transverse waves, direction of energy transfer or direction to
where waves are going is from left to right, while the waves oscillate up and down means
oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. For example, holding a
spring between two hands and hands going up and down, etc. stimulating traverse waves

Longitudinal waves have areas more spread out and areas more compressed, as direction of
waves going (energy transfer) is from left to right and so as the waves oscillates left and right
parallel to the direction of energy transfer and thus waves oscillate back and forth
In a sound wave, when a drum is struck, the drum vibrates causing the air particles next to it
to vibrate, causing the air particles next to it to vibrate until it reaches the ear and so on until
the vibration reaches the ear. Then the ear will vibrate causing the ear drum to vibrate.
The waves on the surface of water are transverse waves because they make water surface go
up and down perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.

All types of electromagnetic waves are also transverse waves including visible light
It is the energy that travels = wave = transfer of energy from one point to another

Wave Behavior
Wave have the following 6 behaviors:
Animals such as chameleon changes color as muscles in their skin expands and contracts as
light changes. In the skin are chromatophores cells that has cytoelastic sacculus filled with
beautiful pigments of different colors that expands and contracts as light changes, opens and
closes very quickly changes distances, and therefore, pigments will become more obvious
and color will change.
They have nano crystals on the top layer of the skin, that can reflect light. There is multiple of
these crystals within any skin cells, and those crystals reflect light as can be seen below:
So, chameleon actually changes color by tunning or physically changing how close those
crystals are to each other’s.

And by changing how close these crystals to each other’s, it reflects different wavelength of

When a chameleon in a relaxed state, these nano crystals are spaced close to each other’s
which reflects short wavelength like blue

Because chameleon has also yellow pigments, this combines with blue making green.

When a chameleon is in a excited state, it stretches these cells moving the crystals further a
way, then the crystals reflects longer wavelength like red and yellow

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