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The Independence of the United States

The War against Britain
• King George III's refusal to give the colonies
representation in the English Parliament.
• The colonial rule that colonial products could only be Causes of war
exchanged for British products.
• The enlightened and liberal ideas of equality and

Development of the conflict:

• The Boston Tea Party
This is what started the war with Great Britain: the colonists refused to
pay the taxes of the products that were imported and threw the tea into
the sea.
— 1775. War breaks .
— July 4, 1776. Representatives of the Thirteen Colonies signed in
Philadelphia the Declaration of Independence, which they created
the republic: the United States of America.
— 1783. Signature of the Treaty of Versailles, by which Great Britain
recognized the independence of the Thirteen Colonies.
— 1789. Establishing the First Government, with George Washington
as President, the separation of the powers of the State and the
rights and freedoms of citizens.
1. The Independence of the United States
Consequences of Independence
2. The independence of the Thirteen Colonies
served as inspiration to the Spanish colonies of
1. Territorial expansion to the west. South America.

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