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Deviance control- - is the modern police function which primarily involves the mission to reinforce
community values and laws. Deviance means you divert the behavior in the standard of the society. For
example, if a male employee wears his wife office attire when go to work. So this is considered as
deviant act whereas he violates the social norms. However this could not be considered a crime there is
no law punishing it. On the other hand, killing somebody is considered a deviant act which is the deviant
act is the violation of law. Therefore killing is basically a crime.

Civil order control- civil order control will only happen if the police officer will go to the street and
respond to a situation where a crowd is getting out of control. An example of this is rally.

Problem solving policing- there is an emphasis of the police officer and preventing crime from
happening. The important features of this policing are that the police officer will be taking a look on the
modus operandi in order to understand when and how crimes are being committed. For ex, the akyat
bahay gang,

Community oriented policing- this policing is the police officer will have to go out whether he is in his
office or in patrol car in order to establish good relationship with the community because in this policing,
it is basically important to have a collaboration of the community with the police officer.

Why there is a need to innovate policing?

-as we are now in the 21st century where technologies boomed. As a consequence there come crimes. In
the past times the policing systems used some tactics that are no longer applicable now. In the new
policing techniques there is a need to compare law enforcement and policing systems around the world
in order to get insights. In order to meet the demands of the present trends in crime fighting.
Comparative research is usually carries out by:

Safari method: wherein a researcher goes to another country to conduct his research.

Collaborative method: wherein this researcher don’t have to travel to another country in order to
conduct is research but he will just contact his foreign researcher.

GLOBALIZATION- the interaction among countries in order to develop a global economy

Effects of globalization:

Industry- The world has become a huge market where you can buy and sell things produced in any part
of the world.

Culture- Globalization means a decrease in the cultural diversity that used to exist in the world earlier.
You can find people in several countries dressing up like Westerners. For example, in my generation
today we tend to adopt the Korean how they dressed up and even their culture we slowly adopt it due
to the influence of globalization.

Legislation- There has been an increase in the establishment of International courts of justice where
someone accused could be dealt with in any part of the world. There has been also certain types of
crimes that could be hear in an international court. For example, the disputes of china and Philippines
and Scarborough shoal.

Language-With increased globalization, people tend to forget their mother tongue and use English
instead as there is an idea that it makes them superior in some way

Information- With the wide use of Internet and other kinds of information technology, it has become
much easier and faster to share information worldwide

Finance- Globalization has made it easier to raise finance through individuals and firms outside the

Politics- Powerful countries and individuals nowadays have political control over the whole world, not
only their country. The United States is an example of a country that influences the whole of the world


 Globalization has led to exploitation of labor- Due to globalization, the workers exploitation caused by
the monopoly in the product market. Wherein the workers is paid less than they should be paid
according to the law and collective agreement, and the workers doesn’t get days off, instead the worker
has to work long hours without proper compensation

 Job insecurity. Earlier people had stable, permanent jobs-

 Terrorists have access to sophisticated weapons

 Companies have set up industries causing pollution in countries- Sadly; the environment also suffers
from the negative effects of globalization. As a consequence of the great increase flow of goods, the
underlying business activities adversely affect the environment; such as, planes, ships trucks and other
transportation vehicles all over the world are harmful for the atmosphere and it affect our local

 Fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are spreading in the developing world. People are consuming
more junk food from these joints which has an adverse impact on their health
Money Laundering - the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of
transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses. For example, say that the cash has been
earned illegally from selling drugs, and the drug dealer wishes to buy a new car with the proceeds.
Because it is difficult and suspicious to try to purchased a vehicle entirely in cash, the dealer needs to
launder the money to have it proper legitimate. The drug dealer also owns a small Laundromat, a highly
cash-intensive business. The cash from the drug dealer is mingled with the Laundromat’s cash and then
taken to a bank for deposit. Then, drawing a check from the Laundromat’s account, the dealer is able to
buy a car without suspicious.


Praetorian guards- military bodies who serve as guardians of peace in ancient Rome in which the idea of
policing said to have originated. Rome is a paegan nation. Paegan means they worship their idol or

Officer de la Paix- the term police officer is claimed to be the origin of French.

1. Anglo-Saxon Period of Policing System

A. Tun Policing System – the term ‘TUN’ is a forerunner of town. Whereas all male residents were
required to guard the town to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the people. In a
particular community, all male residents should be responsible to guard their community. From the
term tiths it means pangsampo. In every family which consist of 10, the 10 families it is called tiths or
tithing. Whereas the 10 families in a town is equal to a tithingman. Each tithing elected a leader who has
known as tythingman. Since tything is amounted to 100, the leader of 100 families is called reeve.

B. Hue and Cry - A village law started in Britain which provided methods of apprehending a criminal by
an act of the complainant to shout to call all male residents to assemble and arrest the suspect. So this
is basically a policing system that is easy to apprehend a criminals.

C. Trial by Ordeal- The word "ordeal" was derived from the Medieval Latin word "Dei Indicum" which
means "a miraculous decision. A judicial practice where in the guilt or innocence of the accused is
determined by subjecting him to an unpleasant, usually dangerous, experience.

Ordeal means suffering that you have to undertake dei indicum which is a miraculous decision. Die
indicum is basically in a sense that you will have to take the punishment given to you. For example, this
coming Friday next week if one of my proof says that i am cheating during his exam however he does
not have proof to claim that i am cheating so he will conduct a die indicum with me in order to know
that I am cheating. So the punishment is he will tuslob my hands in a boiling water so if I don’t have a
paso therefore I conclude that I am protected with a miraculous god.
Two Types of Trials during Anglo-Saxon Period

Oaths (Compurgation)- this is known today as character witness. The Compurgator system allowed
other people, preferably of high social position to swear that the accused is an honest person. So
basically there will be someone that vouch you and testify that you are an honest and good individual.

Trial by Ordeal- a person is compelled to perform an act either walking on a burning coal or through red
hot iron. It was said that the gods would protect the innocent

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