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KLB Audit Firm

Oakwood Conference Room, 123 Main Street, Cityville | 222 555 7777

Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details Meeting Attendees

John Anderson
Second Quarterly Performance Meeting Emily Williams
Date: July 30, 2060 Mark Johnson
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sarah Davis
Michael Thompson
Jessica Martinez
David Lee
Christopher Wilson

Meeting Agenda

● Welcome and Introduction

● Review of Previous Minutes
● Updates on Ongoing Audits
○ Smith & Co. audit
○ Johnson Manufacturing audit
○ Davis Retail audit
● New Audit Engagements
○ Brown Logistics audit
○ Martinez Technologies audit
○ Thompson Pharmaceuticals audit
● Quality Control and Review Procedures
● Training and Professional Development
● IT Security and Data Protection
● Client Communication and Relationship Management
● Other Business Matters

Welcome and Introduction

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by John Anderson. He welcomed all attendees to
the quarterly meeting and emphasized the importance of the topics to be discussed.

Review of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the previous quarterly meeting held on April 25, 2060, were presented.
Emily Williams moved to approve the minutes, and Sarah Davis seconded the motion. The
minutes were unanimously approved.

Updates on Ongoing Audits

● John Anderson provided a detailed update on the status of the Smith & Co. audit,
highlighting significant findings and progress made.
● Emily Williams followed with a report on the Johnson Manufacturing audit, addressing
any challenges encountered.
● Mark Johnson then gave an update on the Davis Retail audit, mentioning positive

New Audit Engagements

● Sarah Davis led the discussion on the upcoming Brown Logistics audit, sharing
preliminary information.
● The team assigned audit teams and team leaders for the Martinez Technologies audit,
and the scope and objectives of the Thompson Pharmaceuticals audit were reviewed.

Quality Control and Review Procedures

Jessica Martinez delivered a presentation on suggested improvements to quality control

policies. The team engaged in a constructive discussion on refining the review process to
maintain compliance with audit standards.

Training and Professional Development

Michael Thompson shared insights from recent training opportunities attended, highlighting
the importance of continuous professional development. Key areas for staff training and
continuing education were identified.

IT Security and Data Protection

David Lee presented the firm's IT security measures and data protection protocols,
emphasizing the importance of safeguarding client data. The team discussed measures to
reinforce data confidentiality and potential cyber threats.
Client Communication and Relationship Management

Christopher Wilson shared best practices for effective client communication. The team
addressed feedback received from clients and strategies for enhancing client relations.

Other Business Matters

There were no additional topics raised by the attendees.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

The next quarterly meeting was scheduled for October 28, 2060, at 10:00 AM, in the Oakwood
Conference Room. Action items and responsibilities were documented, and the meeting was
adjourned at 12:00 PM.

Action Items

John Anderson Provide further updates on the Smith & Co. audit progress via email
by August 10, 2060.

Jessica Martinez Prepare a proposal for refining quality control procedures and share it
with the team by August 5, 2060.

Sarah Davis Coordinate with the Brown Logistics audit team and share the
detailed audit plan by August 2, 2060.

Emily Williams Organize a training session on Lease Accounting for audit staff by
September 15, 2060.

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