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1 Warm up
Match the percentages to the statements below.

34% 60% 62% 73%

a. : Consumers who begin Christmas shopping before December.

b. : Holiday purchases that are researched beforehand.

c. : Shoppers who buy gifts in the week before Christmas.

d. : People facing financial distress going into the holiday season.

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2 Pre-listening: vocabulary

Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions.

Group 1

1. The first day of school served as a prologue to their academic journey for the year.

2. After hours of searching, she found only a modicum of evidence to support her theory.

3. When December rolls around, the excitement for the holiday season is palpable.

4. The waning interest in the old technology led to its eventual obsolescence in the market.

5. The room was festooned with colourful decorations, giving it a cheerful atmosphere.

a. decreasing or declining, especially in size, brightness, or influence

b. adorned with decorations or embellishments, often in a festive manner

c. an introductory section that offers background or context to prepare for the main content.

d. a small or limited amount of something

e. occurs or happens, typically referring to a specific time or event

Group 2

1. For those who practise delayed gratification, the rewards are often more satisfying.

2. He reached the zenith of his career, achieving unparalleled success.

3. Starting the festive season too early seems to rob it of some of its magic.

4. Their deep-seated fear of heights made climbing the mountain a daunting challenge.

5. The lugubrious atmosphere in the room turned even more sombre as the sad news was delivered.

a. take away something someone deserves or wants from them

b. the highest point or peak of success, achievement, or a celestial object’s path

c. mournful, dismal, or sorrowful in a way that evokes sadness

d. firmly established or deeply rooted, often referring to emotions, beliefs, or fears

e. willingly postponing immediate rewards for greater long-term benefits

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Look at the following sentence. What do you think the phrase in bold means?

"Caught in a catch-22 situation, she couldn’t travel without a passport, but the passport office
was on the other side of town."

3 Listening for gist

Listen to the following interviews with Mike, Samantha, Daniel and Julie about the early onset of
Christmas shopping and answer the following questions.

1. Which of the interviewees believes that patience is a virtue?

2. Who misses the emotions they used to feel when they were younger?

3. Who thinks that early Christmas shopping can be a source of positivity?

4. Who believes that there can be financial benefits to starting shopping earlier?

4 Listening comprehension

Listen to the audio again and complete the following sentences with ONE word.

1. Samantha’s feelings about the early start to Christmas shopping are .

2. Mike believes that commencing the festive season prematurely appears to rob it of some of its

3. Daniel thinks it is to see Santa in October.

4. Daniel says it gives him hope to know that the holidays are on the .

5. Julie suggests that there is a practicality in starting holiday shopping early.

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5 Pre-reading: vocabulary

Part A: Match the following words to their correct definitions.

1. cacophony a. a harsh mixture of sounds, often referring to a noisy and chaotic

2. interest rates b. large groups of people or things, typically used to describe a
mass of individuals
3. hordes c. small, often regular increases or additions, typically used to
describe gradual progress
4. increments d. surpass someone or something in performance, achievement, or
5. outdo e. the percent that a financial company charges you when you
borrow money

Part B: You are going to read a text about how Christmas shopping appears to be occurring earlier
each year. Scan the text on page five and look for the words that match the definitions.

1. (idiom, para. 1): referring to a wide range of types or categories

2. (phr. v, para. 1): accumulate a large quantity of something, often used in the
context of money or profits
3. (idiom, para. 1): imitate or do the same thing as someone else has done, often
used in the context of following a trend
4. (phr. verb, para. 2): accumulate a supply of something

5. (phrase, para. 2): instead of; used to indicate a substitution or replacement

6. (idiom, para. 3): avoid or stay away from something or someone, often due
to potential dangers
7. (phrase, para. 3): in large quantities or amounts; typically used in the context
of purchasing or storing goods

6 Reading for general understanding

Scan the text and match the headings with the correct A-D paragraph.

1. Consumers favour early market entrants despite voicing complaints

2. Early holiday shopping eases budgeting and reduces stress
3. Competitive pressure drives retailers to launch early Christmas sales
4. Future holiday shopping set to begin even earlier

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The Christmas creep

Early sales strategies and consumer behaviour


Nowadays, candy canes, chocolate Santas, and advent calendars go on sale as soon as Halloween is over –
sometimes earlier. This ’Christmas creep’ is starting sooner and sooner. In 2023 alone, the National
Retail Federation (NRF) expects shoppers will spend around $900 (£743) each on purchases for Christmas and
other end-of-year festivities. As retailers of all stripes compete for holiday-season sales, one of the easiest ways to
rake in profits amid the cacophony of their rivals’ advertising, promotions, and sales is to start selling a little earlier.
"When one retailer starts selling Christmas produce early, then the others follow suit to remain competitive," says
Jason Dubroy, an independent retail analyst, "because nobody wants to lose customer visits to people that are
offering holiday goods in advance."


And as much as some shoppers complain about hearing "All I want for Christmas" when Halloween decorations
are still up, experts and data suggest the tactic works. "People have said to me that Christmas things
have been in some shops since September," says Isabelle Szmigin, professor of marketing at the University of
Birmingham. Unlike the latest hot toy, holiday candy is inexpensive, even during a period of high inflation and
steep interest rates – and Dubroy says many people may be stocking up on treats in lieu of pricier buys this year.
Being the first to announce a product gives retailers a huge competitive advantage, since consumers
tend to prefer the first mover in the market.


Phil Rist, executive vice-president of strategy at research firm Prosper, says in an NRF statement that an early start
lets shoppers spread their budget throughout several months rather than spending all at once, avoid the stress of
last-minute shopping, and steer clear of the hordes of late shoppers. As many as 70% of shoppers are considering
October sales to pick up holiday gifts, decorations, and other items on their list. Dubroy says businesses
negotiate deals with confectioners for candy anywhere from six months to a year in advance. Ordering in bulk to
a warehouse, then shipping it out in increments to stores between November and Christmas, is an efficient way
of ensuring a steady stream of sugary treats.


Because of how saturated holiday sales are around the holidays, the only real way to outdo the competition is to
keep pushing the holiday season back earlier and earlier. Deborah Weinswig, founder and CEO of New
York-based Coresight Research, believes the holiday shopping season could turn into a three-month window in
the future. "I expect it to be pulled forward as early as the beginning of October," she says. This would not only
help retailers better control their supply chains, but also ensure goods are in front of shoppers early enough for
them to make an informed decision about what to buy for the holidays.


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7 Reading for context

Read the following extracts from the article on page five and decide which gaps (1-5) they should go
in. You do not need to use all of the extracts.

a. Even if you’re not ready for panettone just yet, shops certainly are.

b. Some products are, of course, popular throughout the year.

c. Will the Christmas creep get earlier and earlier as the years go on?

d. For retailers of all types, the winter holidays are the most wonderful time of the year.

e. Retailers also stock the shelves so early for logistical reasons.

f. Some retailers don’t even wait until November to pack their shelves with holiday treats.

8 Talking point

Answer the following questions.

1. Is there a cultural shift towards celebrating holidays earlier, and is this change impacting our overall
appreciation of Christmas?
2. What are the economic and environmental impacts of early Christmas shopping?
3. What date do you think stores should be permitted to start selling Christmas merchandise?

9 Optional extension / homework

Read the following task.

"Although early Christmas shopping can help consumers save money, there should be a
specific start date to maintain the season’s authenticity."

To what extent do you agree with the above statement?

You should:

• write at least 250 words,

• check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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