BSC 114 - 009 Syllabus Fall 2023

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BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 1

BSC 114-009 Fall 2023 Syllabus

Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:45 PM

Location: Shelby 1093
Instructor: Dr. Kim Lackey
Student Hours: Tuesday 11:00-12:00 or by appointment via Zoom. Link will be posted in Blackboard.
Office Location: Room 1314 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
Phone: 205-348-1789
Email: Include BSC 114-009 in the subject line or the e-mail may be deleted
Webpage: The simplest way to access Blackboard Learn (BBL).
Prerequisites: None. A familiarity with terms and concepts from high school chemistry and biology courses is

Biology GTA tutor: Miranda Gibson

Zoom Student hours: M 11-1 and Thur 3-5

All exams, due dates, student hours, etc. are Central Time (CT). If you are traveling or in a different time zone it is
important to remember times work is due will not change with you.

Required materials
 This course participates in the Access Granted program through the Supply Store. Your E-Text and Pearson
access code are available for you through links in Blackboard. These materials will be charged to your student
account at the lowest price. Please contact the SupeStore for more information or visit
 Textbook Options: Biology 12th edition is required, by Campbell, Reece and co-authors. Your Access Granted
program includes the eText, but you can purchase a loose-leaf text edition directly from Pearson through the
E-Text link in Mastering.
 A Mastering Biology account is required, and this is included in the Access Granted program. Previous edition
access codes will not work.

Computer Requirements:
This course requires students to have access to a stable, high-speed internet connection. You will also need a computer
either personal one or access to UA computers located around campus in libraries etc. Please visit the UA Office of
Information Technology ( for software that is available to download for all students.

In order to view animations associated with the lecture or homework, you may also need the following free tools:
• Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (Safari is not recommended for Blackboard Learn)
 Java
 Adobe Reader
 Flash Player
 Microsoft Silverlight
 QuickTime
 Windows Media Player (or Flip4Mac)

I may conduct some student hours via Zoom Video Conferencing software. Please be sure your computer has the
latest version of Zoom.

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 2

Technology Assistance: Contact UA OIT Help Desk (205-348-5555; for help with Blackboard Learn
issues. For Mastering Biology issues, check online at or to chat with a
specialist. You can also call 800-677-6337 to speak to a company technology specialist 24 hours a day. Be sure to get a
case number if you need further assistance.

Course Description:
BSC 114 is an introduction to biology for biology majors, biology minors, pre-health professions students and other
science majors. Topics covered include the basic principles and terminology of cell chemistry, cell biology, genetics,
and evolution.

Course Objectives:
To gain a comprehensive understanding of general biological principles including the chemical basis of life, the
relationships between cell structure and metabolism, genetics, and evolution. This course provides a foundation for
future coursework in the biological sciences.

Student Learning Outcomes. At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Identify the chemicals of life and how they interact at the cellular level.
 Relate the structure and function of cellular organelles.
 Understand the mechanisms of metabolic processes and the interrelationship of cells and molecules in the
production of energy necessary for life.
 Solve genetic crosses, analyze gene interactions, and interpret phenotypes.
 Know how molecules are synthesized and utilized for inheritance and cell function and are used in modern
molecular technologies that are changing medicine and agriculture.
 Understand how genetics underlies speciation and evolution of life and predicts population structure.

As an active learning course, students will:

1. Recognize and identify key concepts in science to provide a broad perspective on the human condition
2. Be able to critically discriminate between reliable and less reliable information when making decisions
3. Understand the scientific method and critically evaluate scientific information as related to real world
4. Be knowledgeable of research methods used in cellular, molecular, and evolutionary biology

Blackboard Learn (BBL) Website:

Blackboard Learn is the web interface for all UA courses. All students enrolled in this class have a Blackboard Learn
account that can be accessed through myBama on the academic tab ( or you can directly access
Blackboard Learn at The Blackboard Learn server is configured such that there is no
way for the user to see an assignment without the server recording the access. In all disputes, we will go by the record
made on the server, since the server does not have a vested interest in if you receive the points for the assessment.
The server provides your instructor with a complete record of who accesses the assessments, the time they spend on
them, and their answer for each question. In the event of server problems, which do sometimes occur, contact your
instructor immediately to report the problem.

On the website you will find:

 The syllabus: Course policies and schedule of classes and exams (i.e., this document). Modifications to the
schedule will be posted on the website and announced in class.
 PowerPoints: Slides will be posted on the blackboard website; slides will be posted at least several weeks
before the lecture.
 Instructions: on how to set up and log into mastering biology to access the etext and to do homework.
 Your grades: Any problems in the Blackboard Learn gradebook must be brought to my attention within 72

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 3

hours of the class period in which the problem occurred so that I can make corrections in my class grade book.
After 72 hours all information logged into the Blackboard Learn website (and the grade book) will be
considered correct.
o Allow at least 2 hours after you complete and submit your homework assignment for homework
grades to be sent to Blackboard Learn.
 Announcements: Changes to the schedule and other announcements of general interest will be posted under
announcements and emailed to your crimson mail addresses.
 Quizzes and Exams:
o Quizzes will not be viewable after the due date and completion of Exam practice quizzes attempts. Be
sure to identify any needed information while viewable.
 Homework/ Assignments:
o There is a link to homework/ assignments in the Blackboard that takes you directly to Campbell’s
Biology 12ed. assigned homework.
 Miscellaneous information: Frequently asked questions, worksheets, supplemental material, etc.

Student Email:
Crimson email is the University’s official method of sending information to students. Announcements, changes, and
updates will be sent to your crimson email via Blackboard Learn. Students are responsible for the contents of all
email and Blackboard communications sent to them and should check their UA email accounts regularly (at least
daily). You can have your crimson email forwarded to an email address that you monitor regularly.

Contacting Your Instructor:

When contacting your instructor, please use the e-mail address provided above, do not use blackboard as a
means of communication. When e-mailing your instructor, include BSC114 in the subject line.
Do not construct your e-mails to resemble text messages (e.g., without a salutation or your name) or with
extensive “text” lingo (e.g., btw, lol) as this is inappropriate. Provide a salutation (Hello Dr. Lackey for example) and
end the message with your name (Sincerely, John Doe). I will make an effort to answer emails within 24 hours of
receiving them. Emails received outside of business hours (9 am - 5 pm CST) or over weekends/ holidays will answered
the next business day. Please carefully read through the syllabus before contacting me, the information you are
seeking may well already be there.

Class Attendance:
Class attendance is expected and highly recommended! The topics discussed in the lecture are critical to your
understanding of the class materials. Topics covered in lecture are fair game for exam questions, which may not be
covered in as much detail in the provided slides. Studies of students that attend class regularly show almost a full letter
grade better on exams than their peers that do not regularly attend.
 Daily study/review of course materials and accessing of materials on Blackboard Learn and MasteringBiology is
 A general rule is students can expect to spend 2-3 hours a week outside of class for every hour in class.
 There will be random in class quizzes and attendance checks during the semester.

Point value Percentage of grade
Exam 1 (Sept 26): Ch 2-7 150 points 15%
Exam 2 (Oct 17): Ch 8-12 150 points 15%
Exam 3 (Nov 14) Ch 13-17 150 points 15%
Exam 4 i.e. Final Exam (Dec 14): Ch 18-24 150 points 15%
Homework (see schedule for due dates) 200 points 20%

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 4

Quizzes (Chapter, practice exam, in class,

200 points 20%
Syllabus, Pretest, etc)
Bonus (CCSS tutoring, Bio-MAPS, SOI etc) Varies
Total 1000 points 100%

Letter Assignment: Based on a percentage rounded with 2 decimal points, as follows.

A+ = 98-100 B+ = 88-89 C+ = 78-79 D+ = 68-69 F < 60
A = 92-97 B = 82-87 C = 72-77 D = 62-67
A- = 90-91 B- = 80-81 C- = 70-71 D- = 60-61

Posting of Grades:
Grades will be posted online via BlackBoard. Grades CANNOT be given out by e-mail, over the phone, or to a friend or
 Midterm grades will be posted on myBama. Midterm grades will not be displayed on your final transcript and
will reflect the percent of points earned out of the total required completed assignments when calculated.
o Midterm grades will not reflect a drop of any homework grades
 Grades will be posted according to the grading category they fall under.
 You may be asked to present your ID to verify your identity when discussing grades during virtual student
o If you would like to discuss grades during virtual student hours please let me know. We can go to a
breakout room for privacy, if necessary.
o Please ensure you are in a private setting.

Exams: 60% of the course grade.

There will be four (4) exams given ONLINE via Blackboard Learn. Each exam will be composed of 50 multiple-choice, fill
in the blank, ordering, multiple answer, short answer or similar type questions. Questions will be based on concepts,
terms and facts presented in class and applications of this material. Exams are not cumulative but incorporate ideas
from the lectures on previous exams. All material in the text and in the learning objectives for the appropriate lectures
can be expected on the exams. No textbooks, class notes, computers or other electronic devices, including cell
phones, are permitted during exams!
 Exam 4 will cover new material and be formatted same as exams 1-3.
 Exam Information:
1. Exams 1-3 will be given in 16 Lloyd Hall computer lab at 6:30 PM (see you class schedule). Please plan
accordingly! Location of exam 4 will be announced in class the week prior to the exam.
2. Examinations are timed- You will have 70 minutes to take the exam, see schedule for dates and times. If you
arrive late to an exam you will have the remaining time left in the exam window, NOT the full time!
3. Once you log in to take an exam you will NOT be allowed to take a makeup exam, logging is recorded in the
Blackboard Learn Management System.
4. Be sure you have your current MyBama login and password information.
5. No calculators – all math must be performed manually – not even the one on the computer.
6. You must display a photo ID (preferably CWID) during the entire exam period or have it available upon request.
7. All students must be checked out by instructor or TA prior to leaving the exam room. Students that do not
properly check out will receive a grade of zero on the exam.
a. Raise your hand and the instructor or TA will come to your station to:
i. Verify your identification; if your identification is on an electron device you will need to put the
device away during the exam. You will be allowed to turn on the device in the presence of the
proctor after submission of your exam.
ii. Check the exam is properly submitted
iii. Dismiss you.

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iv. Students that do not properly check out will receive a zero on the exam.
8. Students that take the exam in person will be allowed to bring a 3 x 5 inch index card HANDWRITTEN only front
and back with any helpful information on it. 1 card per student. Must include your name and CWID legible
written in the top left corner. You must turn your card in at the end of the exam. Any other size cards, typed
or not handwritten will be taken up prior to the exam and will not be returned!!!!
9. All electronic devices must be put away before you begin the exam (watches; fitness monitors, cell phones,
tablets, laptops). Students observed using any of these devices will be referred to the Dean’s Office for a
possible Honor Code violation.
10. Taking a test for another student will be treated as academic misconduct by both parties. In particular,
showing an instructor a fake ID or another student’s ACT card will be treated as academic misconduct.
11. No exams passwords should be shared. Sharing will be considered cheating and submitted as academic
12. Receiving or providing assistance of any kind during an exam will be treated as academic misconduct by both
13. Cellphones must be turned completely off and placed with other belongings on the floor. All watches must be
taken off and put away. DO NOT put your phone or watch in your lap or on your chair or desk. Physically
holding or concealing on your person a phone, watch or other unauthorized technological device (including but
not limited to headsets, earphones, earbuds, microphones, cameras, or scanning pens) will be treated as
academic misconduct.
14. If for any reason you must have access to your phone while taking a test, you must inform an instructor prior
to accessing your phone. The instructor must be present while you use the phone. Failure to do so will be
treated as academic misconduct.
15. If necessary, scratch paper will be provided. No other paper is allowed; being in possession of any
unauthorized papers will be treated as academic misconduct.
16. You may review your test during student hours. You may not photograph your exam or write down or copy
any information pertaining to the test, nor may you share any information about the test with anyone by any
means. This includes sharing information by word of mouth, written correspondence, electronic device or any
type of social media. Providing information about the test to other students will be treated as academic
misconduct. Also, having in your possession information about any test prior to the test that was not given to
you by the instructor will be treated as academic misconduct.
17. You may not leave your place during a test for any reason. This includes getting water or going to the
restroom. You must take care of these things before the start of the test. If you leave your test without
permission, your test will be collected/submitted and you will not be allowed to continue working on it.
18. Interrupting the exam or creating a disturbance to cause a distraction during the exam will be treated as
academic misconduct.
19. In order to enforce these rules, an instructor may require you to do any of the following. Failure to comply will
be treated as academic misconduct.
a. Remove hats, hoods, scarves, or other head coverings.
b. Remove bulky coats, sweaters or other over-garments.
c. Roll up sleeves.
d. Remove anything seen in your ears or on your person.
e. Empty your pockets and display the contents.
f. Sit in assigned seats prior to the start of the exam.
g. Require you to move to a new seat during the exam.

Makeup exams
 Exam 1-3 Makeups will be during the scheduled time on Nov 28th 6:30-7:50. Final exam make-ups will be
during the University’s scheduled deferred exam time. Students needing to make up multiple exams will need
to do so during the allotted time. You must contact me the week before the deferred exam time to obtain
the location and confirm your intentions to take the exam.

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 Students will be permitted to make up exams (according to the policy outlined below) with a significant,
documented excuse such as school-sponsored events (note: fraternity/ sorority events are not considered
school-sponsored events) if they communicate the absence to me at least 48 hours before the exam.
 Requests to makeup exams after the exam date will only be granted for extreme emergencies documented
with a valid written excuse. Documentation for an extension/ make up must come from a student’s medical
provider, UA’s Student Care and Well-Being, or other qualified individual (as determined by the course
o You must contact me via email to request a makeup exam by no later than 48 hours after the time the
exam is given or within 48 hours of your approved return to class date, whichever is earliest.
o Failure to comply within the outlined time frame will result in a grade of zero.
 Note: family trips, employment, transportation schedule, etc. are not valid excusable absences.
 Makeup exams may be of different format such as predominantly essay and fill-in-the-blank.
 Failure to take the makeup exam at the scheduled time will result in a grade of “0” for that exam.
 Makeups are NOT “do-overs”: if you’ve taken an exam at its scheduled time you may not take it again. It is
your responsibility to take the makeup exam at the assigned time or the grade for that exam will be forfeited.

Mastering Biology Homework: 20% of the course grade.

 28 assignments, each 8 points for a total of 200 points total. 3 lowest scores will be dropped.
 Complete each assignment as material is completed in class but no later than the due date listed in the
 You are welcome to work ahead but you will not be able to redo an assignment.
 You may log in and out of the homeworks as often as needed however, all work must be submitted by the due
date to receive credit.
 Work the problems carefully, consulting lecture notes and the textbook. You will have 2 opportunities to
complete each question. The first incorrect answer will result in ½ credit for the question. The second and
subsequent answers will receive no points for that question.
 Access to homework problems is through Textbook/homework link in Blackboard Learn.
 If Blackboard is down log into directly, this is NOT an excuse for late
 If you are traveling when a homework is due, please note if there is a time difference.
 If you have technical problems with Mastering Biology or eText visit, or
contact Customer Support at 800-677-6337. Please write down the case number.
 Changes to recommended homework due dates will be announced in class and calendar updated in
 Requests to makeup missed homework will only be granted for extreme emergencies documented with a valid
written excuse. Documentation for an extension/ make up must come from a student’s medical provider, UA’s
Student Care and Well-Being, or other qualified individual (as determined by the course instructor).
o You must contact me via email to request a makeup no later than 48 hours after the time the due date or
within 48 hours of your approved return to class date, whichever is earliest will be used. Failure to notify
me within this time frame will receive a grade of zero.
o All makeup work must be completed within 7 days.

Quizzes. 20% of course grade.

 At least 200 points of quizzes will be given during the semester. Quiz types could include (but are not limited
to): Quizzes before, during or after material is covered, practice exam questions via blackboard or in person,
random or prescheduled.

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 7

o In class quizzes will be administered by paper, learning catalytics, Qualtrics or other method. You do not
need to purchase anything to access these type of quizzes. You will scan a QR code or login information in
class. Be sure to have a device available to use. If absolutely necessary, you may submit your answers on
paper provided it is turned it in immediately after class (or when instructed to do so and presented with a
valid ID to verify identity). Any handwritten responses must be legible for grading.
 If you need to provide written responses, please bring paper and a pencil/pen.
o In class quiz make-up policy: Students will be permitted to make up inclass quizzes with a significant,
documented excuse such as school-sponsored events (note: fraternity/ sorority events are not considered
school-sponsored events) if they communicate the absence to me at least 48 hours before class.
 Requests to makeup quizzes after class will only be granted for extreme emergencies documented
with a valid written excuse. Documentation for an extension/ make up must come from a student’s
medical provider, UA’s Student Care and Well-Being, or other qualified individual (as determined
by the course instructor).
 You must contact me via email to request a makeup by no later than 48 hours after the class quiz is
given or within 48 hours of your approved return to class date, whichever is earliest.
 Make-up in class quizzes may be a different format with different questions.
 Failure to comply within the outlined time frame will result in a grade of zero.
o Any points earned above 200 will NOT be bonus, they will be subtracted from the quiz points earned. A
maximum of 200 points will be counted.
 Due dates and times for prescheduled quizzes are posted in the class schedule at the end of the syllabus.
Quizzes administered in class will be explained in person.
 Instructions are included for each quiz. Quiz materials will not be accessible after the due date so be sure to
take notes if you want to use them to study for your exam.
 You may NOT take a quiz for someone else. This is considered academic misconduct and in violation of the
University Honor Code. All cases of academic misconduct will be referred to the Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences.
 Students are highly encouraged to study in groups and work with others. However, sharing exam or quiz
answers using GroupMe or other technological means constitutes academic misconduct.
 You will earn a zero for missed quizzes. Make-up quizzes will only be allowed for verified excuses when the
instructor is notified and a verifiable excuse (same as described above) is provided within 48 hours of the due
date (or within 48 hours of being cleared to return to classes). All work must be completed within 7 days.
 All chapter quizzes for credit will close at Central Time on their due date (see syllabus schedule for all due
dates and times)
 Practice chapter and exam quizzes will close immediately prior to their respectively scheduled exam time.
 Syllabus, Pretest and Posttest Quiz:
 The syllabus Quiz and Pretest quiz will close at 11:00PM on Sunday September 3 rd.
 More detailed information and instructions will be included with each assignment. Briefly:
o PLEASE USE the syllabus to look up answers for the syllabus quiz. You may revisit the quiz multiple
times before it closes.
o The pretest quiz is used to determine what background knowledge you have when you begin the
class. DO NOT look up answers. You will receive credit for correct and incorrect answers. You will
have 10 minutes to answer 20 questions. This should be completed in one attempt.
 The posttest quiz will be administered separately during your scheduled final exam time.
o It is used to determine what you learned in the class. You will have 30 minutes to answer 20

Bonus Points.

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Bio-MAPS: The Biology Department will be using Bio-MAPS – a diagnostic assessment that aims to measure student
understanding across a degree program and is aligned with the Vision and Change nationally-validated set of core
biology concepts (AAAS, 2011), further elaborated in the BioCore Guide (Brownell et al.)

Students may earn 4 bonus points with successfully uploaded documentation. Please submit a screenshot as either a
jpeg or DocX file of the completed survey with your name or you in the image. Do not submit the entire document or
scores, just a picture of you clearly taking the assessment or screenshot of the last page of the assessment.

Please complete by Friday Sept 8 if possible. Due date is set for Sept 10.
 Assignment will no longer be available after Sept 22.

CCSS tutoring: By participating in the Capstone Center for Student Success tutoring program, students can earn 1
point per hour up to 20pts. Students that attend at least 20 hours will earn an additional 5 points for a total number of
25pts possible that will be applied to the total course points.
 Students must swipe in and out to get credit for attending.
 All time spent in biology tutoring at CCSS is maintained by the CCSS, a report will be sent over at the end of the
semester. Any disputes in time attended should be taken up with CCSS.
 All sessions, available times and aspects of the CCSS tutoring program are at the discretion of CCSS.
 Schedule and more information can be found at

SOI: Student may complete the instructor SOI and submit a copy of the completed assessment for 4 bonus points. See
the SOI assignment link for detailed information and instructions. SOI’s emails will be sent out later in the semester.

Any additional bonus opportunities will be announced in class.

Lecture Materials:
Lecture materials (PowerPoints, pdfs, and/or videos) are posted on the Blackboard Learn course site. Students should
download these slides prior to each lecture and use them as guides for note taking and studying. The posted slides are
NOT to be used as a replacement for lectures or reading the textbook. The slides will provide a general guideline to
the lectures. Slides are not exhaustive and should not be relied upon as the sole study guide. Memorizing the
PowerPoint slides will not be sufficient to successfully pass this course. The amount of information is massive and
requires large amounts of your time; which should include daily reading in your textbook, review of audio and video
supplements on Blackboard, etc. Listening to class lectures, note-taking, building study tools (i.e., flash cards and topic
outlines) and regular review of the textbook and study material will be necessary to keep up with the course.

Study Assistance:
 In addition to the assigned homework through the Mastering Biology has several online resources: video’s,
flashcards, dynamic study modules and additional study and review materials. There are also useful review
questions at the end of each topic section and at the end of each chapter.
 The Center for Student Success (CASS) offers tutorial appointments as well as non-appointment based (walk-in)
tutoring sessions. More information is provided on this website
 Biology GTA Zoom tutoring hours: Miranda Gibson will host 4 hours per week of tutoring. Information is
posted at top of syllabus (zoom link and hours).

Study advice:
Carve out a daily time to study / review the course material and keep up with class readings, homework and quizzes.
We will cover 19 chapters of material over the course of the semester. Regular review of lecture recordings and
reading assignments will go a long way toward long-term comprehension and success. Last minute cramming will not
work in a class like this. Regular reading, note review and practice questions will best prepare you for the exams.

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 9

University Regulations regarding Zoom, and/or other Video Conferencing software:

Lectures may be recorded using Panopto, Zoom or Blackboard Ultra and then posted to the Blackboard Learn website
for the class. Please be aware that the UA Student Code of Conduct prohibits students from "Disruption or obstruction
of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities, including its public-service
functions, whether on or off-campus, and other authorized non-University activities that occur on University premises.”
Disruptive or obstructive behavior in any class meeting, in-person or online, may be referred to the Office of Student
Conduct for disciplinary action.

Additionally, please understand that without prior approval from the instructor of this course, students may not
record course content and/or post course content publicly, including on social media sites. Students who record
and/or post course content without instructor approval may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for
disciplinary action.

Students with Disabilities:

The University of Alabama is committed to a universal learning environment. This means that our classroom, virtual
spaces, and interactions be as inclusive as possible. Any student with particular needs should contact the Office of
Disability Services (205-348-4285). ODS will forward any necessary information to me. Thereafter, please contact Dr.
Lackey to discuss details for any accommodations needed for this course.

Code of Academic Conduct:

All students in attendance at the University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of
conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University expects from its students a higher standard of
conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any
academically related matter and any knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another
student. The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of misconduct.

Academic Misconduct:
a. Academic misconduct by students includes all acts of dishonesty in any academic-related matter and any knowing or
intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student commits an act of academic dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, each of the following acts when performed in any type of
academic or academic-related matter, exercise, or activity.
(1) Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or computer-related
(2) Plagiarism: representing words, data, pictures, figures, works, ideas, computer programs or outputs or anything
generated by someone else, as one's own. Self-Plagiarism: resubmitting your own previously submitted work without
proper citation and permission from the current instructor to whom the original work is subsequently submitted.
(3) Fabrication: presenting as genuine any invented or falsified citation, data or material.
(4) Misrepresentation: falsifying, altering, or misstating the contents of documents or other materials related to
academic matters, including schedules, prerequisites, and transcripts.

Please note:
 Abusive or harassing behavior towards your fellow students or the instructor is considered academic
misconduct and will be handled according to the university’s academic misconduct code.
 Sending abusive or harassing emails is considered academic misconduct and will be handled according to the
university’s academic misconduct code.

Classroom Decorum:
The Code of Student Conduct requires that students behave in a manner that is conducive to a teaching/learning
environment. Students who engage in behavior that is disruptive or obstructive to the teaching/learning environment

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 10

will be subject to disciplinary sanctions outlined by the Code of Student Conduct. Disruptive/obstructive behavior is
not limited to but may include the following: physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, stalking, intimidation harassment,
hazing, possession of controlled substances, possession of alcoholic beverages, use or ringing of cell phones in class,
use of MP3 players, reading newspapers, or talking while instructor is talking.

Severe Weather Protocol:

In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university
activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move
immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices,
or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is
issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not
yet begun will resume 30 minutes after a tornado warning has expired provided at least half of class period remains.

UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until
the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty
commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in
Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary
precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management
Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm should take immediate lifesaving actions. If West Alabama is
under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive
information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate
the actions that faculty, staff and students take

The Office of Public Relations will disseminate the latest information regarding conditions on campus in the
following ways:
 Weather advisory posted on the UA homepage (
 Weather advisory sent out through Connect-ED--faculty, staff and students (sign up at myBama)
 Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA at 90.7 FM
 Weather advisory broadcast over Alabama Public Radio (WUAL) at 91.5 FM
 Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA 7. WVUA 7 Storm Watch provides a free service you can subscribe to
that allows you to receive weather warnings for Tuscaloosa via e-mail, pager or cell phone. Check for details

Basic Emergency Information

 The primary university communication tool for sending out information is the website:; consult
this site as soon as you can in an emergency
 Information regarding the status of this course during an emergency will be provided on the Blackboard Learn

Pregnant Student Accommodations:

Title IX protects against discrimination related to pregnancy or parental status. If you are pregnant and will need
accommodations for this class, please review the University’s FAQs on the UAct website.

Religious Observances:
Under the Guidelines for Religious Holiday Observances, students should notify the instructor in writing or via email
during the first two weeks of the semester of their intention to be absent from class for religious observance. The
instructor will work to provide reasonable opportunity to complete academic responsibilities as long as that does not
interfere with the academic integrity of the course. See full guidelines at Religious Holiday Observances Guidelines.

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 11

Controversial Topics:
Some of the topics in this course may be considered controversial. One of the core purposes of a university is to
discuss important topics through a scholarly lens. When members of a class find themselves feeling strongly about a
topic, that is a signal that the topic is important enough to be discussed rather than avoided. Differences of opinion are
expected and will result in rich discussions. In these discussions students will be expected to demonstrate a thorough
understanding of concepts presented in the course materials and to ground their positions in concepts and evidence
relevant to the course. This in turn will entail coming to class prepared, asking relevant questions, sharing perspectives,
having a willingness to listen, and practicing open-mindedness when encountering the perspectives of others. In this
course we will assume the positive intentions of all class members when discussing important topics, and we will give
them the benefit of the doubt when considering their perspectives and sharing our own.

BSC 115
The laboratory course (BSC 115) is worth 1 credit hour and is graded independently from the lecture (114). Dr. Lackey
is not involved in BSC 115 laboratory. Additional materials are required for BSC 115. For questions or problems in BSC
115 contact your TA or the undergraduate lab coordinator.

UAct Statement:
“The University of Alabama is committed to an ethical, inclusive community defined by respect and civility. The UAct
website ( provides a list of reporting channels that can be used to report incidences of illegal
discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, retaliation, threat assessment or fraud.”

College can be a stressful time:

If you or someone you know is facing a challenging time or dealing with academic or personal stress, anxiety,
depression, or other concerns, we strongly encourage and support you to seek assistance or to help friends find the
care that they may need. Also, If you are experiencing a personal crisis and need urgent assistance, you can also
contact the following resources:

Counseling Center
 Monday-Friday during routine Center hours (205-348-3863).
 Weekends, holidays, after-hours (contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 and ask to speak with the on-call
 You may also text BAMA to 741-741 to text with a trained volunteer.

Women and Gender Resource Center

 Monday-Friday during routine Center hours (205-348-5040).
 Weekends, holidays, after-hours (contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 and ask to speak to the on-call
advocate for the WGRC.

Syllabus Disclaimer: The instructor will make every effort to follow the guidelines of this syllabus as listed; however;
the instructor reserves the right to amend this document as the need arises. In such instances, the instructor will
notify students in class, on blackboard, and/or via email to the student’s university email and will endeavor to provide
reasonable time for students to adjust to any changes. Now that you have read the whole syllabus submit the code
word: panda (all lowercase) on the syllabus quiz.

Quiz Due by
Homework Due by
Date Chapter Topic 6:30 PM CT
11:00 PM CT
unless noted
Th, Aug 24 Introduction and course policies; Chapter 2
T, Aug 29 2 Atoms, bonds and molecules 2 (Su, 9/3) Tues 9/26

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 12

Preassessment and Syllabus Quiz due Su, 9/3

Th, Aug 31 3 and 4 Water, Carbon-containing molecules 3 (Su, 9/10) 4 (Su, 9/10) Tues 9/26
T, Sept 5 5 Macromolecules – Carbohydrates & lipids
Th, Sept 7 5 Macromolecules –Proteins & Nucleic Acids 5a and 5b (Su, 9/17) Tues 9/26
Bio-MAPS bonus due Su, 9/10
T, Sept 12 6 The cell – Membrane-bound organelles Tues 9/26
Th, Sept 14 6 The cell – Membrane-bound organelles 6a and 6b (Su, 9/24) Tues 9/26
T, Sept 19 7 Membranes – structure & function 7a and 7b (Su, 10/1) Tues 10/17
Th, Sept 21 8 Metabolism Tues 10/17
T, Sept 26 8 Metabolism 8a and 8b (Su 10/8)
Exam 1
T, Sep 26 (6:30-
Exam 1 Chapters 2 - 6 in ***Lloyd Hall 16 practice quiz
7:50 PM CT)
Tues 9/26
Th, Sept 28 9 Respiration – Redox, Glycolysis, CAC
T, Oct 3 9 Respiration – Oxidative phosphorylation 9a and 9b (Su 10/8) Tues 10/17
Th, Oct 5 10 Photosynthesis
T, Oct 10 10 Photosynthesis 10 (Su 10/15) Tues 10/17
Th, Oct 12 12 The cell cycle and mitosis
T, Oct 17 12 The cell cycle and mitosis (continued) 12a and 12b (Su 10/22) Tues 11/14
Exam 2
T, Oct 17 (6:30-
Exam 2 Chapters 7- 10 in ***Lloyd Hall 16 practice quiz
7:50 PM CT)
Tues 10/17
Th, Oct 19 13 Meiosis
T, Oct 24 13 Meiosis 13a and 13b (Su 11/5) Tues 11/14
Th, Oct 26 Fall Break (No Class)
Genetics – monohybrid and dihybrid
T, Oct 31 14
Genetics – monohybrid and dihybrid Tues 11/14
Th, Nov 2 14 14a and 14b (Su 11/12)
T, Nov 7 16 DNA structure and replication
Th, Nov 9 16 DNA structure and replication 16a and 16b (Su 11/19) Tues 11/14
T, Nov 14 17 Transcription and RNA processing
Exam 3
T, Nov 14 (6:30-
Exam 3 Chapters 12 -14, 16 in ***Lloyd Hall 16 practice quiz
7:50 PM CT)
Tues 11/14
Thurs 12/14
Th, Nov 16 17 Translation and mutation 17a and 17b (Su 11/26)
8:00 AM
Nov 20-24 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Class)
Thurs 12/14
T, Nov 28 19 Viruses 19 (Su 12/3)
8:00 AM
Make- Only students missing Exams 1, 2 and/ or
T, Nov 28 (6:30-
up 3 will make them all up during this time.
7:50 PM CT)
Exam ***Lloyd Hall 16
Thurs 12/14
Th, Nov 30 22 Natural selection 22 (Su 12/3)
8:00 AM
Thurs 12/14
T, Dec 5 23 Populations 23 (Su 12/10)
8:00 AM
Th, Dec 7 24 Speciation 24 (Su 12/10) Thurs 12/14

BSC 114 Syllabus Fall 2023 page 13

8:00 AM
Exam 4
TH Dec 14 8:00 practice quiz
Exam 4 Chapters 17, 19, 22 - 24 Location TBA
- 10:00 AM CT Thurs 12/14
8:00 AM
TBA- Location of the final exam will be announced in class and by blackboard the week of Nov 28 th.

Final Exam schedule:

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