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Q.1 (A) Define: Bitumen, Emulsion, Tar. 03


❖ Bitumen:
⮚ Bitumen is obtained by the partial distillation of crude petroleum.
⮚ It is also called as mineral tar and is present in asphalt also.
⮚ The bitumen is black or brown in colour and it is obtained in solid
or semi-solid state.

❖ Emulsion:
⮚ Emulsion is a combination of water and bitumen.
⮚ Prepared by dispersing bitumen in the form of fine globules
suspended in water with the help of suitable emulsifier.
⮚ Used for Prime coat and Tack coat and other cold mix.

❖ Tar:
⮚ Tar is a byproduct of the carbonization or destructive distillation
of organic materials.
⮚ It is a high viscous liquid which contains high amount of carbon
⮚ It is used for laying surface layer for pavements, preserving wood
Q.1 (B) Explain the terms: ESWL, EWLF, VDF, modulus
of resilient. 04
⮚ Equivalent single wheel load (ESWL) is the single wheel load
having the same contact pressure, which produces same value of
maximum stress, deflection, tensile stress or contact pressure at
the desired depth.

d = Space between two tyre ~ 3.5 cm

S = c/c Spacing between two tyre ~31 cm
P= Wheel load, standard =40/2=20 kN

⮚ Equivalent axle load factor (EALF): Damage per pass of the axle
considerd to the damage per pass of standard axle.
⮚ Equivalent Wheel Load Factor = (given wheel load/standard
wheel load)4
= (given axle load/standard axle
= (P1/P)4
⮚ Legal axle load: The maximum allowed axle load on the roads is
called legal axle load.
⮚ Standard axle load: It is a single axle load with dual wheel
carrying 80 kN (8170 Kg) load and the design of pavement is
based on the standard axle load
❖ VDF:
⮚ The vehicle damaging factor (VDF) is a multiplier to convert the
number of commercial vehicles of different axle load and axle
configuration into the number of repetitions of standard axle load
of magnitude 80 Kn
⮚ It is defined as equivalent number of standard axles per
commercial vehicle.

❖ Modulus of resilient:
⮚ The resilient modulus MR is the elastic modulus based on the
recoverable strain under repeated loads, and is defined as,

MR = σd / εr

σd = deviator stress
εr = recoverable elastic strain
Q.1(C) Discuss the physical properties requirements for
rural road and highvolume road.

• Traffic less then 2 msa considered low volume

• Traffic greater than 2 msa considered high volume

❖ Rural road:

 Scope:
• Cheapest Road , mostly used for rural road(low volume)
Provide camber 3% to 4%
Material specification:
• Size Not greater then 75mm is size(select borrow area or locally

specification for material requirement

 Highvolume Road:

 Scope :
• Low cost road , Clean Crushed Aggregate
• Used as Rural road as a base course
• Provided camber 2.5% to 3%
 Materials specification :
• Available in 3 Grading
Q.2 (A) Write a note on: drainage consideration in
pavement design. 03
 The performance of a pavement can be seriously affected if
adequate drainage measures to prevent accumulation of moisture
in the pavement structure are not taken.
 Some of the measures to guard against poor drainage conditions
are maintenance of transverse section in good shape to reasonable
cross fall so as to facilitate quick run-off of surface water and
provision of appropriate surface and sub-surface drains where
 Drainage measures are especially important when the road is in
cutting or built on low permeability soil or situated in heavy
rainfall/snow fall area.
 The coarse graded granular sub-base would have the necessary
permeability of 300 m/day with per cent fines passing 0.075 mm
sieve less than 2 per cent.
 Laboratory test should be conducted for the evaluation of the
permeability of the drainage layer.
 If the surface of the open graded drainage layer is likely to be
disturbed by the construction traffic the layer may be treated with
2% cement & 2-2.5 % of bituminous emulsion without any
significant loss of permeability.
 In pavement design, drainage considerations are paramount for
maintaining the structural integrity, safety, and environmental
sustainability of the roadway.
 Engineers must carefully plan and implement drainage solutions
to mitigate water-related issues and ensure the longevity and
functionality of the pavement.
 Properly managed drainage not only protects the investment in
infrastructure but also enhances overall road safety and reduces
environmental impacts.
Q.2 (B) Write a note on: modified bitumen. 04
Ans :
 A heavy roofing material employing multiple layers of asphalt and
reinforces around a core of plastic or rubber.
 modifiers or composite sheets consisting of a polymer modified
bitumen often reinforced with various types of mats or films and
sometimes surfaced with films, foils or mineral granules.

 Requirements of Modifiers
• Be compatible with bitumen.
• Resist degradation of bitumen at mixing temperature.
• Be capable of being processed by conventional mixing and laying
• Produce coating viscosity at application temperature.
• Maintain premium properties during storage, application and in
• Be cost-effective on a Life-cycle-cost basis.
Advantage of Modified Bitumen
• Lower susceptibility to daily and seasonal temperature variation.
• Higher resistance to deformation at high pavement temperature.
• Better age resistance properties.
• Higher fatigue life for mixes.
• Better adhesion between aggregate and binder.
• Prevention of cracking and reflective cracking
 Applications of Modified Bitumen
 Since a bituminous mix prepared with modified bitumen has a
higher stiffness modulus, enhanced fatigue life, better resistance
to creep and higher indirect tensile strength, it is suitable as a
wearing course, a binder course and overlay material on surfaces
which are cracked and subjected to heavy traffic.
 Modified binders are also used for application like Stress
Absorbing Membrane (SAM) for sealing of cracks, Stress
Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) for delaying reflection
cracking, Porous Asphalt and Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA)
 Modified bitumen performs better than conventional bitumen in
situations, where the aggregates are prone to stripping. Due to
their better creep resistance properties, they can also be used at
busy intersections, bridge decks and roundabouts for increased
life of the surfacing.

 Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB)

 Composition: Bitumen + Additives (Modifiers/Treated Crumb
 Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen is Conventional Bitumen
with treated Crumb Rubber Additive at high temperature which
results in Lower susceptibility to temperature variation, higher
resistance to deformation at high temperature, better age
resistance properties, higher fatigue life of mixes & better
adhesion properties.
 CRMB is manufactured in three grades for differing weathering
• Grade 50 is used for colder climates when minimum
modification is sufficient.
• Grade 55 is used in moderate climatic conditions where
moderate modification is required.
• Grade 60 is used in hot conditions where high modification is
required to withstand the extra heat
 Natural rubber modified bitumen (NRMB)
 Natural rubber also called India rubber, as initially produced,
consist of polymers of the organic compound isoprene, with
minor impurities of other organic compounds plus water.
 Natural rubber modified bitumen is used for prolongation of life
of state roads.
 The need to adopt rubber for the use of construction of the roads
mainly that it reduces the cost of construction and also recycled
rubber is used as it minimizes the environment pollution.

 Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB)

 Polymer modified bitumen material bring benefits in terms of
better and longer lasting roads and saving in total road life
 Modified bitumen are generally recommended for the roads with
heavy traffic and located in extreme climate areas.
 The selection of the type of modified bitumen will be based on
climatic condition, traffic volume, performance reports and life
cycle cost analysis.
 The selection criteria for grade of modified bitumen shall be
based on atmospheric temperature.
 The softest recommended grades are PMB 120, NRMB 120 and
CRMB50, which shall be used for cold climatic areas.
 PMB 70, NRMB 70 and CRMB 55 are used for moderate climate
and PMB 40, NRMB 40 and CRMB 60 are used for hot climate
areas and heavy traffic conditions. The specific grade shall be
chosen on the basis of minimum and maximum atmospheric
temperature in the region.
Q.2 (C) Explain the Boussinesq’s theory of stress analysis.
Ans :
 If the subgrade, sub-base and surfacing layers in a pavement are
assumed to form a homogenous mass, the analysis of the stresses can
be greatly simplified. In 1885, Boussinesq analyzed the distribution
of stresses in an ideal elastic, homogeneous and isotropic solid
obeying Hooke’s law and presented equations for horizontal and
vertical stresses in such a material under a load.
 The vertical stress under a load at any horizontal section decreases
from the maximum at the point located directly beneath the load to
zero at a very large distance from this point. The pressure
distribution is bulb shaped as shown in figure.
 The vertical stress (σz), at any point below the surface due to a
uniformly distributed load on a circular area, the point being located
on the vertical axis passing through the center of the circle is given

σz = vertical stress on a point on the z axis
σx = σy = radial or horizontal stress
p = applied pressure per unit area , , u = Poisson’s ratio
a = radius of circular loaded plate ,z = depth

The Poisson’s ratio, is the ratio of the strain normal to the applied stress
to the strain parallel to the applied stress. For soils it is generally around
 The Modulus of Elasticity (E), of soil is the ratio of unit stress to the
unit strain in the region of elastic behavior.
 The vertical displacement at the surface (z=0) under the center of the
applied load is given by:

Equation (i) can be used for design of a pavement by limiting the value
of ∆, the deformation of the pavement, to a desired value.
(c) Explain the Burmister’s two-layer and three-layer
theory. 07
❖ Stress in Layered Systems: Burmister’s Two Layer Theory

 Burmister proposed an analysis of a two-layer system, the top layer

of finite thickness and the bottom layer of semi-infinite mass. The
top layer represents the surfacing, base and sub-base whereas the
bottom layer represents the subgrade soil.

The following equation gives the deflection at the surface:

, Δ= deflection at the surface
p = load intensity on the circular plate
a = radius of plate
E2 = Modulus of Elasticity of the lower layer
Fw = Displacement factor
Burmister suggested that the displacement under the wheel load
can be limited to 5.0
mm for flexible pavements.
❖ Stress in Layered Systems: Burmister’s Three Layer Theory

 With quick computational facilities now available, the analysis of

three or more layers is no more a difficult task. The three-layer
system can be conceived as follows:
 Top layer, representing all the bituminous layers taken together.
 Second layer, representing the unbound road base and sub base.
 Third layer, representing the subgrade.
 The system is shown in Figure.
 The materials in the three layers are assumed to be elastic and their
mechanical property is characterized by the Modulus of
Elasticity(E). In simpler
 treatments, the loading is assumed to be uniformly distributed over
a circular contact area.

p = contact stress
2a = diameter of circular loaded area
σz1 = vertical stress at first interface
σz2 = vertical stress at second interface
σr1 = horizontal stress in first layer, first interface
σr2= horizontal stress in second layer, first interface
σr 1/2= horizontal stress in second layer, second interface
σr3= horizontal stress in third layer, second interface
Q.3 (A) Give the requirements of transverse joints and
longitudinal joints in rigid pavements. 03

 Longitudinal Joints
 Longitudinal joints are placed parallel to the center line, and
transverse joints are placed at right angles to the center line for
the full width of the pavement.
 Some longitudinal joints require the use of a keyway with no tie
bars. Keyways may be trapezoidal or semi-circular in shape.
They are used when an adjacent pavement is expected to move
independently and the two pavements cannot be tied together.
The keyway, prevents any differential settlement of either
 A longitudinal joint is required in all pavements wider than 16
feet. If two adjacent lanes are poured at the same time, a
longitudinal joint is sawed.

 Transverse Joints
 The joints which are provided in the transverse direction or
perpendicular to the center line of road are known as
Transverse Joints.
 A transverse construction joint is used when the paving
operation is interrupted for longer than 30 minutes. These
joints are commonly used at the end of the paving operation
each day and may be retro-fitted to tie an existing slab into a
new pavement.
 Transverse construction joints are required to be located at
least 6 ft from an adjacent D-1 contraction joint.
 Spacing of the tie bars in the construction joint is required to
be 6 in. from any longitudinal joint and 1 ft, center to center,
Q.3 (B) Explain the fatigue concept used in IIT RIGID as
per IRC-58. 04
 Fatigue is an important consideration in the design of rigid
pavements, as it relates to the pavement's ability to withstand repeated
loading from traffic over its service life. In the context of IIT RIGID
and IRC-58, here's an explanation of the fatigue concept:

 Load Repetition: Fatigue in pavements is caused by the repetitive

application of loads from passing vehicles. Over time, these
repeated loadings can lead to the development of cracks and
damage within the concrete slabs.
 Load Spectra: In pavement design, engineers use load spectra,
which are representative load patterns that simulate the effects of
traffic loads. These spectra consider factors like axle loads, tire
configurations, and traffic volume.
 Fatigue Life Prediction: The concept of fatigue in IIT RIGID and
IRC-58 involves predicting the pavement's fatigue life based on
the load spectra and the pavement's structural characteristics.
Engineers use mathematical models to estimate when and how
fatigue-induced cracking might occur.
 Design for Fatigue: To design a rigid pavement that can withstand
fatigue, engineers consider factors such as concrete mix design,
slab thickness, joint spacing, and reinforcement. These design
parameters aim to extend the pavement's fatigue life and reduce
the risk of cracking.
 Load Transfer: Proper load transfer mechanisms, such as dowel
bars at transverse joints, are essential for reducing the potential
for fatigue-related cracking. Load transfer devices help distribute
loads evenly across slabs, minimizing localized stresses.
 Overlay Design: In cases where an existing pavement exhibits
fatigue-related distress, engineers may design an overlay to
improve its fatigue resistance.
Q.3(C) Explain the Friberg’s analysis of dowel bar design.
Ans :
Friberg's analysis is a method used to design dowel bars in jointed rigid
pavements. Dowel bars are load transfer devices that help distribute
loads across transverse joints, preventing faulting and maintaining
pavement integrity.

Here's an explanation of Friberg's analysis for dowel bar design:

 Load Transfer Mechanism: Dowel bars are typically placed across
transverse joints in rigid pavements to transfer loads from one slab
to another. This load transfer mechanism prevents differential
settlement and faulting at the joint, ensuring a smooth and durable
pavement surface.
 Dowel Bar Diameter: Friberg's analysis considers the diameter of
dowel bars. The diameter is selected based on factors such as the
anticipated traffic loads, concrete properties, and pavement
thickness. Larger dowel diameters provide greater load transfer
 Spacing of Dowel Bars: The spacing between dowel bars along the
joint is an essential parameter. Friberg's analysis determines the
optimal spacing to effectively distribute loads and minimize the
potential for faulting. It considers factors like joint width and traffic
 Concrete Slab Characteristics: The analysis takes into account the
properties of the concrete slabs, including their thickness, modulus
of elasticity, and subgrade support. These factors influence how
dowel bars interact with the slabs.
 Traffic Loadings: The anticipated traffic loadings on the pavement
play a significant role in dowel bar design. Friberg's analysis
assesses the expected axle loads, tire configurations, and traffic
volume to ensure that the selected dowel bar arrangement can handle
the loads.
 Dowel Bar Material: The choice of dowel bar material, often steel,
is considered in the analysis. Different steel grades and coatings may
be selected to provide corrosion resistance and long-term durability.
 Design for Performance: Friberg's analysis aims to design dowel
bars that promote load transfer while minimizing joint deflection and
stress concentrations. Proper dowel bar design helps extend the
pavement's service life and reduces maintenance costs.
 Load Transfer Efficiency: The analysis assesses how effectively
dowel bars transfer loads between adjacent slabs. Engineers aim to
achieve high load transfer efficiency to prevent differential
settlement and pavement distress. In summary, Friberg's analysis is
a systematic approach to designing dowel bars for jointed rigid
pavements. It considers various factors, including dowel bar
diameter, spacing, concrete slab characteristics, traffic loadings, and
material properties, to ensure proper load transfer and pavement
performance at transverse joints.


Q.3(A) Discuss the importance of lime stabilized subgrade.

 Lime stabilization is a ground improvement technique that involves
adding lime to the soil to improve its properties.
 Stabilization is achieved when the proper amount of lime is added
to a reactive soil and exchange of ions occurs. Clayey soils of
moderate to high plasticity are suitable for implementing this
 Sufficient curing time has to be provided, as the rate of strength
gain is rapid during initial stages. The gain in strength is also
affected by the temperature at which curing takes place.
 High temperature during curing leads to enhanced strength.
 Lime stabilization technique is usually used in road construction to
improve sub-bases and subgrades and for railroad and airport
 Considerably more work needs to be done on studying the effects
of weathering on lime-soil mixtures as resistance to alternate
wetting and drying and to cycles of freezing and thawing.
 Field indications from Texas are that the lime-treated soils which
they have used show much better supporting performance over a
period of a few years than do the adjacent road sections built of raw
 Lime is used in soil stabilization applications to develop long-term
permanent strength in fine-grained soils high in silt and clay
 Lime stabilization uses pozzolans, which are naturally present in
clay soils, to generate cementitious bonds that permanently
strengthen and stabilize clay soil., which are naturally present in
clay soils, to generate cementitious bonds that permanently
strengthen a soil.

Q.3 (B) Discuss the criteria of pavement design for low

volume road as per IRC SP-62. 04
IRC SP-62 provides guidelines for the design of flexible pavements for
low-volume roads. Low-volume roads typically experience less traffic
compared to high-volume highways. Here are the criteria for pavement
design as per IRC SP-62:
 Traffic Load Consideration: The design of a pavement for a
lowvolume road begins with an assessment of the expected traffic
loadings. This includes analyzing factors such as the volume of
traffic, axle loads, and traffic patterns specific to the road.
 Subgrade Soil Evaluation: The characteristics of the subgrade
soil, including its bearing capacity and resilience, are essential
considerations. Soil tests and evaluations are conducted to
understand the subgrade's behavior under load.
 Layer Thickness: The design specifies the thickness of pavement
layers, including the surface layer (wearing course), base course,
sub-base, and subgrade. The choice of thickness is based on
factors such as traffic loads, soil properties, and climate conditions.
 Material Selection: IRC SP-62 provides recommendations for
selecting suitable materials for each layer of the pavement
structure. This includes guidelines on the types of aggregates,
binders, and bituminous mixes that can be used.
 Load Transfer Mechanisms: Proper load transfer mechanisms,
such as dowel bars or keying of layers, are essential to ensure that
the pavement can distribute loads evenly and prevent differential
 Drainage Consideration: Effective drainage is crucial to prevent
water accumulation on the road surface. Proper cross slopes,
ditches, and drainage structures are designed to manage surface
 Pavement Performance: The design criteria aim to ensure that the
pavement can withstand the anticipated traffic loads without
experiencing excessive deformation, rutting, or cracking.
Pavement performance is a key consideration.
 Cost-Effective Solutions: Designing pavements for low-volume
roads often involves cost-effective solutions. Engineers aim to
balance the structural requirements with available budgets to
provide durable and safe road infrastructure.
 Environmental Impact: Design criteria also consider
environmental impact, including factors like soil erosion control
and the use of environmentally friendly materials.
 Maintenance Considerations: Long-term maintenance
requirements and costs are taken into account in the design
process.IRC SP-62 provides detailed guidance on these criteria to
ensure that pavements for low-volume roads are designed to meet
the specific needs and conditions of such roads. The goal is to
provide safe, durable, and cost-effective road infrastructure while
considering the limitations of low traffic volumes.
Q.3 (C) Discuss the subgrade rutting criteria and fatigue
cracking criteria for bituminous layer. 07

 Fatigue Criteria:
 Bituminous surfacings of pavements display flexural fatigue
cracking if the tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer
is beyond certain limit. The relation between the fatigue life of
the pavement and the tensile strain in the bottom of the
bituminous layer was obtained as

in which, Nf is the allowable number of load repetitions to

control fatigue cracking and E is the Elastic modulus of
bituminous layer.
 Pavement is considered failed if 20% of the surface has cracked.
 Fatigue cracking refers to the development of interconnected
cracks in the bitumen layer due to repeated loading and thermal
stresses. It is a major distress mode in flexible pavements and can
significantly reduce the service life of the road. Therefore,
fatigue cracking criteria are established to ensure the structural
integrity and performance of the bitumen layer.
 The most commonly used criteria for fatigue cracking are the
Maximum Allowable Crack Spacing (MACS) and the Maximum
Allowable Crack Width (MACW). MACS specifies the
maximum allowable spacing between adjacent cracks, while
MACW defines the maximum allowable width of individual
cracks. These criteria are typically measured in millimeters and
are based on the expected traffic volume, temperature variations,
and bitumen properties.
 It is important to note that the specific subgrade rutting and
fatigue cracking criteria may vary depending on the local
climate, traffic conditions, and pavement design standards.
Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors and consult the
relevant guidelines or specifications provided by the local
transportation authorities or pavement
engineering organizations.

 Rutting Criteria
 The allowable number of load repetitions to control permanent
deformation can be expressed as

Nr is the number of cumulative standard axles to produce rutting

 Pavement is considered failed if it exhibits a rut depth of 20 mm.

 Subgrade rutting refers to the permanent deformation or
depression that occurs in the underlying soil or pavement layers
due to repeated traffic loads. It is a significant concern as it can
lead to uneven road surfaces, reduced ride quality, and increased
maintenance costs. To prevent excessive subgrade rutting,
certain criteria are set to ensure the durability and longevity of
the road.
 The most commonly used criteria for subgrade rutting are the
Maximum Allowable Rut Depth (MARD) and the Wheel Track
Rut Depth (WTRD). MARD specifies the maximum allowable
rut depth across the entire road section, while WTRD focuses on
the rut depth within the wheel tracks. These criteria are typically
measured in millimeters and are based on the expected traffic
volume, axle loads, and environmental conditions.
Q.4 (A)Explain the symptoms and causes of edge-breaking
in pavements. 03
 Symptoms:
 Edge cracks develop between the edge of the pavement and
concrete curbs or soil.
 They often come from seasonal freeze/thaw cycling, which
widens and deepens the cracks over time, but are more
common when the pavement edge hasn’t been properly
supported or in cases where the pavement edges regularly
handle heavy loads.
 Edge cracking requires some case-by-case investigation, and
treatment may involve improving the drainage in the area and
filling the cracks with crack seal.

Edge breking
 Causes:

 Lack of support at edges of pavement

 Poor drainage condition
 Heavy vegetation
 Heavy traffic alongside the edge of the pavement

Q.4 (B) Explain the use of dry lean concrete as subbase for
rigid pavement. 04
 Dry lean concrete (DLC) is a mixture of cement, fine aggregates,
and water, with little to no slump. It is commonly used as a subbase
for rigid pavements due to its various advantages. Here are some
reasons for using DLC as a subbase:
1. Load-bearing capacity: DLC has good load-bearing capacity, which
makes it suitable for supporting heavy loads from the rigid pavement
above. It can distribute the load uniformly and prevent the subgrade
from excessive deformation.

2. Stability: DLC provides stability to the pavement structure. It helps

in reducing differential settlement and minimizes the risk of cracks and
failures in the rigid pavement.

3. Moisture control: DLC acts as a barrier against moisture infiltration

from the subgrade. It helps in preventing the subgrade from becoming
saturated, which can lead to softening and weakening of the pavement
4. Uniformity: DLC can be easily placed and compacted to achieve a
uniform thickness and density. This ensures consistent support to the
rigid pavement and helps in maintaining a smooth riding surface.

5. Cost-effective: DLC is relatively cost-effective compared to other

subbase materials. It requires less cement content and can be produced
using locally available materials, reducing transportation costs.

6. Construction speed: DLC can be quickly placed and compacted,

allowing for faster construction of the subbase. This can help in
reducing project timelines and minimizing traffic disruptions.

7. Environmental benefits: DLC is considered an environmentally

friendly option as it reduces the need for natural aggregates, which
helps in conserving natural resources. It also has a lower carbon
footprint compared to other subbase materials.

Overall, the use of dry lean concrete as a subbase for rigid pavement
offers several advantages in terms of load-bearing capacity, stability,
moisture control, uniformity, cost-effectiveness, construction speed,
and environmental sustainability
Q.4 (C) Explain with a neat sketch, the transition slab
between rigid and flexible pavement. 07
 Transition:
 Transition between CRCP and Flexible Pavement Provision of a
 Transition slab will be necessary between CRCP and flexible
 The expansion from CRCP is restricted to the last 90-120 m .
 The transition slab is a stepped reinforced concrete slab which
can be constructed to match with bituminous pavement layers.
 Both sleeper slab and transition slab will have dry lean concrete
subbase in continuation of the subbase provided under CRCP
 A couple of expansion joints provided at the end of CRCP will
relieve expansive pressure in summer months.
 The details are shown in fig. 9. The details of expansion joints are
given in fig. 10.

 Transition Zone:
 The transition zone is the area where the rigid and flexible
pavements meet. It includes various components to
facilitate the transition, such as:

• Tapered Edge: The edge of the concrete pavement is

typically tapered or beveled to provide a smooth transition.
This prevents abrupt steps that can cause discomfort to
vehicle occupants and lead to structural issues.
• Asphalt Taper: The asphalt in the transition zone is also
tapered to match the taper of the concrete pavement. This
helps ensure a gradual change in stiffness between the two
pavement types.
• Joint Sealing: Joints or seams between the concrete and
asphalt pavements are sealed to prevent water infiltration
and maintain pavement integrity.
Q.4 (A) Explain the symptoms and causes of shallow
depressions in pavements. 03
 Symptoms :
 Shallow depressions are isolated low areas of limited size,
dipping about 25 mm or more below the profile, where water will
normally become stagnant.
 The shallow depressions may or may not be eventually
accompanied by cracking of surface.
 These may also lead to further deterioration of the surface and
cause discomfort and unsafe surface to traffic.

Shallow Depression

 Causes :
 Shallow depressions are caused by isolated settlement of lower
pavement layers due to pockets of inadequately compacted sub
grade or subsequent pavement layers.
Q.4 (B) Write a note on: Interlocking Concrete Block
Pavement (ICBP). 04
Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement (ICBP)
 Concrete block pavement was introduced in The Netherlands
in the early 1950s as a replacement for baked clay brick roads.
 Blocks were rectangular in shape and had more or less the
same size as the bricks. In earlier days non-interlocking bricks
were used but now interlocking bricks were used.
 ICBP gives excellent performance when applied at locations
where conventional systems have lower service life due to a
number of geological, traffic, environmental and operational
 Many number of such applications for light, medium, heavy
and very heavy traffic conditions are currently in practice
around the world.

 Advantages of ICBP
1. Since the blocks are prepared in the factory, they are of a very
high quality thus avoiding the difficulties encountered in
quality control in the field.
2. Concrete block pavements restrict the speed of vehicles to
about 60 km per hour, which is an advantage in city streets
and intersections.
3. ICBP pavements are well skid resistant as it is having rough
4. The block pavements are ideal for intersections where speeds
have to be restricted and cornering stresses are high.

5. The digging and re-installment of trenches for repairing is

easier in the case of block pavement.
6. These pavements are unaffected by the spillage of oil from
vehicles, and are ideal for bus stops, bus depots and parking
7. Since the concrete blocks are grey in colour, they reflect light
better then the black bituminous pavements, thus bringing
down the cost of street lighting.
8. They are preferred in heavily loaded areas like container
depots and ports as they can be very well designed to
withstand the high stresses induced there.
9. In India, the laying of concrete block pavements can be
achieved at a low cost because of the availability of cheap
10. The cost of maintenance is much lower than a bituminous
11. Block pavement does not need in-situ curing and so can be
opened to traffic soon after completion of construction.
12. Construction of block pavement is simple and labour
intensive and can be done using simple compaction
13. Maintenance of block pavement is simple and easy. Also the
need for frequency of maintenance is low as compared to
bituminous pavement.
14. Structurally round blocks can be recycled many times over.
15. Unlike concrete pavements, block pavement does not exhibit
very deterioration effect due to thermal expansion and
contraction and are free from the cracking phenomenon.

 Limitations of ICBP
1. Quality control of blocks at the factory premises is a
prerequisite for durable "ICBP"
2. Any deviations of the base course profile will be reflected on
the "ICBP" surface. Hence extra care needs to be taken to fix
the same.
3. High quality and gradation of coarse bedding sand and joint
filling material are essential for good performance.
4. ICBP over an unbound granular base course is susceptible to
the adverse effects of poor drainage and will deteriorate faster.
5. ICBP is not suited for high speed roads (speed above 60 km/h)
Q.4 (C) Explain the method of construction of block pavement as
per IRC SP 63. 07
 Procedure of Laying ICBP

 Step 1 - Leveling and Compaction of sub grade

The preparation of sub grade should be graded to a tolerance of ±
20 mm of design levels and its surface evenness should have tolerance
of 15 mm under a 3 m straight edge. Moisture content in the sub grade
material will affect the strength. Hence water table should not be at a
level of 600 mm or higher below the sub grade level. In case of soils
like clay and silt, moisture must be removed before further rolling.
After that it is covered with a thin layer of dense base course. The layer
is then rolled. Stabilization of sub grade with lime or cement may also
increase the strength of sub grade.
Sub grade should be compacted in layers either 150 or 100 mm
thickness as per IRC guidelines.

 Step 2 - Installation of sub surface drainage works

Normally drains are sub surface drains and must be surrounded
by either filter aggregate or geotextiles to avoid washing of bedding
and jointing sand. Except pedestrian open areas, the pavement surface
should have a cross fall of at least 3 % and top of the blocks next to
drainage channels should be at least 10 mm above the lip of the channel.
In pedestrian open areas, the pavement surface should have a cross fall
of at least 1.25 % and top of the blocks next to drainage channels should
be at least 3 mm above the lip of the channel.
 Step 3 - Provision and Compaction of Sub base & base course
The base course is directly laid over the sub grade with the
thickness of each layer should not be more than 100 mm compacted
thickness. For weaker sub grades there are other options
• Improved drainage
• Cement of Lime stabilization
• Use of Geotextiles
Base course should be finished within 0 mm to 10 mm for level.
It should not pond water and should be well shaped. Do not rely on
sand bedding for removal of unevenness. For compaction usually
vibratory plate compactors are used. The selection of vibratory plate
compactors is very vital. Number of passes for effective compaction
will depend upon the various factors like compactor capacity, speed of
compactor, base course material properties, moisture content and layer
thickness. Normally vibratory compactors will lose top material of base
course and hence after applying the required number of passes, 4 passes
of regular roller or plate compactor without vibratory motion should be
given. The compaction of material around manholes, kerbs and service
boxes must be done carefully.

 Step 4 - Installation of edge restraints

Must be produced with high quality concrete with at least 28-day
characteristic compressive strength of 30 N/mm2 and Flexural strength
3.8 N/mm2. Road kerbs, Edge strips, PCC can also be used as edge
restraints. The gap between the two edge restraint block is required to
be closed with cement mortar of 1:6 proportion.

 Step 5 - Provision and Compaction of coarse bedding sand

Thickness of bedding sand in loose form must be 25-50 mm and
in compacted form 20-40 mm. Sand must be laid in uniform thickness.
Grades and cambers must be provided in the sub grade and base course
it self and not in the bedding sand. Sand is required to be spread with
screed board and it must have uniform moisture content of 6 to 8 %.
Hence regular checking of moisture content in sand is important.
Before placing the sand take a trial to decide the surcharge for a typical
sand. Required quantity of sand for a day work must be stored in
advance and must be covered with tarpaulin sheets or any other suitable
material. After laying proper compaction of bedding sand is required.

 Step 6 - Laying of blocks and interlocking

Block should be laid on 5 mm screed (a thick layer) provided with
bedding sand material. Don’t place block on compacted or saturated
sand. Normally laying should commence from edge strip and proceed
towards center of the pavement. Also as far as possible laying should
be done only from one direction along the entire width of the area
paved. While locating the starting line following points must be
considered, On a sloping site start from lowest point and proceed to up
In case of irregular shaped edge restrains or strips it is better to
start from straight string line.
Gap between the two blocks are not less than 2 mm and not more
than 4 mm. The blocks very popularly laid in three patterns
 Step 7 - Application of joint filling sand and compaction
Don’t use wet block and wet sand. Joint filling sand must be properly
graded as per guidelines. For compaction vibratory plate compactors
are used. Heavy plate compactors with a weight between 300 to 600 kg
and apply a centrifugal force in the range 30 to 65 KN are preferred
over standard plate compactors. There should not be delay in
compaction after laying of paving blocks. After completion of the
compaction, the paved surface should be cleaned by wire brush and fill
empty space if it exists.
Q.5 (A) Write a note on: Hot in-plant recycling (HIP). 03
 In this method the existing pavement is heated and softened, and
then scarified or hot rotary mixed to a specified depth.
 New HMA or recycling agent may be added to the RAP material
during the recycling process
 The depth of treatment varies between 20 mm to 50 mm (3/4 inch
to 2 inches)
 The Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA)
have identified three HIPR processes: (a) surface recycling, (b)
repaving, and (c) remixing
 The advantages of hot in-place recycling are that surface cracks
can be eliminated, ruts and shoves and bumps can be corrected,
aged asphalt binder is rejuvenated, aggregate gradation and
bitumen content can be modified, traffic interruption is minimal,
and hauling costs are minimized.
Q.5 (B) Explain the important properties of bitumen
emulsion. 04
• A liquid product obtained by vigorously stirring up a mixture of
two unmixable liquids is called as emulsion.

 Important properties of bitumen:

 The emulsion contains 40 to 60% of bitumen or tar, the average

diameter of globules of bitumen portion is about two microns.
 Emulsions used for road construction generally have the
penetration value from 190 to 320.
 When emulsion is applied on the road, it breaks down and the
binder starts binding the aggregate through the full binding
 The first sign of break down is change in colour from chocolate
brown to black. If
 emulsion breaks rapidly, the emulsion is said to be rapid set
 Emulsion which do not break contact with stone but it breaks
during mixing are of medium set grades.
 When special types of emulsifying agents are used to make
emulsion stable, they are called slow setting grades. The
Manufactured emulsion are stored in air tight drum.
 They can be quickly applied and are extremely useful for patch
work and repair, The road surface can be quickly opened to
traffic, just after 2-3 hours.
 Emulsion can be used in all-weather i.e. even during rains.
 They are not suitable for large scale construction work of
bituminous roads.
Q.5 (C) Explain the milling process of reclamation in
pavement. 07
 The complete technology package requires consideration and
provision of all the processes, that is reclamation of the pavement
materials (milling, ripping, breaking) handling the reclaimed
materials (in-place or off site), the processing of the reclaimed
materials and construction.
 The processing of the reclaimed materials to achieve the design
gradation including by adding fresh aggregates and to produce
the new mix with the graded aggregates including by adding
fresh binder.There are essentially two types of recycling
1. Cold in place

 In this method the existing pavement material is reused without

the application of heat No transportation of materials is usually
required, and therefore, haulage cost is very low
 Normally, an asphalt emulsion or foamed bitumen is added as
recycling asphalt binder
 The process includes pulverising the existing pavement, sizing of
the RAP, application of recycling agent, placement, and
 The depth of treatment is typically from 75 mm to 100 mm (3
inches to 4 inches) Surface dressing or asphalt overlay needs to
be provided as a wearing surface.
 The advantages of cold in-place recycling include significant
structural improvement, treatment of most pavement distress,
improvement of ride quality, minimum hauling and air quality
problems, and capability of pavement widening.
2. Hot in Place

 In this method the existing pavement is heated and softened, and

then scarified or hot rotary mixed to a specified depth.
 New HMA or recycling agent may be added to the RAP material
during the recycling process
 The depth of treatment varies between 20 mm to 50 mm (3/4 inch
to 2 inches)
 The Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA)
have identified three HIPR processes: (a) surface recycling, (b)
repaving, and (c) remixing
 The advantages of hot in-place recycling are that surface cracks
can be eliminated, ruts and shoves and bumps can be corrected,
aged asphalt binder is rejuvenated, aggregate gradation and
bitumen content can be modified, traffic interruption is minimal,
and hauling costs are minimized.
Q.5 (A) Explain different types of slurry sealing. 03
 Slurry sealing is a technique used to maintain and protect road
surfaces. It involves the application of a mixture, known as slurry,
onto the existing pavement. The slurry consists of a combination of
asphalt emulsion, fine aggregate, mineral filler, and water. There are
several different types of slurry sealing methods, each designed for
specific purposes and conditions. Here are some of the most
common types:

1. Type I Slurry Seal: This is the most basic form of slurry sealing. It is
used to seal minor cracks and surface defects, providing a smooth and
skid-resistant surface. Type I slurry seal is typically applied in thin
layers, ranging from 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick.

2. Type II Slurry Seal: This type of slurry seal is used for more severe
surface distresses, including moderate cracking and raveling. It
provides a thicker layer of slurry, usually between 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick,
to improve the durability and longevity of the pavement.

3. Microsurfacing: Microsurfacing is a specialized form of slurry

sealing that uses a polymer-modified asphalt emulsion. It is designed
to correct moderate to severe surface distresses, such as rutting and
oxidation. Microsurfacing is typically applied in thicker layers, ranging
from 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick, and provides enhanced durability and skid

4. Cape Seal: A cape seal is a combination of a chip seal and a slurry

seal. It involves applying a chip seal layer, which consists of a layer of
aggregate followed by a layer of asphalt emulsion, and then overlaying
it with a slurry seal. Cape seals are used to address more severe
distresses, such as extensive cracking and potholes, and provide a cost-
effective solution for pavement rehabilitation.
5. Rejuvenating Slurry Seal: This type of slurry seal is used to restore
the aging and oxidized asphalt pavement. It involves the application of
a rejuvenating agent, such as a polymer-modified asphalt emulsion or
a rejuvenating oil, followed by a slurry seal. Rejuvenating slurry seals
help to restore the flexibility and durability of the pavement, extending
its service life.

These are just a few examples of the different types of slurry sealing
methods used in road maintenance. The selection of the appropriate
type depends on the condition of the pavement, the
severity of distresses, and the desired outcome. It is important to
consult with pavement engineers and professionals to determine the
most suitable slurry sealing technique for a specific road surface.

Q.5 (B) Explain the types of defects in bituminous surfacing. 04

 The types of defects in bituminous surfacing are grouped under four
1. Surface defects
2. Cracks
3. Deformation
4. Disintegration

1. SURFACE DEFECTS: These are associated with the surfacing

layers and may be due to excessive or deficient quantities of
bitumen in surface layer.

2. CRACKS: A common defect in bituminous surfaces is the

formation of cracks. The crack pattern can, in many cases,
indicate the cause of the defect. As soon as cracks are observed,
it is necessary to study the pattern in detail so as to arrive at the
• Immediate remedial action should be taken thereafter because of
the danger of ingress of water through the cracks and of the
formation of pot-holes and raveling.

• Cracks can hardly be observed from moving vehicles and

inspection on foot is always desirable.

3. DEFORMATION: Any change in the shape of the pavement

from its original shape is a deformation. It may be associated with
slippage, rutting, etc.

• The treatment measures aim at the removal of the cause, and

bringing it to the original level by fill material or by removing
the entire affected part and replacing it with new material.

4. DISINTEGRATION: There are some defects which, if not

rectified immediately, result in the disintegration of the pavement
into small and, loose fragments.

• Disintegration, if not arrested in the early stages, may necessitate

complete reconstruction of the pavement.
Q.5 (C)Discuss the attributes and warrants for suitable preventive
maintenance treatments as per IRC-82. 07
 The typical preventive maintenance treatments are given below:

1. Crack sealing/crack filling

2. Fog seal
3. Slurry seal
4. Micro surfacing
5. Surface dressing
6. Thin Surfacing (Thin hot-mix/cold-mix bituminous overlays)
7. Ultra-thin friction courses

1. Crack sealing/crack filling:

These treatments are intended primarily to prevent the intrusion of
moisture through existing cracks. Crack sealing refers to a sealing
operation that addresses working cracks those open and close with
changes in temperature. It typically implies high quality materials
and good preparation. Crack filling is for cracks that undergo little
movement. Sealants used are typically elastomers modified
bituminous materials that soften upon heating and harden upon

Warrants for Crack sealing/crack filling

Climate Treatment can perform well in all
climate conditions
Traffic Performance is not significantly
affected by varying traffic
Addressed For longitudinal cracking, minor
block cracking, transverse cracking
and also acceptable if the extent of
cracking is minimal
Limitations Structural failure such as extensive
fatigue cracking or high severity
rutting and extensive pavement
Construction consideration Placement should be done during
warm and dry weather conditions.
Proper crack cleaning is essential to
achieve a good bond and maximum

2. Fog Seal: Fog seal are placed primarily to seal the pavement, inhibit
raveling rejuvenate hardened bitumen surface and provide some
pavement edge shoulder declination. Fog seals are very light
applications of a diluted bitumen emulsion placed directly on the
pavement surface with no aggregate. Typical application rates range
from 0.23 to 0.45 kg per m2.

Warrants for Fog seal

Climate Treatment can perform well in all
climate conditions
Traffic Increased traffic can increase
surface wear.
Addressed For longitudinal cracking, block
cracking, transverse cracking,
Raveling and where no structural
improvement needed, it can help to
reduce moisture infiltration through
fatigue cracks if the severity level is
Limitations Structural failure such as significant
fatigue cracking, friction loss and
thermal cracking.
Construction consideration Typically, a slow setting emulsion is
used which requires time to break,
the pavement is sometimes closed
for two hours for curing before
being re-opened to traffic.
3. Slurry Seal :
A mixture of well graded aggregate and bitumen emulsion that is
spread over the entire pavement surface with either a squeegee or
spreader box attached to the back of a truck. It is effective in sealing
low severity surface cracks, waterproofing the pavement surface, and
improving skid resistance at speeds below 60 km/hr. Thickness is
generally less than 10 mm.

Warrants for Slurry seal

Climate Treatment can perform effectively
in all climate conditions
Traffic Performance in terms of surface
wear is affected by increasing
traffic. Accommodate the higher
traffic volumes
Addressed For Transverse, longitudinal and
block cracking, raveling, friction
loss, moisture infiltration. This adds
no structural capacity, however it
can temporarily seal cracks.
Limitations Structural failure such as significant
fatigue cracking, friction loss and
thermal cracking.
Construction consideration Surface must be clean. Aggregates
must be clean, angular, durable, well
graded and uniform. Avoid
placement in hot weather and
premature opening to traffic. Do not
place when freezing temperatures
are expected.
5. Microsurfacing :

Microsurfacing consists of a mixture of polymer modified

emulsified asphalt, mineral filler, water and additives applied in a
process similar to slurry seals. Used primarily to inhibit raveling and
oxidation of the pavement surface. Also effective at improving surface
friction and filling minor irregularities and wheel ruts (up to 40 mm).

Warrants for Microsurfacing

Climate Effective in all climate conditions
Traffic Successful on both low and high
traffic volume
Addressed For longitudinal and transverse
cracking, raveling, bleeding,
roughness, friction loss and
moisture infiltration.
Limitations Structural failure, extensive
pavement deterioration and thermal
Construction consideration Avoid placement in hot weather if
there is potential for flushing
problems. Placement in cool
weather can lead to early raveling,
not to be placed when freezing
temperatures are expected.

5. Surface Dressing :
Bitumen emulsion is applied directly to the pavement surface (1.2
to 1.7 kg/m2) followed by the application of aggregate chips (0.004 to
0.015 cum/m2) which are then immediately rolled to embed chips.
Application rates depend upon aggregate gradation and maximum
size. Treatment seals pavement surface and improves friction.
Warrants for Surface dressing
Climate Treatment performs well in all climatic conditions.
Traffic With proper design and placement, chip seals can
perform well on high volume roads. However, use is
primarily limited to lower speed, lower volume roads
because of the propensity for loose chips to crack
Addressed For longitudinal, transverse and block cracking,
raveling, bleeding, roughness, friction loss and moisture
Limitations Structural failure, extensive pavement deterioration and
thermal cracking.
Site Restrictions High speed, high volume roadways are often avoided,
although a number of approaches are being used to
extend the applicability of these treatments.

Construction Surface must be clean. Treatment should be placed

consideration during warm weather with chip spreader immediately
behind asphalt distributor and rollers close behind the
spreader. Approximately 2 hours required before
roadway may be reopened to normal speed traffic.
Brushing is usually required to remove loose chips.

6. Thin Surfacing (Thin hot-mix/cold-mix bituminous

overlays) :
Plant mixed combinations of asphalt cement and aggregate
applied to the pavement in thickness between about 15 and 25 mm
dense graded, open graded, premix and stone matrix mix are used.
Warrants for Thin surfacing
Climate Treatment performs well in all climatic conditions.
Traffic Performance should not be affected by different traffic
condition. Thin overlays are not structural layers and as
such should not be subjected to strain from loadings.
Such layers may be subject to top down cracking under
certain combinations of loadings, environmental
conditions and pavement structures.

Addressed For longitudinal, transverse and block cracking,

raveling, bleeding, roughness, friction loss and moisture
Limitations Structural failure, extensive pavement deterioration and
thermal cracking.
Site Restrictions Edge shoulder drop off should be considered. Surface
should be uniform to compaction.
Construction Surface must be clean. A tack coat prior to overlay
consideration placement will help improve the bond to the existing
surface. Thin HMA overlays dissipate heat rapidly and,
therefore depend upon minimum specified mix
placement temperatures and timely compaction.

7. Ultrathin Friction Courses

Relatively new treatment and consists of a gap graded, polymer
modified 10 to 20 mm layer placed on a tack coat formed by the
application of a heavy, polymer modified bitumen emulsion.
Treatment effectively addresses minor surface distresses and
increases surface friction.
Warrants for Ultrathin Friction Courses
Climate Treatment performs well in all climatic conditions.
Traffic Capable of withstanding high ADT volumes and truck
traffic better than other thin treatments.
Addressed For longitudinal, transverse and block cracking,
raveling, bleeding, roughness, friction loss and moisture
Limitations Structural failure, extensive pavement deterioration and
thermal cracking.
Site Restrictions Ultrathin overlays should only be placed on structurally
sound pavements. Localized structural problems
should be repaired prior to overlay application.

Construction Requires special paving equipment to place the mix.


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