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The 18th Century (Restoration)

Author Author's Description Works

Jonathan Swift ● Born on November 30, 1667, in Dublin, Gulliver's Travels

Ireland—died October 19, 1745,in Dublin. It is the story of the various adventures of Lemuel
● In 1689 to 1694, he was employed as secretary Gulliver, who is basically the narrator and protagonist in
to Sir William Temple in Moor Park, Surrey, the book. Gulliver, a married surgeon from
England. Nottinghamshire, England, is someone who loves
● In 1694, he was ordained as priest in the Church traveling. He works as a surgeon on ships and lands up
of Ireland (Anglican Church) and assigned as becoming a ship captain.
Vicar (parish priest of Kilroot)
● Widely acknowledged as the greatest prose Through many unfortunate events during his voyage at
satirist in the history of English. sea, Gulliver gets stranded in foreign lands and absurd
situations, whether it’s getting captured by the miniature
Lilliputians, Brobdingnag, Laputa or becoming friends
with talking horses, the Houyhnhnms.

Theme/s Presented
● Geographical Exploration, Reversal of social
status, political satire
Geographical Exploration
Through the four voyages, each taking Gulliver to a
fantastical land with distinct characteristics, the theme of
geographical exploration mirrors the real-life voyages
undertaken by explorers of the time, who set sail to
discover new and exotic cultures. This theme resonates
with the intellectual currents of the 18th century,
highlighting the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason,
observation, and social improvement.

Alexander Pope ● Born May 21, 1688, London, England—died May The Rape of the Lock
30, 1744, Twickenham, near London Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock is a playful
● 1715-1720 - He translated Homer's Iliad and satire set in the glamorous world of 18th century British
Odyssey high society. The core of the poem revolves around a
● Considered the foremost English poet of the early seemingly insignificant event: the theft of a lock of hair.
18th century and a master of heroic couplet. This theft incident becomes the trigger for an epic and
comical story.

This poem is based on a real event. In 1711, a fight

broke out between two prominent English families, the
Fermors and the Petres, after Lord Petre stole Arabella
Fermor's hair. In 1712, Pope, who was an acquaintance
of both families, wrote this poem with humor and satire
to try to reconcile the parties. By turning real events into
a false heroic epic, Pope sought to entertain his friends
and comment on the superficiality and excesses of

Theme/s Presented
● Social upheaval, political satire, natural state of
man vs. civilized man
Natural State of Man vs. Civilized Man
The Rape of the Lock suggests that the natural state of
man is one of innocence and purity. Represented by
Belinda's carefree nature and love for beauty. Associated
with innocence, spontaneity, and connection to nature.
While the civilized state of man is one represented by
the social rules and expectations governing the
characters' lives.
Associated with formality, artificiality, and concern for
appearances. Exemplified by the Baron's elaborate
scheme to steal Belinda's lock and the trivialization of
the event by society.

The Romantic Movement in England

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