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APPENDIX P—ALLOWABLE EXTERNAL LOADS ON TANK SHELL OPENINGS * P11 Introduction ‘This appendix shall be used (unless specified otherwise by the Purchaser on Line 29 of the Data Sheed) for tanks lager than 36 m (120 f) in diameter, and only when specified by the Purchaser for tanks 36 m (120 f) in diameter and smaller, See W.2(6) for audiional requirements. This appendix presents two different procedures fo determine external loads on tank shells. Section F2 establishes limit loads and 3 is based on allowable sitesses. This appendix. is based on H. D. Billimoria and J. Hagstrom’s “Stiffness Coefficients and Allowable Loads for Nozzles in Flat Bottom Storage Tanks” and HD, Billimoria and K. K Tam’ “Experimental Investigation of Stiffness Coefficients and Allowable Loads for a Nozzle ina Flat Bottom Storage Tank.” P.2_ Limit Loads 2.1. SCOPE This appendix establishes requirements forthe design of storag-tank openings that conform to Tables 5-6a and 5-6b and. Jos will be subjected to external piping loads. The requitements of this appendix represent accepted practice for the design of shell openings in the lower half ofthe bottom shell course that have @ minimum elevation from the tank bottom and meet the requirements of Tables 5-Ga and 5-6b. It is recognized thatthe Purchaser may specify other procedures, special factors, 08 and additional requirements. Any deviation from these requirements shall be mutually agreed upon by the Purchaser and the Manufacturer. P22 GENERAL ‘The design of an external piping system that wall be connected oa thin-walled, large-diameter cylindrical vertical storage tank ‘may pose a problem in the analysis of the interface between the piping system and the tank opening connections. The piping designer must consider the stiffness ofthe tank shell ane the radial deflection and meridional rotation ofthe shell opening a the ‘opening: shell connection resulting from product head, pressure, and uniform or differential temperature between the shell an the bottom. The work ofthe piping designer and the tank designer must be coordinated to ensure tat the piping loads imposed on the shell opening by the connected piping are within safe limits. Although three primary forces and three primary moments may be applied to the mic:-surace ofthe shell at an opening connection, only one force, Fg. and two moments. Mj and Me, are normally considered significant causes of shell deformation (see P2.3 fora description ofthe nomenclature). P2.3 NOMENCLATURE 4 = outside radi ofthe opening connection (nun (in) E = modulus of elasticity (MPa) (Ibflin.2) (see Tables P-1a and P-1b) Jos Fg = radial thrust applied atthe mid-suface ofthe tank shel athe opening connection (N) (Ib) Fp = pressure end load on the opening forthe pressure resting fom the design product head at the elevation ofthe opening centerline, xa2P (N) (Ib) G = design specific gravity ofthe liquid ‘H = maximum allowable tank filling height (mm) (in) Ke ~ siifiness coefficient forthe circumferential moment (N-mmvradian) (in Abb radian) Kj, = sllfiness coofficient forthe longitudinal moment (N-mm an (in tbradian) Ke = slilfness coefficient for the ail thrust oad (Nim) (bsfin) L = vertical distance fom the opening centerline othe tank bottom (asm) (in) [Mc = citeumferental moment applied to the mid surface ofthe tank shel (N-mm) (intB) M;, = longitudinal moment applied to the mid-surface of the tank shell (mm) (in.-tbf) pa p2 APL Smnn0 650 Table P-1a—(S1) Modulus of Elasticity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient at the Design Temperature Design a Moats of lasticity Seer, (MPa) Thermal Expansion Coefficient® € E (mm 10 %imm."C)) 20 208.000 = 3 199,000 Bo 150 195,000 1a 200 101,000 wt 260 188,000 131 ‘Mean coeficen of thermal expansion, going from 20°C: to the temperature indicated, ‘ote: near interpolation may be applied for inermedhiate wales os} Table P-1b—(USC) Modulus of Elasticity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient at the Design Temperature Tee Masato ; Tempera ofin’) “Thermal Expansion Coefficient F E Kin 10° per in 70 73,500.00 200 28,800,000 607 300 28,300,000 6s 400 27,700,000 107 500 27,300,000 725 ‘Mean coefficient of thermal expansion going fem 70°F to the vermperatre indicate, Note: Linear ierpoaton may be applied for intermediate values, P = pressure resulting ftom product head at the elevation of the opening centerline (MP) (Ibfin2) R= nominal tank radius (mm) (in) {= shell thickness atthe opening connection (rum) {in.) AT = normal design temperature ins installation temperature (°C) () W’ = unrestrained radial growth of the shell (mm) (in) Wye = resultant radial deflection at the opening connection (mt) (in) Xq = L+a (om) (in) Xq = La (mmm) (in) Xe = £ (nm) (in) Yeo = coefficient determined from Figure PAB Ye Y_ = coefficients determined from Figure P-48 oy & = thermal expansion coefficient of the shell material (mmi/{mm-*Cl) (in/fin-"F) (see Tables P-ta and P-1b) {B = characteristic parameter, 1285/05 (Imm) (1/in) 2 = acRans @ = unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head (radians) 0c = shell rotation inthe horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting ftom the cicumferential moment (radians) ‘WeLnco Tanks FoR Ox StomAce Ps 8, = shell rotation in the vertical plane atthe opening connection resulting from the longitudinal moment (radians) P24 STIFFNESS COEFFICIENTS FOR OPENING CONNECTIONS The siffness coefficients Kix Ki, and Ke coresponting othe piping loads Fg My, aod Meat an opening conneetion, as shown in Figure P-1, shall be obtained by the use of FigutesP-2A through P-2. Figures P-2A through P-2L shal be used to interpolate intermediate values of coefiiens. 2.5 SHELL DEFLECTION AND ROTATION 2.5.1 Radial Growth of Shell The unrestrained outward radial growth of the shell at the center ofthe opening connection resulting from product head and/or theemal expansion shall be determined as follows: In Sluts y= 98%10° CHR Fr In US Customary unis: QOS6CHR Fy ee [ e™cos (BL) 2.5.2. Rotation of Shell ‘The unrestrained rotation of the shell at the center of the nozzle-shell connection resulting from product head shall be determined as follows: In SLunits 10° CHR se [eos(BL) + Fr BoM teos(BL) spo} 1nUS Customary unis: 06H [1p 9 = 90NGHR {ite teosipty ssp} 2.6 DETERMINATION OF LOADS ON THE OPENING CONNECTION ‘The relationship between the elastic deformation ofthe opening connection and the external piping loads is expressed as follows: Fy Wa = Rebel Pa [API STaNDARD 650 _ Renamer onset fee UL 5 | 3 | ptosis 000s 3 co - & swt Ht : \ a iesoo8 i nr 5 | sos | 8 8 8 88882 g 8 Figure_P-1—Nomenclature for Piping Loads and Deformation Ky. and Keare he shell iffines coeficints determined from Figures P-2A through P-2L. Wy 8, and Oat the resto rd deflection av ation ofthe shel atthe opening connection resulting from the piping loads Fg. Mj an) Mand te product head, pressure, and uniform or diferental temperature between the sell andthe tank bottom, Fg Mand Meshal be obtained from anal- {ses of piping flexibility based on consideration ofthe shel stiffness determined from Figures -2A through P-2L, the shell deflec- tion and rotation determined as described in P2.5.1 and P2..2, and the rigiity and restraint ofthe connected piping system, P27 DETERMINATION OF ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR THE SHELL OPENING. 2.7.1 Construction of Nomograms Determine the nondimensional quantities X,/(RA°5, Xi/(RO05, and Xc/(Ri)S for the opening configuration under consideration P. Lay out two sets of orthogonal axes on graph paper and label the abscissas and ordinates as shown in Figures P-3A and P-3B, where Vc, Ys and ¥, are coefficients determined from Figures P-4A and P-4B, Lay out two sels of orthogonal axes on graph paper, and label the abscissas and ordinates as shown in Figures P-3A and P-3B, where Yc: Ys and ¥; are coefficients determined from Figures P-4A and P-4B. Construct four boundaries for Figure P-3A and two boundaries for Figure P-3B. Boundaries by and By shall be con- structed as lines at 45-degree angles between the abscissa andthe ordinate, Boundaries ¢), 02, and cy shall he constructed as lines at A5-degree angles passing through the calculated value indicated in Figures P-3A and P-3B plotted on the positive x axis 2.1.2 Determination of Allowable Loads Use the values for Fg, Mf, and Mc obtained from the piping analyses to determine the quantities (W249) (FF) (laY) (MID, and WaYOMGFD. 2.7.22 Plot the point (V/2¥;)( Fv, Q/a¥) (Mi/F,) on the nomogram constructed as shown in Figure P-5A. Plot he point (U2¥)(FivF. Q/a¥a (Mo'Fe) on the nomogram constructed as shown in Figure P-SB, WeLoeD Tus FoR OIL STORAGE Ps Reinforcement on shel 3 cot 5 7 [=a /R=0.008 Etc : ~ a/R 002 n a t & into 7 \ z ajr=ooe 8 ixsos i nae tx10* 8 8 8 88888 2 3 Figure P-2A—Sitifness Coefficient for Radial Load: Reinforcement on Shell (Li2a~= 1.0) Reeforcoment on shal Uaa=10 }- 2 /R=0.005 oo | uw Stirs costicient KE « (20) for longiudial moment 1x 10+ 4 Uae i a/R=0.08 teioe Ee Rife | | 1 to" g 8 8 88888 g 8 Figure P-2B—Sitliness Coefficient for Longitudinal Moment: Reinforcement on Shell (U/2a= 1.0) u Po API Sranoneo 650 Reinteremert on shel i Una=10 Faroe : | aje=oos| 4 a 8 1x10 2 }—a/R=0.02 5 aoe | Faro peo 8 E é E | rhe dato" 8 § § 82838 g 8 Figure P-2C—Siffness Coefficient for Circumferential Moment: Reinforcement on Shell (L/2a = 1.0) Reinforcement on shell Uea=15 110" Lf =0.005 r a =002 Foie by g ' 5 { 5 \ 8 \aR=008 Bo 1x10* 3 Rh. into 8 § § $2883 g 8 Figure P-20—Sitifness Coefficient for Radial Load: Reinforcement on Shell (/2a = 1.5) |WexoE9 TavKs FoR OM SrORAGE pa Reinforcement on shit z uaa is & Einav ; 2 Bx a E |— a/R=0.02 3 tans 7 poe ik 3 3 gol a RA teoe —- 8 8 8 88888 2 Figure P-2E—Siifess Coefficient for Longitudinal Moment Reinforcement on Shell (U2a = 1.5) Reinforcement on shell i E Uaanis Baws 3 E | a/r=o.00s PoE : 8 r 1 BE é eestor 5 Axt04 S i i z a /R=004 3 Rate a 8 8 8888 e 8 Fico P-2F-—Sifaess Cocfient for Ckcunferental Moment Reinforcement on Shell (L/2a = 1.5) an an Ps ‘API STANDARD 650 ‘titness coetcient K/IE * (28) for radalload on nazate Sitiness coeficintK IE * (2a oF longitudinal moment Reinforcement on opening (neck) only Las 1.0 1x10? yp aiR= 0008 1x10? L a/R =002 te108 1x 108 1x10 8 88 88888 gs 8 8 88 88883 8 & Figure P-2G—Siiffness Coefficient for Radial Load: Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (Li2a Reinforcement on opening (neck) only alee +a /R= 0.005 ; i \ a/R=004 ene aioe 1 8 ;=3 a 8 8 88888 g 8 Figure P-2H1—Siifness Coefficient for Longitudinal Moment: Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (L/2a = 1.0) ‘weinen Tawes For Ox. SroRace Pa Sitiness cooficentK./E * (22) or circumferential moment 188 coeficlentKy/E * (28) for radial load on nozzle Reinforcement on opening (neck) only F Uae 1x8 Ta jr = 0008 e102 - sto i. eel — \ a/R=0.04 EF RA oxo LL 8 2 8 geeee g Figure P-2l—Stifness Coefficient for Circumferential Moment: Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (L/2a= 1.0) Reinforcement on opening (neck only g Laa=15 1x10? | 2 j= 0.005 tx 107 $4 J a/R =002 | 1x10 txt08 (Ine rit 1108 8 $8 28882 3 Figure P-2)—Stifiness Coefficient for Radial Load: Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (Li2a = 1.5) " API Srawoano 650 Reinforcement on opering (neck) only i E | Uren 2 ixto i E ~ a R=0008 teto | vet | H |S ain=ooe Rite teto# 1 = 8 8 gs8sse 8 8 8 § 8 82883 g 8 Figure P-2K—Stitiness Coefficient for Longtuinal Moment Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (Li2a = 1.5) Reinforcoment on opening (neck) ony 4 F Uaa=15 5 perk é E [2 [R=0.005 5 8 8 1x0 | = E 5 aioe = : E é Bao i ‘a]R= 008 a ante veto 8 8 8 88888 2 8 B 3 8 82888 2 8 Figure P-2L—Stifness Coefficient for Circumferential Moment: Reinforcement in Nozzle Neck Only (L/2a = 1.5) WeLoeD Tas FoR On. STORAGE pan (JY MM fF) 0 Je | tH ors xeyiaryen vhichever = greater ro @./2Ye IF Ot oe (10 o7sx,/eRe thichever i Steter Figure P-3A—Construction of Nomogram for by, be, ¢1, ¢2 Boundary G.fa¥er Mel oh —— 0.106 Be [10 075x| ‘ t lcoameemeal 1G b-10 c ce Fe a (i [a¥o)Mo/Fod 10 l4— 059 —> Fat Me 1 + Fp Me (compeession at Ccontls) (tension al contols) ae 4 + Fe Me (compression at contos) 7 (tension a contots) 12%. MF ale) ' } + -10 os os 10 Figure P-7—Allowable-Load Nomograms for Sample Problem ‘We1oeo Tks FoR OF STORAGE p21 Therefore, oa =— 94 310,000 (tension at A controls) 129% 10" For My = Oand F= Forty (M8) « ans t02aesoso Therefore = 4.96 108 Nm (ension at controls) For Fie= and Mc=0, My) wu = < rom, 208) ~2 108in-tbf fensionat A contol) 2a8 x10 p22 ‘API StatoAR0 650 2.9.3 Summary ‘The ting piping loads are as follows In St units: Fenax = 310,000N (tension at A controls) ‘Money = 4.96% 108 N-mm (tension at €* controls) Mryax: = 1.8% 108 N-mm (tension at A controls) nif 11 US Customary units: Finyax: = 70.900 bf (tension at A controls) Moax = 4.50% 108 in-tbf (tension at C’ controls) Mimx = 1.61 108 in-tbf tension at A controls) Not: This setion is hase on the paper “Analysis of Nozze Loads in API 650 Tanks” 29 50a of Lod for Novles in NP 650 Tans, M Longs, KL, Bara, J Tagopes, K. Haan, DG. LaBounty. MC Langs, Paper PVP.) {30, ASME, New York, 20 09] DELETED (Section P.3 Deleted in its Entirety)

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