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Fill in the blanks with the past simple or the past perfect of the verbs in brackets

1. When I came back from school, my mother ____________ (tidy) my room.
2. When he ____________ (arrive) at the station, he found that the train had left.
3. Maria did not go to the supermarket because she ____________ (lose) her purse.
4. When I ____________ (wake up), I noticed that my brother had gone out.
5. Tom's father was happy with him because he ____________ (get) good marks at school.
6. When the doctor arrived at last, the patient ____________ (already/ die).
7. He recognized his pen pal easily because he ____________ (see) his photo before.
8. There were no oranges left in the fridge, someone ____________ (eat) all of them.
9. They left Paris last week and they ____________ (arrive) here yesterday.
10. I ____________ (make) an appointment with my boss before I met him.


1. After Fred ____________ (to spend) his holiday in Italy he ____________ (want) to learn
2. Jill ____________ (to phone) Dad at work before she ____________ (leave) for her trip.
3. Susan ____________ (turn on) the radio after she ____________ (wash) the dishes.
4. When she ____________ (arrive) the match ____________ already ____________ (start).
5. After the man ____________ (come) home he ____________ (feed) the cat.
6. Before he ____________ (sing) a song he ____________ (play) the guitar.
7. She ____________ (watch) a video after the children ____________ (go) bed.
8. After Eric ____________ (make) breakfast he ____________ phone) his friend.
9. I ____________ (be) very tired because I ____________ (study) too much.
10. They ____________ (ride) their bikes before they ____________ (meet) their friends.
11. When he (wake up) ____________ his mother (already / prepare) ____________ breakfast.
12. We (go) ____________ to London because the Queen (invite) ____________ us for tea.
13. He (hear) ____________ the news, (go) ____________ to the telephone and (call)
____________ a friend.
14. When she (start) ____________ to learn English, she (already / learn) ____________ French.
15. Jane (already / type) ____________ ten pages when her computer (crash) ____________
16. By the time he (arrive) ____________ at the pub, they (run) ____________ out of beer.
17. Before that day we (never / think) ____________ of going to Japan.
18. I (know) ____________ him for a long time before I (meet) ____________ his family.
19. They (not / know) ____________ where to meet because nobody (tell) ____________ them.
20. It (be) ____________ cloudy for days before it finally (begin) ____________ to rain.
21. After they ____________ (see) the Tower, they ____________ (go) to Westminster Abbey.
22. He ____________ (ask) me which animals I ____________ (see) in Africa.
23. After Columbus ____________ (discover) America, he ____________ (return) to Spain.
24. Before they ____________ (move) to Liverpool, they ____________ (sell) everything.
25. After he ____________ (work) very hard, he ____________ (fall) ill.
26. She ____________ (open) the box after she ____________ (find) the key.
27. They ____________ (go) to a restaurant after they ____________ (sail).
28. Before they ____________ (start) the party, they ____________ (invite) some friends.
29. After she ____________ (wash) the curtains, she ____________clean) the windows.
30. They ____________ (go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus ____________ (arrive).
31. Before he ____________ (mow) the lawn, he ____________ (pick) some roses.
32. After he ____________ (finish) school, he ____________ (work) for a magazine.
33. They ____________drink) a cup of tea after they ____________ (finish) lunch.
34. He ____________ (ask) me for her telephone number before he ____________ (phone) her.
35. My sister ____________ (eat) all the chocolate before my parents ____________ (come)

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