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Below you will find the instructions you will read at the beginning of the Final exam.
There are 4 parts + the Oral (the grade will be put in by the teacher from class/
presentation grades).
Duration of the exam is 1:45 hr.

The following practice exercises are taken from exams, so you have an idea of
the type of questions you will come across in our Final Exam.


Go Inside One of The Most Humane Prisons In The World | Sunday TODAY

INSTRUCTIONS: You will listen to the video twice. You will be given a few minutes to
read the questions before listening.
This section has 2 parts:
Part A: Fill in the gaps with the word or words missing. (1 points each)
Part B: Decide if the following statement is TRUE or False (2 points each)

Part A: Fill in the gaps with the word or words missing.

1.- There are more than ___________ million adults imprisoned in the United States.
2.- Many of the prisoners in American prisons are repeat __________.
3.- In the prison the reporter visits there are drug smugglers, ________ , and
4.- The ______ _________ the reporter is shown has a full kitchen, and a big screen
5.- An inmate had to share his room in Brazil with ______ other people.
6.- The reporter says that intention of this system is to turn criminals into good
7.- There is a training program to prepare them to work as car mechanics, _____
______ , or to work in restaurants.
8.- Richard is doing _______ for murder.
9.- The prison guards don´t carry __________.
10.- A prisoner here costs the state __________ per year.

Part B: Decide if the following statement is TRUE or False (2 points each)

11.- More than half of the guards are women. T/F
12.- In Norway, after 2 years, only 20% of inmates reoffend, while in the USA the
numbers go over 70%. T/F
13.- Although in Norway there are life sentences, the death penalty was banned in
1981. T/F
14.- The conservative party criticizes this system saying that prisoners should be
punished severely, and that the government has gone too far. T/F
15.- Prison guards and tutors participate openly in jail activities with the inmates. T/F


Instructions: Give the opposite meaning for each of these adjectives, using the
prefixes -ir; -in; -un; -il; or -dis.
Example: polite - impolite

16.- legitimate:
17.- competent:
18.- responsible
19.- logical
20.- organized:

Vocabulary use
Instructions: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
21.- Criminologists are the essential workers who strive towards understanding why
crimes are _____________.
a. committed
b. made

22.- They do this by __________ all aspects of crime and society and identify ways to
better understand and reduce criminal behavior.
a. resolving
b. investigate
c. analyzing

23.- Understanding intent, cause, coercion, and accessories are all crucial to both
correct, reduce and ____________ crimes within society.
a. prevent
b. sentence
c. incarcerate

24.- Criminologists do this on a large scale, collecting and interpreting crime data to
understand __________ patterns and identify areas of criminal activity within society.
a. criminal
b. social
c. behavioral

25.- These specialists help people and society maintain _______ and peace by
understanding why people are making choices that affect those around them.
a. safety
b. law
c. order

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